Sunday, November 25, 2007

The LORD's Day November 25, 2007

Wonderful Counselor

Isaiah 9.1-7

On Thanksgiving Day I did something I haven’t done in quite a while. I sat and watched the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade on tv. There was a reason. My granddaughter wanted to do that. We were having what she calls “Poppa Time”. So we sat through the whole thing right up until the finale. You know what that is- Santa Claus on his sled, kicking off the Christmas Shopping Season (which has been going on for weeks already). It used to be at 9:30am- when I was a kid that is the time Roosevelt Field would open the day after Thanksgiving. Yesterday some department stores stayed opened. Thursday night outlet malls across the nation opened at midnight. Stores opened at 6am on Friday in regular malls and the Christmas rush is on.

This is not too different from when Jesus was born in Bethlehem and Mary gave birth to him among the animals because the Inn was filled. When He came Jerusalem and overturned the tables of the moneychangers and those merchandising (making personal profit) from what was to be a spiritual celebration, He was angry because people were being shut out from worship- the poor and the Gentiles.

Among the 21st century global economy, where the world makes money off of what is the celebration of the Savior’s birth, the Counselor of Wonder speaks.

What is Jesus counseling us to do today?

1. He tells us to always forgive.

He did it. Never heard him speak of the injustice of his trial afterwards. That was not the big issue- dying to provide salvation was.

When we do it we are free. Someone (no one in our church) got me really mad recently. I had opportunity for revenge. I began to think this will teach them a lesson I’ll let them know they can’t pull that stuff with me. I’ll fix it so they won’t forget how insensitive they have been. Then I spent some time with the LORD. He began to show me how foolish this was. He let me know that I could end something or I could start something that I would soon have trouble putting out. I chose to end it. I am so glad I did. It really was His Spirit in me working and me yielding to Him. Praise God

Always forgive. Forgive 70 times 7. (Matthew 18.22)

This is wonderful counsel from the Wonderful Counselor A good counselor is a good listener. The Counselor of Wonder gives transforming words- words of life.

2. Jesus tells us to rejoice always.

When we are being persecuted. Matthew 5.11-12 We don’t rejoice for the pain but that we are being counted as a follower of Jesus’ and for what the pain will produce. Pain for the believer means gain. We enjoy the pleasant places. We endure the painful ones but we know if we keep our heart tender and our ears open God will do some things in us and through us that could be gained no other way.

When we get too excited over the works He is doing through us. This has its down side in many ways. We get too caught up with the gifts rather than the Giver. Give a gift- we enjoy appreciation and on going relationship. The Prodigal Son took and then took off. When we get too excited over the gifts we tend to place the most important things at the bottom of our reasons to praise the LORD. When we get too excited over the things God is doing through us when there is a silent time or a sifting time we become despondent. Luke 10.20 Do not rejoice that the spirits submit to you, but rejoice that your names are written in heaven.

When we are down and out. It is not a sin to get down. It is not a sin to get depressed. It does not mean that you have sinned if you are. Sometimes it is difficult to rejoice. We may not feel happy but rejoicing (being well, thriving) is more than that. In the word is the root :joy- gladness. We can be glad without being happy. I am glad that Jesus saved me. I am not happy about some of the news I read in the paper.

It gets us ready for that day of rejoicing When we all get to heaven Let’s sing it now Hymn #252

What is Jesus counseling us to do today?
3. Jesus tells us to never lose hope.

I have overcome the world. John 16.33 have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart I have overcome the world. This world can depress us if we let it. But if we let it then we are not resting in Jesus’s words about it. He has overcome it Don’t let it overwhelm you!

I will be with you always. Matthew 28.20
As we serve Jesus and make disciples of all nations. This is a promise for His followers. It is not that we take Him where we go it is that He takes us where He wants us to go and as we follow He is with us both leading and walking beside us.

I am coming soon Revelation 22.12
Three times in this final chapter of the Bible Jesus says this. These are His parting words- I’ll be back and it will be soon. Written to each generation since and including the first century believers.

What is Jesus counseling us to do today?
4. Jesus tells us to be aware of certain things.

Sleeping when His Return is near. Mark 13.37
This is being off guard. We need to be scanning the horizon. We need to be looking for Jesus to come again. He is coming soon. What I say to you, I say to everyone: 'Watch!' This will resolve a lot of things in out lives which create problems.

Greed. Luke 12.15
This desire for things and more money can eat a person alive. Jesus warned a bunch of guys about this who had left everything to follow him. The other night I ran into two hermits. It was the night before Thanksgiving. They are close to Jesus’ disciples when it come to owning anything. Yet it was to these disciples that He directed this warning about greed. If they needed to watch out for it so do we

False prophets Matthew 7.15
They are all over the place today. We are producing out one after another in the American Church.

That no one deceives you Matt 24.4
Let’s be on our guard against the cults. Let’s be a Berean.

The Yeast of the Pharisees. Spiritual Pride is insidious. Mark 8.15
This is a deadly sin Jesus is speaking about. It kills the person’s soul and the souls of many others. Yeast puts air in bread- it puffs it up. Lay a slice of Wonder Bread next to a piece of matzah.

It is believing that you are better than others. It is believing that your way of thinking is right. It is exalting yourself over Jesus Who humbled Himself. If you harbor this sin in your heart the LORD will resist you. We have nothing to be spiritually proud about Jesus is warning us as His followers to beware of it in our own lives Pride can manifest in unbelief as well. My intellect can replace my faith and I no longer believe that nothing is too difficult for the LORD. I can fall into this despondent outlook of not can God, but will God?

