Sunday, September 27, 2009

The LORD's Day September 27, 2009

The End of the Age

Matthew 24.1-14

Jesus told us all we need to know about His Second Coming. He wants us to be with Him. He wants to get us to heaven. We must do our part in obeying Him and following Him. There will be perilous times coming in the time preceding His return. Here are instructions for the Last Days. Here are the main things He wants us to know about in these times in which we live.

1. Watch out that no one deceives you. vs.4-5
to lead astray
To lead aside from the right way (a way that seems right to a man- Proverbs 14.12)
To lead from the truth
To lead into error and sin
To sever or fall away from the truth

Jesus is speaking to the soon to be leaders of the church! This message is not to the crowds, although He knew it would be penned into His Word and we would be looking at it this morning.

Some leaders have been led away from the truth. We are seeing that today.
How does this happen?

First, they get a step away from God’s Word.
Leaning on their own understanding, trying to reason away certain passages of the Bible.
Second, they hear Satan, that old serpent, whisper, "Did God really say..."
(Genesis 3.1) See how subtle he is? He is getting people to question Genesis 1-2 (for 150 years), then he comes and asks this question to a confused mind and bam! They are led from the truth.

He also does this to leaders to try and get them to bring God’s Word into line with the spirit of the age. So today they are removing all the references to God as a male and making it gender sensitive. This begins a breakdown that leads people aside.

Satan gets ministers to stay away from this particular passage of scripture which is full of warning. The disciples asked a question of when... Jesus warned them about that time. They asked Him when are you coming back. He responded with, "Watch out that no one deceives you."

Watch out.
Have discernment! God’s Word and the Spirit. Some have been given this gift. For those who do not have the gift, we need to listen to those who do. We can also pray that God gives us that gift. All of us have a measure of discernment from God.
Use it. As we read the Word of God and meditate upon it our discernment sharpens.

Think about what you are hearing and let the LORD shed the light of His Word on it.
The Bereans were of more noble character than the Thessalonians for they received the message with great eagerness and examined the Scriptures every day to see if what Paul said was true. (Acts 17.11)

Here is one of the main reasons why the church suffers needlessly. The message is not received with great eagerness and there is little examination afterwards of the scriptures. Would you be interested in a get together where we talk about applying the Sunday Morning Message to our lives... taking it a step further? Let me know.

Weigh carefully

Ask if what you are hearing contradicts any part of God’s Word- if it does it is false.
Ask questions like:
Is this a universal truth?... example: Health and Wealth Gospel- shot down by scripture and experiences in 3rd world countries- how does this stack up with the
suffering-persecuted church?

Test the spirits. (I John 4.1) Dear Friends, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, because many false prophets have gone out into the world.


Look for fruit... what is it producing? Is it good or bad?

2. Know that evil will get worse. vs.6-12
There is nothing new under the sun but that doesn’t mean the intensity of things evil already here is not going to get worse.

Let me give you 3 examples... It took years of fighting for Jerusalem to be destroyed in 70 AD- the time Jesus was speaking about. Today a whole country could be wiped out in seconds by nuclear weapons... even the whole world. In fact if God didn’t cut those days short no flesh would saved!

The Roman soldiers gambled for Jesus’ clothing at the foot of the cross. The other day, when I was out at Orient Point, there were loads and loads of people getting on the Sea Jet heading over for the day to gamble at Mohegan Sun or Foxwoods in Connecticut. What was isolated evil has become widespread entertainment.

We went through the Great Depression in 1929 and on through the 1930's. Today we could be facing 15-20% inflation in no time, according to CNBC, this week. All that has to happen is for China or Japan to stop buying up US debt. We are rapidly moving down a road of no return, economically.

Remember God is sovereign. He is in control. He will take care of us! Don’t be afraid!

3. Stand Firm to the end. vs.13-14

Stand in Ephesians 6.10-20
To remain
Don’t move
Let nothing move you! (I Corinthians 15.58)
To not flee
Stand your ground.
To hold fast to one’s faith
To endure bravely and calmly ill treatment due to your faith.

