Sunday, July 25, 2010

Spiritual Misconceptions

Genesis 42.1-38

v.36 Everything is against me!
Back in the 1980's James Dobson wrote a book entitled, Emotions: Can You Trust Them? His conclusion was, "No." A recent book written by another author, chronicles the way people think in the 21st Century. He tells us how court cases are won, not on the basis of factual evidence, but rather on which attorney can present the most emotional appeal to the jury. This is probably the reason Judge Judy is so popular today- she represents the old way of thinking.
Sometimes the appraisal of a situation we find ourselves in can lead to some incorrect conclusions. Jacob was in the midst of a huge misconception when he uttered those words, "Everything is against me!" He was very down. He didn't realize that wonderful things were about to happen in his life.
Several examples of this are in God's Word. One stands out:
II Kings 6.8-17 v.15 "Oh, my lord, what shall we do?" The servant of Elisha misconceived the predicament. As we Jacob it was quite opposite of what his mind and heart were telling him.
1. Things looked bleak for Joseph's brothers. vs.1-25
They were conscious of their guilt. They may have sat down and ate lunch afterwards (when they threw him into the pit v37.25) but they never forgot now over 20 years later how their brother pleaded with them.
They thought they were going to get rid of him, instead the memory of him and that day haunted them. They couldn't get away from it. No doubt probably every time their father Jacob would say something about Joseph's "death", their eyes would meet and the guilt would piled up.
v.22 Reuben wasn't helping their guilt.
v.23 There were many things they didn't realize:
*That this was Joseph standing there before them
*That he understood their words and their thinking
*That he wasn't going to harm them, rather he was going to help them
*That he forgave them.
Guilt has a way of casting a shadow on everything but Jesus came to deliver us from it.
2. Things "looked" worse for Jacob. -v.36
He certainly wasn't using the language of faith, but grief and pain can sometimes make us feel like this.
The outlook was very dark. Many times we are not able to detect God's Sovereign Hand. We search for it. Remember Spurgeon's words: "When we cannot trace His Hand we can trust His Heart." Jacob wasn't doing that. He was very down.
This can and does happen to God's people:
Elijah I Kings 19.4 I have had enough, LORD. Take my life; I am no better than my ancestors.
Paul, the apostle II Corinthians 1.9 "... in our hearts we felt the sentence of death..."
By the way Neither one of these men died at that point! Their feelings were one thing but God has the final word.
Jacob, Paul, you and I...
3. All Things were not against him; rather all things work together for good for those who love the LORD. Romans 8.28
"In all things God works for the good of those who love Him."
*It is not wise to measure the facts of any hour by the limit of our own vision.
*Even what seems to be a nightmare, God can bring good out for us.
*A whole family can be in dire straits and in distress and the LORD can do things- amazing things for them 45.25-28 Joseph is still alive!
*God's workings in this family were astounding. They thought the worst, God had the best waiting for them.
*God was in the process of using Joseph to save the world from starvation. Jacob thought his son was dead. He was being used by the LORD to give life to the world.
God is working in you today! He is working through your influence, through your prayers, through seeds you planted years ago. You may not be able to see it but His Word supersedes our perceptions. Trust in Him with all your heart!

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Doing Right and Suffering For It

Genesis 39.1-23

The issue of human pain and suffering is such a difficult one to face in life. As we see with Job, would be comforters and counselors and advice givers and philosophers abound when a soul suffers.

Suffering in the life of the believer is addressed throughout the scriptures. Abel was murdered his brother Cain because of jealousy. Adam and Eve certainly suffered over this tragedy for years.

Suffering for doing what is right, making the right choice or decision as Joseph did, then being persecuted doesn't seem right. This is why we often edit it out of our thinking the possibility (until it happens to us).

Jesus told us we would suffer for righteousness sake. Matthew 5.10 He even pronounced a blessing on it! We are on to something here... just think of what suffering has done for your prayer life, your ability to have compassion, your inner being.

We know of Jeremiah, Daniel, Jesus and the apostles, who all went through this. The Bible and Church History would confirm that sometimes God's people suffer for doing right. Even in some situations as Joseph, he suffered as a direct result of doing what was right.

We are following our LORD and Master, in His Steps, He who suffered the greatest for doing what was right, the Righteous One, Jesus Christ.

1. Joseph was a Stellar Employee vs.2-6a
He prospered. - v.2
Joseph worked hard. He had integrity and honesty.

The LORD gave him success in everything he did. -v.3
God was working through Joseph and was the blessing the work of his hands.

His master, Potiphar, benefited because Joseph's real Master was God.

Employers should benefit from our employ. Neighbors should benefit by having us next door or across the street. Waitresses should be glad to get our table. Follow in Joseph's example.

2. Joseph refused a momentary pleasure and saw it as a great wickedness.
vs. 6b-20
See things as Joseph saw them.

When faced with temptation- How can I a child of God do such a great wickedness and sin against God?! He has taken care of me. He has blessed me.

Think of the people depending on you- those who trust you, those who believe in you and your faith.

If you are in a situation where the temptation is so strong- do what Joseph did- flee! Don't however look for the world to applaud your efforts- rather remember:

3. Joseph was lied about and put into prison for doing what was right. vs.13-23

Today around the world there are people in prison because of Christ and the Gospel.

Mai, a Chinese Christian, in the Flushing Nazarene Church, was imprisoned in mainland China for the Gospel.

In all these things Joseph saw to it that he was faithful to God and himself. Although concerned about his plight he didn't let that effect his performance as a worked or a person.