Maintain childlike faith.

What is Jesus counseling us to do today?
5. Jesus tells us to seek first His Kingdom. Matthew 6.33

In living. Our citizenship is in heaven. Our ultimate allegiance is to the LORD and His kingdom. Since God has set up the authority of government, being a believer and following Jesus makes Christians the best citizens. Since God has established the family being a believer and following Jesus makes us the best husbands and wives and dads and moms and grandparents and brothers and sisters and children we can be.

In Giving
First fruits Give of the firstfruits of your increase. Proverbs 3.9 Honor the LORD with your wealth, with the firstfruits of all your crops;

Tithe Give the LORD 10% of your income. You will be blessed. You will store up treasure in heaven where there is no decay or loss. Malachi 3.10 10 Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house. Test me in this, says the LORD Almighty, and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that you will not have room enough for it.

Cheerfully- God loves a cheerful giver. A person who gives to the LORD from the heart does so with hilarity.
In Getting

We have been satisfied inside so we don’t need any of the world’s stimulants to prop us up. We are learning how distinguish between want and need so we can be freer to serve Him.

We have this promise: Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows. (James 1.17)

Isaiah received the Word of the LORD.
He wrote about Who Jesus would be.
Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God
Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace is He.

The years have past since it was first foretold
Of the wisdom He would posses.
He spoke the word to all of us
To bring sweet peace and rest.

Live by these words that Jesus spoke
And your life will be so full
You will find joy and gladness in your heart
As you do the Master’s will.

Counselor of Wonder,
Help us today to do what You say
We want to hear those words, “Well done.”
On that awesome judgment day.

Then into Your Presence We will go
With You forever we will be
And with all who have served You thru the years
The reunion of God’s Family.
The LORD’s Day
November 25 , 2007

We Worship In Singing
We Worship In Prayer
We Worship In Hearing the Word of God
Wonderful Counselor
Isaiah 9.1-7

*Tithes and Offerings can be placed in the box at the rear of the sanctuary*
Please join us for bagels and coffee downstairs if you are visiting today.
Prayer Meeting -6pm This Evening at the Parsonage

This Week
Bible Reading Proverbs 9
Monday Men’s Prayer Meeting 6:30am in the church basement
Wednesday Bible Study- 7:30pm at the Parsonage 1312 Pine Acres
Thursday Bible Study- 10:30am at the church
Next Lord’s Day
Morning Prayer- 10am in the church basement
Morning Worship- 10:30am(Sunday School for Children) The LORD’s Supper
Spanish Service- 4pm

In Your Prayers For All of God’s People

Remember the men serving in the armed forces: Bradley, Julia Bujold’s grandson with Special Forces in Afghanistan, home on leave right now, Ken Brown, Pastor’s friend’s son finished his third tour of Iraq- His parents thank us for praying for him. Billy Knapp, Jr. in Iraq with the Marines (neighbor of the church and Pastor- Billy’s sister graduated from Good Shepherd). Stateside now being redeployed in April... Matthew Klaus, brother of Good Shepherd parent in Iraq as a firefighter for Haliburton. Pastor’s nephews’ and niece’s cousin Kim’s husband, Jay, in Iraq. Pray for them and the others away from their families. Praise God for keeping David Louis, Jake Morgan, Ken Brown and Tom Hindelang, Billy Knapp Jr. safe during their times in Iraq. Katharina’s Family in the death of her daughter... Remember Robert, her husband and her sons, Norman, Raymond &Jonathan anf their families. Kathy, Ziggy and Margot’s daughter-in-law, under the doctor’s care for fibromyalgia. Thank God for answers to prayer for her as well as Lucy, their daughter... God is she is recovering. Pray for Eloise Brooks’ Family in their loss and sorrow... Remember Jean Louis on dialysis. Grace Martin, Edie Raevis’ daughter, recovering from surgery on her back and uindergoing Physical Therapy. Edie’s daughter’s mother-in-law, Millie Espisito remains in serious condition. Reginald Mooney, friend of Terri and John Garry, with a tumor in his kidney. Please remember Pastor’s friend Kim Richardson’s daughter, Kelly recovering from a mastectomy. Please remember this whole family in prayer..she has completed chemo therapy for now and has begun radiation. She is under the care of an oncologist. Leah May’s cousin, Joan, respiratory problems now home... Lucy Mancini under Orthopedic Specialist’s care and physical therapy for pain and injuries resulting from the accident. Pastor’s Dad, Larry Mancini, Sr. In an intermediary care facility, undergoing physical, occupational and speech therapy. There is a blog for him: . Stephen Huges, brother of a Good Shepherd Nursery School Mom, their parents home in Hewlett was destroyed in a fire.. Please remember Dr. And Mrs. Mucci in your prayers as well as Judy’s daughter Tatum. Alice Gordon’s family in the loss of her brother, Everette, Please remember his wife Monica and the whole family...Alice will return home this evening from the funeral. Anka’s family in their time of loss and grief. Joey Reda (Charlie and Diane Davison’s Grandson) experiencing some heart arrhythmia. Prudy’s Mom, Rose Ragusa, has begun chemo and radiation treatment this last week. Pastor’s friend, Rudy Migliore, received a very good report from the doctors .Romans 12.15 Jack Simon, a friend of Pastor’s, undergoing treatment for a lung problem...Pray for those children who will receive Christmas shoe boxes this December. Remember those who lost family and friends in the cyclone in Bangladesh... Leah May in Southside Hospital with several issues. Please pray for healing. She is in 6 Towers and would love a visit.

