Sunday, December 26, 2010

Follwing the Wise Men

Matthew 2.1-12
These Magi or Wise Men were probably astrologers/astronomers from Persia, which today is called Iran. They were spiritual leaders, honorable men, skilled in philosophy, medicine and natural sciences. They were obviously on a quest for the Truth.
From this brief account in Matthew's Gospel we can glean some wonderful truths for our lives. In many ways these Magi stand as examples for followers of Christ Jesus.
No doubt they were influenced by God's people. Ezekiel and Daniel both prophesied from the area they came from when they were in exile. In fact it may have very well been Daniel's prophecy about the date of the command to rebuild the temple and the coming of the Messiah that had those men looking to the heavens for something special and they found it! "We have seen His Star in the east."
There were three gifts so tradition and songs has led us to believe there were three wise men. Not very likely. They followed the star. That meant some night. travel. Night travel was very dangerous. Marauders waited for their prey. There was more like an entourage of 100's, along with guards and attendants. With such expensive gifts they would have needed protection and being wise would have brought it along.
A trip of at least 600 miles more like 750- 800 put their arrival to when Jesus was between 18 months and 2 years. We place them in the Nativity but they weren't there that first night. They were several countries away!
It is even possible that that Joseph and Mary returned to Nazareth and on a subsequent visit for a feast like Passover(we know they were devout and went to Jerusalem each year for it) and while they were staying in Bethlehem with relatives the Wise men came.
The wise men were Gentiles. These who were the first recorded to worship Christ were "unclean" shepherds and Gentile Aristocrats from Persia/Babylon.
What lessons are there as we follow those wise men?

1. They were seeking Christ.
That is why you are here today in this church- not because of spectacular music- we don't have any; not because of special technological effects- we are still in the 20th century. certainly not because of a pulpit giant. You are here because you love Christ and you love each other and God's Word is given.
Religious - The scribes were and indifferent
Government- Herod was hostile
The wise men seek Him.

2. The Magi traveled a long distance in their pursuit of Christ.
from the east
They inconvenienced themselves.
Church on Christmas Eve
Intercessory prayer
Short term mission trips
Sacrificial Giving
Serving the LORD!

3. The Wise Worship Christ v.2,11
They wanted to worship the true God
Worship= to kiss the hand in token of reverence.
to fall upon the knees and touch the ground with the forehead

4. The wise give gifts to Christ. v.11b
They were further along than some believers today- The Gimme Song Randy Coryell
Lets' look in 2011 what we can give to Christ!

5. The wise listen to God speak -v.12
His Warning
His Word
His Will

Over 100 years ago this month Orville and Wilbur Wright telegraphed their sister back home in Dayton Ohio, from Kittyhawk. Their message read, "First sustained flight- 59 seconds. Home for Christmas." Their sister excitedly took this historic news to the local newspaper editor, who copied every word into his pad. The next day the paper ran a small note reporting, "The Wright Brothers, popular local bicycle mechanics due home for the holidays" Needless to say the editor missed the biggest news story of his entire career. Fast forward to today- in spite of the economy and Wikileaks, the big news this month is "God with us." 2,000 years ago, in a borrowed barn, God swung human history on a hinge while the news of that day was... what?
Go Tell it this year- Let your light shine! People need Jesus! And He is here!

Sunday, December 19, 2010

The Son Of God Appearing

John 1.1-18
I am continually amazed by computers and the things they can do. In 1990 I went back to college and took a course called Intro to Computers.

The things we dreamed of a few years ago are now reality today. Video clips sent over the phone lines. The things we can see on a computer screen are amazing. Yet what goes on behind the screen in the hardware of that machine is so much more amazing.

What we see in the Nativity is Divine Simplicity. Luke probably interviewed Mary for inclusion of the details of Jesus' Birth in his gospel.

John's first view of his gospel are very deep. While Luke gives us the physical description of Nativity, the John describes for us the spiritual terms of Christ Coming into the world.

What were are told about the Son of God here makes have awe and wonder.

1. Christ Jesus And The Father. v.1-2

They along with the Holy Spirit have always been.

Micah 5.2 But you Bethlehem, Ephratah, though you are small among the clans of Judah, out of you will come One for Me who will be Ruler over Israel Whose Origins are from of old, from days of Eternity.

v.1 The Word is God

v.2 The Word was with God in the beginning

Jesus said (John 14)

v.9 Anyone who has seen Me has the Father

v.10 I am in the Father and the Father is in Me.

Isaiah said one of the names of Jesus would be Everlasting Father. You cannot have eternal Fatherhood without Eternal Sonship. If we don't grasp this we don't got a correct view of the Father.

His Hand on our shoulder.

The Son of God appearing shows us the Father and that He and His Son Jesus Christ are one, it also shows us...

2. Christ Jesus is the True Light of the World. vs.3-9

Spiritual and Intelligent illumination come from Him. He is the Truth.

Christ makes clear the Meaning and Destiny of Life. Life's end is right when He is in our hearts.

While He has all the answers He dies give all the answers. That is good.

He made all things-v.3

He is the Life-v.4

Out of that life come Light. He is both. He is the Answer and He satisfies. He does not let us down.

The Son of God Appearing...

3. The Word Became Flesh vs.10-18

You must have faith. -v.12

v.14 His Glory- 2.11 Christ reveals His glory in miracles in every day life. Cana much smaller than Bethlehem!

