Sunday, February 25, 2007

The LORD's Day, February 25, 2007

When God Is Silent
Psalm 74

We pray for people to come to the LORD. It doesn’t seem that anything is happening. They remain indifferent to the things of God and reject our testimony.

We pray for a person to be healed and they get worse or they go to be with the LORD. There is a silence in our souls.

We hope for circumstances to change in our nation or world and they don’t.

We are facing a decision and we ask God to guide us but there is seemingly no response. What do we do?

There are times when it appears that the LORD is doing to us what Asaph described in verse 11: Why do you hold back Your hand, your right hand? Take it from the folds of Your garment and destroy them. As we journey along the road to heaven there are times when we enjoy great fellowship with the LORD There are times of glory and bliss and thanksgiving. There are mountain peaks that we experience and it seems as if we could stay there forever like Peter on Mount Hermon. But the work of God is not done on mountains only, the greatest work is done in the valleys. It is in the valleys of life that the LORD changes us inwardly.

One such Valley is the Valley of the Shadow of Death. It can be very silent The silence of God in the death of a loved one can be almost deafening.

Fellowship can be pleasant and it can be difficult. If you pray what Paul prayed in Philippians 3.10-11 I want to know Christ and the power of his resurrection and the fellowship of sharing in his sufferings, becoming like him in his death, and so, somehow, to attain to the resurrection from the dead, that fellowship can be painful and sorrowful and sometimes laced with God’s silence. Remember part of Jesus’ sufferings was the cry, “My God, My God, Why have You forsaken Me?” I want to come back to that a little later. Let us just acknowledge now that to pray that prayer is to ask the LORD to allow you to go through some of that sense that Jesus had of abandonment by God, the Father Himself.

There is ample scriptural evidence beyond this Psalm that we may encounter times when as Aspah laments in verse 9: We are given no miraculous signs; no prophets are left, and none of us knows how long this will be. No evidence of God’s work present work, no Word from God, no idea how long it will last.

What do you do when God is silent?

1. Go back in History and see the His Hand. vs. 12-15

O God our Help in Ages Past Our Hope in Years to Come

There have been times when the LORD moved and moved mightily on our behalf. Go back over these and give Him the glory

All of us have experienced times when we received answers to prayer. We have gotten glimpses of God’s Hand working providentially. Go back to those That is what the Psalmist is doing here.

Remember times when heaven seemed so close, when prayer was immediately answered, when God stepped in and intervened. Remember times when He sent messengers to you in a note or a word of encouragement or in a song. Get those notes out and reread them!

Remember the people He has brought into your life and that are now with Him. The memory of the righteous will be a blessing.

Remember times when God was silent before and then He spoke. He will answer you all in His good time He will come again at the time He has appointed.

Trace His Hand in your life.

When God is silent...
2. Go Out and Look at Creation

*Look up
at the heavens

Isaiah 40.26 Lift your eyes and look to the heavens: Who created all these? He who brings out the starry host one by one, and calls them each by name. Because of his great power and mighty strength, not one of them is missing.
Sun moon and stars in their courses above

He has named all the stars The are monuments and memorials

*Look around
at the seasons
Great is Thy Faithfulness Summer and winter and springtime and harvest

Ask yourself: Who made all this? The LORD God Almighty He is the Maker of heaven and earth

*Look at the birds and the blooms. Luke 12.24-31
God takes care of them. God will take care of you He is taking care of you You have food and clothing and shelter. This, as we have often spoke about, is a great part of the spiritual battle we are in today.
The hymn writer picked up on it in the song, “Count Your Blessings”. When you look at others with their land and gold think that Christ has promised you His wealth untold We need to look back at what God has promised us. Once again the influence of the health and wealth false teachers have made us think we need a lot more than we do Most of us have more possessions than we can handle now.

The prayer of the sage in Proverbs needs to be prayed by us today Proverbs 30.7-9: Two things I ask of you, O LORD; do not refuse me before I die: Keep falsehood and lies far from me; give me neither poverty nor riches, but give me only my daily bread. Otherwise, I may have too much and disown you and say, 'Who is the LORD ?' Or I may become poor and steal, and so dishonor the name of my God.

Food and clothing is what we need to live. Paul writes to Timothy, I Timothy 6.6 But godliness with contentment is great gain. 7For we brought nothing into the world, and we can take nothing out of it. 8 But if we have food and clothing, we will be content with that.