Notes on Our Time in God’s Word This Morning...

Wonderful Counselor
Isaiah 9.1-7

Pastor’s messages are now available online:
Church e-mail:
Church Phone: 631-969-1730
1314 Pine Acres Boulevard, Bay Shore, Long Island, NY 11706-5436

Sunday, November 18, 2007

The LORD's Day November 18, 2007

The Vastness of Wisdom

Proverbs 8

We tend to think of wisdom as spoken by Solomon, in our hearts and life and that is the extent of it. This chapter in Proverbs corrects that limited view and shows us the full extent of wisdom.

In his book, Your God Is Too Small, J.B. Phillips writes about how we often put God in a box in our minds. We fail to recognize His greatness. We come up short of comprehending just how mighty and all knowing He is. We forget He is everywhere.

Wisdom is treated like that. Wisdom is from God. The Book of Proverbs is His Word. He breathed these words through Solomon for the time in which it was given and for all time. In fact these truths existed before they were given to Solomon.

When we see how great it is we realize how much we need it. It is written all over. It raises its voice.

1. Wisdom is calling out to us in every day life. vs.1-3

In the country side... outdoors, even in our backyards. Take the ants we spoke read about in c.6 - they are outside and call out for us to consider their ways, particularly in the area of diligent work.

Inside the city... where people dwell. What the writer of Proverbs is describing here is the beginning of a day in many of the workers-laborers of that day. Jesus gave a parable about this in Matthew 20.1-16 The scene is one very common to Jerusalem in Biblical times. Workers would make their way in from the surrounding areas around Jerusalem. They would come to a certain area and wait for the vineyard owners or managers to come to hire them to work the fields.

So, on our way to work and while we work wisdom is calling out to us. God has written it into the very order of life so that as we live we encounter wisdom. It is impossible to miss. It is in every day life

This is interesting because so often we think we need to go away somewhere to find wisdom. Maybe off in some mountain retreat or in some other secluded place I will find it. God has written it into life so the man that is a common laborer may attain it

Wisdom takes her stand (v.2) The idea is that of appointing a deputy. She stations herself. Where the paths meet- where there is human habitation- home. She stands among us wherever there are people living/dwelling. She comes to you and to your home, to your family. She is calling for you to continue to embrace her for all your life. We are to be so close to wisdom that it is like a marriage with her. We are to be as protective of her as a brother is with a sister.
Wisdom cries out in the market place, in the town hall, in the church sanctuary. Its voice is heard in the buildings. Jesus spoke about this with the wise and the foolish man and the houses they built. The wise man built his on the rock, the foolish man on the sand. The foundation determined the future of the house. The buildings of a city must take into account the law of gravity. Therefore they must be built at 90 degree angles in their inner structure or they will fall. Gravity will see to that.

This is also speaking here about the way of life, the manner of living. Wisdom is calling out to us: Build your house on the Rock (and that Rock is Christ), build your family and your career and your future in Him. Love Him with all your heart

2. Wisdom is calling out to every one- all mankind. v.4

This is a universal call.
It is going out through all the earth. It is to fools- for them to become wise.

It is a call to all the sons of Adam.
Every nation, language, tribe and people.

It is a call to come to the LORD and be wise.
Even those who are in the way, it is call to increase wisdom.

3. Wisdom is calling out to souls in every situation they find themselves in. vs.5-17

The simple (v.5) are those whose minds are wide open to all kinds of ideas and things just float in and out about life. They are spiritually naive. They are on the broad way that leads to destruction. Wisdom is calling out to those in that situation to gain a shrewdness, a discerning heart to see that this type of thinking is foolish. It is call to consider Christ.

The foolish (v.5) are those who are stupid in their decisions and arrogant as well. Wisdom calls out to them to leave their foolish ways. People who do not follow Jesus in their decisions are like the builder who does not observe the law of gravity and builds at an angle other than a 90 degree one. The whole thing is going to come crashing down. It will cave in. Add to this that others are hurt when a person makes an unwise decision.

The discerning (v.9) need wisdom to continue to make the conscious decisions to do what is right (v.10) The original ideas expressed in chapter one are repeated here. We need to marry ourselves to Wisdom and stay married to it.

We need to continue to choose it. We all know people who have begun out with what appeared to be a good foundation. They lived right, but then something happened that changed their course. They went off the deep end and their lives fell apart. That was the story of so many when we used to feed the homeless.
It is a once for all decision to be wise. We come to Christ. We ask Him to be the LORD of our life.

It is also a daily decision. We must keep Him as LORD of our lives. We must endure hardship. We must run this race with perseverance. We must not become weary in doing good. We must keep our eyes upon Jesus. We must be faithful no matter what happens to us.

4. Wisdom is eternal. It was used by God in creating the heavens and the earth vs.22-31

It is written right into creation. We cooperate with its laws and we will reap benefits. We go against them and we’ll reap destruction.

Before the world began God appointed wisdom to be the guide for life. It came from eternity. Before all the creation took place, wisdom was present. When God created the heavens and the earth He used wisdom. Look at how everything works together perfectly. The other day Lucy and I were having lunch, watching the leaves fall as we ate. Those dead leaves breakdown and form more soil, they enrich the earth.