Firm in the Word of God.
Remain in His Word (John 15.7)

Firm in prayer- watch Colossians 4.2,12
Luke 18.1

Firm in the faith.
Don’t read things that will tear down your faith. I came across a web page about disgruntled believers this past week and went to click and felt the Holy Spirit checking me and I realized that I don’t need to read that stuff. It isn’t going to help my walk with the LORD.

Firm in righteousness.
Keep doing what is right no matter what! There used to be a time when people were commended for doing right. That time is passing away. Evil is being spoken of as good. We must do what is right in the eyes of the LORD.

The LORD has given us all we need to know about His return.
Watch, Stay in His Word, Pray and Stand Firm!

Sunday, September 20, 2009

The LORD's Day, September 20, 2009

Serving Humbly

Matthew 23.1-12

Serving the LORD is a wonderful thing. Jesus set the example for us throughout His life. He said that He did not come to be served but to serve and to give His life as ransom for many.

Serving the LORD has inherent rewards. Being a joint partner with the Holy Spirit and seeing God’s kingdom grow is wonderful indeed. The joy that comes from serving the LORD is a tremendous thing. To think that I could bring glory to God is an incredible thought.

Serving the LORD is a wonderful way to live. It is selfless. What a privilege to be part of His Kingdom!

Yet when it comes to serving we need to be careful to not let the flesh or the sinful nature mess us up. It goes against serving. It wants to be served and gratified. Jesus is giving us insight into others’ motives and even our own on how to avoid these pit traps and serve Him with goodness and grace out of a pure heart.

1. Serve! 1-4
Some have used the hypocrisy that exists in the church as a means of being exempt from service.

Christ expects us to serve Him.

In Israel at this time the Pharisees and teachers of the law were not living correctly but that didn’t invalidate the Word of God. Paul asks in Romans 3.3-4 " What if some did not have faith? Does their lack of faith nullify God’s faithfulness? Not at all!"

Not giving or serving or obeying Jesus because of what some phonies and rotten leaders do is not legitimate. My nephew, who has been reading his Bible, told me the other day about a so called minister of the Gospel who said, "Jesus died so you could be healthy and wealthy and successful." Because some go against the Word of God doesn’t exempt us from serving the LORD.

In these opening verses Jesus is pointing out the Pharisees as an example of how not to serve. We don’t have Pharisees today... or do we? There are those who do not practice what they preach, who require more of their hearers than they are willing to do, who do their acts of righteousness to be seen by men and who are interested in honor. There are people like that even in the church. We still must serve.

E. Stanley Jones, "The church with all its faults is still the best serving organization on earth. So get into it and serve!"

2. Do Your Best Not to be Seen By Men. v.5-8
It has to do with motive.

People will see you. This doesn’t mean that we should not be seen at all. If we serve we are bound to be seen eventually.

Try to avoid being seen. You can keep secrets if you want. We surprised my mom last week. It wasn’t easy but we did it. One of my nieces said, "Next time don’t tell me about the surprise. I don’t want to have to worry about keeping quiet." It isn’t easy but it is possible. Aim for this. A person, now in heaven, gave me $1,000 to pass onto someone in need. They asked me to make sure they didn’t know who was giving it. I kept my word.

Do things not to be seen by men but to be seen by God.

Don’t broadcast what you do. I have heard some people speak recently about their prayer time and their fasting. This is broadcasting. Jesus spoke against this.

When they see you, deflect praise.

"... Let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father Who is in heaven." Matthew 5.16

Even when seen our goal is to bring glory to our Father in heaven. If people say, "You are doing wonderful things," give the glory to God. Praise His Name.

Don’t allow the praise to go you. You are a servant. You should seek to be a humble servant. Quietly go about your work for the LORD, knowing He sees what is done in secret and He will reward you.

3. Greatness is serving. v. 9-11

The greatest among you will be your servant. Get yourself in that servant position. That is where greatness in the kingdom of God lies. Serve the Body of Christ.

