Proverbs 2.1-8
Wisdom is the very foundation of the earth and heavens. - Proverbs 8.22-31
The plan of salvation was included in this.
The Lamb slain from the foundations of the earth. Revelation 13.8
Proverbs 8.34 Blessed are those who listen to me,
watching daily at my doors,
waiting at my doorway.
35 For those who find me find life
and receive favor from the LORD.
36 But those who fail to find me harm themselves;
all who hate me love death.”
The Proverbs are not like fortune cookies where one pulls out a verse once in a great while for direction, rather they teach a way of life. They make more sense as you experience life, as you get older. You have a growing number of examples of real life situations as you mature as a believer. They become a reflection of your own life.
This is why they are written to "my son" and so many are aimed to young men. They are telling you about life before you experience it, helping you know what is ahead.
Proverbs 1.4 giving knowledge and discretion to the young
But they are not exclusively for young men. They are for everyone.
Proverbs 1.5 Let the wise add to their learning...
Some have read a chapter of Proverbs every day. Billy Graham's father-in-law, Dr. Nelson Bell, missionary to China did this. When Billy Graham was a young man he picked up and incorporated this practice. Charles Stanely does it as well. If you do this you will read through Proverbs once a month.
Learn and live.
Proverbs 1.4 giving knowledge and discretion to the young
1. The Three "Ifs" in verses one through four
*If you accept my words
Seize it, lay hold of it, fetch it, acquire it
*If you call out for insight
*If you search for it like silver
How does one search for silver?
In the ground.
Yo have to dig deep.
It is hard work. It strains muscles and you sweat. Closest thing was carrying rocks in Haiti.
Wisdom does not come to the casual observer nor to the person who does not meditate on God's Word.
Wisdom comes from the study of Proverbs, from crying out to God, from thinking and meditating, from digging deep within your soul and allowing the Word of God to cleanse you.
We have become very wide today but not very deep. With the increase of knowledge and it is growing exponentially, there has been a decrease in wisdom.
Get to know the Proverbs! Get to know them well. Read them, meditate upon them, live by them!
2. The Result of this Diligent Pursuit. vs. 5-6
*You will understand the fear of the LORD
Most people do not understand this.
It is a reverence along with trembling.
It is a realization of God's character and His power
It is understanding that everyone is accountable to Him!
Keith Green Song Most People Don't Find Out Til Its Too Late
*You will find the knowledge of God
Higher than just knowledge of this world
*Financial Freedom for instance is found in the Proverbs. But again you have to search for it. Not like the Televangelist at 2:30 this morning spewing out garbage about the so called "wealth" gospel. Go preach that nonsense in Haiti and see how stupid it is!
*Who to become friends with is in the Proverbs.
3. The Benefits of Wisdom -vs.7-8
The first 9 chapters talk about things like the moral benefits of wisdom, avoiding the adulterous woman, warns about the invitation of sinful men and ill gotten gain... gambling... man at the Western Union buying Lotto tickets yesterday. I went out singing. He went out without his dollars and a dream that if it come true will destroy him! "I wish I had never won that 2 million dollars because it destroyed my family."
The Proverbs is full of truth about Money, Sex and Power.
It is not until we get to chapter 10 that we actually get into the Proverbs themselves. The first nine chapters are describing them and telling why they are important. They also discuss the difference between wisdom and foolishness.
4. The Invitation From Wisdom is the Invitation To Come To Christ- c.9
Colossians 2.2 My goal is that they may be encouraged in heart and united in love, so that they may have the full riches of complete understanding, in order that they may know the mystery of God, namely, Christ, 3 in whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge. 4 I tell you this so that no one may deceive you by fine-sounding arguments.
Fine sounding= in a bad sense, persuasiveness of speech, specious discourse leading others into error.
God wants you to be rich.
God will heal everyone if they just have faith.
Galatians 4. 13 As you know, it was because of an illness that I first preached the gospel to you,
You don't need to go be part of a church.
There is no hell.
Everyone is going to heaven.
Get into this study of Proverbs. If you are not attending one of our Bible Studies now is the time to begin! Your spiritual life will be enriched.