His Grace

His Giving- one blessing after another.

Jesus, the Word became flesh, the only begotten of the Father

Not a Theophany or a Christophany (like with Abraham, Jacob and Daniel) but God in man residing! I Peter 1.10-12

The Parable of the Birds

Joy To The World The LORD Is Come!

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Bethlehem, A Wonderful City

Luke 2.1-20

The choice of Bethlehem for the birthplace of the Messiah was predicted by Micah (5.1-5a) hundreds of years before the event took place.

God chose Bethlehem, the smallest (little, insignificant) among the cities of Judah but no means least (in importance).

1. God Chooses To Work Through Insignificant People and Places.

Bethlehem verifies that.

When I received word early Friday morning of Katharina having the stroke, I though immediately of all this dear person did for this church. Her hands were used to make outfits for the children among many other things. This Thursday night a the nursery school Christmas Pageant the children will all be wearing the costumes she designed and made by her own hands. A true labor of love for nearly 20 years the children of Good Shepherd Nursery School have enjoyed these gifts.

That night the world, save a few shepherds, was unaware of what was happening. Even Herod, did not find out until the wise men probably 18months to 2 years later told him about it when they came to worship the Baby Jesus.

If we judge significance according to size we are missing the mark. I'm rereading the book about Bob Pierce, Let My Heart Be Broken With the Things That Break the Heart of God. I took it with me to China last spring. One of the things he wanted to accomplish in inviting the reporter who wrote the book along on a trip was to let people know of the heroes of insignificant places in Asia. His desire was fulfilled.

If you are feeling insignificant or like you're an unimportant person today you are either being used by God or a prime candidate to be used by Him.

2. Bethlehem was/is the City of David.

Remember how he was chosen? I Samuel 16
Jesse had 8 sons- 7 present Samuel was told to go anoint one.
v.11 Are these all the sons you have? - Samuel
Jesse- There is still the youngest but he is tending the sheep. The implication was: "Certainly you would not anoint the youngest, a shepherd by to Israel's king?!"
Samuel took the horn of oil and anointed him.

We see by the Psalms and his life that David was a man of prayer and the Word of God.
The Shepherd boy became Israel's most beloved king.
The Good Shepherd became the King of kings, the Savior of the World.
Both were born in Bethlehem.

3. That is How God Chooses People to Work Through Today.

The extremely talented often trip over those talents and other issues.
Pauls' testimony I Corinthians 1.26-2.5
Luke 12.32 gives us Jesus' perspective on church size.
The Widow's mite and the Feeding of the 5,000 with a lad's lunch shows how God uses small seemingly insignificant things and how He views them.
When a church or person promotes themselves it has drunk the poison of its own death, moving out of the line of its Leader and LORD and where He was born and how He came and what He is about.

Jesus was born in Bethlehem. That makes it wonderful.


Because of our ISP problems this morning The Sunday Morning Message will be posted later in the day. We apologize.
Have a blessed LORD's Day!

Sunday, December 5, 2010

The Names of Jesus

Matthew 1.18-25

We pick names to honor a loved one. For instance my grandson's middle name is Mark, in memory of my brother. Sometimes we honor the living with a namesake. My dad and I share the same name except that I am a junior.

In Ancient Israel names were chosen for different reasons. Their choice of a name for a baby had to do with what they believe that baby was to become or to describe a characteristic at birth.

David= beloved. He became Israel's most beloved king
Jacob= heal grasper or supplanter. He came out of his mother's Rebekah's womb grasping onto the heel of his brother Esau.

The father was responsible for naming the son at the time of circumcision on the 8th day. Mary (Luke 1.31) and Joseph were told what Jesus was to be named. Joseph carried out the directions of Our Father in heaven, Jesus' Father when he gave Him the Name Jesus.

Jesus= Greek form of Joshua, which means The LORD saves/Jehovah is salvation.
His name described and describes His Life and Ministry. His Name is above all names.

There are many other names the Son Of God, Jesus Christ, is called One is here in our scripture reading this morning:

1. IMMANUEL -v.23
God with us- With us is God
John 3.2 Nicodemus said, "Rabbi, we know you are a teacher who has come from God. For no one could perform the miraculous signs you are doing if God were not with him." He is with us today. None of us would be here today if God were not with us! We would not have hope if it were not for Immanuel!

Isaiah 9.6-7 Isaiah tells us what Jesus will be called. Again the Names reflect the Person. They describes Who He is and What He does.

Wonderful= marvel, extraordinary, hard to understand
Counselor= advisor, consultant, conspire*
Isaiah 8.12-13 Do not call conspiracy everything this people calls conspiracy; do not fear, and do not dread it. The LORD Almighty is the one you are to regard as holy, He is the One you are to fear. He is the One you are to dread.
*Visit to Pastor Joshua- Anka was the person they had to see first. They said it was like an angel.

The only true God strong and brave.
He can do anything. This Christmas 8 million children are going to receive Christmas Shoe boxes this year telling them that Baby born in the manger 2,000 years ago loves them.
Might God- He can calm the storm when His children are in them or He can calm His children when they go through the storm.
He has kept His people strong in times of great pain, sorrow, loss and sickness.
Luke 1 Zechariah and Mary- The priest lacks faith and questions God's Word while the maiden in Nazareth believes it.