When God is silent...
3. Go To His Word and Hear Him Speak

We have the Word of God. He has spoken. We can go to it for encouragement and help in times when He is silent.

Read the Psalms See yourself in the Psalms Live in the Psalms

Take the Word you have memorized and repeat it. Sing the scriptures. Sing with faith and hope in the LORD

Take notes on messages you hear and write down the things that impress you and when you are going through tough times get them out and read them

Read your favorite verses and let what God has spoken speak to you

When God is silent...
4. Don’t complain. Wait for Him Isaiah 40.27-31

As we said before He is the Creator He is in control. He is in charge.

He never grows weary. We do not have this concept. About the closest we can get to that is the energy of a child when we are worn out from watching them. I see it more- much more with my granddaughter than I did with my own girls when they were growing up. Last week when her cousins came and they ran around and around and she kept going while I finally sat down on the sofa, Someone said that classic line, “Where does she get all that energy? ” But on the way home she fell asleep- even youths grow tired and weary But the LORD never does He who watches over Israel neither slumbers nor sleeps
His understanding is way beyond us.
When God is silent don’t try and understand why They will be enough people coming up with the wrong reasons all around you Remember Job None of those around him got it right

Trusting Him is not synonymous with understanding Him. It is a trait of a child to ask why to everything. When we do it, it is childish

He gives strength to those whose hope is in Him This is an action and a state of being. If you hope in the LORD you will receive strength. If your hope is anything else you will be let down.

There will be times in our lives when God is silent. Perhaps this morning you are going through one of those times in your life. Maybe like Asaph you are crying out and you have no idea how long this silence will last.

It easy to become discouraged and downcast during times like this. It is easy to see other believers as having very little problems. It easy to feel my situation is different, so very different that I am all alone.

These are all feelings and I would not place anything on them. They are deceiving. They come and go. Keep your faith in the LORD and in His Word today

We often keep this situation to ourselves. Others have gone through this and it is a good thing to share this with people you have confidence in. They may not be able to fully understand but they can pray for you and you can share the things your situations had in common.

Finally, come with me to the cross this morning. Jesus lived a perfect sinless life. He is on the cross dying for you and me. One of the haunting sentences He makes is, “My God, My God, Why have You forsaken Me?” Scholars have sought to dig into that verse. Much of it is beyond my understanding. Nevertheless it what Jesus was experiencing. There was no answer recorded- just silence from heaven. We are called on by Jesus to take up our crosses daily. This can mean that from time to time we go through the fellowship of sharing in His Sufferings and experience, like He did to some very small degree, the silence of God. When we do:

Go back in history and see His Hand.
Go out and look at His Creation.
Go to His Word and hear Him speak.
Don’t complain! Wait for Him!

The LORD’s Day
February 25, 2007

We Worship In Singing
We Worship In Prayer
We Worship In Hearing the Word of God
When God Is Silent Psalm 74

*Tithes and Offerings can be placed in the box at the rear of the sanctuary*
The cardboard church in the foyer is for Alabaster Offerings. All money given goes directly to build
hospitals, churches, parsonages and Christian schools in world areas.
Please join us for coffee and bagels downstairs if you are visiting today.

This Week
Bible Reading Psalm 75-77
Monday- Men’s Prayer Meeting- 6:30am
Wednesday- Bible Study- 7:30pm at the parsonage Psalm 75-77
Thursday- Bible Study- 10:30am at the church Psalm 75-77
Next Lord’s Day-
Morning Prayer- 10am in the church basement
Morning Worship- 10:30am(Sunday School for Children) The LORD’s Supper Served
Spanish Service- 4pm

In Your Prayers For All of God’s People
Remember the men serving in the armed forces: Bradley, Julia Bujold’s grandson with Special Forces in Afghanistan, home on leave right now, Ken Brown, Pastor’s friend’s son on his third tour of Iraq recently sustained injuries. Pray for his safety. Matthew Klaus, brother of Good Shepherd parent in Iraq as a firefighter for Haliburton... Pray for them and the others away from their families. Praise God for keeping David Louis, Jake Morgan and Tom Hindelang safe during their times in Iraq. Christine Frankland, Katharina’s as she continues the radiation and Pastor’s friend Rudy undergoing radiation as well. Sonya, Albert and Anka’s niece in Canada waiting for biopsy results. Please pray for the whole family. Kathy, Ziggy and Margot’s daughter-in-law, under the doctor’s care for a lifelong condition. Please pray for healing for all of these. Praise God for a good report on Judy Mucci. Please continue to pray for her.
*A number of nursery school families are going through difficult times. If you would like to sponsor a child presently at Good Shepherd, see Alice or call the school at 666-7503
*If you would like to help with the Sunday Morning Bagel ministry see Alice Gordon.

