Sunday, October 28, 2012

Whatever Happens

Philippians 1.27-30

We have some challenges facing us as believers. Those who do not know Christ chalk up things to fate or bad luck or karma. But we have the LORD God as our Father In heaven, Jesus as our Savior and the Shepherd of our souls. We have to wrestle through the LORD being in control and allowing His people to suffer. The question, "Why?" often comes to our minds if not to our lips as well as we face life and its complexities.

Sometimes we can make some sense out of our struggles. Many times they make no sense at all. We don't understand. We try to figure it out and it is exhausting. Wrestling with our thoughts can leave us limp.

We cannot possibly figure out the workings of God in His Kingdom. Those who believe they can will be disappointed. The answer to the question, "Why?" and many times the solution are things beyond our grasp. What we need to pay attention to is our conduct. Our faith and how we behave is paramount in God's Kingdom.

Paul, the apostle, tells us of his personal experiences with this.  His conclusion, "Whatever happens, conduct yourselves in manner worthy of the Gospel. Let the good news come out.

He did. He was literally and figuratively, "Bound For Joy."  He understood some things and the others gave him opportunity to look for God's blessings in his pain. 

Whatever happens...

1. Very Difficult Days
In our hearts we felt the sentence of death. II Corinthians 1.8-11
Ever felt like that? Maybe now. 

Financial Stress, Time Pressure can make life difficult. Family relationships with difficult people can do that.

Overwhelmed by life our hearts can become heavy to this point which the Apostle Paul speaks of. 

2. Let Down by Those You Are Depending On.

At my first defense... II Timothy 4.16-18


Ever felt abandoned? That usually comes when we  are in need.
The very people Paul had led to Christ now deserted him. He stood alone to find out he was not alone. 4.17 
He came away from this difficult experience with a closer fellowship with the LORD. He emerged with a greater faith and assurance of God's help.

Conduct yourselves in a manner worthy of the gospel when...
3. Not Getting the Answer to Prayer I was asking for.

My grace is sufficient.  II Corinthians 12.7-9

Perplexed but not in despair.  II Corinthians 4.8

Perhaps the greatest area we struggle in is when we pray for someone to be healed and they are not. How about praying over a financial need and that need is not met immediately, and you have faithfully tithed?

4. Having Things Said About Me That Are Not True
Thomas A' Kempis wrote that this can be used to humble us, to cause us to not think too highly if ourselves, to make sure we are doing things for God's glory.
The challenge for us is to conduct ourselves in a manner worthy of the Gospel.
That means:
*Not lashing back.
*Not defending ourselves (The LORD is our Defender) 
*Submitting to Him, imitating Him. He often did not answer.
Paul learned this (Philippians 1.15-18).

5. When someone sins against you... Matthew 18

Stand firm
Suffering is worldwide and multifaceted.
Look at Paul's sufferings:
vs. 12-18

Whatever happens takes in everything. 
Whatever you are going through today, Conduct yourself in a manner worthy of the Gospel.
Whatever happens in the future, conduct yourself in a manner worthy of the Gospel. (Including the upcoming elections)
The LORD will help us do this. As we yield to His Spirit, He will shine through us.

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Every Good Promise

Joshua 23.14-16

The LORD Is Faithful To All His Promises

Famous Farewell Speeches

Lou Gehrig

Martin Luther King's "I've Been ToThe Mountaintop"

My friends, no one, not in my situation, can appreciate my feeling of sadness at this parting. To this place, and the kindness of these people, I owe everything. Here I have lived a quarter of a century, and have passed from a young to an old man. Here my children have been born, and one is buried. I now leave, not knowing when, or whether ever, I may return, with a task before me greater than that which rested upon Washington. Without the assistance of the Divine Being who ever attended him, I cannot succeed. With that assistance I cannot fail. Trusting in Him who can go with me, and remain with you, and be everywhere for good, let us confidently hope that all will yet be well. To His care commending you, as I hope in your prayers you will commend me, I bid you an affectionate farewell.