Perpetual, Forever, continual existence
Head or Founder of family or household. Protector
Last Sunday my niece and nephews were here- their dad is in heaven. I have seen that verse in Psalm 68.5 work out in their lives. "A father to the fatherless, a defender f widows, is God in His Holy Dwelling."
He is Our Father in Heaven.
Day By Day by Carolina Sandell-Berg contains lines like "Trusting in my Father;s wise bestowment... the protection of His child and treasure... Help me LORD when toil and trouble meeting, E'er to take as from a Father's Hand, one by one, the days the moments fleeting, till I reach the Promised Land."

Prince=leader, overseer, Captain/Commander
Peace= Shalom= completeness, soundness, safety, health, prosperity, tranquillity
Now in our hearts and minds- John 16.33, Philippians 4.6-7
One day in heaven forever.

All these and many more are the names of Jesus!

Sunday, November 28, 2010

The Birth Of Jesus Christ

Matthew 1.1-25

The great events of human history (His Story) are creation, the fall of man, the establishment of Israel, the Word of God given to us, the Birth of Jesus Christ, the death and resurrection of our LORD, His Ascension, the establishment of the Church on Day of Pentecost and the one yet to be fulfilled: The Second Coming/ The Return of Jesus Christ to the earth.

This is how the birth of Jesus Christ came about- vs.18
Before we look at that this morning:

1. This is WHY the Birth of Jesus Christ Came About
It was not an afterthought or an alternative plan because the Old Covenant did not work. The Old pointed to the New.
All human history is measured by this great event.
Genesis 3.1-8, 14-15
Revelation 13.8 the Lamb Who was slain from the creation of the world
Many songs have been written about this. God sent His Son Jesus to be born. It was something that was part of His Plan from eternity.

2. This is WHEN The Birth of Jesus Christ Came About.
It wasn't December 25, 0000BC More likely in early winter to early spring around 4BC The date was not recorded. It followed 400 years of silence from the Old Testament and 4,000 years of human history, thus the 4 Sundays of Advent. We celebrate His coming the first time and the waiting and joy that LORD has come!
Galatians 4.4 But when the time had fully come, God sent His son, born of a woman, born under the law, to redeem those under the law.

3. This is WHERE the birth of Jesus Christ Came About.
Micah 5.2 Bethlehem, Judah, Israel
House of Bread
City of David
Rachel, the mother of Joseph and Benjamin is buried there.
Boaz's fields
Least among the clans of Judah
Insignificant, out of the way place- often where God works- Jesus' first miracle.

4. This is HOW the Birth of Jesus Christ Came About.
Virgin Birth
Isaiah 7.14
It was a miracle. Miracles cannot be explained.
Jesus' birth and resurrection is beyond description.

5. This is WHAT the Birth of Jesus Christ brought about.
John 1.11-14 The New Birth John 3
Becoming children of God. We are not "all God's children!" We must be born from above. My new granddaughter Maddie looks like her mom and dad- children look like their parents, act like them. Our behavior shows whose children we are. When we are born again we begin to become like God, Our Father.
Our names are written down in heaven, the Lamb's Book of Life.
The love the Father has lavished upon us!

Love God.
Love one another.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Give Thanks

Psalm 107.1-3

Today we celebrate the eternal goodness of God and the love of God with our brothers and sisters in Christ Jesus. It is a celebration. In the scripture reading this past week you read about The Feast of Ingathering (Exodus 23.16) It was a time of celebrating God's blessing upon the nation in providing them with food to eat and strength to work.

In the Psalm we just read we are told to "Give Thanks"
He has redeemed us. He has gathered us from the nations.

We Gather Together
Give Thanks to the LORD.
1. For the Basic Blessings of Life. I Timothy 6.8
"... if we have food and clothing we will be content with that."
Food, shelter and clothing- Give thanks tot he LORD for these things
The first year the pilgrims gave thanks for the treasures of the sea (clams) and corn (5 kernels were their daily allotment before the harvest came).
We ought to give thanks for every meal. I love that our nursery school teaches that and we have story after story about the little ones going home and telling parents to do it before they eat.
Over my mom's sink when I was growing up:
Thank God for dirty dishes,
They have a tale to tell.
While others are going hungry,
We're eating rather well.
Give thanks for life's daily blessings, basic blessing-
William Bradford, governor of the Plymouth Colony, proclaimed the first day of Thanksgiving in 1623: To all ye Pilgrims: Inasmuch as the Great Father as given us this year an abundant harvest of Indian corn, wheat, beans, squashes and garden vegetables and has made the forests to abound with game and the sea with fish and clams, and inasmuch as He has protected us from the ravages of the savages, has spared us from pestilence and disease, has granted us freedom to worship God according to the dictates of our consciences; now, I, your magistrate, do proclaim that all ye Pilgrims, with your wives and little ones, do gather at the meeting house, on ye hill, between the hours of 9 and 12 in the daytime on Thursday, November ye 29th of the year of our LORD 1623 and third year since ye Pilgrims landed on ye Plymouth Rock, there to listen to ye pastor, and render thanksgiving to Almighty God for all His blessings." This was after half of them died that first winter).
1779- George Washington proclaimed Thanksgiving a National Holiday to be a day of public prayer and thanksgiving... for the favors of Almighty God. the Author of everything good.
October 3, 1863- Abraham Lincoln's Thanksgiving Proclamation: Observe this last Thursday of November as a Day of Thanksgiving and Praise to our beneficent Father Who dwelleth in the Heavens.
Give Thanks to The LORD...
2. For Family Exodus 20.12 Honor your father and mother, so that you may live long in the land
Before the forming of a government, God had family honored. It is the first commandment of human relations. The home is where values are taught and right and wrong instilled. The home is where manners and kindness are put into little hearts. Respect and honor your father and mother and you will honor life in all other relationships.
Our own flesh and blood.
The family of God around the world.
The church here. Philippians 1.3-11
God's love
His Grace- people who love the LORD.
Give Thanks to the LORD for:
3. His Indescribable Gift II Corinthians 9.15
Indescribable= describing things when words fail, speechless with delight and love
Give Thanks for the Indescribable, for God sending His Son Jesus Christ
Give Thanks for Him coming to die on the cross
Give Thanks!

