Sunday, September 30, 2012

Caleb, A Man of Faith And Perserverance

Caleb, An Example of Faith and Perseverance

Joshua 14.6-15

Often faith and perseverance walk hand in hand. In this  instant gratification world, it is easy to forget that. Let me illustrate with the holiday classic movie, March Of The Wooden Soldiers. Back in the day, once a year, on Thanksgiving Day. Now, anytime you wish, you can pause it rewind it, pick out a favorite scene all in color!

Caleb's name means "wholehearted".

He followed the LORD in the way we should follow Him... With all our heart, soul, mind and strength. He followed Him in the face of disappointment. He was ready to go in and take the land but the nation retreated.

Caleb's waiting showed his perseverance and faith. Waiting proves the man or woman of God.
He believed the Word, recalled the promise, and claimed the blessing.

1.Caleb waited 45 years to receive what was promised to him.
This waiting period was due to the sin and unbelief of others.
He did not let the unbelief of others deter him. We cannot either.
He did not it discourage him. Still I will follow.
He did not kept it dissuade him.
He kept the faith while other's failed.
He spoke according to his convictions. Verse seven
He knew how to stand alone. The whole nation panicked. 
The temptation is there to hide our convictions when they are unpopular.
The history of Caleb is the history of every man who is honest and sets himself apart from the prevailing opinions of the day. If your heart is right with God you will speak the truth.

He was a man of sincerity and integrity, a model of unbending integrity. 

Caleb advocated the course that seemed to be the most dangerous.

The secret to Caleb's character was a whole hearted devotion to the LORD. A steady, progressive life of faithfulness.

Caleb was 20 years older than the oldest man other than Joshua in all of Israel.
He testified of
God's faithfulness v.10
God's goodness v.11
God's power v.12

Our ability to gain the power over our enemies is not in our wisdom or strength but in the LORD being with us.

2. When it came time for him to receive the promises he wanted all the LORD had for him. v.12

Caleb set a high value on the promises of God. So should we! He was humble. He looked to the LORD for strength.

Numbers 14.24

He had wait through wilderness wanderings, struggles, conflict.
He had an unshakable conviction that the LORD delights in.

The time was in his latter years. The vision of the LORD can grow sharper as the years pass. Verse 11
Strong in the faith.
15.14 he expelled the enemy from the land... The end if Joshua tells us that many were unable to. He drove out three giants.

The best reward for faithfulness is the renewed ability to serve. 

He took on the Anakims. We face fear, temptations, persecutions. They can be defeated through faith.

3. Caleb was a generous man. 15.13-19
Proverbs 11.25
A generous man waters himself.
The blessings of his life overflowed to others.
What a wonderful thing to be able to go into old age with an overflowing experience. Brother Hazard was like that. Full of the fruit of the Spirit, overflowing with generosity.
God rewards obedience. Verse nine
Hebron= fellowship, love and communion. Here Abraham spoke face to face with the LORD. Caleb caught a glimpse of the reward of discipleship at Hebron. He pressed on until Hebron was his! 14.14

4. Caleb was an ordinary man.
Not a the leader of Israel or a prince, just a spy. Had there been 12 Calebs  there would have been no wanderings out in the wilderness.
Moses and Joshua were the faithful leaders. Caleb was a faithful follower. More followers than leaders, more humble men than exalted ones. Be a faithful follower of the LORD's.

Kenaz was an Edomite name... Possible brought into Israel  by "adoption"

The memory of Caleb's victories inspire us.
What territory does the LORD have for you to claim in these last days?
Caleb's God is our God!

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Learning From Past Failures and Mistakes

Joshua 11.1-15

Learning from past failures and mistakes. The best lessons are learned this way. In a perfect world we would not need this message but we do not live in a perfect world.

If instead if regretting or denying failures we keep a teachable spirit, God can use them to shape us, form us and build wisdom by experience into our lives. 

We are confessional people as believers. We believe that we need to ask the LORD for forgiveness as we walk with Him. The LORD's Prayer validates that. "Give us this day our daily bread. Forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors."