Notes on Our Time in the Word of God This Morning:
When God is Silent
Psalm 74

Pastor’s messages are now available on the Internet
Church e-mail:
Church Phone: 631-969-1730

*1314 Pine Acres Boulevard, Bay Shore, Long Island, NY 11706-5436*
Whatever you do, in word or deed, do all for the glory of God

Sunday, February 18, 2007

The LORD's Day, February 18, 2007

Fixing Our Eyes On Jesus
Psalm 73

This is a Psalm that shows the importance and necessity of keeping our eyes on the LORD
Yet nevertheless offers hope to those who have almost slipped.
And still warns of the consequences of slipping and the dangers that could follow.

The wicked will appear to have no troubles or at least little when we are going through difficulties.

v.3 I took my eyes off of the LORD
I looked at the arrogant.
I envied them when I saw their prosperity. What a false picture of a person
Yet so tantalizing Probably the reason for the warning when restoring a fallen brother in Galatians 6.

v.1 God has been good to us- pure in heart. Why do we look elsewhere? The world, the flesh and the devil work in concert to bring us to that place. Israel’s problem, the church’s dilemma. The only solution is fix your eyes on Jesus

There are men that seemed to have mastered this.

I was talking to Lucy last night about Hudson Taylor.

When I went to China I reread his Spiritual Secret. What an incredible experience reading about him and the China Inland Mission in the land where it took place. I spoke to an elderly Chinese pastor who worked with the mission, when I was mentioned Hudson Taylor he said, He was a spiritual giant. I have many books about him.

George Muller and Hudson Taylor knew each other well.

Hudson Taylor attended the Hull Fellowship of which Mueller was pastor. Mueller was taking care of 10,000 orphans when he went to be with the LORD. Both men read the Bible entirely through 40 times the last 40 years of their life. That is part of finishing well. Arthur Tappan Pierson pastored in Brooklyn, NY and wrote a biography of his friend, George Muller of Bristol. My grandmother received it for a gift years ago when she was a young woman. I now have it and have read it. In fact I found it in my parent's attic years ago like treasure that had been buried and dug up. I read it on the way to Florida in the 1980's and talked with my grandmother about it. She recalled immediately several stories of faith from it. It is a powerful testimony of a life lived fully for God. He once said, It ill becomes the servant to seek to be rich, and great, and honored in that world where his Lord was poor, and mean, and despised.

Oswald Chambers is another person who has inspired me.
His well known devotional, My Utmost For His Highest, was not written by him but rather were chapel messages he gave to the students at the Bible College where he taught. Hs wife was a court stenographer and copied down every message. After his death she put together the well know devotional and other books. Though he is dead, yet he still speaks He came to the LORD under the ministry of Charles Spurgeon in London.

Spurgeon is a hero of mine.

I Spurgeon’s messages often and am always inspired as I read the simple profound messages the LORD gave this dear man who battled severe depression a for most of his life. Hudson Taylor traveled extensively around the British Isles speaking at churches and promoting the needs of China. At home in the East End of London he also ministered at Newgate Prison . During this time he became friends with Charles Spurgeon, who pastored the Metropolitan Tabernacle and became a life-long supporter of Taylor.

The memory of these men and the work that goes on through each them 100 years after their death is a blessing to me. They all seem to have mastered fixing their eyes on Jesus. We would do well to follow their example!

v.3 I took my eyes off of the LORD
I looked at the wicked’s prosperity. You are close to slipping when you look at people who have no regard for God and His Word and you begin to think thoughts about why they have it so good. (vs.4-5)

This was the conclusions the Psalmist reached:

1. They have no struggles. Nothing troubles them. There is nothing holding them back from enjoying life.

2. Their bodies are healthy and strong. People abuse their bodies and survive while righteous people suffer. Isaiah wrestled through this and found peace over it. Isaiah 57:1 The righteous perish, and no one ponders it in his heart; devout men are taken away, and no one understands that the righteous are taken away to be spared from evil.

