Sunday, August 26, 2012

Bringing Down The Strongholds In Our Lives

Joshua 6.1-23

For Israel to receive all that God had promised them they had to bring down strongholds. God had promised the land they had just crossed the Jordan River to come into. Now Jericho stood there. 300 feet thick walls, 60 feet high, the city looked imposing to say the least.

The LORD works in us to bring into perfect balance and glorious freedom. A stronghold is where Satan has occupied territory, not rightfully his. This can happen through a number of ways.

Jericho was a Stronghold and yet...

1. Jericho was in fear because of the LORD and what He was through Israel.
It had to be conquered for Israel to inherit all God had for them.
The LORD had dried up the Jordan.-vs.5
He can strike fear in the enemy.
James 2.19
Panic and terror and dread of Israel had come into the city of Jericho, into the camp of the enemy.
Let the reports of God's work flourish among His people. I appreciate Samaritan's Purse, serving in difficult situations but sharing the good news!
Let the news of God's mighty power bring discouragement to the enemy.
A missionary to China was asked years ago,"What on earth are you going to bury yourself in China for? You'll never stand the climate- you'll be dead in 6 months!" The lady missionary responded, "I want you to know 5 years ago I died. When Jesus Christ called me to China, I bowed my head at the Cross and died to everything except God and China." She had faced the criticism of her Jericho. I believe gossip and negative faithless attitudes can be strongholds in God's people and can be used by the enemy to hold up progress. Look at the history of this nation.

God can handle our Jerichoes. He can strike fear in the hearts of those who oppose Him!

2. Jericho was an obstacle to Israel going in and possessing the land God had for them. Joshua 5.13-15
There are things that stand in our way of total victory.
Secret sins Psalm 90.8
Our own past failures.
Sins against us.
Obstacles can be as natural as the Jordan River and as man made as the city of Jericho.
All of these things can become strongholds.
Jericho is whatever is holding you back from entering into all the Promises of God. Hebrews 11.30 Our Jerichoes are brought down by God if we yield to Him, have faith, submit to to His will.

3. The LORD brought Jericho down.
Joshua may have been strategizing. I have seen seemingly endless strategy meetings over the years when facing problems but far too few prayer meetings! In each chapter of The Book of Acts The church was either on it's way to a prayer meeting, at a prayer meeting or coming from a prayer meeting.
Prayer pulls down strongholds. The circumcision at Gilgal reaffirmed thei faith and the Covenant God made with them. We look to Him for direction. The true character of our victory and nature of our warfare are spiritual. II Corinthians 10.4

When God's people wait on Him in obedience, He acts.

Israel was on its way to possessing the land so God could accomplish His purposes in them.

Sunday, August 19, 2012

We Have Never Passed This Way Before

Joshua 3.1-5

As we walk with the LORD, He brings us into new territory, givpingp us new opportunities to trust Him and new opportunities to serve Him.

Israel had wandered around in the desert for 40 years. Now they were going into the Promised Land, the land the LORD God had swore on oath to give to the descendants of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.

They needed to cross the Jordan River first. This event in Israel's history was a defining moment for the new generation of understanding God's power and His ability to take care of His people.

This is a way of God: to display His power and His love as He leads us through impossibilities and on into new ground of serving Him.

The LORD does not map out our whole life for us to see. He orders our steps. he gives us installments as we obey Him and move into the things
 He has planned for us to do.

* Joseph 17 years old was the favorite son and a dreamer.
The next 13 years he was a slave and a prisoner (for crimes he did not commit).
The rest of his life he served as Egypt's ruler next to Pharaoh!

Moses 40 years in the palace of Pharaoh
40 years as a shepherd because he was a fugitive.
40 years leading God's people across the desert.

Joshua 40 years in Egyptian bondage/slavery.
40 years as Moses aide across the desert.
At 80 leading Israel into the Promised Land.

What might appeared to be detours and wasted years , filled with pain was God working in all these things with incredible order and precision. The same is true with your life today!

So Joshua is leading now. Joseph bones are being carried along so he can buried in the Promise Land. Moses is buried on Mount Nebo. Joshua is at the helm. God has encouraged him and they are ready to move!

