Sunday, January 3, 2021

What To Expect in 2021

What to Expect This Year Joshua 1 Last Sunday... Watch: Looking ahead to 2021: What can Long Islanders expect? Newsday's Steve Langford on Sunday spoke with Long Islanders about what they expect in 2021 Many are predicting things. We expect a Covid spike this month. We wonder about the economy. We wonder where America is headed. Two things the LORD speaks to Joshua about that we need to hear from Him today... Fear * Of circumstances * Of abandonment * Of tomorrow Discouragement * Challenges * Resources * Uncharted Territory * Battles * Changing Times (Moses dead) What will we expect this year. There are... *Big Challenges We are still finding out the events of 2020 twill effect life in 2021. What will our nation and the world look like? What will happen to our economy?. Where will this take us before it ends? How will a Post Covid World appear? We also can expect... *God’s Faithfulness /God’ Promises Fulfilled The LORD is faithful to all His Promises. Psalm 145.13 He will never leave us or forsake us. Deuteronomy 31.6 His Presence He will supply all our needs. Philippians 4.19 His Provisons He will give us peace. John 14.27 His peace. He will guide us. Psalm 48.14 His leadership in our lives. He will show us the way. I have noticed in my time in the Word passages like this one meaning more and different things during this time. God is speaking to us as we get alone and are still before Him. I’ve been glued to my Bible the last week or so doing a close reading & analysis of the New Testament, just started Luke. It’s awesome, I’ve never been captivated by the Bible this way. *Great Accomplishments They will look differently than previous ones. They will be greater than previous ones. They will be widespread. We saw this coming about 15 years ago with our Sunday Morning Message Blog Today it continues: Last month 785 views. Italy Russia Portugal France United Kingdom Cayman Islands Malaysia Romania Nigeria. Livestream is here to stay: Christmas Sunday: 250+views, Christmas Eve and Day 530+ as of yesterday. Missions are changing. Giving is changing. Zelle God’s Word remains the same. Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever. Think about how His Word was spread in the first century by letter and prophets. Then we had the printing press putting a Bible in everyone’s hand Then radio and then television Now, right now He is getting His Word out by Pastors live-streaming. Habakkuk 1.5 “Look at the nations and watch—     and be utterly amazed. For I am going to do something in your days     that you would not believe,     even if you were told. Habakkuk wondered why God wasn’t working on behalf of the nation. God was working. Habakkuk had to wait for it. It was going to be a time of even greater difficulty. However God gave the prophet Hope. By the end of his prophecy he was jumping up and down and swinging around, rejoicing in God His Saviour. We can get to that same place. The disparaging things said about 2020 are not good for anything. We could be talking against what God is doing! Every move of God has had its naysayers. Let’s be open to what God is doing on these days. Let’s be thankful for all He has blessed us with. Let’s submit ourselves to Him. Let’s expect God to provide for us, work in us and use us to share the good news.