I found this website for the official US Time. It has a map of the world, showing where the sun is shining and where it is dark It is a site to behold The address is in your bulletin. You get to see the whole picture of the earth and how there is a set pattern- a precise pattern God set up in the heavens

The whole water and watering system God set up is phenomenal Just try and keep a house plant healthy. It is work. I have some Thanksgiving Cacti blooming right now. They are beautiful. They are extra special in meaning because they came from people in the church. I was reading up on the watering process when they are blooming. Then I read about the whole process of watering them and it is not easy. God takes care of His creation Take the aquarium versus a backyard fish pond. Inside is a lot of work. Outside is very little God does it

5. It is wise to hold Wisdom close and keep it in our hearts. vs. 17-21, 32-26

The benefits of doing that are full of rewards in this present life Sinful living these days is more destructive than ever. The wages of sin are death. The rewards of following Jesus are out of this world (even the ones that are in this world ) C.S. Lewis wrote, “Aim at heaven and you’ll get earth thrown in. Aim at earth and you will get neither.”

When wisdom is held close to our hearts and incorporated in our lives there are great blessings that come. The benefits of our relationship with wisdom are wonderful. Even though it was used to form the universe and it is all around the world, it needs to be in our hearts to reap the full blessing of it.

* If you seek for it, you will receive it
This is Solomon’s personal testimony. Let’s read it again: I Kings 3.5-15 What a wonderful passage He sought it- God gave it

* Riches, honor, enduring wealth and prosperity. God will bless us. Dominican Republic, Lima Batay Saturday night- drinking and partying... Pastor Lyswa and family far ahead of many of the others... Prosperity

* Yet its fruit is better than fine gold and surpasses that of choice silver
Peace in the heart, mind and life.
Rest in your soul- no longer seeking for something to fill the place of eternity within.

* A full treasury- The picture is of someone who has not sought after wealth or riches but like Solomon God has blessed them with it. The picture is one of a person realizing that there is no comparing wisdom with money or material wealth. It is picture of a person who knows how to handle the blessings God gives by giving Him thanks and honoring Him with it.

The blessing of life for those who keep it.

green (of vegetation) There is a fruitful, youthful quality in all of Jesus’ followers who pursue wisdom. It is childlike faith.
There is a flowing of God’s Spirit. It is fresh like springs of water. New strength for each day
There is a liveliness to the soul of that person under God’s Blessing.
It is like the reviving of the springtime. This person who begins to grasp the enormity of wisdom and takes it into his soul. His soul grows. His heart enlarges

And the LORD’s favor- Not only His blessings but His acceptance of you as a soul

Let the vastness of wisdom enter your mind. See the LORD’s handiwork all around See the laws of gravity for an example that the other sciences demonstrate His Wisdom. See discoveries as just that- things that existed that are being uncovered.

Let wisdom enter your heart. This is more than just Bible Knowledge The Pharisees knew it perfectly but missed the Master. They rejected the all wise God. Trust in the LORD with all your heart. Do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your paths.

The LORD’s Day
November 18 , 2007

We Worship In Singing
We Worship In Prayer
We Worship In Hearing the Word of God
The Vastness of Wisdom
Proverbs 8

*Tithes and Offerings can be placed in the box at the rear of the sanctuary*
Please join us for our Annual Harvest Dinner downstairs if you are visiting today.

This Week
Bible Reading Proverbs 9
Monday Men’s Prayer Meeting 6:30am in the church basement
Tuesday- Thanksgiving Service- 7:30pm The LORD’s Supper Served
Next Lord’s Day
Morning Prayer- 10am in the church basement
Morning Worship- 10:30am(Sunday School for Children)
Spanish Service- 4pm

In Your Prayers For All of God’s People
Remember the men serving in the armed forces: Bradley, Julia Bujold’s grandson with Special Forces in Afghanistan, home on leave right now, Ken Brown, Pastor’s friend’s son finished his third tour of Iraq- His parents thank us for praying for him. Billy Knapp, Jr. in Iraq with the Marines (neighbor of the church and Pastor- Billy’s sister graduated from Good Shepherd). He is due home this week. Matthew Klaus, brother of Good Shepherd parent in Iraq as a firefighter for Haliburton. Pastor’s nephews’ and niece’s cousin Kim’s husband, Jay, in Iraq. Pray for them and the others away from their families. Praise God for keeping David Louis, Jake Morgan, Ken Brown and Tom Hindelang, Billy Knapp Jr. safe during their times in Iraq. Please pray for Johnathan Kruzner (friend’s son of Rudy Migliore) who lost his arm from a roadside bomb in Iraq last month. Katharina’s Family in the death of her daughter... Remember Robert, her husband and her sons, Norman, Raymond &Jonathan anf their families. Kathy, Ziggy and Margot’s daughter-in-law, under the doctor’s care for fibromyalgia. Thank God for answers to prayer for her as well as Lucy, their daughter, who faced two surgeries this week, one an emergency. Thank God is she is recovering. Pray for Eloise Brooks’ Family in their loss and sorrow... Remember Jean Louis on dialysis. Grace Martin, Edie Raevis’ daughter, recovering from surgery on her back and uindergoing Physical Therapy. Edie’s daughter’s mother-in-law, Millie Espisito remains in serious condition. Reginald Mooney, friend of Terri and John Garry, with a tumor in his kidney. Please remember Pastor’s friend Kim Richardson’s daughter, Kelly recovering from a mastectomy. Please remember this whole family in prayer..she has completed chemo therapy for now and has begun radiation. Leah May’s cousin, Joan, respiratory problems now home... Lucy Mancini under Orthopedic Specialist’s care and physical therapy for pain and injuries resulting from the accident. Pastor’s Dad, Larry Mancini, Sr. In an intermediary care facility, undergoing physical, occupational and speech therapy. There is a blog for him: . Stephen Huges, brother of a Good Shepherd Nursery School Mom, their parents home in Hewlett was destroyed in a fire.. Please remember Dr. And Mrs. Mucci in your prayers as well as Judy’s daughter Tatum. Alice Gordon’s family in the loss of her brother, Everette, Please remember his wife Monica and the whole family...Alice will return home this evening from the funeral. Anka’s family in their time of loss and grief. Joey Reda (Charlie and Diane Davison’s Grandson) experiencing some heart arrhythmia. Prudy’s Mom, Rose Ragusa, has begun chemo and radiation treatment this past week. Pastor’s friend, Rudy Migliore, received a very good report from the doctors .Romans 12.15 Jack Simon, a friend of Pastor’s, undergoing treatment for a lung problem...Pray for those children who will receive Christmas shoe boxes this December. Remember those who lost family and friends in the cyclone in Bangladesh. The death toll is over 2,200.