Sunday, November 14, 2010

A Bond Servant

Exodus 21.1-7

As we look back on the literal things which were happening in the Old Testament, we see they foreshadowed things in the New Testament. This servant who willingly stays on at the Master's House is one of these types.

Colossians 4.7 diakonos- the servant of a king
Colossians 4.12 doulos- one who gives himself up to another's; will disregards his own interests an attendant.

What does it mean to be a Bond Servant of Jesus Christ?

1. Serving The Master vs.2-4
Jesus said, "Come to Me, all of you who are wearied and burdened, and I will give rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from Me for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For My Yoke is easy and My burden is light." Matthew 11.28-30

* It is a privilege to serve the LORD, our Master.
Only those who belong to Him can. We are serving the King of Kings.
*There are many blessings in serving Him.
My Dad taught SS for many years. One of his students from that little Nazarene Church in Queens 50 years ago is now a PhD teaching future pastors and Christian workers in a Christian University. Another number of his students are now pastors including me. Many are Christian men and women in the business world whose light shines for Jesus. My son-in-law's aunt taught Sunday School for 50 years as well- 11 pastors came out of her classes.
*Coach's wife taught Sunday School in the Dutch Reformed Church in East Meadow. She mentioned to me this week how much she learned herself. That is what happens when you serve the Master.
*A good number of kids from youth groups from years gone by are in touch on Facebook- so good to see them connected and loving Jesus.
*It is a joy to serve the Master. To be in touch with eternity.
As we sang this morning, "Things done for Him are eternal, the Master will multiply them.

Serving the LORD is not without its challenges but when you are in His Household, the Household of Faith the joy of the LORD is your strength (Nehemiah 8.10) You get to see wonders.

Being a Bond Servant of Jesus Christ means...
2. Love for the Master v.5
In this situation the servant would have served the Master for 6 years, then decided to stay on permanently. As we serve Him we grow in our love for Jesus. II Corinthians 5.14 For Christ's love compels us.
*It is joy to work for someone you love. It is a labor of love. Working at my parents' with my brother's kids.
*It is a blessing to do what you enjoy doing. What He has gifted you with.
*Serving Him out of a heart of love is out of this world.
We've entered the eternal realm- the rewards are in heaven I Timothy 6.17-19
Being a Bond servant of Jesus Christ... means

3. Belonging To The Master -v.6a
His mark is on us, the mark of love.
He takes care of us. We eat at his table.
I Corinthians 6.20 You bought with a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies. We belong to Him to do His will, not ours.

Being a Bond Servant of Jesus Christ means...

4. A Servant For Life. - v.6b
There is no retirement from serving God if you are true servant. Your work may change but you will serve Him until He calls you home.
Day By Day, I Need Thee Every Hour, Moment By Moment
Giving ourselves fully to God. Psalm 40.6-7
for life = everlasting, continuous, perpetual, unending future.

The best way to live in this life is as a Bond Servant of Jesus Christ
We will enjoy the life to come if we live that way here.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Draw Near To God

Exodus 20.1-21

Turn to I Corinthians 10.1-13, as a commentary on Israelite in Exodus.

The manifestations of God's majesty and power and holiness terrified the people. This was to show then how important obeying God's law, which being given, was. The Ten Commandments dealt with life and death issues. They were etched in stone and carried along with the nation in Ark of the Covenant to show their permanence. Jesus spoke about the way to love and told us in the Sermon on the Mount that the wise man builds his house on the rock- upon the Ten Commandments - upon Christ Himself. The foolish man builds his house upon the sand.
The rock doesn't move- it has a firm foundation.
The sand (man's wisdom which is constantly changing) fell apart in the storm while the house built on the rock stood firm. So build your house on the LORD Jesus Christ.

Breaking the commandments, disobeying God's Word, results in spiritual death. Think about this matter of bearing false witness:- death of reputations, death of relationships...

The law was being given and the people were to listen. There were boundaries around Sinai but they failed to draw close. While Moses was on the mountain (and while they were being fed bread from heaven each day), God intended for the nation to listen in. They chose not to and ended up sinning against the LORD. Let's learn from their example.

1. The Law Had Been Given. vs.1-17
It was both spoken and written (as it was recorded by Moses). The Ten Commandments came from God's Throne in heaven to His people on earth.. Jesus taught us to pray to our Father in Heaven, "May Your Will be done on earth as it is in heaven." The obedience to the Commandments is an answer to prayer. When you pray it, think of this.

