He Knows the Way I Take
Proverbs 5.21 For a man's ways are in full view of the LORD, and He examines all his paths.
There are verses like this one that are very sobering. They tell us deep truths about the LORD. They give warnings out to those whose souls are in danger.
When sin entered the first family jealousy eventually sprung up in Cain’s heart. The account is in Genesis 4, In verses 6-7 Then the LORD said to Cain, Why are you angry? Why is your face downcast? If you do what is right, will you not be accepted? But if you do not do what is right, sin is crouching at your door; it desires to have you, but you must master it. God was warning Cain. He gave him the way out of his sin and temptation but he Cain chose to sin.
Here in this 5th chapter of Proverbs the sin of adultery is spoken about. The warning is from Solomon to his son. It is a warning to all the men today. We need to read meditatively this passage and get it into our hearts. We will avoid so much pain and destruction in our lives and in our families if we follow these words and take in this warning concerning this sin. Guys we must master it
In other sections of scripture we are warned about other things in life that can trip us up and cast its ugly shadow upon our lives for a long time. How we handle money and power fall into this category. We must master them as well or they will be our master.
So there are strong warnings in God ‘s Word.
Along with these warnings are statements like the verse we are looking at this morning. These sobering statements of warning carry with them assurance and care from the LORD as we look at His character. If we are aiming to please the LORD then great blessings come internally. Among these are peace, assurance, grace, spiritual strength and other good things.
If you are not obeying the LORD this verse will bring fear. How very foolish people like Cain’s parents were to think they could hide from God! Jonah found out the hard way you cannot run from him. Even Joseph’s brothers could not cover their sin
David knew this very well (Psalm 139). It is at the points David makes I want you to see this verse here in Proverbs in the light of. If you are disobeying the LORD then this verse is a troubling one, but if you are walking with Him it is a comforting one. If you are running from the LORD or caught in a sin then you don’t want to think about this verse. If you are walking with Him then there is comfort in this Proverb. God sees my motives- He knows my heart. He knows everything that is in my heart and in my life and in my thought processes
It is especially comforting...
1. When People misunderstand your motives.
Our intentions are not seen by others, only by the LORD From time to time people are going to misunderstand why we are doing something. This understanding is often painful especially if it casts you in a bad light when you were aiming to do good.
*This is true with disciplining children. “You are so mean ”, they protest It hurts because they don’t know why we are doing it. “You’re hurting me ” Sometimes kids’ comments can get to us. Don’t stop doing what is right.
* This is true when we are overwhelmed and are silent. Silence can breed suspicion. People can misread our situation and our needs.
* This is true when we are going through trials. People can think we are being disciplined when we are not. That is what Job’s “comforters” did. I want to avoid their sin.
2. When it feels like everything is against you.
Jacob felt this when he thought he lost Benjamin. Look at Genesis 42.14-36
There are times when most of us will feel like that. It is isn’t the truth it is a feeling. But sometimes feelings can be mistaken for reality. Jacob was about to receive Joseph back. He thought he was in the grave near Dothan, his brothers thought he was slave in Egypt but he was a king there. See how people can be wrong in their conclusions?
God knows our hearts. Our ways are in full view of Him. He examines our paths. That has brought me such comfort in my low times when even my heart was condemning me Whenever our hearts condemn us, God is greater than our hearts (I John 3.19-20)
When your back is against the wall and you feel all is lost,
Remember the LORD knows your heart and sees your need.
When your hope is nearly gone and your strength is done
Look to heaven, trust in Jesus, God’s Only Begotten Son.
When your heart is being torn apart by the trials you are in
Don’t lose faith, Don’t quit, Don’t stop calling on Him.
He knows just what you are going through right now
He will give you courage and faith to face it all somehow.
Remember Jacob thought all was over and his two sons were gone
He lamented from His heart and almost gave up
Then God restored his family and his lost boys
He filled Israel with a song. It was a song of joy
Remember the LORD knows your heart and sees your need.
When your hope is nearly gone and your strength is done
Look to heaven, trust in Jesus, God’s Only Begotten Son.
When your heart is being torn apart by the trials you are in
Don’t lose faith, Don’t quit, Don’t stop calling on Him.
He knows just what you are going through right now
He will give you courage and faith to face it all somehow.
Remember Jacob thought all was over and his two sons were gone
He lamented from His heart and almost gave up
Then God restored his family and his lost boys
He filled Israel with a song. It was a song of joy
3. When you are enjoying God’s blessing and people are jealous.
Someone told me I was lucky last week that my Dad had survived the fall... lucky no- blessed by the LORD -yes. Someone told my mom that she was lucky to have a friend who has been at her beckon call each day- not lucky blessed. I hate that word luck It is a pagan word meaning the force that seems to operate for good or ill in a person's life, as in shaping circumstances, events, or opportunities... a combination of circumstances, events, etc., operating by chance to bring good or ill to a person. It leaves God out of the equation and He is the Center
When we live under God’s blessings people can get jealous. I can’t imagine why but they do. So often jealous persons have had much more than I have had. This can even happen in th church. I know many that have been jealous of Billy Graham and the blessing of God upon him. I remember a group of ministers, among whom were critical of Billy Graham, talking one day. One spoke up and said, “When the LORD has used you to bring as many souls to Him as Billy Graham then you can criticize him.” It got very quiet.