Thanksgiving Service this Tuesday, November 20th at 7:30pm
The LORD’s Supper will be served
Notes on Our Time in God’s Word This Morning...

The Vastness of Wisdom
Proverbs 8

Pastor’s messages are now available online:
Church e-mail:
Church Phone: 631-969-1730
1314 Pine Acres Boulevard, Bay Shore, Long Island, NY 11706-5436

Sunday, November 11, 2007

The LORD's Day November 11, 2007

Thankful to the LORD for the Sanctity of Christian Fellowship

Proverbs 6.16-19
Psalm 133

Christian Fellowship is wonderful. It is so much more than sharing a meal, although that is part of it. It is really sharing our lives with one another.

Since September 22nd when my dad fell down his steps and has had been in a hospital and now rehab center, I have watched the church come through in shining ways We know how to love Both here and at my folks church and with other believers spread all over, God’s people have been there in prayer and in deeds for my folks. It has been bittersweet but I am finding the sweetness is greater than the trials

It is a beautiful thing when the followers of Christ love one another:

*Jesus told us this is how people would know we are His disciples.
It is the fruit of having His Spirit within out hearts. He is pleased and God’s people are thankful when this happens. The Spirit flows unhindered. People’s hearts are touched and we flooded with grace. Great grace is upon the people that love the LORD and one another.

*Love covers a multitude of sins. We sin. No two places are the effects of sin felt so strongly than the family and the church. In both where there is abundance of love forgiveness flows freely. Blessed is the family and the church where forgiveness is part of life. They are a refuge from a world gone crazy.

*It is attractive. Titus 2.10 “ every way they will make the teaching about God our Savior attractive.” This is one of the ways, the main way that people are drawn to Jesus. They see the love we have for one another and that love softens their heart and God begins to draw them to Himself. Follow the way of love.

1. The LORD hates a man who stirs up dissension among brothers Proverbs 6.19
Dissension can send people in relationships away from one another. Faults a person has can be covered by love until someone comes and points them out to the one being offended. Sometimes they are not even aware of an offense. This person being spoken about here as one whose actions are detestable to the LORD is a busybody with direction. They get involved in other people’s business and relationships. The ties that bind literal or spiritual brothers and sister are loosened and what is left is fracture in the relationship.

This can and often does result in people casting one another out of their lives. Almost always it comes from someone reaching over into other people’s lives with a spirit of divorce and turning two or more people who were getting along fine into enemies of one another. This is one of the seven detestable things to the LORD.
On the other hand...

2. It is good and pleasing to the LORD when brothers dwell together in unity Psalm 133

So important is this to the LORD that in His Word here He ties it into the anointing of the High Priest and to the Holy City. This was no small thing. The LORD is using the High Priest being anointed and Jerusalem itself under great blessing as examples/illustrations of what unity among family members and members of His body, the church is like.

This unity is a blessing to all. It is a wonderful and wonder-filled thing.

God sanctifies it. It is sacred and holy. It is a reflection of the Father in Heaven. It is a godly response to Cain’s sin against Abel, the animosity between Jacob and Esau, Joseph and his brothers, and anyone who has had jealousy against any other human being.

As believers we need to promote this. Unity is not easy achieved. It means being together to the point if necessary we set aside personal preferences. Personal preferences can cause divisions if they are seen for anything else than just that- personal preference

3. We should be thankful for the things that please the LORD.

Do not delight in evil but rejoice with the truth. (I Corinthians 13.6) You say yeah duh Of course But hold on a minute. Someone who stirs up dissension among brothers could very well be acting out of jealousy. I think that is one of the reasons that the word lousy is contained in the word jealousy.

Guard your heart for out of it come the issues of life. Jealousy can come out of a heart of a believer. Even a mature believer can struggle with this sin. Let me explain- suppose there are a group of brothers or sisters in Christ getting along - dwelling together in unity but that group doesn’t include you It comes at a time when you are down or when you really feel the need for fellowship. I have been there, perhaps you have been there too. It is not as easy to thankful if that is going on if we aren’t in on it. Not easy but possible

A mature believer can give thanks for good things happening in the body of Christ that he is not a direct part of. We can give thanks that the truth of Psalm 133 is taking place even if it doesn’t include us. Job knew how to do this.

Herein is a subtle danger, an inward temptation- if we don’t rejoice we may end up complaining or murmuring and in so doing sow dissension among brothers. We could stir up dissension out of jealousy Guard your heart for it is the wellspring of life. Our hearts are capable of wickedness if we do not guard them carefully.