The law was given with extraordinary terror but Jesus came from the Father full of grace and truth.

The terror and them being written on stone tablets show their permanence- Don't tamper with this document- it has been written on stone, rack that cannot be torn up or made void. If someone tries and tears it up then only tear themselves up. Jesus said, "Heaven and earth will pass away but my words will never pass away."

2. The People Distanced Themselves From God. v.18
Not the LORD's intention, He had commanded that they not touch the mountain of try to come up on it. The limits were not to keep them far away but to allow then to come as close as possible without death.
James 4.8 Come near to God and He will come near to you.
They stayed at a distance = remote place, far, distant lands. Egypt was still in them as we will soon see in chapter 32.

3. The Nation Did Not Want To Hear God's Voice. v.19
The terrors of Sinai reveal the need of Calvary
Amos 8.11 a famine for hearing the words of the LORD
We see in their cry this desire for a mediator, which would be Jesus Christ. Yet when He came they rejected Him.
It would have been better at this point that they would have stayed and heard God's voice directly. They distances themselves so they wouldn't hear it and disaster followed.
We can still fear God and draw near... in fact...

4. Test Draw Us Close Or Drive Us Away From The LORD. vs.20-21
Through love and reverence a deep desire should come to each of us not to sin.
They were not to fear being struck by lightening but there are eternal consequences for breaking God's laws.
Hebrews 12.14-29
Psalm 145.18-19 The LORD is near to all who call upon Him, to all who call upon Him in truth, He fulfills the desires of those who fear Him; He hears their cry and saves them.

How to draw near to God: Listen to His Word, Call upon Him in reverence and love...
Now walk with God.

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Special Speaker

We are blessed to have Bobby Lloyd speak this morning. Due to this we do not have a Sunday Morning Message for today but since we are going through the book of Exodus, here is a link to Spurgeon's messages. There are some excellent messages on the Exodus at
God bless you this day!

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Who Is Like the LORD?!

Exodus 15.1-11
Who among the gods is like You, O LORD? Who is like You?- majestic in holiness, awesome in glory, working wonders?

The LORD wants us to celebrate Him and His working in our lives.Moses sets a wonderful example of giving praise to the LORD after a great victory. We need to do this in our lives when God answers prayer, when He delivers us, when receive a blessing, when He works supernaturally, we should give Him praise and worship Him and thank Him. We need to appreciate our Father in Heaven.

In verse 11 there are a number of phrases which Moses uses to describe the LORD.
The LORD is:

1. Majestic in Holiness.
God's holiness is great. He is 100% pure. He cannot lie. In Him there is no change like the shifting shadows. He is light. In Him there is no darkness at all.

There is wisdom and nobility in God's sacredness/holiness/being set apart.
The call goes out from His Word I Peter 1.13-16 Therefore prepare your minds for action; be self controlled; set your hope fully on the grace to be given you when Jesus Christ is revealed. As obedient children, do not conform to the evil desire you had when you lived in ignorance. But just as He Who called you is holy, so be holy in all you do, for it is written, "Be holy, because I am holy."

Holy living alleviates many things:
There are certain diseases tied to excessive habits- food, tobacco, alcohol.

Unforgiveness, bitterness, envy, jealousy, greed can set off chemicals in the body whose overuse can be destructive. All these things can bring emotional distress which can result in an Adrenaline Overload. The symptoms of AO are sleeplessness, chronic fatigue, unexplained pain in the upper back, depression, nausea, weight gain, constipation or diarrhea.

There is a good tension in the Christian Life- We are to be separate from the world- different- yet we are to be witnesses in the middle of the world sharing the love of Christ.

Who is like You, O LORD?
2. Awesome in Glory
In our praise of God, in our singing here is to be a reverential fear of Him. As we honor Him we should realize what He did to Pharaoh's army.

It is not to be a cowering type of fear. Our fear of God ought to result in loving worship of Him... Father and children.

Hebrews 12.14-24 Mount Sinai - Mount Calvary- Mount Zion
Fear and revere the LORD for His renown, fame
Similar to the fear of fire.

Who is like You, O LORD?
3. Working Wonders
God produces things that make us marvel, sometimes hard to understand

Exodus 16- Manna
John 6.4,31 Passover/Feeding of 5,000 Bread of Heaven-Life to the world
Job 23.12 I have

I believe the LORD works many wonders which in our busyness we miss it.
Slow down and see- Be still and know.

Think of the things the LORD accomplished in your life. He has done wonders. When I first felt the call of God I was in a remedial reading group, I spoke with a lisp and was in speech therapy and I was petrified of being up in front of people. If I read out loud I stumbled. That I am doing what I do is a wonder. I am sure my teachers in those early years would not have picked me! On top of that when the LORD called me I didn't even like to read. Then when I got to Bible College something happened deep inside my heart. I got this thirst for books and reading and my attention span increased. When I think of the work of God in my life, it is marvelous.

Then there is the marvelous story of our church here...

Think of the wonders God has produced- this earth is wonder filled. The picture at the top of this morning's message was taken just an hour ago.

Who is like You O LORD?- No One!