This is nothing new. D.L Moody was criticized. Someone came up and said, “Mr. Moody I don’t care for the way you win souls. You speak and then have music played and it is emotional ” Moody responded, “I don’t like the way I do either. How do you win souls?” The lady said, “Well I don’t know that I do.” Moody said, “In that case I like my way better.”
For a man's ways are in full view of the LORD, and He examines all his paths
4. Blessed is the person who is comforted by this verse in all their life.
Man’s ways- the road he travels on. If the it is the good path then we are blessed as we reap what we have sown. We begin to get back in this life what we have sown. Some things bring results rather quickly but many things take time to produce fruit.
Don’t lose heart we will reap a harvest of righteousness at the proper time.
His journey- where he is headed. Are you seeking to climb the ladder or wash feet? His manner of living- are you a person of peace or strife?
People will know us by the path we are on. Is good or bad? Are we trustworthy and faithful?
What direction are we heading? Is it upward or downward? What influence do we have on people. Is it good or bad?
What are our habits? Not all habits are bad- many are good. The habit of giving is good. Prayer habits are wonderful.
God is concerned with the course of our life, where we have come from, where we are headed.
Our moral character is of great concern to the LORD. It s a good thing to pray, every once in a while, David’s prayer in Psalm 139.23 Search me, O God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts. 24 See if there is any offensive way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting. When we have that honesty and openness before the LORD we are less likely to get caught in a sin.
Full view- be in front of
The LORD- Jehovah = the Existing One , He was and is and always will be.
Examines- God weighs our tracks. He makes them level and smooth. He gives us grace for the journey.
He takes everything into His balances. To whom much is given much is required.
When a man’s ways or paths are pleasing to the LORD, He is his Defense and Fortress. We can seek to make our lives safe and secure or we can trust in the LORD to do so. He does a much better job We can defend ourselves or we can let the LORD defend us. I would much rather have Him. He is my defense attorney, my Counselor and He runs interference for me.
He knows all things. He knows our hearts. Think of the meaning and message of the rainbow with me this morning.
To us it looks so beautiful,
God's sign in the sky,
To Him it appears
As a circle from on high.
He placed the rainbow
as a promise to His faithful few
To remind us He keeps His Word
And cares for His creation too.
Oh how the Father loves us,
His love is higher than all,
Yet We are told He take notice
When a sparrow falls.
So as we look to heaven
For Jesus to return
We see this sign of His Promise
That day for which we yearn.
God's sign in the sky,
To Him it appears
As a circle from on high.
He placed the rainbow
as a promise to His faithful few
To remind us He keeps His Word
And cares for His creation too.
Oh how the Father loves us,
His love is higher than all,
Yet We are told He take notice
When a sparrow falls.
So as we look to heaven
For Jesus to return
We see this sign of His Promise
That day for which we yearn.
Did you know that a rainbow viewed from above is a circle? It appears as a ring from heaven. If you want to read more about that fact see the link in your bulletin.
God placed the first rainbow in the sky in Noah's Days. The record is in Genesis 9.
12 And God said, This is the sign of the covenant I am making between me and you and every living creature with you, a covenant for all generations to come: 13 I have set my rainbow in the clouds, and it will be the sign of the covenant between me and the earth. 14 Whenever I bring clouds over the earth and the rainbow appears in the clouds, 15 I will remember my covenant between me and you and all living creatures of every kind. Never again will the waters become a flood to destroy all life. 16 Whenever the rainbow appears in the clouds, I will see it and remember the everlasting covenant between God and all living creatures of every kind on the earth.
17 So God said to Noah, This is the sign of the covenant I have established between me and all life on the earth.
God is remembering His covenant with the earth and us its inhabitants. He sees it as we do. He sees the full circle. Wow That is like life That is life. He knows the beginning from the end while we see just a portion. Yet that portion is full of His promises and is part of the bigger picture which God sees and has designed.
The rainbow is part of His grand plan. There is one in heaven surrounding God's throne. (Revelation 4.3) For me to see a rainbow is a foretaste of Glory Divine
As we said in the beginning the fact that God knows everything is either a tremendous comfort to your soul or it will strike terror in your heart. To Him our life is an open book. Let Him examine you, lead you, direct you. Live this way and you will live with peace and no regrets. Do it our way and you will be left to reap heartache and pain. Do it His way and He will be close and comfort you even when your heart is breaking.
