Sunday, November 26, 2017

Abiding In The Vine

Abiding In The Vine

John 15.1-8

Jesus often used nature to bring out spiritual truths. And why not? He was the Creator. John tells us in this very Gospel, "Through Him all things were made..." The same God that made the world is now taking spiritual object lessons from it. Deep spiritual truths are written right into the creation itself.

1. There Is A Sweetness In The Vine.

Psalm 119.103

Tomatoes still have some inside, picked off the vine when they were green.
Ripened inside, not as sweet.

II Corinthians 2.15,16
The aroma of Christ, the fragrance of life 

God help us not become bitter. 

It can happen.
Hebrews 12.14-15
He is calling on us to hold each other accountable on this.
That means being a paramedic not a policeman.

We are to guard our hearts. 
Proverbs 4.23 Above all else, guard your heart, for out of it come the issues of life.

It doesn't need to happen.

How to avoid it.
Serve the Kingdom and the King.
Forgive whatever grievances you have against one another.
Live in the blessings of what you have, not in the envy of what you do not have.

Let The Beauty of Jesus Been Seen In Me
Third verse
From the dawn of the morning till the close of day
In example in deeds in all you say
Lay your gifts at His feet, ever strive to keep sweet
Let the beauty of Jesus be seen in you.

2. There Is Life In the Vine.

The Word
The Word of Life I John 1.1

Prayer being answered.

Cut off the branch and it will die... The Bittersweet.

3. There is Joy in the Vine.

The joy of knowing Jesus. Huge.
The joy of serving Him.
The joy of abiding with Him.

4.There is Fruit in the Vine.  vs.5, 8

Hosea 10.1-4, 12

5. Abiding In The Vine. v.7


His Word in us

Our prayers to Him.

Stay the course, finish well.

Sunday, November 19, 2017

The Place He Is Preparing For Us

The Place He Is Preparing For Us

John 14.1-3

Jesus is talking here about heaven, the City of God.  

He is talking to them about it in the darkest time of their lives.
Promises for our darkest days, when death comes our thoughts go to heaven.

If only in this life we have hope we are of all men most miserable. I Corinthians 15.19 
But we have Hope!

1.  My Father's House

Where Jesus is

Many rooms
A mansion?  Songs 

The "many mansions" is another way of saying there is plenty of room.  There is room for all who believe. A house on this earth may become too small for a growing family,  a motel or hotel may be have no vacancies but in our Father's House that is not and will not be the situation.

If Jesus is present who cares?!
I will take His Presence over anything!

Seeing Jesus. No night. No need of the sun.

2. He is Coming Back Again

One day

One day soon

Perhaps Today

I Thessalonians 4.13-18

I Corinthians 15.25

3. He Will Take Us to His Home.

He went to the cross to prepare Salvation for us, out of the grave to prepare eternal life for us , He ascended into Heaven that He might prepare a place (home) for us.

The prepared place is for the prepared soul...  He is speaking to His disciples.

Hebrews 6.20 describes Jesus as the prodromos. The word describes  a trailblazer, one Who goes ahead of us, preparing the path and the way.  It is a word which was used in military exploits to describe those who went before to make a way. Then the rest would follow in their footsteps.

Heaven is the true home of the believer.
We are not citizens of this earth. We are pilgrims, wayfarers, aliens here. 

Grand Reception Planned

A rich welcome.  II Peter 1.11

John 17.24

Henry Clay Morrison
"You're home yet, Henry"

Sunday, November 12, 2017

The Full Extent of His Love

John 13.1

The extent= the end to which all things relate, the aim, purpose
that by which a thing is finished, its close, issue
a primary tello (to set out for a definite point or goal)

This act showed the disciples how much Jesus loved them. 

v.3 You would think this demonstration was going to be some huge miracle because the Father had given Him all power.
He knew Who He was where He came from and where He was going
When you know who you are you never have to prove anything.

The full extent of His love was the example He set in washing their feet, then going to Gethsemane and Calvary.

1. Humility to the Extreme

Pastor Jefferies of First Baptist Dallas
"I don't think I have anything to say to him that would help him. He is a strong believer and pastor. I think he has things to say to me. There are things I need to learn from him."

2. Doing the Lowliest of Tasks.
Cleaning the Bathrooms
Shoveling snow
Yard work
Changing diapers
Teaching children

Serving Him not when it convenient of easy but when it is agonizing and personally painful.

3. Following His Example v.15

Washing feet was for the least servant in the household.

This act backed up everything He taught.

II Corinthians 8.9

Philippians 2.5-11

v.17 Now that you know these things, you will be blessed if you do them.

Sunday, November 5, 2017

Lessons From The Anointing By Mary

Lessons From The Anointing By Mary

John 12.1-11

This was commended by Jesus as a beautiful thing.

1. The Poor You Will Always Have With You.

The Poor= those reduced to beggary, begging, asking alms
The little boy in Beijing, just outside Teinnmin Square
Blind beggars in Egypt and Israel

2. Opportunities Come To Do Something Special For Jesus 

*We must take advantage of those opportunities when they come.
They do not last.

3. Anointed People Are Targets of Some Unsuspecting Individuals

The Sanhedrin

Religious Leaders