Sunday, October 25, 2009

The LORD's Day, October 25, 2009

Dealing With Doubts

Matthew 28.1-20

We are in a spiritual battle today. While there are demonic forces at work today and I don’t mean for a moment to minimize that, some of the spiritual forces we as believers wrestle with are fear, worry and doubt as it relates to our faith in Christ.

Doubt is one of the flaming arrows of the evil one that he sends to our minds. That is why we are told take up the helmet of salvation. The enemy tries to work on our thinking.

When I first became a pastor there was a man who hadn’t been to church in 20 years. His wife faithfully came. I prayed for him, visited him and even got him to come once in a while. I had an old evangelist come for some meetings and on Friday night after the service Roy just kept coming to my mind. I asked the old minister if he would go with me to Roy’s home. He agreed. We went up that old country road back in the woods of that little upstate NY town. He answered the door and welcomed us in. We talked. The experience of the older minister went right to the heart of Roy’s problem. He was struggling concerning unbelief. I remember that old pastor saying, "Believe on the LORD Jesus Christ... and you will be saved." Over and over as we prayed he repeated that softly and gently. Something clicked. Roy said, "I do believe." The next evening he came to church and gave a testimony. He was faithful to the LORD until he went home to be with him a few years ago.

As I look back I realize how powerful doubts can be. They can cripple us spiritually.

1. Doubts Arise v.17

The idea of doubting here is to waiver or think twice about something. If you are going to court and you need a witness you want one whom will say this is what I saw. There is no doubt. You don’t want to say, "Well I am really not sure. I thought I saw this but now that I think about it maybe I didn’t."

To doubt is to struggle with unbelief. Thomas had this problem but we are told in Matthew’s Gospel that he was not alone.

When they saw Him- to stare at. Their eyes were fixed on Him.
They worshiped - to kiss like the dog licking the hand of its master. Moe this week while I was sick.

Some doubted (of those who worshiped I believe). They thought twice, perhaps asking themselves, "Is this really happening?" We need to fix our eyes both physical and spiritual on Him. There are evidences of the LORD all around us in His creation. There are evidences and proofs of Him all around in the spiritual realm.

This helps me. The Bible does not flatter its heroes. The Word of God is the most accurate book ever written because it was written by God. Holy men wrote as they were carried along by the Holy Spirit.

Thomas doubted what the others told him. (John 20.24-25)

Even when Jesus appeared to the disciples in Galilee after He had appeared to them in Jerusalem, there were still some that doubted. Peter struggled with doubts (Matthew 14.31) when he was walking on the water. He thought twice about it.
Hymn writers speak of it.

"I may have doubts and fears..."
"Drive the dark of doubt away"
"Not a doubt nor a fear, not a sigh nor a tear..."

2. Jesus continues to build His Church v.18-20

We are told that in Mark’s Gospel in chapter sixteen, verse 9 through 14 that Jesus appeared to Mary Magdalene, the two on the Road to Emmaus, and finally to the Eleven. Verse 14 "He rebuked them for their stubborn refusal to believe those who had seen Him after He had risen."

I love the fact that Jesus keeps going on with the work of the Church. It doesn’t stop because of our struggles! It keeps going. We have to keep going too. I have found the best way to deal with doubts is to keep serving, keep reading God’s Word. I think the reason so many believers go to other books to find answers today is that they are trying to build up their faith. I really do not get excited over other books, as helpful as they can be at times. I do get concerned that few believers are excited over the Word of God and what insights they are receiving. If you come to me and say, "You have got read this book!," I probably won’t. Talk to me about what God is saying through His Word to you- that’s where it is happening!

3. Bear With Doubters

Jude 1.22 Be merciful to those who doubt. Help them.

Don’t minimize their doubts. They are real struggles for them. Listen.

Don’t lose patience with them. They need your help. Think of how patient God is with you!

Share the Word of God with them gently. Don’t bat them over the head with it.

Share your experiences of faith and trust.

Get them to share some of theirs.

Love them.

4. Hear the Word of the LORD Matthew 28.18-20

* Faith is built up by hearing His Word

Romans 10.17 "... faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of Christ."
Jude 1.20 " yourselves up in your most holy faith..."

* Look at the context of this passage - the promises
Jesus has all authority in heaven and earth.

We are to share His Word with others and teach them- this helps us as well as them.
Baptism is the sign and seal of the New Covenant. It is a faith builder to all.

He has promised to be with us.


To the very end of the age

One of the things we need to be reminded again and again is that we are in this journey together as we make our way to heaven. Those who struggle with their faith and wrestle with doubts are to be shown mercy and treated kindly.

