John 2.1-11
v.9 and the master of the banquet tasted the water that had been turned into wine. He did not realize where it had come from, though the servants who had drawn the water knew...
The highest calling on this earth is to be a servant of God. These servants at the Wedding in Cana of Galilee became that in a moment. Jesus called them, gave them a specific task and they did it. He is calling people to be His servants today.
If you looked at this scene in 30 A.D. in Cana of Galilee, Israel you would look at the Banquet Master. That is who was overseeing and directing this wedding feast. He was kind of the Maitre' D of the 1st Century. It is interesting how so often we look at the person in charge.
The activity among the servants and Jesus and His Disciples were where things were really happening. That is the way Jesus works! You would not have even heard of that little out of the way place called Cana of Galilee if it were not for Jesus. He goes where needs are to help.
It is still so today. Go to the horrific disaster in Texas to today caused by Hurricane Harvey. You will find relief efforts by Nazarene Compassion Ministries, Samaritan's Purse and The Billy Graham Rapid Response Team with its chaplains among other Christian groups and churches. I love that Pastor from that Spanish Church in Houston who took his boat out to rescue people! (Video)
Go to any natural disaster world wide and it will be the same. Who is still going into Haiti, 7 1/2 years after the earthquake? The church, small mission groups.
Go to the local food pantry and it is run by the church or people from the church.
All over the country today people who do not drive were picked up and brought to church by others.
All these things manned by people who felt Jesus speak to them about serving.
V.5 His mother said to the servants, "Do whatever He tells you."
1. The Definition of a Servant is Just That! v.5
"Do whatever He tells you." Great advice! Godly counsel!
My cousin to my Mom about our trip to Haiti
My Mom's answer... God has told him to go!
Mary did not know what Jesus would do. She knew if anyone could help He could! Often we do not know what the LORD will tell us to do.
Serving the LORD means doing whatever He tells us to do.
The directions Jesus gives us are very simple.
"Fill the jars with water."
"Now draw some out and take it to the master of the banquet."
Go here. Go there. Speak to this person.
Write this person a note.
Jesus' followers follow Him and His Directions.
2. Servants Get To See Things Others Don't. v.9
Special Moments as God works.
God could do miracles in the sky. He chooses rather to work through our hands, the hands of His servants.
In the most menial tasks like filling water jars He appears and does wonders. We watch Him move. Years ago when we had Thanksgiving Dinners we would see the LORD open hearts.
Each task is dignified when it is done for Jesus.
The servants knew... the Banquet Master did not.
The secrets of the kingdom...
Mark 4.11 The secret of the kingdom of God has been given to you. -Jesus
He spoke this to His disciples. Nicodemus was struggling to understand, seeking... The disciples didn't fully until after Jesus rose from the dead.
Then they knew!
We are on this side of the resurrection. We have understanding, insight into the Word of God, the ways He works, His Hand upon us.
The servants knew the power of God.
The servants knew Jesus could work miracles.
The servants knew Jesus' character.
* He was not into making a spectacle of Himself.
* He cares about people.
* He saves the best until last.
Get involved in serving the LORD and you will see things that will blow you away! Barbara with the Haiti Children. Our neighbors know.
3. Servants Can Look Back on God's Hand Upon Things.
These servants never forgot what happened that day.
They never saw anything like this before!
When God works in our lives those moments stand out.
In John 14.11 Jesus is giving His Last Will and Testament to His Disciples before He goes to the Garden of Gethsemane to be arrested and the next day be crucified.
He is speaking to them about things they have never heard Him say before.
He states, "Believe Me when I say that I am in the Father and the Father is Me; or at least believe on the evidence of the miracles themselves."
Servants of God can look back on a vast array of Divine Moments when God stepped in and worked.
I am using this in my life when I come up against things that make no sense or when I am praying and there is no answer coming.
Habakkuk struggled in his prayers at one point in his life.
The nation was going down the tubes. He had been praying. God had seemingly been silent. In Habakkuk 1.2 "How long, O LORD, must I call for help, but You do not listen?"
Habakkuk found out that God was working even though it did not appear He was. Serving the LORD, wrestling through these issues, shows us God i working all things together for our good, for us because we are the called according to His Purpose.
Psalm 100.2 Serve the LORD with gladness... The most content people are those! Filled to overflowing with joy.
The Servants Knew
The power of Jesus Christ.
The compassion of the Savior
The joy of obedience