We may forget what He said.
We may miss opportunities.
We may fall short of perfect love.
We may miss the mark.*

Joshua had made a mistake making a treaty with the Gibeonites.  10.1-4 this caused the formation of a coalition of forces against Israel. They were defeated. This precipitated in Jabin king of Hazor to form a coalition. All of this was due to the peace treaty Israel made with Gibeon. This was treaty was made in part as we shared last week because they did not inquire of the LORD 9.14

How do we learn from past failures, places where we have missed the mark?

1. Admit  It
This is often very difficult. 
It takes humility.
It requires honesty with yourself.
It strikes at pride.
It has risks.
*people may bring it up
*some will look at it as a sign of weakness... Politicians for instance make excuses.

It is the pathway out of problems created by it.
Looking to the LORD beyond what people might say or are thinking.

Joshua showed he did by his actions. Luke 7.35
Jesus was meek and lowly in spirit. We are His followers. We ought to be the same!... Or becoming like Him. For us that means being ready to admit when we have *
forgotten what He said.
 missed opportunities.
fallen short of perfect love.
 missed the mark.

2. Correct It In Your Thinking
The renewing of your mind Romans 12.1-3
Change in behavior begins in your heart and in your mind.
Humility is the door to change.

E.M. Bounds Power Through Prayer. Little Book - in the back of our church when I was a kid there was a tract rack and some little books. I picked up this little book on prayer. As a ten and eleven year old kid I was reading these challenging and wonderful words. Still have that little book.
Now available on line. 
On our church Facebook page and Sunday morning message blog. Read it. It will touch your heart!
I remember the effect that book had on my heart but also on my thinking, on my mind. Why it has stayed right with me to this day! It formulated in my mind thinking about prayer. It will renew your mind. Let God's Word first and then time tested books touch your heart.

Joshua obviously had corrected some wrong thought processes. His future behavior showed it

3. Incorporate In Your Life.
Live by it.
Refuse to compromise. 
Think of those observing your life.
Time is a great confirmed of change in heart and mind. 11.16-19

You cannot undo the past but when confronted with a similar 
situation, you can redeem it.

I John 2.1-2

Monday, September 17, 2012

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Leaning On Your Own Understanding

Joshua 9.1-15

The temptation faces us regularly: to act without prayer. I have been developing the habit of responding, when someone asks me something, "Let me pray about that"" It is something I learned from an older pastor years ago. It is wise, always wise to seek the LORD in everything.

When going into a situation where it will be tempting to say things that would cause problems, "LORD, put a guard over my mouth, watch over the doors of my lips."

The enemy works against us doing this. He is a roaring lion and a deceitful serpent, sly and cunning. So cunning that here in Joshua 9 they even gave praise to God. Not everyone who says, "LORD, LORD..."

After victories at Jericho and Ai, they failed in one of the reasons that gave them initial trouble in Ai. 

Israel failed to do pray in this in this situation. They failed to seek guidance from the LORD. They forgot what He had told them. They got caught up with the sight and taste before them which led them down the wrong path. They did not inquire of the LORD.

1. Don't Rely On Your Natural Senses. vs.12-14a
We need the power of God's Spirit against the giants and the wisdom of His Spirit against the serpents. His deceit is more subtle than his open assaults. He is more dangerous as an angel of light than a roaring lion. Israel's faith had been thrown off guard. The enemy seeks to do that to us today. He desires to sift us out like wheat. (Luke 22.31-32)

The Israelites relied on the evidence of their natural senses rather than on the counsel of God. Sight and taste were involved in the original sin. They were also involved here. Watch out for these things.

Our struggle inwardly is the flesh vs. the Spirit. The arm of flesh will fail you. You dare not trust your own! We do more harm than good when we hastily make decisions without praying or consulting God's Word.

Natural senses can easily lead us astray. We must be careful in our reasonings.

Human wisdom is weak. We are encouraged to seek godly wisdom , wisdom that is from above.  (James 3.17)
We are not fit guides for ourselves. We are like sheep. We need a Shepherd and we have One!

It could have been their fame spreading to distant lands that filled them with pride. Pride comes before a fall.

2. Remember Past Lessons

The scriptures
God had told them not to enter into any covenant with the people of the land. Deuteronomy 7.1-6

The LORD wants to direct us. James 1.5 gives direction if we need direction.

Be like children. Obey without questioning the reasons.  That is the kind of obedience which delights parents and the kind which blesses our Father in Heaven.