4. There are safeguards given in God’s Word to insure the unity between God’s people.

*Forgive as the LORD forgave you. Colossians 3.13
Well that covers any sin that anyone could do against you. Jesus forgave those who were responsible for His death as they we killing Him. Stephen learned this and did a similar thing when he was dying. He asked God to forgive them.
This is the way to live. If you do this there never will be any breakdown in communication on your part. It is when a person does not forgive that this unity is displaced and the results in any relationship are not pretty.

*Love each other deeply. Love covers a multitude of sins. I Peter 4.8

Offenses taken to heart and harbored there will destroy relationships. Don’t let that happen to you You cannot control how a person will react to your love but you keep on loving

Deeply- stretched out. Back in the 70's there was a Christian song called “Reach Out”- I think it may be where we got the phrase outreach from. It spoke of loving deeply. Sometimes love stretches us- but is a good stretch Giving, Loving, Praying- all these things take us beyond our comfort zones and sometimes into the heat of battle. Comfort Zones- on my thermostat... too hot... I get sick. I like it on the low side, just inside the comfort zone. When we love deeply we move out of that place.

To love deeply is to do so with purpose and intent. It is beautiful things when love motivates and touches another person. This is beyond incidental into the intended. Loving each other deeply means to be earnest in our love. It is easy to love some people and not as easy to love others. That is why we need to bear with each other in love

To love each other deeply carries with it the idea of loving at all times, a constant or continual love. When things are going great and I am in a good mood- it is easy to love. Back to that idea of stretching- sometimes we need to stretch ourselves out a mood where we would rather not express love. That is part of the sacrifice of ourselves to the LORD.

Specific instructions are given to the church. Only two times while He was here on earth did Jesus mention the word church- Once He said He would build it (Matthew 16), The other time Matthew 18 - this is how important our relationships are with one another.

He gave us specific - very specific directions on how to handle potentially damaging things in the body of Christ. He showed us how to be reconciled to one another. We ought to be thankful when this is happening.

We must remember that the tongue is set on fire by hell itself (James 3). Therefore we must be careful that we don’t say something that could disrupt or damage. We cannot take back words. We have all regretted saying something we should not have said but we been thankful when we kept our mouth shut and not said something we should not have said. Think before you speak not after, “I should not have said that ”

5. Be a person of peace.
We are going to be building up the body of Christ and the family of God.

“Blessed are the peacemakers”, Jesus said,”for they shall be called the children of God.” He is the God of peace. He brings peace to souls. We are called to peace.

Be a bridge builder. Stand in the gap.

Opposite of that person who stirs up dissension among brothers (one who brings trouble to a peaceful situation) is the person who by their lives brings peace to troubled situations. This is a delicate work. It can be like diffusing a bomb. It is sometimes best handled indirectly. This is no place for a person who is manipulating or a busybody to go. It is for those who are wise as serpents and harmless as doves It is for those who gladly step out of the way so God can work. They don’t talk about their work they just do it.

Being a person of peace is learning to be quiet, keeping our mouths shut. Peace is often brought about when a person refuses to fight. Jesus told us to tune the other cheek. This has to do with verbal offenses.

I’m so thankful for the Family of God. I’m glad to be part of it With membership comes not only privileges but also responsibility. We are not mavericks and without duty.

We need to remember that the LORD hates a man who stirs up dissension among brothers. It is pleasing to Him when we are in unity. Pay attention to the safeguards He has set up in His Word. Be a person of peace.

The LORD’s Day
November 11, 2007

We Worship In Singing
We Worship In Prayer/ Dedication of Christmas Shoe boxes
We Worship In Hearing the Word of God
Thankful to the LORD for the Sanctity of Christian Fellowship
Proverbs 6.16-19, Psalm 133

*Tithes and Offerings can be placed in the box at the rear of the sanctuary*
Please join us for bagels and coffee downstairs if you are visiting today.

This Week
Bible Reading Proverbs 8
Monday Men’s Prayer Meeting 6:30am in the church basement
Wednesday Bible Study 7:30pm at the parsonage
Thursday Bible Study 10:30am at the church
Next Lord’s Day
Morning Prayer- 10am in the church basement
Morning Worship- 10:30am(Sunday School for Children) Harvest Dinner
Spanish Service- 4pm