Sunday, October 17, 2010

The Leading Of God

Exodus 13.17-22

When Israel come out of Egypt it was in great need of Divine Leadership. For 430 years the developing nation of Israel was in Egypt (12.30). It was a nation with a nation. Suddenly they were free. They had organization along family lines from Jacob's 12 sons but that was about it. Moses was the human instrument through which God spoke. 600,000men- probably over 4 million people or more were out of Egypt's borders and needing to get across the Sinai. They were on their way to the land God promised on oath to give them.

There are truths here in this passage about the way God leads His people. We are in great need today of what Israel was in need of over 3,400 years ago- God's Leading in Our Lives.

1. God's Ways Are Not Our Ways v.17
Isaiah 55.8-9 For My thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways My ways, "declares the LORD. "As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts."

He knows everything! Everything! What happened, is happening and will happen. He knows our hearts. He knows the road through the Philistine country. He knew Israel.

Without Him we can do nothing (John 15.5)
No less chart the course of our lives.
We do not know what a day may bring forth.

We cannot lean on our own understanding and expect good results.
If they had leaned on their own common sense with all those people they would have taken the road through the Philistine country, what we call today the Gaza Strip, and they would have encountered HUGE problems. So detours many times are the Hand of the LORD directing us in a path of less resistance for our own good and to carry out His plan.

The Holy Spirit kept Paul the apostle from preaching in the Province of Asia (Acts 16.6)
There are times faith makes no sense. I am sure for Paul it was so.
However faith missions would have never been launched unless someone was willing to trust in God rather than the opinions of man.

2. Sometimes God Leads Right Through The Desert v.18
Through! He brings us through the parched land. Sometimes it is His will and in wisdom He does this. Psalm 63.1 O God, You are my God, earnestly I seek You, my soul thirsts for you, my body longs for you, in a dry and weary land where there is no water. David, a man after God's own heart, wrote these words.

Times of heat, (I hate the heat. This fall weather is heaven to me) thirst, times which tax us physically- difficulties come, are encountered as we follow the LORD- He brings us through them.

The Red Sea- no bridge, no boats- the sea on one side- the Egyptian Army on the other. -14.9

3. Keep The Promises Made To God As You Go Through Tough Times. v.19
The last time we saw Joseph in Genesis 50.24-26 Moses is fulfilling that promise the children of Israel - his forefathers made. Levi was among them Moses' great grandfather had been part of this oath.

Psalm 15.4 Who may dwell in your sanctuary... he... who keeps his oath even when it hurts. Moses had a lot (understatement).
We are to offer the LORD the first and the best of our lives.
Consecrate the firstborn... later when they farmed the land it would also be the first fruits... even in difficult times like we are in - September home foreclosures topped 100,000 for the first time. Unemployment is up, the dollar is down. We are to faithful with what God blesses us with.

4. The LORD Leads Us Through The Day and Through The Night vs.20-22
He is always leading... sometimes we must employ Psalm 27.14
Sometimes in bright sunshine with a clear view
Sometimes where we can only see the next step. Your Word is a lamp to my feet and a light for my path. Psalm 119.105

Proverbs 3.5-6
Trust in the LORD with all your heart. Do not lean on your own understanding.
In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will direst your paths.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

The Lamb of God

Exodus 12.1-11

The Passover has been celebrated approximately 3,456 years by the Jewish people. On the night before Jesus died He celebrated it with His disciples. As they reclined to eat He said, "I have eagerly desired to eat this Passover with you before I suffer." (Luke 22.15)

The Passover would become the LORD's Supper. The focus of the Passover was the lamb. This one in the upper room in Jerusalem had the Lamb of God Who takes away the sin of the world seated there among them, Jesus Christ. He was there in symbol in that first Passover, which we just read about.

1. A Lamb For Each Family vs.1-4
God created the family. It is the foundation of social structure.
"As goes the family, so goes the nation." - Ronald Reagan
This feast was centered in the home- small intimate group- God reminding them again that the nation began as a family.

It was the father-husband who got the lamb for the family. I can remember specific things I did with my dad. Young boys who went along would have this in their memory. Every household was covered- every person. Acts 16.31

v.4 Share the lamb We are to share Christ with our neighbors, in our neighborhoods- no one should be without the Lamb.

This lamb was to be very special.
2. A Perfect Lamb v.5
It was to have no defects.
Leviticus 22.22 Do not offer to the LORD the blind, the injured, or the maimed or anything with warts or festering or running sores. Do not place any of these on the altar as an offering made to the LORD by fire.

God wants our best, God deserves our best. God gave us His best, Jesus Christ, the Lamb of God, going back to Abraham's word to Issac in Genesis 22.8 God Himself will provide the lamb/ God will provide Himself the lamb.

It is sad that so many want God to give them His best but they offer God the scraps of their lives. So many have little regard when it comes to giving of themselves but they want God to give to them.

3. The Blood of the Lamb. vs.6-7
v.13 Passover- when I see the blood.

It is Jesus Who said when He took the cup and gave thanks and offered it to His disciples in that Passover Feast the night before He died. "This is My Blood of the New Covenant which is poured out for many." Mark 14.24

Under the first Passover there was a lamb for each house. Under the New Covenant, "Christ our Passover Lamb has been sacrificed. I Corinthians 5.7

The blood of Jesus Christ cleanses us from all sin. God so loved the world... John the Baptist, "The Lamb of God Who takes away the sin of the world.