As we make our way through life’s experiences, let’s keep our eyes fixed on Him. Too many are looking at other places today and without realizing it they are placing themselves in danger of falling. My hope is built on nothing less than Jesus’ blood and righteousness. Psalm 119.114 You are my refuge and shield: I have put my hope in Your Word.

One day we will be with Jesus. When We all get to heaven what a day of rejoicing that will be! The battles will all be over. For now we press on to win the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus. Step by step we are getting closer. My heart has no desire to stay where doubts arise and fears dismay. Though some may dwell where these abound, My hope, my prayer is Higher Ground.

So we press on, forgetting that which is behind and straining toward that which is ahead. Together we go.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

The LORD's Day October 18, 2009

Being Spiritually Perceptive

Matthew 27.1-26
We see the pitiful spiritual condition of the leaders of Jerusalem here in the first century. The priesthood was corrupt. The Pharisees were more concerned about institutional religion than doing right. The Sanhedrin (the Jewish Ruling Council) had committed many illegalities in the past few hours. There is no concern for innocency rather a hatred of Jesus, God’s Son.
While none of here this morning can be compared with these men there are some lessons and warnings we need to pay attention to here.

1. They had God in their midst but they did not recognize Him.
They mocked Him.
They hit Him.
They killed the Author of Life Acts 3.13-15

Jacob didn’t recognize the LORD one time. Genesis 28.16
The woman at the well in Samaria needed help. Jesus gave her help. John 4
Both Jacob and the Woman at the Well in Sychar came to realize it was the LORD!

The leaders of Israel’s faith in the first part of the first century, unbelieving, the LORD was working in their midst. They failed to realize it was Him. He came unto that which was His own and His own did not receive Him.

2. They did not recognize the time of God’s coming to them.
We have spoke of this before.
Luke 19.44
Recognize- know, perceive
Time- fixed and definite time of opportunity
Coming-investigation, inspection, visitation

That time had past. Because they shut their hearts once again when He stood before them they didn’t know Who He was.

Psalm 95.6-7 Today if you hear His voice do not harden your hearts...

3. They lost their concern about doing what was right.

Hatred blinded them.

Judas confessed to the priests but they did not care about his soul at all.
Their concern was for killing Jesus and maintaining their institutional religion. Their calling was to be a bridge from man to God. They were not true to their calling. They were not true to themselves, They were not true to others and worst of all they were not true to their God.
When Judas confessed they should have interceded. Judas had woe pronounced on him by Jesus. He was a devil. The devil entered him. He was a thief. He stole money from the treasury-like stealing from a church. Years ago the young policeman’s words, after my office was broken into and petty cash stolen: "Things are really bad. They are stealing from churches." But that is essence what Judas had been doing. Still as wicked as he was the priesthood was worse in some ways.

Envy had overtaken them. Hatred ruled their hearts. Their eyes were blinded and they could not see the truth.

4. They were accusing Jesus.

Close to the activity of Satan.

We are not condemn or accuse. This religion did not offer hope. We need hope. Our faith offers hope! Strength for today and bright hope for tomorrow.

Being spiritually perceptive means there will be hope. God is a God who works miracles. He is with us. That is the message of this passage and the message of Christmas. That is a message of hope. Even when it feels like Jesus said in verse forty six that you are abandoned. Your hope may be gone. The LORD, Our Shepherd restores your soul!


1. Recognize the LORD is in your midst.

He is with two or more gathered in His Name.
He is here right now.
He calls us continually.
Have faith in Him.

2. Recognize when God comes to you.

Jerusalem didn’t on Palm Sunday.
Be looking for Him to come.
Expect Him to come to you.

Open your heart to Him

His Ways- you never know how
His Word
His Love.
His Grace

The old Candid Camera song, "When you least expect it, you’re elected, its you lucky day. Smile, you’re on Candid Camera!"
God elects- we cannot choose these times of visitations.
He puts people in our path.
He speaks to us.
He puts songs in our hearts.
He speaks through dreams.

3. Always do what is right.
Live a righteous life.
Keep the commandments.
Keep your hearts free from all envy, hatred, bitterness. One of the best remedies and it is from our LORD is to pray for those who place themselves as your enemies.
Matthew 5:
43 "You have heard that it was said, ‘You shall love your neighbor

and hate your enemy.’ 44 But I say to you, love your enemies, bless those who curse you, do good to those who hate you, and pray for those who spitefully use you and persecute you,
45 that you may be sons of your Father in heaven; for He makes His sun rise on the evil and on the good, and sends rain on the just and on the unjust. 46 For if you love those who love you, what reward have you? Do not even the tax collectors do the same? 47 And if you greet your brethren only, what do you do more than others? Do not even the tax collectors
do so? 48 Therefore you shall be perfect, just as your Father in heaven is perfect.