Serve Him Fully and Wholeheartedly

Don’t go for titles: Rabbi, Father, Teacher... all these were titles of respect. Jesus is saying I am the Master Teacher. Don’t let anyone call you that. We are all His students, His disciples, brothers and sisters. We are not above anyone else and no one should be above us. In the Eastern culture it is common to call a person by his title: "Teacher"... sister, brother, etc. Christ is our teacher

Serve Him with all your abilities and talents.

My heart aches when I think of all the gifts God has given people and how many squander them or waste them on pursuits that do not count for eternity.

Some of the most talented people I have met have struggled with their service to God and offering their God given abilities to Him. Don’t be among those!

Always give yourself fully to the work of the LORD! (I Corinthians 15.58)

4. Humble Yourselves v. 12

This means to behave in an unassuming manner.

It means to be ranked below those who are honored and rewarded. This goes against the flesh. How we love recognition. May that be put to death in all of us!

It means to be assigned to a lower rank or place. Our way up is down. Jesus washed the feet of His disciples. This was a task assigned to the lowest servant in the household. Jesus filled it gladly. May we do the same.

When I worked in the grocery store the bottom shelves needed to be cleaned every once in a while. Back then we were required to wear ties and a white jacket as we worked. My first night on the job I was given steel wool pads and 409 and told to clean all the bottom shelves . I never realized how dirty they were. It was humbling as people I knew came in and saw me with my hands all greasy and dirty cleaning off these shelves. That was good for me!
Humble yourself to a position of serving in God’s Kingdom. Get down where Jesus is! He is with the children. He is with the weak. He is with those in nursing homes and hospitals. Matthew 20.25-28

Humble yourself to serve without recognition of anyone but God Himself. Some of the finest work we do is seen only by the LORD and the people we are serving. Jesus spent time alone in prayer... He often withdrew to lonely places where He prayed. He downplayed His popularity. How we need to follow His example!

If there is any "promoting" let God do it. There is no promotion from serving!

Micah 6.8

He has showed you, O man, what is good. And what does the LORD require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.

I Corinthians 15.58
Therefore, my dear brothers, stand firm. Let nothing move you. Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord, because you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain.
Make Me A Servant

Sunday, September 6, 2009

The LORD's Day, September 6, 2009

A People Who Produce Fruit
Matthew 21.33-46

The word "fruit" (karpos) can be used for:
* Fruit of trees, vines or the field
* Offspring
*That which comes from something, an effect, a result

Our faith effects the way we live, the way we behave.
The LORD is looking for fruit in His people. The LORD is looking for the Fruit of His Spirit within His people.

1. People Who Produce Fruit Are Filled With the Holy Spirit Galatians 5.22-23
The fruit is from the Holy Spirit, beginning with repentance: Matthew 3.8-10
Repentance, a godly sorrow for sin and a change of direction in one’s life... with faith in Jesus for salvation.

As we are filled with the Spirit He produces fruit in our lives. It is a lifelong process of maturity, but the evidence is there all along. When I was a young man I loved seeing the likeness of Christ in others coming through the work of His Spirit in their hearts and lives. I often would see it in areas where I needed to grow. The thirst would come and I would seek the LORD for more fruit in my life.

The natural outgrowth of a healthy plant, bush or tree is fruit. The supernatural outgrowth of a Spirit filled Christian is the fruit of the Holy Spirit.

2. People Who Produce Fruit Are Sweet Galatians 5.22a

The watermelon and the grandchildren the other night... Lili mmm... Tristan

The fruit of the Spirit is love. Love is sweet- very sweet. It makes us go mmm inside!

There is a sweetness in character and disposition in the Spirit Filled Believer.
The psalmist spoke of the sweetness of the Word of God:
Psalm 119.103 How sweet are Your Words to my taste, sweeter than honey to my mouth.
God’s Word in our hearts bring out good words from our mouths- sweet to us and others.
Solomon spoke of these words of encouragement:
Proverbs 16.24 Pleasant words are a honeycomb, sweet to the soul and healing to the bones.