"May the road rise up to meet you, may the wind be ever at your back.  May the sun shine warm upon your face and the rain fall softly on your fields.  And until we meet again, may God hold you in the hollow of his hand." – Irish Blessing

"Happy trails to you, until we meet again.
Some trails are happy ones,
Others are blue.
It's the way you ride the trail that counts,
Here's a happy one for you."
– Dale Evans

"Why can't we get all the people together in the world that we really like and then just stay together?  I guess that wouldn't work.  Someone would leave.  Someone always leaves.  Then we would have to say good-bye.  I hate good-byes.  I know what I need.  I need more hellos." –Charles M. Schulz

"Farewell! God knows when we shall meet again." – William Shakespeare

"Don't cry because it's over. Smile because it happened." – Dr. Seuss

"Saying goodbye doesn't mean anything. It's the time we spent together that matters, not how we left it" – Trey Parker.

"This is not the end. This is not even the beginning of the end. It is, instead, the end of the beginning" – Winston Churchill.

"Never say good-bye because good-bye means going away, and going away means forgetting." – Peter Pan

"Gaze up at the stars knowing that I see the same lsky and wish the same sweet dreams." – Elizabeth Barret Browning

"Think of me fondly when we've said good bye. Remember me, once in a while. Please promise me you'll try. When you find that once again you long to take your heart back and be free, if you ever find a moment spare a thought pfor me." – Andrew Webber

Look How Joshua bade farewell to Israel:
The LORD is faithful to all His Promises

Farewell speeches are interesting. Joshua was a gifted leader and a great general but he gave the glory to God at the end. The focus on his speech was not himself and "his" accomplishments but on the LORD. The focus was on the LORD's Promises.

1. He has made promises. V.14a
We make them. Try to keep that word "promise"at a bare minimum as you live.
We break them. Keep them even if it hurts. (Psalm 15.4) It is rare.
He keeps them. He is a Promise Keeper.

*Live close to the LORD. V.15-16
Don't see what how far away from Him you can live and still belong to Him. See how close you can get to Him.

*Keep way from evil.  Hebrews 12.1

*Continue to follow the LORD. Hebrews 12.1-3
We are in a marathon, not a sprint. Training is different. The race is different. Cross Country, much of the race is unseen. It requires mental discipline, a predetermination to persevere no matter what.

2. His Promises are Good. - vs. 14,15

*Pleasant The ones which address our difficult times bring those rainbows of His love and peace.
*Beneficial The benefits of God's great love are super satisfying!
*Agreeable they do something deep within us. Food that doesn't agree with me.

God's promises are based upon His holiness and love and aimed at the best for us... To be like Him, to have all surpassing peace. They are for our good. They are to bring Him glory through the way we live.

3. He Keeps His Promises. vs. 14,15

He is not slow.
He is faithful.
Jesus never fails.
We are not deserted.
He is the Truth. It is impossible for God to lie
We will not be cast down!

God's Word is true and is attested all around.
 Here they are in the land.
Their enemies were subdued by God.
 The land is flowing with milk & honey.
All God said, He did.
He will do the same for us today.

He is loving to all He has made.

The greatness of the history of this people was truly His Story, the result of Divine Action. That is true of His Church as well.
It is the LORD!
We ought always to pray and not give up. Luke 18
We are to contend earnestly for the faith. Jude 3
We are to hold fast to the LORD. Deuteronomy 30.19-20

Here we are in America, just prior to a national election. Billy Graham urged his fellow Americans to vote for those who will uphold Biblical Values. This is also the time for us as Christians to call upon the LORD, lean upon His Word and trust the promises He made to all nations in trouble.

As we conclude our Journey through Joshua we look at the Promises of God and the call from the LORD to trust in Him with all heart. We have heard the call to love Him with all our heart, soul, mind and strength.
Let's go on with Him leading us today! If we do that we have His Promises to stand and lean upon.

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Joshua, An Example of Christian Leadership

Joshua 19.49-51

Joshua had instructed his own tribe, the Ephramites on what to.
We spoke all about last week. .. The sons of Joseph.

Remember how they wanted more land?The real problem was that they had not possessed the land God had given them.  They were resting on the fact they were Joseph's ancestors. Lots of complaining but not much conquering. 

Joshua gave them 2 directions. Clear the forest in the hill country and take on the Canaanites in the Jezreel Valley, today the Bread Basket of Israel.