The LORD knows the way we are taking. He knows it full well. He weighs everything together. He works all things together for good for those who love Him. He overrules things on earth. He is working in your life to accomplish His purposes which are the best thing for you. He is in control Easy to forget, God reminds us of this... Friday, trying to catch the 1:39 into Woodside. Emma, “I have to finish my lunch first Poppa”... I was all upset at cars going slow- you know I lost my perspective. The train station- I ran to get tickets... only to find the 1:39 was canceled and we had to wait for the 2:04. On the other end we ended up waiting due to the rain and traffic.
When people misunderstand your motives, when it feels like everything is against you, when people are jealous of the blessings God has given you, remember He knows. Our ways are in full view of Him and it is He Who examines all our paths.
The LORD’s Day
October 28, 2007
We Worship In Singing
We Worship In Prayer
We Worship In Hearing the Word of God
He Knows The Way I Take Proverbs 5.21
*Tithes and Offerings can be placed in the box at the rear of the sanctuary*
Please join us for coffee and bagels downstairs if you are visiting today.
Prayer Meeting -6pm at the parsonage 1312 Pine Acres Blvd.
This Week
Bible Reading Proverbs 6
Monday Men’s Prayer Meeting 6:30am in the church basement
Wednesday Bible Study & Thursday Bible Study will not meet this week
Next Lord’s Day
Morning Prayer- 10am in the church basement
Morning Worship- 10:30am(Sunday School for Children)The LORD’s Supper
Spanish Service- 4pm
In Your Prayers For All of God’s People
Remember the men serving in the armed forces: Bradley, Julia Bujold’s grandson with Special Forces in Afghanistan, home on leave right now, Ken Brown, Pastor’s friend’s son finished his third tour of Iraq- His parents thank us for praying for him. Billy Knapp, Jr. in Iraq with the Marines (neighbor of the church and Pastor- Billy’s sister graduated from Good Shepherd). He is due home at Thanksgiving. Matthew Klaus, brother of Good Shepherd parent in Iraq as a firefighter for Haliburton. Pastor’s nephews’ and niece’s cousin Kim’s husband, Jay, in Iraq. Pray for them and the others away from their families. Praise God for keeping David Louis, Jake Morgan, Ken Brown and Tom Hindelang safe during their times in Iraq. Please pray for Johnathan Kruzner (friend’s son of Rudy Migliore) who lost his arm from a roadside bomb in Iraq last month. Katharina’s Family in the death of her daughter... Remember Robert, her husband and her sons, Norman, Raymond &Jonathan anf their families. Kathy, Ziggy and Margot’s daughter-in-law, under the doctor’s care for fibromyalgia. Thank God for answers to prayer for her.Lucy, their daughter, scheduled for surgery next month. Pray for Eloise Brooks’ Family in their loss and sorrow... Remember Jean Louis on dialysis. Grace Martin, Edie Raevis’ daughter, recovering from surgery on her back and uindergoing Physical Therapy. Edie’s daughter’s mother-in-law, Millie Espisito in serious condition. Reginald Mooney, friend of Terri and John Garry, with a tumor in his kidney. Please remember Pastor’s friend Kim Richardson’s daughter, Kelly recovering from a mastectomy. Please remember this whole family in prayer. Two lymph came back showing cancer in them.... undergoing chemo therapy. Leah May’s cousin, Joan, respiratory problems now home... Lucy Mancini under Orthopedic Specialist’s care and physical therapy for pain and injuries resulting from the accident. Pastor’s Dad, Larry Mancini, Sr. In an intermediary care facility, undergoing physical and speech therapy. There is a blog for him: www.papa2all.blogspot.com Stephen Huges, brother of a Good Shepherd Nursery School Mom, their parents home in Hewlett was destroyed in a fire.. Please remember Dr. And Mrs. Mucci in your prayers as well as Judy’s daughter Tatum. Alice Gordon’s brother, Everette, in Illinois, with a serious medical condition... Anka’s family in their time of loss and grief. Joey Reda (Charlie and Diane Davison’s Grandson) experiencing some heart arrhythmia. Prudy’s Mom seeing an oncologist for a lump discovered this week that the doctor believes is not benign. She will have surgery this week. Pastor’s friend, Rudy Migliore, received a very good report from the doctors .Romans 12.15 Pray for those children who will receive Christmas shoe boxes this December.
*If you are would like to put together a shoe box for a needy child this Christmas,
see Margot for information. They need to be turned in on November 11th, the same day as the Harvest Dinner- sign up for what you would like to bring downstairs.
Notes on Our Time in God’s Word This Morning...
He Knows the Way I Take
Proverbs 5.21
* http://www.funtrivia.com/askft/Question18633.html
Pastor’s messages are now available online:
Church e-mail: bayshorenaz@rock.com
Church Phone: 631-969-1730
1314 Pine Acres Boulevard, Bay Shore, Long Island, NY 11706-5436