The great events of human history (His Story) are creation, the fall of man, the establishment of Israel, the Word of God given to us, the Birth of Jesus Christ, the death and resurrection of our LORD, His Ascension, the establishment of the Church on Day of Pentecost and the one yet to be fulfilled: The Second Coming/ The Return of Jesus Christ to the earth.
This is how the birth of Jesus Christ came about- vs.18
Before we look at that this morning:
1. This is WHY the Birth of Jesus Christ Came About
It was not an afterthought or an alternative plan because the Old Covenant did not work. The Old pointed to the New.
All human history is measured by this great event.
Genesis 3.1-8, 14-15
Revelation 13.8 the Lamb Who was slain from the creation of the world
Many songs have been written about this. God sent His Son Jesus to be born. It was something that was part of His Plan from eternity.
2. This is WHEN The Birth of Jesus Christ Came About.
It wasn't December 25, 0000BC More likely in early winter to early spring around 4BC The date was not recorded. It followed 400 years of silence from the Old Testament and 4,000 years of human history, thus the 4 Sundays of Advent. We celebrate His coming the first time and the waiting and joy that LORD has come!
Galatians 4.4 But when the time had fully come, God sent His son, born of a woman, born under the law, to redeem those under the law.
3. This is WHERE the birth of Jesus Christ Came About.
Micah 5.2 Bethlehem, Judah, Israel
House of Bread
City of David
Rachel, the mother of Joseph and Benjamin is buried there.
Boaz's fields
Least among the clans of Judah
Insignificant, out of the way place- often where God works- Jesus' first miracle.
4. This is HOW the Birth of Jesus Christ Came About.
Virgin Birth
Isaiah 7.14
It was a miracle. Miracles cannot be explained.
Jesus' birth and resurrection is beyond description.
5. This is WHAT the Birth of Jesus Christ brought about.
John 1.11-14 The New Birth John 3
Becoming children of God. We are not "all God's children!" We must be born from above. My new granddaughter Maddie looks like her mom and dad- children look like their parents, act like them. Our behavior shows whose children we are. When we are born again we begin to become like God, Our Father.
Our names are written down in heaven, the Lamb's Book of Life.
The love the Father has lavished upon us!
Love God.
Love one another.