3.15 God brought the Nation of Israel into the land He promised to give them when the Jordan River was at flood stage!

The question could be asked, "Wouldn't it be better to wait until the river subsided after the flood season ended?" That way they could wade through the water. Human reasoning prevents people from obeying God. Leaning on our understanding is a sure way to not trust God's Word.

The LORD often brings us through overwhelming circumstances when He is getting ready to open up new territory for us. Traveling to a new place spiritually is not always a pleasure trip. It is often through circumstances we would never choose for ourselves.
So it was in the Exodus out of Egypt,
So it was in the Entrance into the Promised Land.
So it is with almost every departure and entrance into God's Will today.

Crossing into new land always has challenges. The 2 1/2 tribes of Reuben, Gad and Manessah  which asked their inheritance to  be on this side of the Jordan demonstrate the human desire to settle in, to not progress, to not push ourselves beyond our limitations.

The LORD brings His people to rivers to cross many times at flood stages. When we think the desert is behind us then a river shows up! Relax the LORD knows what He is doing!
He gave faith for this miracle.
He gave strength for the journey.
He gave hope for the future.

Psalm 114

vs.6-8 The priests went ahead of them.
Jesus is our great high priest.
He has gone ahead of us.
He was tempted like we are yet was without sin. 
He sympathizes with our weaknesses.

We have never passed this way before.

What river does the LORD have in your Path for you to cross today? What obstacles to overcome? 

Look to the other side. See what He has promised! Let's go!

ath for you to cross 

* Joseph 17 years as the favorite son and a dreamer

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Taking on the Land Before Us

Joshua 1.6-9

There has been a stirring in my heart the past 7 or so weeks. It has been increasing almost daily. The LORD has used events to put me in the mix of our culture. At the town pool, at Target, at Barnes and Noble, an other places, my eyes are being opened.

I want you to join me on this journey! It is not coincidental that we are beginning the Book of Joshua, rather it is in God's perfect timing. This is God's time for us!

Like a mighty army moves the Church of God. It has become increasingly apparent to my soul how we are like Joshua and Israel.

Far too often today things are dismissed with great potential. So often this happens with the church. China and Africa are proof of this. Incorrect assessments are made. This has happened throughout history.
*Walt Disney was fired from a newspaper for "lacking imagination" and "having no original ideas."
*Albert Einstein was not able to speak until he was almost 4 years old and his teachers said he would "never amount to anything."
*Colonel Harland Sanders began KFC with his first Social Security check. Up to then he had a string of failures at various attempts to start a restaurant business.

Joshua was 80 years old when he began to lead the nation into conquest of the land the  LORD God had promised them. Into the Promised Land, being right in the middle of God's work while in his 80's.

Joshua and Jonah are books of Destiny.
Joshua is focused on new beginnings, Jonah on judgement and endings (at first).

God's Word to Joshua as he prepared to lead Israel into the Promised Land is for you and I this morning. For the LORD to bring us into new territory, we need to understand His heart revealed in Jonah 4.11
But Ninevah has more than 120,000 people who cannot tell their right and from their left, and many cattle as well. Should I not be concerned about that great city?

We are called to be witnesses for Him.

1. Be Strong.  v.6
Ephesians 6.10-13 our strength is from the LORD.
4.13 become mature, attaining to the whole measure of the fullness of Christ. Jesus shows us how to share our faith. I love John 3&4!
Strength to take on the land. The landscape is ever changing today.
Our strength, our help is in Christ Jesus. He baptizes us with the Holy Spirit for power to be His witnesses.

2. Be Courageous.  v.6
...we are more than conquerors through Him Who loved us Romans 8.37
8.31 If God is for us, who can be against us?
Joshua 2.24 how we need to trust in the LORD for a demonstration of the Spirit's power
I Corinthians 2.1-5
Not a drive or push but being led by the Spirit.

3. Hold God's Word in High Esteem.  vs.7-8
John 15.7 Abiding, remaining
The Presence of God daily by His Word dwelling within.
On your lips, in your heart, lighting your path

4. Don't be Terrified.  v.9
Sharing our faith can be terrifying! These days we are shocked by what we see.
Remember the LORD is going before you.

5. Do not be Discouraged.  v.9
Seven nations held the land of Canaan with strongholds of chariots of iron.
Sharing our faith today is a real spiritual battle.
Resist the temptation to retreat.

What a time to be a witness for Jesus Christ! Let's go!