4. Love God, Hate Sin and Worship the LORD!
Love the LORD and worship Him only. Don’t worship the worship!
Have an intense hatred of evil. Romans 12.9, Proverbs 8.13

Open the eyes of my heart LORD!

Sunday, October 11, 2009

The LORD's Day October 11, 2009

Pouring Out Your Best For the LORD

Matthew 26.6-13

From the reaction of the disciples, led by Judas Iscariot, you would have thought this was a mindless act by Mary. It was anything but that. She knew exactly what she was doing. That expensive nard perfume stored in the alabaster jar was a prized possession of any lady. It was kept for special occasions and this was a Once in Lifetime one!

Mary was definitely in tune with what was going on Jesus’s life and God’s timing. However the overriding issue here was that of deep love for her LORD. She poured out the best she had for Him.

1. Bethany was the scene of some wonderful miracles.

Simon, the Leper who obviously didn’t have leprosy anymore. Jesus was the reason
Lazarus, the dead man who came back to life.

Mary was eternally grateful for her salvation (she loved to sit at the Master’s Feet).
She had deep affection for Jesus because He had raised her brother Lazarus after he had been in the tomb for 4 days.

Bay Shore/ Islips are no different. We have had some wonderful miracles among us. God has answered many prayers. We will celebrate one of those today at 1pm. I can recall where we were last year at this time in our family. Lucy had debated whether to go to China or not due to Jackson, our grandson’s situation.

People say, "Well I have never seen anyone raised from the dead." In a real sense Jackson was. . He was moved to Mt. Sinai because his liver was not functioning and they were thinking liver transplant. That never had to happen. His liver started working and is fine today.

Two years ago after my dad had that fall down his steps, Dr. Bajwa told our family he wasn’t going to make it. He said his organs will begin to shut down and that he would die. I remember the evening the good doctor came in after my dad had begun to respond and said, "This is God. I didn’t do anything to bring this about. It is God."

We have much- a huge amount of blessings to be thankful for. As we move into the Thanksgiving Season there are dramatic things for you to thank God for and many of life’s every day blessings.
If the line at the grocery store if long we complain, instead of being thankful for all the food we can freely get.

When Lucy left for China Monday night, she brought two suitcases. One was for her, the other for her family. Emma saw the one for the family and said, "Where is Grandma Lucy going to put her clothes?! This is full of food!" She brought things like nuts and Sunkist Raisins and Quaker Oatmeal and dried fruit. We have so much - so very much!

How many time have you ladies said, "I don’t have a thing to wear?" as you stare at a closet full of clothes. I have been places where our hand me downs are treated as gold. We need to open our eyes to our wealth and be thankful.

Mary was grateful and she acted upon the love she had for Jesus for all He done for her and her family. We all ought to do the same!

2. When someone does something special for Jesus, there will always be critics. vs.8-9
Many times the critics are among the church.

Not always in the church- Giant Markets- George Akel... stocking shelves with us.
Back in the days when the stores closed at 9pm and on Sundays and holidays.

Let the LORD handle the critics. He does it perfectly. If you try and handle it you’ll get hurt by the barb but Jesus knows exactly what to do. Mary didn’t say a word through this whole exchange. She let the LORD defend her. We need to let Him handle the critics.

Franklin Graham’s ministry 1993... medical supplies to Boone, NC... foot of the Smokey Mountains... Dr. Aileen Coleman’s message that lunch time chapel meeting:

Anytime you do anything for Jesus that is a little different, a little unusual, you will certainly be criticized. Comments like Mary heard: Why this waste? Couldn’t there be a better way of doing this? Moody’s comment to the lady’s criticism.

As you go out on a limb for Jesus Christ today- someone will definitely criticize.
Do you quit? No! It is hard when the criticism comes from the Body of Christ. But if you do it out of love for Him, He will take care of you and reward you. Obedience to Him, out of love for Him is beautiful.

It was beautiful because it was done out of love. It was costly. It was done spontaneously.

3. Listen to what Jesus is saying.
Forget about what people are thinking and saying.
Keep your eyes on Him and listen to His words. People condemn. Jesus commends.

Keep on serving Him out of love for Him

Sunday, October 4, 2009

The LORD's Day, October 4, 2009

Prepared for the Bridegroom

Matthew 25.1-46

This story (vs.1-14) is about these 10 virgins or as we would call them today, bridesmaids, centers in on being prepared for Jesus, the bridegroom, by the church, His bride, His servants.

