Sunday, February 28, 2010
The LORD's Day, February 28, 2010
Sunday, February 21, 2010
The LORD's Day February 21, 2010
Genesis 6.7-7.24
Each story in the Bible is history. History is really His Story- God's account of working on earth.
We have in Genesis 1-2 The His Story of Creation
Genesis 3 The His Story of Sin
Genesis 4-5 The His Story of Cain and Abel
and the generations to Noah
In the scripture we read this morning we have the His Story of the flood on the earth and how life was preserved to repopulate it.
When you come to faith in the LORD Jesus Christ you take Him at His Word and accept the Bible as fact, as it it indeed is.
Each Story in His Story contains things we can glean from for our lives. These are Eternal Universal Truths. God speaks from the accounts in the Bible to our souls today. We learn and live. There is much to learn from in the account of Noah.
1. In the Absolute Worst of Times God Still Has His People.
Noah's time was a time of great wickedness on the earth 6.5
when every inclination of the thoughts of man's heart was only evil all the time
The earth was corrupt on God's sight and full of violence -6.11
It was the worst time on earth up to now but Noah found favor/grace in the eyes of the LORD.
In times of national and worldwide crisis God's people can lose perspective.
Elijah's lament:I Kings 19.10 The Israelites have rejected Your Covenant, broken down Your altars and put Your prophets to death with the sword. I am the only one left, and now they are trying to kill me too."
I am the only one left- looking at the situations can cause our hearts to melt in fear.
v.18 7,000 all whose knees have not bowed down to Baal.
2. Noah Spoke God's Word in a Time When Judgment was Imminent. II Peter 2.4-5
He did not spare the ancient world when He brought the flood on its ungodly people, but protected Noah, a preacher of righteousness and seven others.
Preacher= a herald or messenger with public authority conveying official messages of a king.
Hebrews 11.7 By faith Noah, when warned about things not yet seen, in holy fear built an ark to save his family. By faith he condemned the world and became heir of righteousness that comes by faith.
Noah spoke with God's authority, the Word of God and no one responded. After 120 years of giving out God's Word while building the ark, he had the same amount of people, the same people he began with. He was commended for his faithfulness to the LORD, even when there were no converts.
3. The Days Preceding Jesus' Return Will Be Like Noah's Matthew 24.37-44
Life will be going on 24.37-38
Unaware of judgment until it is too late vs.39-41
The ark must have appeared to the people on earth as a foolish waste of time.
Our faith in Genesis-Revelation appears the same II Peter 3.3-7
Jesus used(s) the Noah analogy to drive home to His followers this point: Be ready for the Son of Man will come at an hour when you do not expect Him.
4. The LORD Keeps His People Secure When The Earth Gives Way Psalm 46.2
Whether it is "our world" coming down in loss and tragedy or literally the earth itself.
God is our refuge and strength, an ever present help in time of trouble.
He is faithful to all His Promises. Psalm 145.13
II Peter 2.5 He protected Noah
Protect= to guard that he may remain safe, to keep watch, have an eye upon him
Sunday, February 14, 2010
The LORD's Day February 14, 2010 Happy Valentine's Day and Chinese New Year!
Genesis 6.1-6
We don't hear this enough today. Soren Kekegard wrote, "The human race in the course of time has taken the liberty of softening Christianity until at last we have continued to make it exactly the opposite of what it is in the New Testament."
Too we simply look at what we can get from God alone. This shows up in our prayers. We tend to gravitate to what we need. We move over to Thanksgiving but we have to stay focused on that or we revert back to asking. Few people get to the place Isaiah got to where he said, "Here am I. Send me." (Isaiah 6.8)
True disciples of Jesus follow Him and look at what they can give the LORD. They look at how tye can serve Him.
Here in this scripture we see God's heart being grieved. His heart was filled with pain (v.6) The LORD has feelings. It is possible to delight in Him or grieve Him by the way we live.
Man's great wickedness - His heart inclined to evil thoughts constantly.
v.11 the earth was full of violence
The idea of grief here is to be moved to pity, to have compassion, be comforted.
It carries the idea of hurt, pain, being displeased, torture and vexed
We are told in Genesis 1.31 God saw all that He had made and it was very good.
Now as He looks (6.5) it has become very bad. This is all due to sin, sin entering the human race and the world, men becoming evil and violent and wicked. God is grieved to the point of being sorry He even created life (v.7)
v.8 But Noah found favor in the eyes of the LORD... and so we see the beginnings of Grace!
Let's go to the New Testament. Is this concept of grieving the LORD a possibilty? Look at Ephesians 4.30
This means we can bring sadness or sorrow upon the Holy Spirit by our lives as believers!
Look at the context.
* v.29 any unwholesome talk
Jokes that are improper, foul language, fourletter words are out of place for God's people.