Look at what the man of God does. He takes on the difficulties before him! He sets the example. He doesn't ask the people to do anything that he himself would not do! Busy night at the Grocery Store, George Akel, took off his suit coat, rolled up his sleeves and got out on the floor and helped us finish up. What an example!

Both Joshua and Caleb, in their old age, pushed the limits and had incredible break throughs! Their personal crowning achievements of their lives came in their 80's. With Joshua the LORD God had placed the future of the nation upon his actions. He worked faithfully into his old age.

This message is for all of us. Whether like me as a pastor or Dad's, The Family Shepherd, even if we are not conscious of it, unintentional leadership takes place. I have told you before of my Nana's influence on me. I saw her practicing the morning quiet time long before I heard someone say we ought to have one. The disciple desired to learn to pray after observing the Master's prayer life.

So we all need to develop these qualities whether we are in an official defined position or not.

1. Unselfishness
Joshua saw that the distribution of the land was complete before  he received his own inheritance. The city of Timnath was located in the hill country, a mountainous region which had its challenges. He was content to wait. He did not retire to be waited on but continued to work while he waited. 

The last thing Joshua thought of himself. He didn't think of his own interests until the nation was taken care of. When he did take it he remained within the confines of Ephraim. He had seen the whole land so he knew the best places. He put his integrity, his family, God's law and order ahead of any personal preferences or wants. How different God's kingdom is from earthly kingdoms. He waited the longest. Those who know Christ understand that.

I love the fact that he just did it too! He didn't talk about doing it. He did it!

2. Family Values
He received his inheritance among his brothers. His family values are first seen in how he valued his family. Although he was ruler of all the people he settled with his brothers. He quietly returned to private life when he completed the work. Congress functioned best when Congressman served for a short time and then returned home. Why does the poll yesterday reveal only 15% of the American people approve of Congress' work? Career politicians, perks and hidden benefits. Joshua was not like that.

The nation of Israel began with a family. The basis if  our teachings about the sanctity if marriage and the home come from the first five books if the Bible, or the Pentateuch, or what the Jews call the Torah.

Joshua knew this family which became a nation was a nation now of families. He kept them intact by obeying the LORD. Then he participated in it! He did not allow selfishness to rob him of family values.

 Humility. Pity those whose leader has ambitions. He will end up stepping on them to get where he wants. High service with low humility.

3. Submission and Humility
Joshua, in the spirit of Abraham, let others take the land. He could have chosen the finest of the land but he did not. The man who knows that the LORD God is with him, knows that God will bless Him wherever he goes. I love the exchange between Abraham and Lot. I Corinthians 10.24 ; Philippians 2.1-4 Mark 9.35
People who worry about getting ahead, increasing their power end up destroying themselves and others.

Some look at humility as a weakness, never admitting you are wrong. It is a strength of character. It is following Jesus. It was found in Moses, David, Daniel and Joseph. It putting others ahead of yourself. 

4. Honorable

Joshua was a man of honor. No faith like his ever existed in a selfish heart. This is a reason why the Christian leader needs to be man of faith. We do not find the best of men insisting on their rights. What a blessing Israel had in such a leader.

He was fair in all in his business dealings. He never used his position of authority for his on advantage. He could have personally benefited from decisions but he did not go that way. When his own tribe, the Ephraimites,  came to him with complaints he treated them fairly, without favoritism. Paul wrote about this to Timothy. Ex 23.3, Leviticus 19.15, I Timothy 5.21

Joshua is a wonderful example of Christlike service.

How we need strong Christlike leaders today! Pray the LORD of the Harvest for them.

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Making Your Faith Work

Joshua 17.14-18

Making Our Faith Work

Joshua 17.14-18

 Last week we looked at Caleb. He was determined and vigorous. In his old age he went in and took the land promised to him. He kept the faith and finished well.

With the tribe of Ephraim and the half tribe of Mannasah we see the other end of the spectrum. They demonstrate how Spiritual sloth or laziness is to be guarded against in our lives.
It is interesting that It was the  descendants of Joseph had this problem. They seemed to have wanted the land handed to them without work.

Be careful not to take God's promises or His blessings as a substitute for doing your part. So often people want the benefits without following directions. This is human nature. People love the prophecies spoken over them but as far as personal responsibilities go, they take a far second. Within blessings come responsibility. 

