Sunday, December 30, 2012
Here Comes The Light!
Matthew 2.1-18
We have taken the account of Christ's Birth out of context. I am not talking about the liberty of putting the wise men in the nativity. We have removed the whole event from the historical background.
The Christmas Story is from the first century, Bethlehem. It is also about 21st century America. What was going on in the world at that time was very significant! It speaks of our time too.
The historical context tells us about the leaders, world conditions and political issues. Into this mess, Jesus was born. He was given the title, King of the Jews. Jesus came in a time of frustration and difficulty.
1. The Government was over stretching its authority. v.1
God established government to give order in a sinful wold, not to add to the sin or unrest. It looks like we are about to go over that fiscal cliff; the Treasury Department announced Wednesday that the nation would hit the debt limit on Dec. 31, and would then have to take “extraordinary measures” to avoid exhausting the government’s borrowing limit in the New Year. None of this s good news. We are borrowing to stay afloat. If we can't borrow, we can't keep going. There is great frustration today with our "leaders" in Washington.
Herod was a wicked man, also known as Herod the Great. He was a Roman client king of Judea. His epithet of "the Great" is widely disputed as he is described as "a madman who murdered his own family and a great many rabbis." He is also known for his colossal building projects in Jerusalem and elsewhere, including his expansion of the Second Temple in Jerusalem (sometimes referred to as Herod's Temple) and the construction of the port at Caesarea Maritime. Once he was king, Herod launched this ambitious building program, both in Jerusalem and the spectacular port city of Caesarea, named after the emperor. He restored the magnificent Jerusalem temple, which was later destroyed by the Romans following a rebellion in A.D. 70.
Important details of his biography are gleaned from the works of the 1st century AD Roman-Jewish historian Josephus.
Herod the Great was a schemer who took advantage of Roman political unrest to claw his way to the top. During a civil war in the empire, Herod won the favor of Octavian, who later became the Roman emperor Augustus Caesar, the one who issued the decree for the whole world to be taxed.
These were the men in leadership when Jesus was born.
Herod was a brutal man who killed his father-in-law, several of his ten wives, and two of his sons. He ignored the laws of God to suit himself and chose the favor of Rome over his own people. Herod's heavy taxes to pay for lavish projects forced an unfair burden on the Jewish citizens. He was similar to Saddam Hussein, Iraq's former ruler, who was executed 6 years ago today.
After he heard about Jesus being born by the wise men, Herod was troubled.
to agitate, trouble (a thing, by the movement of its parts to and fro)
to cause one inward commotion, take away his calmness of mind, disturb his equanimity
to disquiet, make restless
to stir up
to strike one's spirit with fear and dread
to render anxious or distressed
to perplex the mind of one by suggesting scruples or doubts
A leader, a governor, a ruler should bring tranquility to the people. He should be the voice of reason. He should be a stabilizing force. He cannot take the luxury of allowing personal preferences rule his emotions. If he does the people will become troubled too.
Herod did not care about his people. He was a narcissistic ego driven self centered man. He was diabolical. He was looking out for himself.
Pity the people whose leader is like that.
2. Herod ordered a violent death to newborn babies and young children.
When this thing happens in a society that society is collapsing. How a society treats its children (including those in the womb) and how it cares for its elderly tells how sacred life is and where the conscience of at nation is.
3. It was into this time Christ was born.
It was the worst of times
It was the best of times.
In America there is:
-- One birth every: 8 seconds
-- One death every: 12 seconds
-- One abortion every: 26 seconds
-- One international migrant (net) every: 40 seconds
Average credit card debt per U.S. household: $15,418
Today we face a barrage of new taxes if we go over that fiscal cliff.
Jesus was born in Bethlehem! Prophesies fulfilled, Hope of the Ages has come! It was Caesar's decree that got Mary and Joseph there. Initial reaction, "Oh no! This could not have happened at a worst time!"
But what we view as the worst many times is God's will being worked out!
Mary pondering, treasuring these things in her heart was in part I am sure of the fact they were in Bethlehem and how they got there!
Many times we are where the LORD wants us. Since it is difficult we assume we should pray to be delivered. That is not always the way God works.
Jesus was born in the time of King Herod.
This king did not care about his people, particularly good men and little children.
The early worshippers of Christ lived in a world of terror and uncertainty but they never said, "Look what the world has come to," rather they exclaimed, "Look What as come to the world!"