4. Bread Without Yeast and Bitter Herbs v.8
Sinless Perfect Lamb of God
Bitter for Christ in His Death- for us in life's trials

Jesus spoke of His return in this feast- Mark 14.25 I tell you I will not drink again of the fruit of the vine until that day when I drink it anew in the kingdom of God.

John writes in I John 3.3 Everyone who has this hope in Him purifies himself just as He is pure.
His return makes us want to be free from sin and causes us to seek to be pure and make necessary changes to do so.

5. Nothing Leftover vs.9-11
This shows the sacredness of the Passover and the LORD's Supper and Christ and His work.We need to recapture that reverence and awe of Him today.

One more thing on this... When Jesus fed the 5,000 in John 6 He said Gather up the fragments. Let nothing be wasted. We waste so much food here in America. It is a sin- a big sin. There is coming a time if Jesus tarries when we won't be able to. Excess is never an excuse for waste. Asking God to bless the food we are going to eat and then throwing half of it out is wrong. I never saw that happen in the weeks I spent in China.

The main thing here is the Sacredness of the Lamb

Lamb of God
Jesus, Our Savior
God's Own Son
Heaven's Favor

He came to die
Upon a Cross
Gave Himself up
To save the lost

He shed His Blood
For Adam's race
On Golgotha
He took our place

Our sins are covered
By His blood
Jesus, Our LORD
Son of God

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Mercy In Judgement

Exodus 9.13-10.7

A closer look at these chapters in Exodus reveal a facet of God in His judgement which are seldom seen and highlighted or brought out. In judgement He often shows mercy. There is a difference between grace and mercy. Grace is getting what I don't deserve. Mercy is not getting what I do deserve.

After God had judged Jerusalem in 586 BC, following Jeremiah's pleading with the nation to repent and it rejecting that message he brought, Jeremiah lamented. He wrote down his lament and it is recorded in Lamentations. Tradition says Jeremiah was looking over the city, just under Golgotha, and wrote his lament as we are told the smoke was still rising from its ashes.

Lamentations 3.22-23 (19-26)
"Because of the LORD's great love we are not consumed, for His compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is Your faithfulness."
God had continued to press the same point over and over again to Pharaoh- v.13 "Let My people go so that they may worship Me."
1.The LORD Always Warns Before He Judges. vs.13-15
He was telling Pharaoh that things were going to get worse. They were already bad. God knew Pharaoh would not listen and yet He warned him.
If the LORD has been warning you today, listen! And obey. Draw near to Him.
America has been, and continues to be, warned in various ways that God will judge it unless there is national repentance. In our Constitution's Preamble are the words that all men have been endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights. Yet in our education system the idea of a Creator has been rejected for decades now. In our laws there is more protection for animals than babies in the womb. The breaking of the Ten Commandments has been glorified in entertainment and life. God continues to warn. We pray that the nation will listen.
However understand that
2. The LORD Does Not Take Pleasure in the Death of the Wicked. Ezekiel 18.23
"Do I take pleasure in the death of the wicked?" declares the Sovereign LORD, "Rather am I not pleased when they turn from their wicked ways and live?"
He always offers man a way to escape His judgement.
v.19 God is giving shelter from the stormy blast to men who listen and their animals.
He cares: Noah and the Ark; Jonah and Ninevah Jonah 4.10
v.20 There were officials who feared the Word of the LORD
They hurried = to take flight, escape, flee, drive harshly, to disappear
The fear of the LORD shows up in what people do.
3.God Keeps His People When He Is Judging -v.26
God's people are kept by Him during Judgement, if not physically, then definitely spiritually. We need to be careful here. Hebrews 11.37 speaks of those who were stoned, sawed in two, put to death by the sword (and brought to heaven).
Some people we pray for to be healed are healed and sometimes sickness leads to death or a life long illness or condition. We need to remember the suffering persecuted church today In Cuba and Sudan and Nepal. People serving the LORD suffer. We give thanks for those the LORD delivers and leave the questions of those He does not with Him.
v.27-28 Some people, many people, who turn to God in times of difficulty, do not truly repent and follow the LORD. They are looking for relief from their sufferings.
There are seeds of the Word of God which fall on rocky places. Mark 4.5-6, 16-17
4. The LORD Still Answers That Prayer of Habakkuk Habakkuk 3.2b
in wrath remember mercy
The LORD did not totally destroy their food supply v.31-32
10.2 tell your children and your grandchildren pass on His mighty acts to the children
The LORD had told Pharaoh that He could have wiped Egypt off the earth by this point. In God's wrath He remembers mercy. We may need to pray this soon for our nation.
We are still in a time of grace and mercy. Let's share the love of Christ. Let's look to heaven. Let's pray for those who are not walking with the LORD today, let's pray now.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

God's Grace and God's Judgement

Exodus 7.1-7

There are two levels of the LORD's work here in these few verses.
Pharaoh is falling under God's judgement. Israel is about to experience God's grace, power, might and deliverance.

For Pharaoh, his troubles began back even before he became king. Exodus 1.8 Then a new king, who did not know about Joseph, came to power in Egypt. Nations take a step towards judgement when they lose touch with their activities with the LORD in their past. Joseph was used by God to save Egypt in a time of famine. He made it plain that the ability to interpret Pharaoh's dreams was God's. Genesis 41.16 "I cannot do it," Joseph replied, "but God will give to Pharaoh the answer he desires." This was all forgotten among Egypt's leadeship 350 years later when Moses was born.