I Peter 3.14 If you should suffer for what is right you are blessed.
Philippians 3.10 The fellowship of sharing in His sufferings.
I Peter 4.9 Those who suffer according to God's will should commit themselves to their faithful Creator and continue to do good.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Joseph's Journey

Genesis 37

As believers we must face the fact of what Jesus told us John 15.18 If the world hates you, keep in mind it hated Me first. Something we don't like to think of but that is none the less true.

No one enjoys being the object of hatred. Joseph knew what that was like. Bad enough one person hates you, he had 10 brothers who hated him so much that could not speak a kind word to him. Joseph was, even at this point, being called to be alone with the LORD. When God is preparing to use someone He calls them to be alone many times. There is something that happens in solitude that cannot happen when other people are around.

It appears that after Joseph told his brother his dreams that they were waiting for an opportunity to act out on that hatred. Hatred is a work of the flesh, an act of the sinful nature. The remedy for hatred is forgiveness through Christ's power. It is dangerous to nurse hatred in your heart as Joseph and his brethren were soon to find out.

Look what happened to Joseph (on his journey to become what God had promised):

1. He was thrown into a pit. vs.19-25
By his brothers- the children of Israel! David wrote about this in Psalm 55.11-13

Most of us have never been literally thrown into a pit but we have known darkness and isolation in being downcast in

1. The Pit of Despair- "Its all over" The world is coming crashing down- feelings of doom can be a sign of clinical depression. Despair severely handicaps a soul. It is a sense of dread.

2. The Pit of Discouragement I can't do anything right. Nothing good ever happens to me. My world is crashing down. Sleep is an escape. What is the use?

3. The Pit of Depression The end of myself. Darkness, exhaustion, inability to pray. When a person is depressed they look on the dark side of everything. Not seeing the blessings- seeing the burdens and feeling them. Cling to the LORD!
David Psalm 43.5 Why are you downcast, O my soul? Why so disturbed within me?
Cure - not always immediate: Put your hope in God, for I will yet praise Him, my Saviour and my God.

Not only was Joseph thrown into a pit but...

2. He was sold as a slave. vs.26-30

Some of us know what it is like to be taken captive against our will.

In other parts of the world there is slavery going on, people arrested for their faith in Christ. In Pakistan this week a wife and children of a Christian man was killed by Islamic extremists.

Joseph being sold was a result of hatred and jealousy.

Joseph was treated horribly- sold out by his brothers. He knew family rejection. Perhaps that has happened to you. You have been betrayed or rejected by someone or a group of people close to you.

Look at Genesis 50.20 Joseph forgave his brothers. He saw the purposes of God. In all these things we become more like Christ if we submit to them.

Finally after all this...

3. He was lied about as to his situation. vs.31-36

He's dead! They even had his funeral!

If you have ever been lied about you know how vulnerable and helpless you feel.

Jesus literally went through all of these things and on a much deeper and broader level than Joseph- much much.

Yet God had His Hand upon the whole thing. God got Joseph down to Egypt. God rode His purposes on Joseph's journey, He brought Joseph to a place where he was a great blessing not only to his family but the whole world.

To God be the Glory!

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Back To Bethel

Genesis 35.1-5
This direction from the LORD was a call back to Jacob to his first meeting with God. We meet the LORD when He saves us from our sins, when we ask Him into our hearts.
Remember that moment?... that place? The LORD wanted Jacob to return there.
In Revelation 2.1-7 Jesus speaks to the Church at Ephesus along these very lines. Return to your first love.
There are paradoxes in the Christian Life. We are to be mature children of God. Not mature (that loses its punch) by itself or childish.
verse one
The direction was up. Closer to LORD. This is the direction for the child of God- inwardly and outwardly.
30 years earlier Jacob was in the House of God. He had to get out of there because Esau was going to kill him. There are a whole group of kids now in their 40's and 50's who thirty years ago were in this House of God we are sitting in. Some are across the country and other across town, but too many are no longer in the House of God- they need to return. Join me in this prayer, "LORD, send back the prodigals!"
This return for Jacob meant a fresh start, a new era. He was coming back a different man.
v.2 Rid yourselves of good luck charms, horoscopes and inward superstitions.
Purify yourselves- clean up your act!
Change Clothes Confess your sins/wholesome everyday living
Colossians 3.12-14 Clothe yourselves
Romans 13.14 Clothe yourselves in the LORD Jesus Christ
Stop fleeing! Jacob had this "I'm getting out here thinking.
Time to end the running and get back to the House of God.
Remain Psalm 27.14
Ephesians 6.13 Therefore put on the full armor of God... after you have done everything, to STAND.
Be established, Get the roots down, bear fruit
God appeared to you- Get back to that!
At a time when you were in great need- don't forget those times of difficulty and need- maybe 30 years ago or 60 years ago...
Going back to Bethel is to remind you of God's provisions in times of difficulty and danger. The altar is for worship, sacrifice, thanksgiving, fellowship
July 4, 1776 The Declaration of Independence was signed. We need to get back to Bethel as a nation. Look what has happened to this Day, the LORD's Day in the past 40 years- the world has squeezed the church in the United States into its own mold.
Yesterday coming home from Stony Brook Hospital with our district superintendent, Art Alexander, an Amber Alert came up on the sign above the LIE. An 11 year old girl in a 1991 white Dodge. We began to talk about the crimes against children. Our country needs to get back to Bethel in its protecting the elderly and the children, the most vulnerable of any society.
It is time!
John Adams wrote on July 5, 1776, "Yesterday, the greatest question was decided, which ever was debated in America and a greater perhaps, never was or will be decided among men... It ought to be commemorated as a Day of Deliverance by solemn Acts of Devotion to God Almighty."
God bless America. He has. And this country has and is a blessing
throughout the world. God help America. God mend thine every flaw.