Joy to the World! The LORD is come'
Our Christmas season would hardly seem complete without the singing of Joy to the World, the most joyous of the carols. Yet Isaac Watts, its author, never intended it to be a Christmas carol at all. Rather, it was a part of his Psalms of David Imitated, published in 1719, which contained paraphrases of many of the Psalms in New Testament language.
The story of the hymn, Joy to the World, is the story of the author, Isaac Watts (1675-1748), who is universally acknowledged as "The Father of English Hymnody". He has earned the title, not because he was first to write English hymns, but because he gave impetus to hymnody and established its place in the worship of the English church.
For over one hundred years, congregational singing had been strictly limited to the Psalms of the Old Testament in poetic form. Many of these rhymed Psalms were so unnatural that Samuel Wesley, father of the famous brothers Charles and John, called them "scandalous doggerel," and his opinion was shared by many.
The birth of Isaac Watts to a dissenting deacon and the daughter of a Huguenot refugee was followed by fourteen years of persecution and hardships for the entire family. Perhaps this suffering was responsible for Isaac Watts’ ill health, for he grew only to a height of just over five feet and was weak and sickly all his life.
Though weak in body, the boy was strong in mind and spirit and early in life showed promise of poetic capability. After one Sunday morning service, Isaac, then fifteen years old, complained of the atrocious worship in song. One of the deacons challenged him: "Give us something better, young man." His answer was ready for the evening service and was sung that night in the Independents’ meeting, Southampton, where his father was pastor. Perhaps a hint of things to come was contained in this first verse of Isaac Watts:l
Behold the glories of the Lamb
Amidst His Father’s throne;
Prepare new honors for His name,
And songs before unknown.
When Isaac began to preach several years later, his congregation sang the songs that seemed to flow from his pen like a river. In 1707, the accumulation of eighteen years was published under the title, Hymns and Spiritual Songs. The river continued to flow, and in 1719 his "Psalms of David Imitated" was published, not as a new paraphrase of David, but as an imitation of him in New Testament language. It was as though the Psalms burst forth in their fulfillment at last.
Joy to the World is the "imitation" of the last half of Psalm 98. The author transformed the old Jewish psalm of praise for some historic deliverance into a Christian song of rejoicing for the salvation of God that began to be manifested when the Babe of Bethlehem came "to make his blessing flow far as the curse is found." This is one of the most joyous hymns in all Christendom because it makes so real what Christ’s birth means to all mankind.
The tune to which the hymn is sung is attributed to George Frederick Handel and bears resemblance to phrases of his great oratorio, Messiah. Notably the first four tones match the beginning of the chorus, "Lift Up Your Heads."
As we rejoice in the coming to earth of our Savior, we may also be glad for the veritable river of hymns that flowed from the pen of Isaac Watts. His name stands at the head of our most majestic hymns, notably, "When I Survey The Wondrous Cross." In many hymnals more hymns of Isaac Watts are to be found than of any other single author.
4. The Wise Worship.
Professional men, brilliant.
Shepherds are wise. They obeyed the Word of God. They told the good news.
The wise bow at the manger, at the throne of God.
Here Comes the Light! Fiscal cliffs, uncertain times, a world that is changing faster than we can keep up with, in the midst of this followers of Jesus sing with faith and hope, Joy To The World! The LORD is come!
Let earth receive her KING!
Sunday, December 23, 2012
The Christmas Rush
Luke 1.39, (26-45)
2.15-16 (8-18)
We are coming to the end of the Christmas Rush. If you are brave enough to venture to the stores the next 24 hours you have my sympathies. About 15 years ago I took my teenaged daughter to the mall on Christmas Eve. There were cars parked on the grass, traffic barely moving and people rushing everywhere.
But the rush has been going on for weeks. Last year, out in front of Penney's, I found someone's cell phone. I waited for a call to in on it, answered it, and found out who its owner was. Her dad came to the parsonage to retrieve it with a Christmas bag of chocolates for me! 2 years ago I found a wallet in the middle of Higbie Lane in West Islip. A man had gotten gas in his car and left it on the roof. I looked up his name in the phone book. I called and his wife came over with great thanks. Both of these thing occurred because of the Christmas Rush.
News 12 Long Island featured a story last night. They went to the Roosevelt Field Mall and asked shoppers yesterday if they were done with their Christmas Shopping. One after another said no, some had just begun. At the end only one lady sad she was done. The Christmas Rush will go on looks like for today and tomorrow.
E-mails coming this morning from retailers, "There's Still Time To Pick the Perfect Gift."
Used to be by tomorrow night...
Greeting cards have all been sent, the Christmas Rush is through...
But as I heard people can and will shop on line all the way into Christmas Day.
Haste does make waste but sometimes we are moved by the LORD to hurry.
There was some hurrying going on that first Christmas, in the beginning of the first century.
Mary hurried
The Shepherds hurried
Outline of Biblical Usage:
1) haste, with haste
2) earnestness, diligence
a) earnestness in accomplishing, promoting, or striving after anything
b) to give all diligence, interest one's self most earnestly
This hurrying was not haphazard but was coupled with purpose and attention.
1. What They Were Hurrying For
Excitement about the good news
Motivated by love for the LORD/ His Word to them
God was doing something wonderful.
His Story was being made.
Jesus was coming/ had come!
Mary had wonderful news, Elizabeth too. Mary wanted to share it with her. The haste indicates intense desire.
The shepherds went immediately, with no doubt, lost no time.
2. What We Are Hurrying For?
Money, security, fear
To make an impression, martyr role
Not even sure
3. What Are You Passionate About?
What moves you deep within?
What is your deepest desire?
What in the news grabs your heart?
What grabs your heart when you are alone?
What grabs your heart when you are out?
4. What's Your Hurry?
We tend to rush over things that don't matter and drag our feet with things that do.
Martin Luther, “I have so much to do that I shall spend the first three hours in prayer.” That aways gets to me!
At the end of this year, it is a good time to look at these things... To make changes
II Peter 3.12
You may say, "We've lost the real meaning of the season." You are right. As a country we have.
"The early Christians did not say in despair, "Look what the world as come to." Rather in delight, "Look What has come to the world!!!" - E. Stanley Jones
We need to do the same.
Tuesday, December 18, 2012
Prayers For The Grandchildren Of Sandy Hook
A selection of scripture was posted on Facebook in a number of locations since the horrific loss of sweet innocent children this past Friday in Newtown, Connecticut.
It is found at the end of the Christmas Story after the wise men, having been warned by God in a dream, return to their own country by another route.
Matthew 2.
16 When Herod realized that he had been outwitted by the Magi, he was furious, and he gave orders to kill all the boys in Bethlehem and its vicinity who were two years old and under, in accordance with the time he had learned from the Magi. 17 Then what was said through the prophet Jeremiah was fulfilled:
“A voice is heard in Ramah,
weeping and great mourning,
Rachel weeping for her children
and refusing to be comforted,
because they are no more.”
The loss of a child from a mother's heart is something I cannot fully comprehend. She carried the baby in her womb, as my mother has told me. In the 33 years that I have been a pastor, this pain that I have witnessed is unique beyond my ability to describe.
Interestingly God describes the tragedy in Bethlehem 2,000 years ago in terms of Rachel. She was the great grandmother (38 generations back) of these baby boys.
I have had funerals for babies. I have heard the wail of mothers who lost children. I have had to break the news to grandparents. Those events are fresh in my mind although some are over 30 years ago.
We pray for the mothers and fathers today in Newtown. I cannot even imagine their pain.
Being a grandfather myself, and hugging my grandkids the past 5 days, this morning, I began to think about them. The stories are beginning to come out.
As you pray for the parents, pray for those dear grandparents, uncles, aunts, cousins. Their lives are forever changed. We have them in our hearts today.
It is found at the end of the Christmas Story after the wise men, having been warned by God in a dream, return to their own country by another route.
Matthew 2.
16 When Herod realized that he had been outwitted by the Magi, he was furious, and he gave orders to kill all the boys in Bethlehem and its vicinity who were two years old and under, in accordance with the time he had learned from the Magi. 17 Then what was said through the prophet Jeremiah was fulfilled:
“A voice is heard in Ramah,
weeping and great mourning,
Rachel weeping for her children
and refusing to be comforted,
because they are no more.”
The loss of a child from a mother's heart is something I cannot fully comprehend. She carried the baby in her womb, as my mother has told me. In the 33 years that I have been a pastor, this pain that I have witnessed is unique beyond my ability to describe.
Interestingly God describes the tragedy in Bethlehem 2,000 years ago in terms of Rachel. She was the great grandmother (38 generations back) of these baby boys.
I have had funerals for babies. I have heard the wail of mothers who lost children. I have had to break the news to grandparents. Those events are fresh in my mind although some are over 30 years ago.
We pray for the mothers and fathers today in Newtown. I cannot even imagine their pain.
Being a grandfather myself, and hugging my grandkids the past 5 days, this morning, I began to think about them. The stories are beginning to come out.
As you pray for the parents, pray for those dear grandparents, uncles, aunts, cousins. Their lives are forever changed. We have them in our hearts today.
Sunday, December 16, 2012
How God Views The Least
Micah 5.1-5
Matthew 2.1-18
Matthew 25.31-40
The least of these my brothers...
They are His brothers.
They are mystically connected to Him.
He points this out for us to take note.
Bethlehem was and is a very small city, six miles from Jerusalem.
Bethlehem a town where sacrificial lambs were raised for use in the temple sacrifices. Those shepherds watching their flocks that night Jesus was born could very well been part of this.
1. Do not despise the days of small things.
Zechariah 4.10
The large things have polluted our minds to the point that we have little or no appreciation for small things.
The Box Store mentality influences our thinking about everything, even the Kingdom of Heaven.
It was right that our Saviour should be born in Bethlehem and that because of Bethlehem's history, Bethlehem's name, and Bethlehem's position—little in Judah.
Rachel died there. Jacob buried her there.
Rachel weeping for her children... This past week we studied it. Friday it was being quoted over and over again. Matthew 2 we pray for all the families of the Sandy Hook Elementary School and Newtown, Connecticut today.
Naomi left there with her husband and sons and came back empty. But God did wonders through Ruth and Boaz which blessed her greatly.
David was born there.
Jesus' birthplace.
2. Do not use the standards of worldly measurement.
1 Corinthians 1:26-29 Brothers, think of what you were when you were called. Not many of you were wise by human standards; not many were influential; not many were of noble birth. But God chose the foolish things of the world to shame the wise; God chose the weak things of the world to shame the strong. He chose the lowly things of this world and the despised things—and the things that are not—to nullify the things that are, so that no one may boast before him.
Jesus always goes among the little ones. We use that verse, those words of Jesus, "Matthew 18:20 For where two or three come together in my name, there am I with them.” Small gatherings of prayer. This sees to be His direction. I know it has been a blessing for me for 11 years, or 20 years.
My observation. Large groups, lots of speaking, easy distractions. Small groups more focused. Are you against large groups praying? Not at all. I am just trying to follow Jesus and see where His emphasis was.
Moves of God always began with small prayer groups. Big movements of God all had very humble, wuiet, insignificant beginnings.
3. Stay open to God's ways which are not our ways.
Isaiah 55.8-9
66.2 Has not My Hand made all these things, and so they came into being?" declares the LORD. "This is the one I esteem: he who is humble and contrite in spirit, and trembles at my word.
Big hearts never get Christ inside of them; Christ lieth not in great hearts, but in little ones. Mighty and proud spirits never have Jesus Christ, for he cometh in at low doors, but he will not come in at high ones. Remember the manger. - Spurgeon
This Christmas Season, let's humble ourselves before Almighty God. Let's allow our hearts to be broken. Stay away from complaining about how messed up everything is and look into the eyes and hearts of people whose lives have been torn apart by sin. Let's pray that Christ will be born in them today.
O Little Bethlehem
Oh Holy Child of Bethlehem be born in us today, Cast out our sin and enter in, Descend on us we pray. We hear the Christmas Angels, the great glad tidings tell. O come to us, abide in us, our LORD, Immanuel!
Matthew 2.1-18
Matthew 25.31-40
The least of these my brothers...
They are His brothers.
They are mystically connected to Him.
He points this out for us to take note.
Bethlehem was and is a very small city, six miles from Jerusalem.
Bethlehem a town where sacrificial lambs were raised for use in the temple sacrifices. Those shepherds watching their flocks that night Jesus was born could very well been part of this.
1. Do not despise the days of small things.
Zechariah 4.10
The large things have polluted our minds to the point that we have little or no appreciation for small things.
The Box Store mentality influences our thinking about everything, even the Kingdom of Heaven.
It was right that our Saviour should be born in Bethlehem and that because of Bethlehem's history, Bethlehem's name, and Bethlehem's position—little in Judah.
Rachel died there. Jacob buried her there.
Rachel weeping for her children... This past week we studied it. Friday it was being quoted over and over again. Matthew 2 we pray for all the families of the Sandy Hook Elementary School and Newtown, Connecticut today.
Naomi left there with her husband and sons and came back empty. But God did wonders through Ruth and Boaz which blessed her greatly.
David was born there.
Jesus' birthplace.
2. Do not use the standards of worldly measurement.
1 Corinthians 1:26-29 Brothers, think of what you were when you were called. Not many of you were wise by human standards; not many were influential; not many were of noble birth. But God chose the foolish things of the world to shame the wise; God chose the weak things of the world to shame the strong. He chose the lowly things of this world and the despised things—and the things that are not—to nullify the things that are, so that no one may boast before him.
Jesus always goes among the little ones. We use that verse, those words of Jesus, "Matthew 18:20 For where two or three come together in my name, there am I with them.” Small gatherings of prayer. This sees to be His direction. I know it has been a blessing for me for 11 years, or 20 years.
My observation. Large groups, lots of speaking, easy distractions. Small groups more focused. Are you against large groups praying? Not at all. I am just trying to follow Jesus and see where His emphasis was.
Moves of God always began with small prayer groups. Big movements of God all had very humble, wuiet, insignificant beginnings.
3. Stay open to God's ways which are not our ways.
Isaiah 55.8-9
66.2 Has not My Hand made all these things, and so they came into being?" declares the LORD. "This is the one I esteem: he who is humble and contrite in spirit, and trembles at my word.
Big hearts never get Christ inside of them; Christ lieth not in great hearts, but in little ones. Mighty and proud spirits never have Jesus Christ, for he cometh in at low doors, but he will not come in at high ones. Remember the manger. - Spurgeon
This Christmas Season, let's humble ourselves before Almighty God. Let's allow our hearts to be broken. Stay away from complaining about how messed up everything is and look into the eyes and hearts of people whose lives have been torn apart by sin. Let's pray that Christ will be born in them today.
O Little Bethlehem
Oh Holy Child of Bethlehem be born in us today, Cast out our sin and enter in, Descend on us we pray. We hear the Christmas Angels, the great glad tidings tell. O come to us, abide in us, our LORD, Immanuel!
Sunday, December 9, 2012
The Name, JESUS
Matthew 1.18-25
There is no other name in heaven or on earth like this Name.
Go around the country, the continent, the world and this Name is known.
How often we have whispered it in times of trouble when we have needed help.
God gave Jesus the Name that is above every name.
At the name of Jesus
Every knee will bow.
Every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is LORD.
Philippians 2.9-10
1. God entrusts this young couple with giving Jesus His Name.
This is huge.
Bible Prophesies and eternal things were riding on this.
The Salvation of souls, every soul who will be in heaven, was depending on the obedience of this young, unwed, couple. The Name, Jesus, was the most important naming of a baby that ever took place.
God entrusted this to a young couple not even married yet!
God entrusts precious things to the young.
-Psalm 8 out of the mouths of babes and infants have You ordained praise!
- Both David and Joseph were teenagers when God began to speak through them. Many believe some of the disciples were too. Most believe Mary was in her late teens.
Always wondered when David wrote the 23rd Psalm. If it was when he was out in the fields with the sheep, then he wasn't even old enough to fight in Israel's Army! Today in Israel the mandatory three years of military service for boys begins at 18. So he could have very well written this as a 14 or 15 year old.
In my prayer group this week we spoke of that little girl who invited my Nana to come to the Mission in Brooklyn. I rejoice at individuals coming to Christ, all the angels in heaven rejoice! I rejoice that my name is written down there. I rejoice and marvel at the Hand of God in generations, family, my family, your family, God's family.
When the LORD wanted Inland China reached 150 years ago, He chose young Hudson Taylor. When the LORD wanted a devotional book written to challenge the soul, He got a young man named Oswald Chambers to give chapel talks to the British Troops in Egypt in WWI and had his wife, a court stenographer, take down every word he gave and My Utmost For My Highest was born after he died!, the best loved devotional book ever written! he wrote in his journal, after witnessing the loss of a child in a family, "Death does profoundly alter life."
In the next World War, when the LORD wanted a book written about the Cost of Discipleship and the author to live out what he was writing, "the first line which read, "When Jesus calls a man, He bids him, 'Come and die,'"He worked in a Nazi Concentration Camp through a Lutheran pastor in his 30's by the name of Deitrich Bonhoffer. He was executed days before he would have been saved by forces defeating Hitler.
When He wanted the Auca Indians reached, He called young Jim Elliott to lay down His life in his 20's. Before his death he wrote, "He is no fool to give up what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose." He also wrote, just a few years before his death, "I must not think it strange if God takes in youth those I would have kept on earth till they were older. God is peopling Eternity, and I must not restrict Him to old men and women."
In the past century, God entrusted the movement of His Spirit to Youth For Christ
Out of it came 2 young men, Billy Graham and Bob Pierce,
Think of what God did through them! BGEA, World Vision, Samaritan's Purse continue to bless the world.
Then in the 1960's The Jesus Movement
New music.
Today God is at work. All is not lost! I am so encouraged when I am around Christian young people with dreams and vision and a heart to do something wonderful for the Kingdom of God!
He entrusts us today.
Be faithful to His dear cause.
2. The Name
Joshua or Jehoshua = "Jehovah is salvation"
son of Nun of the tribe of Ephraim and, Moses' Aide and successor as the leader of the children of Israel; led the conquest of Canaan
Jesus, the Son of God, the Saviour of mankind, God incarnate
The Names the Jews picked for their children had great significance.
What they were, what they believe they would be, what God instructed them to name them, Jesus and John.
David= beloved, leader
Joseph= May he add
John= God has been gracious
Peter= rock
3. His Work was Reflected in His Name.
He shall save. He is the Savior.
His people the lost sheep of the house of Israel, in the first instance; for they were the only people He then had. But, on the breaking down of the middle wall of partition, the saved people embraced the "redeemed unto God by His blood out of every kindred and people and tongue and nation."
From their sin.
They obeyed fully! God's will was done on earth as it was in heaven.
When the time had fully come, God sent forth His Son, born to a woman, born under the law, to redeem those under law.
That woman was Mary. Her husband to be was Joseph. Joseph and Mary were both given instructions. They both obeyed perfectly. Joseph gave Him the Name, Jesus.
There is no other name in heaven or on earth like this Name.
Go around the country, the continent, the world and this Name is known.
How often we have whispered it in times of trouble when we have needed help.
God gave Jesus the Name that is above every name.
At the name of Jesus
Every knee will bow.
Every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is LORD.
Philippians 2.9-10
1. God entrusts this young couple with giving Jesus His Name.
This is huge.
Bible Prophesies and eternal things were riding on this.
The Salvation of souls, every soul who will be in heaven, was depending on the obedience of this young, unwed, couple. The Name, Jesus, was the most important naming of a baby that ever took place.
God entrusted this to a young couple not even married yet!
God entrusts precious things to the young.
-Psalm 8 out of the mouths of babes and infants have You ordained praise!
- Both David and Joseph were teenagers when God began to speak through them. Many believe some of the disciples were too. Most believe Mary was in her late teens.
Always wondered when David wrote the 23rd Psalm. If it was when he was out in the fields with the sheep, then he wasn't even old enough to fight in Israel's Army! Today in Israel the mandatory three years of military service for boys begins at 18. So he could have very well written this as a 14 or 15 year old.
In my prayer group this week we spoke of that little girl who invited my Nana to come to the Mission in Brooklyn. I rejoice at individuals coming to Christ, all the angels in heaven rejoice! I rejoice that my name is written down there. I rejoice and marvel at the Hand of God in generations, family, my family, your family, God's family.
When the LORD wanted Inland China reached 150 years ago, He chose young Hudson Taylor. When the LORD wanted a devotional book written to challenge the soul, He got a young man named Oswald Chambers to give chapel talks to the British Troops in Egypt in WWI and had his wife, a court stenographer, take down every word he gave and My Utmost For My Highest was born after he died!, the best loved devotional book ever written! he wrote in his journal, after witnessing the loss of a child in a family, "Death does profoundly alter life."
In the next World War, when the LORD wanted a book written about the Cost of Discipleship and the author to live out what he was writing, "the first line which read, "When Jesus calls a man, He bids him, 'Come and die,'"He worked in a Nazi Concentration Camp through a Lutheran pastor in his 30's by the name of Deitrich Bonhoffer. He was executed days before he would have been saved by forces defeating Hitler.
When He wanted the Auca Indians reached, He called young Jim Elliott to lay down His life in his 20's. Before his death he wrote, "He is no fool to give up what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose." He also wrote, just a few years before his death, "I must not think it strange if God takes in youth those I would have kept on earth till they were older. God is peopling Eternity, and I must not restrict Him to old men and women."
In the past century, God entrusted the movement of His Spirit to Youth For Christ
Out of it came 2 young men, Billy Graham and Bob Pierce,
Think of what God did through them! BGEA, World Vision, Samaritan's Purse continue to bless the world.
Then in the 1960's The Jesus Movement
New music.
Today God is at work. All is not lost! I am so encouraged when I am around Christian young people with dreams and vision and a heart to do something wonderful for the Kingdom of God!
He entrusts us today.
Be faithful to His dear cause.
2. The Name
Joshua or Jehoshua = "Jehovah is salvation"
son of Nun of the tribe of Ephraim and, Moses' Aide and successor as the leader of the children of Israel; led the conquest of Canaan
Jesus, the Son of God, the Saviour of mankind, God incarnate
The Names the Jews picked for their children had great significance.
What they were, what they believe they would be, what God instructed them to name them, Jesus and John.
David= beloved, leader
Joseph= May he add
John= God has been gracious
Peter= rock
3. His Work was Reflected in His Name.
He shall save. He is the Savior.
His people the lost sheep of the house of Israel, in the first instance; for they were the only people He then had. But, on the breaking down of the middle wall of partition, the saved people embraced the "redeemed unto God by His blood out of every kindred and people and tongue and nation."
From their sin.
They obeyed fully! God's will was done on earth as it was in heaven.
When the time had fully come, God sent forth His Son, born to a woman, born under the law, to redeem those under law.
That woman was Mary. Her husband to be was Joseph. Joseph and Mary were both given instructions. They both obeyed perfectly. Joseph gave Him the Name, Jesus.
Sunday, December 2, 2012
The Virgin Birth
The Virgin Birth of Christ
Isaiah 7.10-14
Matthew 1.18-25
Some things are beyond explanation or our finding out. The Virgin Birth is in that category. We are to be in awe and wonder of this miracle. While science continues to uncover mysteries of our universe many of the things of God remain beyond us. We do better to report the scriptures than editorialize them, much better.
We are called to be witnesses, not lawyers.
We can say along with Mary in wonder, "How will this be?" (Luke 1.30-37) but the complete understanding was not for her or us. There comes a point where faith must take over. Herein is so often where we struggle: we want to know how God is going to work. Most of the time He does not satisfy our curiosity. The explanation of Gabriel is still shrouded in mysterious secrecy.
Much of the way God works is mysterious and secret.
We are given enough information to obey Him but not too much so that our faith is hindered. So many of can say with the Apostle Paul that we are "perplexed, but not in despair." (II Corinthians 4.8)
Mary believed, Zechariah questioned God's Word. Mary took the Word of God to her heart. Zechariah stumbled as he mulled it over in his head. That is so often where our problem lies: in our head! Luke 24:38 He said to them, “Why are you troubled, and why do doubts rise in your minds?" Troubled hearts and doubting minds are fraternal twins. Believe! Faith chases the doubts and troubles away.
Wise parents do not obligate themselves to explain everything to their children. Wise trusting children do not ask for a comprehensive explanation. Obedience is better than knowledge.
A virgin pledged... God saw that His Son would be cared for as He grew in a family. He is a God of incredible details. He takes care of His people.
Here is what we are told by the prophet and what Matthew records as being fulfilled.
1. The Virgin Will Be With Child.
God, the Father, moving on Mary so His Son will enter the human race for its Savior.
Miracles suspend the natural order.
It highlights the supernatural. The beginning and the end of Jesus' life on earth.
A Sign
- of God's love for Israel and the whole world.
A distinguishing mark, a remembrance
Human and Divine life combined!
A Wonder.
Magnificent, excellent, splendid
This set apart Christ's birth from its conception. This was extraordinary. It shows that we could not bring about redemption ourselves. It shows God taking the first step. He didn't ask Mary. He told her.
2. She shall give birth to a Son.
The Son of God. John 3.16 The Greatest Gift. Was e'er gift like the Savior given?
The Holy One of God. Matthew 1.20
Firstborn of Mary
First born among many brothers (John 1.12, Romans 8.29)
The Messiah
3. One of the the many Names will be Immanuel.
"That which describes His Attributes.
God with us.
We have beheld His Glory. John 1.14
The Good Shepherd
The Way, the Truth and the Life
The Resurrection and the Life
That Great Shepherd of the Sheep.
King of Kings
R.A. Torrey:
The Real Christ
Doctrinally, it must be repeated that the belief in the Virgin birth of Christ is of the highest value for the right apprehension of Christ's unique and sinless personality. Here is One, as Paul brings out in Romans 5:12 ff., who, free from sin Himself, and not involved in the Adamic liabilities of the race, reverses the curse of sin and death brought in by the first Adam, and establishes the reign of righteousness and life. Had Christ been naturally born, not one of these things could be affirmed of Him. As one of Adam's race, not an entrant from a higher sphere, He would have shared in Adam's corruption and doom—would Himself have required to be redeemed. Through God's infinite mercy, He came from above, inherited no guilt, needed no regeneration or sanctification, but became Himself the Redeemer, Regenerator, Sanctifier, for all who receive Him. "Thanks be unto God for His unspeakable gift" (2 Corinthians 9:15).
Isaiah 7.10-14
Matthew 1.18-25
Some things are beyond explanation or our finding out. The Virgin Birth is in that category. We are to be in awe and wonder of this miracle. While science continues to uncover mysteries of our universe many of the things of God remain beyond us. We do better to report the scriptures than editorialize them, much better.
We are called to be witnesses, not lawyers.
We can say along with Mary in wonder, "How will this be?" (Luke 1.30-37) but the complete understanding was not for her or us. There comes a point where faith must take over. Herein is so often where we struggle: we want to know how God is going to work. Most of the time He does not satisfy our curiosity. The explanation of Gabriel is still shrouded in mysterious secrecy.
Much of the way God works is mysterious and secret.
We are given enough information to obey Him but not too much so that our faith is hindered. So many of can say with the Apostle Paul that we are "perplexed, but not in despair." (II Corinthians 4.8)
Mary believed, Zechariah questioned God's Word. Mary took the Word of God to her heart. Zechariah stumbled as he mulled it over in his head. That is so often where our problem lies: in our head! Luke 24:38 He said to them, “Why are you troubled, and why do doubts rise in your minds?" Troubled hearts and doubting minds are fraternal twins. Believe! Faith chases the doubts and troubles away.
Wise parents do not obligate themselves to explain everything to their children. Wise trusting children do not ask for a comprehensive explanation. Obedience is better than knowledge.
A virgin pledged... God saw that His Son would be cared for as He grew in a family. He is a God of incredible details. He takes care of His people.
Here is what we are told by the prophet and what Matthew records as being fulfilled.
1. The Virgin Will Be With Child.
God, the Father, moving on Mary so His Son will enter the human race for its Savior.
Miracles suspend the natural order.
It highlights the supernatural. The beginning and the end of Jesus' life on earth.
A Sign
- of God's love for Israel and the whole world.
A distinguishing mark, a remembrance
Human and Divine life combined!
A Wonder.
Magnificent, excellent, splendid
This set apart Christ's birth from its conception. This was extraordinary. It shows that we could not bring about redemption ourselves. It shows God taking the first step. He didn't ask Mary. He told her.
2. She shall give birth to a Son.
The Son of God. John 3.16 The Greatest Gift. Was e'er gift like the Savior given?
The Holy One of God. Matthew 1.20
Firstborn of Mary
First born among many brothers (John 1.12, Romans 8.29)
The Messiah
3. One of the the many Names will be Immanuel.
"That which describes His Attributes.
God with us.
We have beheld His Glory. John 1.14
The Good Shepherd
The Way, the Truth and the Life
The Resurrection and the Life
That Great Shepherd of the Sheep.
King of Kings
R.A. Torrey:
The Real Christ
Doctrinally, it must be repeated that the belief in the Virgin birth of Christ is of the highest value for the right apprehension of Christ's unique and sinless personality. Here is One, as Paul brings out in Romans 5:12 ff., who, free from sin Himself, and not involved in the Adamic liabilities of the race, reverses the curse of sin and death brought in by the first Adam, and establishes the reign of righteousness and life. Had Christ been naturally born, not one of these things could be affirmed of Him. As one of Adam's race, not an entrant from a higher sphere, He would have shared in Adam's corruption and doom—would Himself have required to be redeemed. Through God's infinite mercy, He came from above, inherited no guilt, needed no regeneration or sanctification, but became Himself the Redeemer, Regenerator, Sanctifier, for all who receive Him. "Thanks be unto God for His unspeakable gift" (2 Corinthians 9:15).
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