Spirit filled people who are maturing are learning to use this gift with increasing effectiveness.
As we mature we look for opportunities, not to speak of ourselves, but rather to speak word that will cheer and bless and comfort when we do speak. We are also learning to speak less, listen more and pray without ceasing.

The Proverbs also speaks of wisdom that is found in those who are filled with God’s Spirit:
Proverbs 24.14 Know that wisdom is sweet to your soul
3. People Who Produce Fruit Are Strengthened Regularly by God ‘s Word.

Psalm 119.28 Strengthen me according to Your Word. In this situation the psalmist was experiencing deep sorrow. It could be he lost a loved one. It might have been that he just experienced a broken relationship with a person he thought was his friend. It is possible he was carrying a burden for another soul who was in a mess due to sin. It is possible it was something else.

We need daily strength from God’s Word. Saturate yourself in it. Hide it in your heart. Read it Study it. Memorize it. These things will bring you spiritual strength.

Remember what Jesus said about the work of the Holy Spirit in us. John 14.26 But the Counselor, the Holy Spirit, Whom the Father will send in My Name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you. As we hide God’s Word in our heart the Holy Spirit brings it up when we need it for various situations we find ourselves in. We all need this wonderful work in our lives.

Twice in this chapter Jesus asked these who should have known God’s Word, "Have you not read...?" Abide in His Word!

4. People Who Produce Fruit Are Faithful Witnesses for the LORD.
Romans 7.4 So my brothers you also died to the law through the body of Christ, that you might belong to one another, to Him who was raised from the dead, in order that we may bear fruit to God.
Psalm 92.14 They will still bear fruit in old age; they will remain fresh and green.

As witnesses we are to tell what the LORD has done for us. Leave the rest to God.
Just be faithful. That is what matters!

5. People Who Produce Fruit Are Influencing Others without knowing it.
Think about the people who influenced you over your life. They were not aware of it. They lived a life of following Jesus. They loved Him and you were touched by that love they had. This past week I posted some photos of our history on Facebook. From all over the country have come responses about the faithfulness and influence of God’s people in this church through the years.
You are influencing people. You say, "Me, Pastor, I don’t think so!" If you are serving Jesus influence is going out.

The shadow of Peter... Acts 5.15 I like to think Peter wasn’t aware of this when it was happening. How many of us watch our shadow?

6. People Who Produce Fruit Are Experiencing a Foretaste of Heaven in Their Souls.
Blessed Assurance Jesus is mine, Oh what a foretaste of Glory divine!
Paul calls this: the deposit guaranteeing our inheritance. (Ephesians 1.14) He is speaking about the Holy Spirit in our lives, which we were marked with the seal of when we believed.

The Holy Spirit is working in us. We know Christ. We have a Father in Heaven Who cares about us and we are on a journey to spend eternity there with all have believed!

The LORD has put a new song in our hearts so that we sing as we go.

7. People Who Produce Fruit Are The Salt Of the Earth Jesus Spoke About.
Matthew 5.13 You are the salt of the earth

I think of the work of missionaries. They share the gospel. People come to Christ and the whole community is effected. Schools are built and people are helped and lifted from sin into salvation.
I think of the work of medical missionaries, doctors and others who are doing things no one else is doing... like the AIDS Orphanage in Nairobi, Kenya where many of the childrens are infected and their parents are gone.

I think of Christian kids in our school Public School Systems. They have a good influence, an influence for truth. They are light among darkness. Pray for them!

I think of you, out in the work place. Great Pressure is placed upon you to compromise, to do the wrong thing. You are the salt of the earth. You do what is right because you know God is watching and seeing all.

People who produce fruit are filled with the Holy Spirit, have a sweetness about them, are being strengthened regularly by the Word of God, are faithful witnesses for the LORD, are experiencing that foretaste of heaven in their souls and are the salt of the earth.

Let the LORD have His way with you so that out of your life the Spirit will produce fruit, fruit that will remain, for the glory of God.