The LORD has brought Israel out of Egypt. They were now in the wilderness, the Sinai Desert. He was bringing them into the Promised Land, a land that flowed with milk and honey... and still does today!
Moving several million people across the Sinai was a monumental task. Humanly speaking it would have been impossible. As we know however, All things are possible with God.
The LORD led this move by His Visible Presence in a cloud. This was a standing and moving miracle. This cloud was the signal that guarded and guided the nation of Israel as they journeyed from Egypt to the land God had given it as their very own.
The trek ended up taking 40 years due to disobedience. Disobedience slows things that God would like to do in your life up. It messes up your life. Disobedience makes you miss out on good things and gives you disappointments. It steals things you could have had. It is a wise thing to obey God's Word and will in your life.
Paul ties this journey Israel made to our own pilgrimage I Corinthians 10.1-12.
How do we, under the New Covenant, apply these lessons to our journey to heaven?
First v.17
1. Keep In Step With The Spirit. Galatians 5.25
The way is mapped out for us. God has a perfect plan. We are however are imperfect. We must seek to follow Him.
God leads us along. He leads along the safest way spiritually for us.
He does not lead us into temptation. He leads us in the paths of righteousness.
Love, joy and peace, faithfulness, patience, kindness, goodness, gentleness and self control.
He leads us to forgive, to go the second mile, to move with Him.
If we are to move with the Spirit we must
2. Abide in Christ. John 15.5-7
The tabernacle was in the center of the camp.
Christ is to be in the center of our lives.
Moving with the Spirit is fixing our eyes upon Jesus. Hebrews 12.2
Remaining in Him, His Word, and carrying on regular conversations with Him in prayer are vital for moving with the Spirit of God.
Draw your strength from Him as He is the vine and we are the branches.
Keeping our eyes fixed upon Him automatically eliminates much uncertainty and confusion. This world is getting more confusing all the time. Our culture is crazy. We live in a time when people think little of the consequences of their actions. Major decisions are made that will effect not only their lives but generations to come if Jesus tarries in His Return.
Moving with the Spirit...
1. Keep in step with the Spirit
2. Abide in Christ
3. Let the Word of Christ Dwell in You Richly. Colossians 3.16
In the ark of the covenant were the ten commandments. The cloud was over the moral law of God.
What chokes out the Word of God in someone's life?
Luke 8.14 Life's worries, riches and pleasures.
Watch out for these things stopping the Word of God from dwelling richly in you.
The deceitfulness of wealth and the desires for other things come in and choke the Word making it unfruitful. (Mark 4.19)
Let God's Word dwell in you richly, not the desire for more money or things.
Wealth is deceitful
1. I just want enough to be comfortable. You'll never have enough. How much is enough? Just a little bit more.
2. If I gamble and win the lottery I'll give away most of my money.
3. So many of my problems would be eliminated if I had a lot of money.
Worry is deceitful as well.
1. Its all over!
2. I can change things by worrying.
3. If I don't worry then I am being irresponsible.
On this moving with the Spirit on this journey we are on...
4. Your Attitude Should Be the Same as That of Christ Jesus. Philippians 2.5
Same heart and mind as Jesus!
Everything in my heart and mind centered on Presence and Direction of God.
God gives us direct, continuous, unmistakable, infallible Guidance and Care.
He wants us to depend on Him for direction.
Move with the Spirit!
Rest in Christ's Work.
Live by His Word.
Walk in His Will.