Philippians 1.27-30
We have some challenges facing us as believers. Those who do not know Christ chalk up things to fate or bad luck or karma. But we have the LORD God as our Father In heaven, Jesus as our Savior and the Shepherd of our souls. We have to wrestle through the LORD being in control and allowing His people to suffer. The question, "Why?" often comes to our minds if not to our lips as well as we face life and its complexities.
Sometimes we can make some sense out of our struggles. Many times they make no sense at all. We don't understand. We try to figure it out and it is exhausting. Wrestling with our thoughts can leave us limp.
We cannot possibly figure out the workings of God in His Kingdom. Those who believe they can will be disappointed. The answer to the question, "Why?" and many times the solution are things beyond our grasp. What we need to pay attention to is our conduct. Our faith and how we behave is paramount in God's Kingdom.
Paul, the apostle, tells us of his personal experiences with this. His conclusion, "Whatever happens, conduct yourselves in manner worthy of the Gospel. Let the good news come out.
He did. He was literally and figuratively, "Bound For Joy." He understood some things and the others gave him opportunity to look for God's blessings in his pain.
Whatever happens...
1. Very Difficult Days
In our hearts we felt the sentence of death. II Corinthians 1.8-11
Ever felt like that? Maybe now.
Financial Stress, Time Pressure can make life difficult. Family relationships with difficult people can do that.
Overwhelmed by life our hearts can become heavy to this point which the Apostle Paul speaks of.
2. Let Down by Those You Are Depending On.
At my first defense... II Timothy 4.16-18
Ever felt abandoned? That usually comes when we are in need.
The very people Paul had led to Christ now deserted him. He stood alone to find out he was not alone. 4.17
He came away from this difficult experience with a closer fellowship with the LORD. He emerged with a greater faith and assurance of God's help.
Conduct yourselves in a manner worthy of the gospel when...
3. Not Getting the Answer to Prayer I was asking for.
My grace is sufficient. II Corinthians 12.7-9
Perplexed but not in despair. II Corinthians 4.8
Perhaps the greatest area we struggle in is when we pray for someone to be healed and they are not. How about praying over a financial need and that need is not met immediately, and you have faithfully tithed?
4. Having Things Said About Me That Are Not True
Thomas A' Kempis wrote that this can be used to humble us, to cause us to not think too highly if ourselves, to make sure we are doing things for God's glory.
The challenge for us is to conduct ourselves in a manner worthy of the Gospel.
That means:
*Not lashing back.
*Not defending ourselves (The LORD is our Defender)
*Submitting to Him, imitating Him. He often did not answer.
Paul learned this (Philippians 1.15-18).
5. When someone sins against you... Matthew 18
Stand firm
Suffering is worldwide and multifaceted.
Look at Paul's sufferings:
vs. 12-18
Whatever happens takes in everything.
Whatever you are going through today, Conduct yourself in a manner worthy of the Gospel.
Whatever happens in the future, conduct yourself in a manner worthy of the Gospel. (Including the upcoming elections)
The LORD will help us do this. As we yield to His Spirit, He will shine through us.