They were proud about their numerical size. At the census in Numbers they outnumbered every tribe except Judah. Sometimes it is better if you do not know these things. Numbering can create problems like overestimating our own importance, thinking we are privilege or allowing pride to replace faith.

They were blessed. Jacob had adopted them as his own and gave them a special blessing from the LORD  (Genesis 48). Joseph had kept the family alive during the famine and his descendants reaped the benefits.  The area given to Ephraim was a fertile and beautiful one, one of the most desirable in all the land. The richest lands have the strongest foes. The LORD is able to empower His people to conquer them all.

There were 2 possibilities presented by Joshua when they said that they needed more land. 
1. Clear the forest.
That is work.
Mr. Goulden's land upstate. Lots of work. Sweaty, hard, difficult, back breaking work. My Dad's garden, clearing it of stones when they moved there.
2. Drive the Canaanites out.
They were tough... already concessions were being made contrary to God's Word.

Their complaint, "We are too big for this little piece of land." 
They were descendants of Joseph, Joshua was of the tribe of Ephraim. Pride had come in. Joshua basically was saying, "Put your money where your mouth is."v.15
They were large in numbers and small in courage. Sometimes it goes opposite. Galveston, Texas fire years ago. Out of control. Little FD from small towns showed up to help. Little company came up went right through the lines and up to the fire. The men jumped out, began to hose the fire, got under control, saved a great portion of the city. Celebration and presentation of a gift from the mayor of Galveston.
The had strong men, stalwart. Yet the little tribe of Benjamin possessed more land in proportional obedience than them. 

They blamed Joshua when they themselves were at fault. Another symptom of pride. The most courageous words are often, "I was wrong. You are right."

The real problem was that they had not possessed the land God had given them.  They were resting on the fact they were Joseph's ancestors. Lots of complaining but not much conquering. Too much talk diminishes progress. 

They were saying, " I am worth much more than I am being treated."

1. We need to "possess" what the LORD gives us. verses 14-15
Talents developed. 
Treasures invested. 
Time redeemed.

No excuses! Unfortunately they offered up several.
Complaints and excuses are twins. Thy complained and never got on to the work. They wanted more land but did not want to make the most of the opportunity given. They wanted to take property of others in the nation rather than be productive themselves. Looking for God to profit us with no effort on our part. This was greed and grumbling,  again often twins!

We must guard against the failure of faith and works. We live in one of the most unchurched areas of the country. In a place that had more millionaires than Beverly Hills, more population than 19 states! Long Island is our mission field

There is also the issue of favoritism here. This was Joshua's own tribe! They seemed to be expecting a special favor from him. I love it when a child or relative of a leader is around and they are working hard for the kingdom. 
The church is like Joseph's descendants. We have work before us. True we are highly treasured by the LORD. This did not exempt them from work.

We are in a spiritual battle. Jesus gives us the encouragement of telling us the end result. We will reign with Him!!!

2. Be faithful where you are. Stop crying for greater opportunities until you have done everything God is asking you to do in the place where you are. verse 16
Serve faithfully.
Give generously.
Think humbly.
With love binding them all together.

3. Put an axe to forests. Drive out the enemy. verses 17-18
The Jezreel Valley is the Valley of Armageddon. This is also called "The Bread Basket of Israel". Wheat, sunflower and corn are grown there today. It was a portion of land that would have greatly benefited the descendants of Joseph but their excuses kept them from taking it.
Act decisively.
Trust the LORD exclusively. Proverbs 3.5-6
Finish well.  II Timothy 4.6-8
The Greatest in the kingdom is the servant of all. Matthew 23.11

No weapon can prosper against those who belong to Jesus. These people had to be exterminated due to the attractiveness if their sins and to their own depravity.

Not a great deal of eternal things take place for eternity apart from Body of Christ. It takes energy and earnestness accomplish things for Jesus Christ. Ephraim needed to do this by himself.

Putting our faith to work is not easy. It is work. It takes mental, spiritual and physical effort. If we can "settle" for things we often will. Let's not do that! Let's not shrink back! Let's go in and take what God has given us! 
We have to decide what we are going to do with the time we have been given.