Gossip tears people up and has absolutely no benefit.
Our conversation should be limited to only what is helpful to building others up.
Following Jesus- He spoke the words that cheered and blessed. Imagine people listening to our conversations and receiving blessings and benefits. That is possible!
A man walked into the Park Street Church in Boston one night after the Wednesday Night Prayer Meeting. The wives of the elders were in a meeting with the pastor. The ladies sat in the sanctuary waiting for their husbands when in he came in. He asked to the pastor. The ladies told him he was in a meeting and would be out shortly. The meeting ended. They pointed introduced the man to the pastor. The man said, "I came in here tonight to decide whether to follow the LORD or not. But I don't need to see you now. After listening to these ladies talk my mind has been made up. Their conversation was so good about Him and others that I decided to follow Him. Their conversation drew me in."
This pleases the LORD- unwholesme talk grieves His Spirit.
There is more:
v.31 These things specifically are mentioned here as grieving the Spirit.
Bitterness- we all have things floating around that we could harbor- Don't! Send them out to sea!
Rage and Anger- self control is a fruit of the Spirit/ fits of rage a work of the flesh
Brawling, slander, malice in all its many forms- all grieve the Spirit.
Of course nay sin does.
3. LIVE A LIFE OF LOVE! Ephesians 4.32-5.7
For God vs.4.32-5.2
For Others vs.3-7
Love the LORD your God with all your heart, soul, mind and strength
Love Others as yourself and you will not grieve the Spirit and you will fulfill the law. Love is the fulfillment of the law and the only way to please the LORD!
Sunday, February 7, 2010

Genesis 4.1-26
This was early in human history. In just a few generations from Adam, as the population of the earth increased, men began to call on the Name of the LORD.
This is the first time prayer is mnetioned in the Bible. In between the fall of Adam and Eve, until this point, there does appear that there was a great deal of communication with the LORD. Abel brought sacrifices that pleased God. This was right and good. Now there is widespread prayer.
1. At That Time vs.1-25
We read of tremendous progress taking place here in the early days of life on the earth. Livestock is being raised, the arts in music being developed, tools being made and cities being built. It is something what man was able to do back then with his imagination and the natural resources of the earth.
We also read of the first and second murder as well as the first lie. These things can ame the progress seem as Solomin wrote in Ecclesiates, "meaningless!"
It was a time of progress and pain, a time of hope and a time of sin moving through the young population on earth.
At that time men began to call on the Name of the LORD.
2. Our Time II Timothy 3.1-5
We live in a time of terror, a time when we need to take precautions and security with our belongings all the way through to our identities. There are horrific things going on.
But we ought not to be anxious or distressed! God's promises are true. His Word stands firm. Psalm 119.89 Your Word, O LORD, is eternal; it stands firm in the heavens!
We are facing the same old evil but now it is in exponential form.
Yet as believers we have no business writhing our hands and fretting or worrying or acting as if we are on the losing side. The time we are in, this time, is a time for men to call upon the Name of the LORD.
I remember being part of a dinner a few years ago at the Brooklyn Tabernacle. There were 40 pastors there, all from Long Island. Pastor Cymbala asked us a question, "Is your churchcring out to God? If not, why not?"
We are to look to God and His Word for strength, wisdom and spiritual growth. We have His Spirit to guide us. This is a time for men to call upon the Name of the LORD!
3. Call out to God- Calling on His Name. vs. 26
The names of God are the nature of God! Calling out to Him means:
* To cry out to Him- baby in need cries, children in pain cry
* It means to do it loudly with emotion "God Help Us!" This is what we do when we are in distress. If someone we love is in danger we cry, "O God Please help us!" Souls in danger this day.
* It means to summon. We need you O LORD!
*To invite
-Recognize the time- it is time to call out to God
-Realizing our needs- God's power (Ephesians 3.20-21) God's help (Psalm 46.1) For forgiveness Psalm 86.5 You are forgiving and good, O LORD, abounding in love to all who call to You.
-Remembering Who He Is
The Creator, the Sustainer
Psalm 89.37 David liked the promises of God to him to the moon, the faithful witness in the sky. When I was just 2 years old growing up in Queens, one hot summer night my dad and mom and Nana and Poppa and I went for a walk. We lived right across from Kennedy Airport, then known as Idlewhile. I was fixated with the moon. I didn't care about the planes. I wanted to walk to the moon. Way back then God was drawing my heart. As I put this message up on early this morning on this blog, I looked out the window and there was the moon shining in all its brilliance. That same moon I saw 51 years ago in Queens on that hot summer night, that same moon that David saw 3,000 years ago and wrote about it. That same moon that God spoke into existence at creation. He is drawing my heart. He is drawing your heart today to call out to Him in this time we are in. It is time to call- when we call He answers!