Fool has said in his heart there is no God...

wise= prudent, intelligent, mindful of one’s interests

The lamp is no good with out the oil.
The body without the spirit is dead.

To fully understand this parable you must understand the:
Steps in a Jewish Wedding

The Jewish Wedding was a symbol chosen to describe Jesus’ coming.The bridegroom took the initiative and traveled from his father’s house to the home of the prospective bride. (John 3.16)
The father of the woman then negotiated with the prospective bridegroom the price that must be paid to secure his bride (I Corinthians 6.19-20)When the bridegroom paid the purchase price, the marriage covenant was thereby established. At that point, the man and the woman were regarded to be husband and wife, even though no physical union had taken place. This is the point at which Mary was at when she was found to be with child from the Holy Spirit.
The moment the covenant was established, the bride was declared to be set apart exclusively for the bridegroom. The groom and the bride then drank from a cup over which the betrothal benediction had been pronounced. This symbolized that the covenant relationship had been established(I Corinthians 11.25)
.After the marriage covenant was in effect, the groom left the home of the bride and returned to his father’s house. He remained there for a period of twelve months separated from his bride.
During this period of separation, the bride gathered her wardrobe and prepared for married. The groom prepared living accommodations in his father’s house for his bride. (John 14.1-3)
After this period of separation, the groom, best man, and other male escorts left the house of the groom’s father, usually at night, and conducted a torch-light procession to the house of the bride.The bride was expecting her groom to come for her; however, she did not know the exact time. Thus, the groom’s arrival was preceded by a shout.
The groom received the bride with her female attendants and returned to his father’s house.The bride and the groom then entered the bridal chamber and, in the privacy of that place, entered into physical union for the first time, thereby consummating the marriage. Then a great celebration took place The Wedding Feast.

1. The Bridegroom was a long time in coming. vs. 1-14
Linger, delay, tarry

They all took their lamps which were their own personal property. Each one was responsible for their own lamp.

They all fell asleep.
Romans 13.11-14
11 And do this, understanding the present time. The hour has come for you to wake up from your slumber, because our salvation is nearer now than when we first believed. 12 The night is nearly over; the day is almost here. So let us put aside the deeds of darkness and put on the armor of light. 13 Let us behave decently, as in the daytime, not in orgies and drunkenness, not in sexual immorality and debauchery, not in dissension and jealousy. 14 Rather, clothe yourselves with the Lord Jesus Christ, and do not think about how to gratify the desires of the sinful nature.

This message is to both the foolish and the wise virgins... to those who have not made adequate preparations for the LORD’s coming and to those who have.

This is a time to examine your life, have some house cleaning and get ready for the Bridegroom to come. Be alert.

Oil is symbolic of the Holy Spirit. He sets our hearts on fire for God.
Stir your hearts up- fan into flame!
Stir up the gift of God that is within you.

2. Invest with what God has given you. vs.15-30
.... example - the church here... children over there...
We’ll work til Jesus comes.

All three of these servants were given an ample Supply of what they needed to do trading and turn a profit.

We have the unsearchable riches of Christ: The Word of God, His Spirit, the Gospel, the spiritual gifts, the faith once entrusted to the saints.

Some have more, other less. Everyone of has something! We are to take what God has given us and invest it wisely for His glory.

The true motive for fruitfulness is love for the Master.

The third trader was idle. He didn’t try. He waited without working. He was a nominal Christian if he could be called a Christian at all because he disobeyed the Master.

Joyful, faithful service brings joy and rewards. He really didn’t know the Master. He actually misrepresented Him!

3. Keep doing good- you never know Who you are doing it to! vs.31-46

We measure far too much these days. There are some things that are immeasurably. Things in the spiritual realm for the most part cannot be measured. Many things are unexplainable. God’s ways are beyond our finding out.

Vs.34-40 are an example of this. In the end there will be people whom we have helped we had no idea we were helping. This is the scene as we are about to enter into eternity.

Keep serving the LORD with a heart that is full of His Spirit and overflowing in good works. Invest in His Kingdom with what He has given you. Serve Him until the end!

You will be richly rewarded. (Hebrews 10.35)
Not really never! At the end, when Jesus comes again, you will know. He will uncover everything.
We don’t look back. We look ahead. God is keeping accounts. He knows what you did in Jesus’ Name this week and what you put in the offering this morning. He knows everything you have done, all you have given. Keep on serving, giving, loving. Keep your lamps all trimmed and burning. If you do these things you will be prepared for the Bridegroom when He comes.

I Corinthians 15.58 Therefore, my dear brothers, stand firm. Let nothing move you. Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord, because you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain.