Psalm 37:23 The steps of a good man are ordered by the LORD,
And He delights in his way.
I became Bob's pastor in 1984. He never called me anything but "Pastor". He respected me and my office. Remember he was my age now when I became his pastor. I was 28 years old.
I am going to have to hold back my words concerning him. There is just too much could say. Even what am going to share does not seem adequate at all. Things were coming to me this morning.
You never had to wonder where you stood with Mr. Pawson. He was a straight shooter. Even Dr. Mucci, our former District Superintendent, once told me if you want the truth ask Bob Pawson.
I never met a man who worked like him, at his jobs (yes he had several), at his home and at his church.
When I came to the church and out little notes in the bulletins concerning going to homes and meeting the congregation, I asked for day of the week and time that would be best. Helen wrote, "Have to play it by ear." I soon found out why. I remember when he filled in at Southside. (He was an LPN) He was in church that morning, taught Sunday School, took the offering, turned off the lights in the sanctuary (Something he was known for). I got in my car and rode to the hospital to see someone there and when I arrived there was Mr. Pawson's car! He was already at work! I knew I was the pastor of someone very unique.
Tender Toughness- Loved People
Used to love to her his talks about Mrs. Utter, Mrs. Stark, Mrs. Duryea, and Otto Hartwig
He used to tease about being a male chauvinist. I would salute him at times and call him my captain. He would chuckle. Marty, his neighbor, called him the boss. Yet under in that strong body and he was strong. Richard told me he used to carry at times not one, or two but three bundles of roofing up to a job at one time. But in that body of man with incredible strength was a heart of love.
1. He Loved Children
His favorite ward as an LPN was Peds. When they put him in Pediatrics he was happy, very happy.
In his younger days he worked in the church nursery. I have a picture of him in my mind on the floor with kids climbing all over him.
He was the Grandpa of Asharoken- kids would come by. I would see him swinging them around They all loved him. Last night I was told that after Michele went home after a visit the neighborhood kids asked if she could come out and when they were told she had left, they asked if Mr. Pawson could! I remember one time stopping by and seeing him swinging kids around by their arms and a line waiting for who was next.
He was childlike, not childish but childlike:
Matthew 18:3-4 The Words of Jesus
And He said: “Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Therefore, whoever takes the lowly position of this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven.
My girls and hundreds others had him for Sunday School. I asked one of his former Sunday School Students, my oldest daughter, Tonya to speak.
Sunday School Tribute by my daughter, Tonya Mancini-Wyss
2. He Loved His Family
Helen "I love you for coming up here." Nearly 70 years of marriage!
Susan, Richard, Robert, Bart, Barbara, Michele, Nicole, Taylor the great grandkids MacKenzie and Mark
Pete, Julie, their girls, Olga, Helens sister
I have fond memories of seeing him at the church with Michele when she was just a little girl. He brought her along to do some work when she was visiting. I remember going crabbing at the Marina with him and Taylor coming along.
Barbara commented last night that I am part of the family. I feel I am because I know you guys so well, not because we have spent a lot of time together, we haven't. But because your Dad and Grandfather so often spoke of you. He did so with love, admiration and respect for your accomplishments. He loved to tell me how you were doing and smiled as he did. I heard his joy of each promotion or recognition or positive thing that happened to you over coffee on Mondays after we had prayed together.
Michele Tribute
Thanks Pastor for making my voice heard at my grandfather’s funeral! Here is a letter I wrote to God...
Dear God
Just to let you know you have ‘THE BEST’ angel in the house of heaven!!! I am not sure if you met my Pops yet...well I am pretty sure you haven’t yet, because if you aren’t up at the crack of dawn he has already been out to help someone or fix some broken down trinket in his the time everyone else is getting up Pops is awake and on a mission! I am just wondering if you can provide a few things for my Pops as these ‘things’ represent my fondest memories of my grandfather...
1) CARVEL ice cream: I am not sure if you have had any Carvel ice cream God- but when I was a kid it ROCKED!...I remember my Pops bringing me to the Carvel after dinner the summer’s I would visit from Canada. We have Dairy Queen in Canada...but Carvel there was something different about it...maybe it was a different cream, or special chocolate sauce...or maybe because I was in the company of my Pop Pops who would love to indulge every once in awhile with his “CANUCK” grand daughter.
2) The “PUMPKIN” : No God I’m not talking about the ones you eat or carve for Halloween...I’m talking about Pop Pops car we all called “the pumpkin” was the colour of a pumpkin. I can remember him going out in it with his dog/best buddy Sunshine...the car was probably worth as much as a pumpkin...piece of junk it was but the best running piece of junk that Pops kept for a fix or repair daily project... Can you believe it God...someone stole that “pumpkin” by chance if you can find that pumpkin along with his buddy Sunshine I am sure Pops would LOVE IT!
3) NO HAIR PLEASE: God whatever you do for the angel makeover...don’t give him any hair!....I loved my Pops shiny bald head...I am not sure what hair or maybe car wax product he used for his head, but it sure did shine like a newly waxed car...I loved rubbing his head like waiting for a genie in a bottle to appear! You would always know the mood Pops was in by the way he scratched his head!!
4) A BIKE: I know God it sounds crazy but Pops and I had this amazing day about 15 or so years ago...I know, that would make him about 75 yrs old... but that was his chronological age...I do believe Pops relived his 30th birthday every year!...anyways, he decided to accompany me on a 10km run-Pops decided he would bike along side of me proudly giving me a ‘breathless’ dialogue of Long Island’s history...He loved the Island...I do remember him complaining of tired legs and having to “gear down” a few times over a few speed bumps...I think he was even sore for a few days but had way too much pride to admit it...I believe he even stifled a few whimpers while getting out of his reclining chair that evening... but we had this silent understanding
we had to keep it on the down low...if Mom Moms were to find out exactly what happened in his self inflicted painful adventure....we knew we wouldn’t get any sympathy ...Pops was a believer in what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger...well he was living proof as he lived another 15 years thereafter!!! ...So God... I would love for Pops to accompany me on a few more runs...if he can fit it in his busy heavenly days...maybe a FULL SUSPENSION BIKE would be suffice as the trails can get a little bumpy up on Canada’s Bruce Trail!!
5) CRAB LEGS AND ICE CREAM CAKE: God, I hope there are some buffet style Chinese food restaurants up there...especially if you want to actually meet my pops and have a great conversation...invite him for some crab’s probably the only time he will sit for longer than 5 minutes...otherwise, he is always in motion...not much time to sit as he has this constant zest to fill his day and live every minute to it’s fullest! He said he would have plenty of time to rest in his grave...somehow I am not quite believing it!!
As for the ice cream are well aware his 90th birthday is coming up... whatever you not put 90 candles on the ice cream cake...I will always remember the birthday party we had for Pops... my mom had this BRIGHT idea (no pun intended) to light up his cake with 60 plus candles...lets just say it was bright, it was HOT, and we couldn’t sing happy birthday fast enough before the milky landslide of ice cream goop dripped to the floor!
God ....I have faith you will take great care of my Pops...he took care of a lot of people while he was here on earth...maybe he can reap what he sowed, however, I know he enjoyed giving more than receiving...surround him with roses so maybe he will stop for a moment and smell one...
Pops if you can hear me... now that you have transitioned from one world to another I can now be with you more long distance phone calls, no more trains, planes, automobiles or buses required to visit you or be with you... your spiritual presence will always be with me in my heart!! I miss you Pop Pops and will love you to ETERNITY!!
3. Loved His Church
I do not know where to begin.
I said last night to several folks after being asked how I was doing, "The church I have pastored for over 31 years and Mr. Pawson were synonymous. I cannot think about one without the other." But I will have to now to some extent, but not as much as you might think. His fingerprints are literally all over these grounds, in the building itself and in the flower beds he put in.
I had him give a testimony on tithing. He agreed.
April 1962... 54 years.
Bob Pawson was a model Christian worker, actually more than that. He was the servant of God extraordinaire!
I cannot say enough. In fact if I tried to list the things this man did for this church we would be here until next week.
I am going to mention just a few:
*Up into his 80's he shoveled the snow, not just the walks but at times part of the parking lot by hand.
*My daughter Tina and I were talking to Donna-
at 8am on Fridays in the spring, summer and fall you would hear the lawnmower start up over at the church.
*He gave his retirement dinner money from Pilgrim to the church.
*He provided gas for the mowers and in all the years I have been pastor we never bought a mower nor did I! He found old ones and fixed them up.
*This man taught Sunday School for years, served on the board, worked all around inside and outside of the church and never complained, never asked for recognition (in fact it is a good thing he is in heaven now because I would be getting after the service for going on like this). He never asked anyone for help. He did not need encouragement and when I would try to give it he would tell me he loved working for the LORD.
*Back in the days when Pastors made house calls frequently he told me once, "You do not need to come and see us, Pastor. Use your time to go and visit those who need you."
I never asked him to do anything here!- I did not have to. He was on it as soon as something needed attention.
One of his favorite verses he would quote to me in our discussions about life. "If what I do causes someone to be offended, I will not do it."
He prayed for the church. One of his prayers were when I became pastor in 1984 (just 8 years after the building was completed) that the church would be used every day. That prayer was answered in a short time and continues to this day. One of his greatest concerns was expressed to me regularly the past 2 years, "My biggest concern, Pastor, is 'Who is going to do this after I am gone.'"
His final Sunday attending church was the week before the new agreement/relationship wit the Spanish Church we began 20 years ago took place. Even before he left for heaven they were raking the leaves and refurbishing the church. This spring a roof will go on the original roof he and Richard put up years back. His prayers are still being answered.
4.Loved His pastor
He supported me in the worst of times and the best of times. In difficult times he did not coddle me but encouraged me.
He always expressed appreciation to the LORD for me and my ministry.
Prayed appreciation to the LORD for my Bible Studies.
When I upset him (and I did unintentionally on occasion) he would say with a smile that at the same time showed his displeasure a little but much more than that his respect, "I love you, Pastor."
One time when he was not able to (and I could count on one hand when that was the case) I cut the lawn around the church. The next day I came out of the parsonage to see him doing it al over again. I went over and stopped him and asked him why. He said, "I didn't like the way you did it."
I spent more time with Bob Pawson than any other individual in my life the past 31 years. We prayed together for years three times a week. During the most difficult times in my life we were praying together. We literally for a stretch of about 25 years after his retirement saw each other every day!
Some people leave a hole in your heart when they die. Bob has left a crater in mine.
5. Loved His LORD
Most people did not know but he played the organ back in the day. He would clean the church, I would go into the sanctuary and there he would be playing a hymn at the organ.
He never missed a Bible Study or prayer meeting.
I remember on more than one occasion going to 1744 Asharoken and seeing him in his recliner Michele talked about reading his Bible.
He loved to worship. He sat up front in the second pew.
I loved to hear him pray. I will miss that.
6. He Loved To Work
He seldom took a vacation. I do not remember in over 31 years of being their pastor Helen and Bob being away. Once or twice maybe when he went to Canada.
In 1999 at 73 years of age he went upstate with me and put a roof on my parents house. We quit for the day and after dinner we hard hammering on the roof. He went back up and worked until dark.
To this day I cannot figure out how he did so much at the church singlehandedly! I have tried to do the yard work around the church and it took me twice as long. I will miss our conversations after he finished and would° say to Helen when she called to see where he was, "The Pastor is holding me up Helen.
7. He loved His country.
He had a flag on the antenna of his car.
He served in WWII in the Navy aboard a ship.
He was moved by a picture of my grandson in his boy scout uniform in front of his great grandfather's grave at Calverton recently. The place where he will be laid to rest."
He was blatantly honest. You never had to wonder where you stood with Mr. Pawson. Most of the time you seldom had to ask him.
He loved to tease and banter, all in fun. On many occasions when I was the recipient of a gift from Helen and him I would thank him ad he would say, "Thank Helen. If it were up to me I would not have given it to you
I got him upset a few times and he let me know it, but he forgave quickly.
He helped me bury my second to last dog.
He did all his work for the LORD as a labor of love.
Bob Pawson was one of a kind. I never saw anyone work like he did for the LORD and his church and family. He has been a friend for over 31 years. He was a servant of the LORD here on earth. He is enjoying his reward now in heaven. What an inspiration he was and the memory of him will be.
16:11 You make known to me the path of life; You will fill me with joy in Your presence, with eternal pleasures at your right hand.
On a number of occasions the past few weeks Helen commented to me, "I do not know how I would have gotten through this without my church family." I was talking to a pastor friend a few days ago and said, "When the church is the church it is such a beautiful thing!"
I have dedicated many children at the front of the church, including my grandchildren. I have married many people there as well. And like yesterday we have brought loved ones in for their final time before laying them to rest to celebrate, "Well done good and faithful servant." That is they way it should be.
We are all going to miss Mr. Pawson. Yet God has promised His Presence during our darkest moments. We all can testify how He has been with us in other losses we have had. We know Jesus Never Fails.
Thank you, each of you, for the meals you brought, for the times you sat with Helen, for your prayers and even for your motherly concern for me!
You reflect the image of Christ. There is nothing greater than that!
In His Dear Name,