Our own lives.
It is good to take Life Lessons to heart. Learn from others spiritual success and failures and your own. Hebrews 13.7
Consider= look attentively, observe accurately
Imitate = mimic
Outcome= their exit, the way they ended their lives, also can apply to their escape from temptation.

3. Don't Fail To Pray
Faith was endangered by the failure to bring everything to the LORD. Oh what needless pain we bear!

Even in the most obvious matters we should pray. This safeguards us from our own flawed judgement.

The Gibeonites' explanation seemed simple enough. We need to always be on our guard.

God never fails to give light to those who ask Him for it.

4. Seek Direction From The LORD.
In everything! Don't take things for granted. Don't assume. Even the seeming little or simple things need God's personal direction.

Had they inquired of the LORD, they would have gone to the priests. Remember the LORD had the Urim and the Thummim. These were for making decisions. They would have gotten a clear no from God. Instead they created great problems by leaning on their own understanding.  Numbers 27.18-23 Joshua was promised help in making decisions but he did not seek the help.

Take God as your Counselor in great matters and in little ones. Always consult Him. It will avoid a lot of needless pain in your life!

Seeking the LORD:
*purifies the desires.
*calms the passions
*reveals the mysterious nature of things, shows the fraudulent. 
*helps bring to mind His Word.
*gives me clarity of reasoning

Proverbs 3.5-6

Sunday, September 9, 2012

He Is Near

Psalm 46
  The LORD is with us In all of life. Sometimes life brings us into distress, into dire straits. If  we are a follower of Jesus there are blessings even in those times. In fact those blessings become more meaningful th,n the every day blessings.
Refuge= shelter from rain or storm
Strength= physical personal might, social and political
Very= exceedingly
Trouble= straits, distress, vexer, rival wife-Jacob Genesis 30

Not our armies, not our fortresses, not our SDS, not our military intel.
Not in our ingenuity, our strategy, our resources...

1.The LORD God is our refuge.
We look at rain to represent trouble. Jesus spoke of the rain and the sun on the good and the bad. If we had only sun would have a desert. If rain only (but people don't wish for that).

We need shelter from the rain and the storm. We can watch it and feel secure. Many natural refuges in Israel. Cleft of the Rock.

I watched the video clips on my iPad this morning of the two tornados which hit Brooklyn and Queens last evening. At the end of the one near Canarsie they were scampering for shelter. It can be the difference between life and death in a storm.

The dark clouds can make us feel bad, sorrow is like that as is depression.

Christ covers us:
With His Presence.  I will be With you.  Psalm 23, Matthew 28.20
With His Peace.  Peace I leave with you My peace I give you. John 14.7 
With His Love. Compassion, closeness, touch. Greater Love has no one... 13

2.The LORD God is our strength.
So often people ask,  "How are they going on?" obits- 9 year old boy, Virginia, cancer; 37 year old pastor, car accident in Michigan.

He gives us physical strength. The overall health of people who pray regularly studies have shown. Praying connects us with God's Throne and eternity.

He brings us special gifts. The praying mantis on the door when we left to go upstate last week.

His Word is reassuring and strengthening. I read I Thessalonians 4.13-18 this Wednesday just before my Dad's burial.

Sometimes He brings that strength through His people. Let us always be aware of the pain and difficulties others are going through.

3.The LORD God is a very present help.
Exceedingly, more than enough! He is with us in ways we cannot imagine until we experience them.
He comes to us when we are in distress like no other can.
His Word is wonderful. So many fall short!D

He is more present than the trouble itself! I've been overflowing with Thanksgiving this past week because of Jesus, His Word, His people, all coming through in His Presence.

Earthquake, not heart quake.

He is faithful to all His Promises! (Psalm 145.13)
One of those promises is our blessed hope! John 14.1-3
Thanksgiving 1973, first one upstate
Worked in the Giant Market, at the foot  of the hill road leading up to my parents' new home. They invited LIers to come. Some stopped in the store on their way up. The celebration had begun. I had to be at work. I always enjoyed working, but my heart was up on that hill where my family was gathering. That emotion returned this past week, only now it is heaven! The promises of God for us this morning are more precious than we can imagine!

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Today's Message

I apologize for no message being posted today. I am in Endicott, New York with family. My Dad went to be with the LORD Friday Morning. His funeral service is tomorrow morning