In Your Prayers For All of God’s People
Remember the men serving in the armed forces: Bradley, Julia Bujold’s grandson with Special Forces in Afghanistan, home on leave right now, Ken Brown, Pastor’s friend’s son finished his third tour of Iraq- His parents thank us for praying for him. Billy Knapp, Jr. in Iraq with the Marines (neighbor of the church and Pastor- Billy’s sister graduated from Good Shepherd). He is due home at Thanksgiving. Matthew Klaus, brother of Good Shepherd parent in Iraq as a firefighter for Haliburton. Pastor’s nephews’ and niece’s cousin Kim’s husband, Jay, in Iraq. Pray for them and the others away from their families. Praise God for keeping David Louis, Jake Morgan, Ken Brown and Tom Hindelang safe during their times in Iraq. Please pray for Johnathan Kruzner (friend’s son of Rudy Migliore) who lost his arm from a roadside bomb in Iraq last month. Katharina’s Family in the death of her daughter... Remember Robert, her husband and her sons, Norman, Raymond &Jonathan anf their families. Kathy, Ziggy and Margot’s daughter-in-law, under the doctor’s care for fibromyalgia. Thank God for answers to prayer for her as well as Lucy, their daughter, who faced two surgeries this week, one an emergency. Thank God is she is recovering. Pray for Eloise Brooks’ Family in their loss and sorrow... Remember Jean Louis on dialysis. Grace Martin, Edie Raevis’ daughter, recovering from surgery on her back and uindergoing Physical Therapy. Edie’s daughter’s mother-in-law, Millie Espisito remains in serious condition. Reginald Mooney, friend of Terri and John Garry, with a tumor in his kidney. Please remember Pastor’s friend Kim Richardson’s daughter, Kelly recovering from a mastectomy. Please remember this whole family in prayer. Two lymph came back showing cancer in them.... undergoing chemo therapy. Leah May’s cousin, Joan, respiratory problems now home... Lucy Mancini under Orthopedic Specialist’s care and physical therapy for pain and injuries resulting from the accident. Pastor’s Dad, Larry Mancini, Sr. In an intermediary care facility, undergoing physical, occupational and speech therapy. There is a blog for him: He is being treated for bacterial infection at this time. Stephen Huges, brother of a Good Shepherd Nursery School Mom, their parents home in Hewlett was destroyed in a fire.. Please remember Dr. And Mrs. Mucci in your prayers as well as Judy’s daughter Tatum. Alice Gordon’s brother, Everette, passed away in Illinois on Wednesday afternoon Please remember his wife Monica and the whole family...Alice will return home this evening from the funeral. Anka’s family in their time of loss and grief. Joey Reda (Charlie and Diane Davison’s Grandson) experiencing some heart arrhythmia. Prudy’s Mom Rose Ragusa, beginning chemo and radiation treatment this week. Pastor’s friend, Rudy Migliore, received a very good report from the doctors .Romans 12.15 Jack Simon, a friend of Pastor’s, undergoing treatment for a lung problem...Pray for those children who will receive Christmas shoe boxes this December.

Thanksgiving Service Tuesday, November 20th at 7:30pm
The LORD’s Supper will be served

Notes on Our Time in God’s Word This Morning...

Thankful To The LORD for the Sanctity of Christian Fellowship
Proverbs 6.16-19, Psalm 133

Pastor’s messages are now available online:
Church e-mail:
Church Phone: 631-969-1730
1314 Pine Acres Boulevard, Bay Shore, Long Island, NY 11706-5436

Sunday, November 4, 2007

The LORD's Day November 4, 2007

Time To Give Thanks To The LORD!
Psalm 30

We all need to thank the LORD more than we do. It isn’t so much that we aren’t thankful. It is more that He has done so much- so very much for us.

John 1.16 From the fulness of His grace we have all received one blessing after another. There is much that the LORD is doing for us that we haven’t discovered yet. For example what children, grandchildren or great grandchildren will become... there are things He has done we haven’t recognized. “Open my eyes, LORD is always an appropriate prayer for the believer. There is always more of His goodness in my life that I need to see.

There are times in my life- specific times when I need to be reminded to thank Him.
Some are obvious- others are not so obvious- in fact in some of these times if we aren’t reminded we will fail to than Him at all.

It is time to give thanks to the LORD!

1. Thank Him in the Good Times Psalm 16.6

There are times when there is little stress, times when problems are very small or non existent.

There are times when our hearts are light and there is little to occupy our minds. Some of you are saying, “when is that?” But those times do come.

This is probably one of the least likely times of thanksgiving. This was certainly Israel’s problem... Paul encouraged the church at Thessalonica to give thanks always- this is God’s will for us I Thessalonians 5.18

Why is there a lack of thanks in good and pleasant times?
1- We forget.

2- We are busy.

3- The blessings themselves can capture our love- be careful!

Let’s remember this month and into next the blessings of this past year. There are many, but if do not purposely remember them they are not likely to come to our conscious.

Let’s take time to be still- this is the way we remember.

Let’s give some of those blessings back to the LORD and away to others.

2. Thank Him for the Blessings in Your Life When You are Going Through Difficult Times Philippians 1.3

I thank my God every time I remember you

Paul, the apostle, wrote these words from a Roman prison. The Philippian Church had its beginning in a Roman Prison. Paul is thankful, not for the prison, but because of the blessings the prisons brought- greater than Paul knew in his lifetime- greater beyond measure.

Acts 16.11-40 It was out of hardship and persecution this blessing of his sweetheart church came! This is true. William Cowper’s story behind the beautiful hymn God gave him...

God moves in a mysterious way,
His wonders to perform;
He plants his footsteps in the sea,
And rides upon the storm.

Deep in unfathomable mines
Of never failing skill,
He treasures up his bright designs,
And works his sovereign will.

Ye fearful saints, fresh courage take,
The clouds ye so much dread
Are big with mercy, and shall break
In blessings on your head.

Judge not the LORD by feeble sense,
But trust him for his grace;
Behind a frowning providence,
He hides a smiling face.

His purposes will ripen fast,
Unfolding ev'ry hour;
The bud may have a bitter taste,
But sweet will be the flow'r.

Blind unbelief is sure to err,
And scan his work in vain;
GOD is his own interpreter,
And he will make it plain.

In the darkest times, the Light of Christ comes to us. In fact like no other times when we are going through things like Paul and Cowper does His light shine so brightly!

Thanking God in the dark and difficult times is therapeutic. It gets our heart and mind focused on God and His goodness to us. The darkest moment in Jesus’s life was the cross. Psalm 22 has been called the Psalm of the Cross. Let’s read it and notice how in vs.21-31 there is hope and thanks even on the cross!

The LORD’s Supper

Jesus is our example in thanking God in the dark times- horrific times in our lives. We can give Him thanks for the future promises. He brings wonderful things out of life’s darkest moments.