The Pharaoh of the Exodus took it a step further. His question and statement started the Hand of God upon himeself and the nation he led. Exodus 5.2 "Who is the LORD that I should obey Him and let Israel go? I do not know the LORD and I will not let Israel go."

1. When a person or a nation forget about God and their past with Him they will be judged.
That is what was happening to Pharaoh and Egypt.
This attitude towards God and His Word is a frightening and sobering thing.

Pharaoh was given a simple command by the LORD. "Let My people go."
He disobeyed. Disobedience brings judgement. Ten plagues followed.

Pharaoh could have escaped the great judgement upon him and his nation if he would have taken the warning from God. We've all watched Gpod warn people when they are going the wrong way and the many who do not heed His warning- well we just don't understand.

2. Israel was kept by the LORD during Egypt's Judgement.
*He delivered them
*They were set free- God uses judgement at times to set His people free- Paul and Silas in the Philippi jail (Acts 16.25-34) The earthquake caused everyone's chains to come loose.
*God's Hand was guiding and protecting Israel as opposed to Egypt going against God andHis Hand extended (nathan) upon them in mighty acts of judgement. God vindicates and punishes..
The LORD brought Israel into the Land of Promises.

3. Egypt was given many opportunities.
Before jugdement God always warns.
ex/ Noah and the ark- Noah was a preacher of righteousness.
Luke 13.1-5 Repent or perish

Judgement begins on earth- the consequences of sin.
ex/ A person who abuses their body with substance- body falls apart, liver disease from alcohol
Worry is not good for us internally- ulcers from acid
Hatred has physical and spiritual conditions.

These are two ways to know the LORD- by His Grace or His judgement.

God judges when the people He is speaking to leaves Him no other option.
Hebrews 12.14-29

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Lessons From the LORD In The Desert

Exodus 2.11-3.1

Moses went from the palace of Pharaoh at 40 years of age to the fields, tending the sheep of his father-in-law, Jethro. We are told in Acts 7.22 Moses was educated in all the wisdom of the Egyptians and was powerful in speech and action. He fled because he killed an Egyptian and now Pharaoh was going to kill him. Moses acted alone in this murder. He took matters into his own hands. Now he ends up doing what we were told in Genesis 46.33-34 is detestable to the Egyptians- shepherding, for the next 40 years.

Moses tended the sheep of his father-in-law Jethro, a far cry from the palace comforts and position he had in Egypt. 40 years in the desert tending sheep- What did he learn out there in the desert?

1. Moses was taught to wait.
He wasn't alone. For David it was 10 years between the time he was anointed until the time he became king. for Joseph 13 years elapsed from the time he had those dreams until their fulfillment began to come to pass. Perhaps David penned Psalm 27.14 after that decade of running from Saul and waiting.

Difficult to wait while others of your age are going on with their lives.

When we are waiting we need to find things to do, even when we are in line at the bank or the grocery store or waiting in the doctor's office. We are told we will spend 5% of our lives in lines or waiting in one form or another. Bring a book, text, pray, journal. Work- Moses was working, not realizing God was training him, preparing him for something that was beyond his dreams. He would need patience- lots of patience for the next 40 years as he led an unbelieving people across the desert. God was preparing him in this forty.

Loneliness is a part of waiting and a part of leading. Jesus spent time in the wilderness, Paul spent 3 years in the Arabian Desert after God called him. God, in times of preparation, calls His men and women aside so He can speak to them.

2. He was taught to lead people God's Way.
Moses had been groomed for leadership in Egypt. The Egyptians drove the Israelites. God leads His people, He doesn't drive them.

Jacob was the first to say it, "God, Who has been my Shepherd all my life to this day." (Genesis 48.15) The way of the shepherd is the way God leads us. It is in our hymns: Like A Shepherd, Savior Like a Shepherd, He's the Great Shepherd...

Moses, the man of God, out in the desert, taking care of sheep, belonging to his father-in-law, Jethro. Before he was a warrior, ruled by emotions; now a shepherd taking care of sheep.

He had Israel on his heart, when he murdered the Egyptian but it wasn't God's time. Habakkuk 2.3, Acts 7.23-25

Shepherding in the desert- after 40 years of leading a flock of sheep he was ready to lead a nation.
*Humbled Moses- broke him, tested him
*Molded Moses
*Taught him to do things God's way
Remain teachable. Moses, because he had a teachable spirit, was learning skills for leading the nation. He received his marching orders there.

3. Moses was maturing.
Maturity was a by product, a fruit of waiting and learning.
Ephesians 4.11-16
Maturity eliminates a load of problems- immaturity is fraught with all kinds of things. Deeper and Deeper... If we keep in step with the Spirit, He will take us on into maturity. The desert purges us- gives us time to make changes. Takes away frustrations.

4. The LORD was at work while Moses was in the desert.
He is at work in your life today.
"God keeps on working"- Mike Mancini

God brought Moses to the appointed time- God has set times. Moses' family was established there.

Many are the lessons the LORD teaches us in the desert, when we think we are just working hard. Like the original Karate Kid movie... Daniel LaRusso waxed cars, painted the fence, sanded the deck, and painted the house. What he thought were menial tasks was really Mr. Miyagi teaching him the moves in the art of self defense.

While we are going through life and its challenges, deserts, God is at work teaching us invaluable lessons so He can use us in His Kingdom.