3. Thank Him in Times of Tragedy When There are no Words Job 1.20-22

Robalinos in the loss of their 8 day old son. I didn’t have to say anything.

4. Thank the LORD every day! Lamentations 3.22-24

His deep love is new every morning, as is His tender affection and mercy.

Day By Day He comes with evidences of His love. Some days we feel more thankful but each day is a LORD’s Day and each day is a day we have much to thank God for. Open your eyes!

5. Thank Him All Day Long!

Psalm 34.1 I will bless the LORD at all times. His praise shall continually be on my lips.

Hebrews 13.15 Therefore by Him let us continually offer the sacrifice of praise to God, that is, the fruit of our lips, giving thanks to His Name.

Thankfulness ought to dominate our lives as believers. This is God’s will This is Jesus’ way. We are the most blessed people on earth and in time.

Let’s take the warning from Israel- I Corinthians 10.10- murmuring- opposite of giving thanks... to grumble in a low tone, cooing of doves (unlike other birds that chirp), those who discontentedly complain. A grumbling complaining pollutes our spirit and those who hear it. God’s love is short circuited- cut off...

Nutritionist’s responses to Dad’s miracle- “Oo I am getting chills up and down my spine!” I like that effect! God does too.

Thanksgiving- not just a National Holiday (Although I am glad it is!) But something to be done in good times, difficult times, even times of tragedy, each day, each moment!

Great is His Faithfulness!

The LORD’s Day
November 4, 2007

We Worship In Singing
We Worship In Prayer
We Worship In Hearing the Word of God
Time To Give Thanks to the LORD Psalm 30

*Tithes and Offerings can be placed in the box at the rear of the sanctuary*
Please join us for coffee and bagels downstairs if you are visiting today.

This Week
Bible Reading Proverbs 6-7
Monday Men’s Prayer Meeting 6:30am in the church basement
Wednesday Bible Study 7:30pm at the parsonage
Thursday Bible Study 10:30am at the church
Next Lord’s Day
Morning Prayer- 10am in the church basement
Morning Worship- 10:30am(Sunday School for Children) Harvest Dinner to follow
Spanish Service- 4pm

In Your Prayers For All of God’s People

Remember the men serving in the armed forces: Bradley, Julia Bujold’s grandson with Special Forces in Afghanistan, home on leave right now, Ken Brown, Pastor’s friend’s son finished his third tour of Iraq- His parents thank us for praying for him. Billy Knapp, Jr. in Iraq with the Marines (neighbor of the church and Pastor- Billy’s sister graduated from Good Shepherd). He is due home at Thanksgiving. Matthew Klaus, brother of Good Shepherd parent in Iraq as a firefighter for Haliburton. Pastor’s nephews’ and niece’s cousin Kim’s husband, Jay, in Iraq. Pray for them and the others away from their families. Praise God for keeping David Louis, Jake Morgan, Ken Brown and Tom Hindelang safe during their times in Iraq. Please pray for Johnathan Kruzner (friend’s son of Rudy Migliore) who lost his arm from a roadside bomb in Iraq last month. Katharina’s Family in the death of her daughter... Remember Robert, her husband and her sons, Norman, Raymond &Jonathan anf their families. Kathy, Ziggy and Margot’s daughter-in-law, under the doctor’s care for fibromyalgia. Thank God for answers to prayer for her.Lucy, their daughter, scheduled for surgery next month. Pray for Eloise Brooks’ Family in their loss and sorrow... Remember Jean Louis on dialysis. Grace Martin, Edie Raevis’ daughter, recovering from surgery on her back and uindergoing Physical Therapy. Edie’s daughter’s mother-in-law, Millie Espisito in serious condition. Reginald Mooney, friend of Terri and John Garry, with a tumor in his kidney. Please remember Pastor’s friend Kim Richardson’s daughter, Kelly recovering from a mastectomy. Please remember this whole family in prayer. Two lymph came back showing cancer in them.... undergoing chemo therapy. Leah May’s cousin, Joan, respiratory problems now home... Lucy Mancini under Orthopedic Specialist’s care and physical therapy for pain and injuries resulting from the accident. Pastor’s Dad, Larry Mancini, Sr. In an intermediary care facility, undergoing physical and speech therapy. There is a blog for him: Stephen Huges, brother of a Good Shepherd Nursery School Mom, their parents home in Hewlett was destroyed in a fire.. Please remember Dr. And Mrs. Mucci in your prayers as well as Judy’s daughter Tatum. Alice Gordon’s brother, Everette, in Illinois, with a serious medical condition... Anka’s family in their time of loss and grief. Joey Reda (Charlie and Diane Davison’s Grandson) experiencing some heart arrhythmia. Prudy’s Mom seeing an oncologist for a lump discovered this week that the doctor believes is not benign. She will have surgery this week. Pastor’s friend, Rudy Migliore, received a very good report from the doctors .Romans 12.15 Jack Simon, a friend of Pastor’s, undergoing tests for a lung problem...Pray for those children who will receive Christmas shoe boxes this December.

*If you are would like to put together a shoe box for a needy child this Christmas,
see Margot for information. They need to be turned in next Sunday, November 11th, the same day as the Harvest Dinner- sign up for what you would like to bring downstairs.

Notes on Our Time in God’s Word This Morning...

Time To Give Thanks To The LORD
Psalm 30

Pastor’s messages are now available online:
Church e-mail:
Church Phone: 631-969-1730
1314 Pine Acres Boulevard, Bay Shore, Long Island, NY 11706-5436