3. They are free from the common burdens. They don’t have to work hard. Everything comes natural for them. They have it so easy Does this sound like thoughts you have had or things you have even said. Be careful If you have you are getting close to envying the arrogant.

4. They are not plagued by human ills. They are like teflon. They get away with murder (literally). They don’t get sick even they abuse their bodies and others. They seem to win at everything.

After he looked at all this he began to sin:I envied them when I saw their prosperity. What a false picture of a person
Yes so tantalizing

vs. 5-12
The wicked are also full of pride. They lift themselves up. They talk about themselves. They exalt themselves. They are also violent- ready to come to blows. Cruel and unjust. This is who we are envying when we get our eyes off of Jesus and onto people.

Their thoughts are full of sin and evil.

Their mouths speak with scoffing and malice. They even dare exalt themselves over God That is going around a lot today in our nation and unless there is repentance, there will be judgement. They get quite a following. The conclusion- the wicked are carefree and their wealth is increasing.

Now all this continues to bring the the mind of the Psalmist as he describes this time in his life into a deeper despair. (vs.13-16)

If you get your eyes off of Jesus you’ll sink. Peter sank into the waters of the Sea of Galilee but the Psalmist sunk into despair and lies. The enemy began to punch him. He hit him hard with stuff that take chills the blood in our veins and these thoughts followed: Surely in vain have I kept my heart pure; in vain have I washed my hands in innocence. (13) This is horrible but he is saying here that there is no value in following the LORD. See what can happen when you get your eyes off of Jesus and put them on the wicked and begin to envy them?

v.14 I haven’t escaped like these guys. My life has been tough In have problems facing me every day. Each morning I wake up to great burdens.

It is good to keep our mouths shut most of the time. I am so thankful for things I did not say, for rumors I did not repeat, for reactions I did not make. So many of them would have been created problems. I have had pity on those who have shot off their mouths only to find out they didn’t have the whole story. This was the case with the Psalmist. He would have betrayed the children of God if he had spoken prematurely. If you are wrestling like he was, Shut your mouth Go and wrestle through it and have the matter out with God. Be careful who speak to because some young believers or children could stumble in your words. (v.15)

v.16 shows us when we lean on our own understanding it can mess us all up. It can oppress us. Some of you are in spiritual depression due to trying to figure out stuff the Psalmist was struggling with. It is a horrible place to live. There is no enjoyment of life there. You miss so much of what God has for you. This type of musing troubles your spirit and it is sin because Jesus told us Do not let your heart be troubled.

Try and have the revelation of why God allows evil and you will soon be in despair. This is the mirror through which we a poor reflection. This is the glass we see dimly through. The arrogant exalted themselves over God. Don’t you be foolish Don’t go down that path. Its end is death.
So what are we to do?
vs. 16-28 Get with God, enter into His Presence and listen to His Word and (re) enter His rest

In my 50 years on the earth and my 27 years as a pastor I have never seen such restlessness. People can’t sit still. They are always on the move. There is such a lack of contentment these days. The irony is this in such incredible abundance

God has been good to us. It has been pleasant to follow Him. He has made me glad. He has been kind to me. Yet looking towards anyone or anything except Him and you will loose you footing. The consequences of living without the LORD are hard and difficult. Don’t be deceived by momentary bytes of info. You will reap what you sow God will deal with the wicked. He is dealing with them. Emma and I planted seeds two weeks ago- Five minutes later...Are they up yet, Poppa? No but they are now!

Looking at the wicked and going down the path of this Psalmist embitters the spirit. (v.21) Remember the elder brother. I am still stunned how that poor pastor’s wife missed the grace of God by making that statement about a person repenting in the last minutes of life versus a person who lives their life for the LORD and how they both get to heaven. It doesn’t seem fair she said. Do you want what you deserve? I sure don’t. Praise God for the last hour. Jesus addressed this in Matthew 20.1-16 That poor soul missed this important truth

This Psalm ends well (vs. 23-28)
God was with this man in his despair. He was holding his Hand. Kids when they don’t want to hold your hand... twisting, pulling...

God was guiding him with His Counsel through his despair. He brought him out.

He again realizes how spiritually rich he is, how God is indeed enough and all he needs and how the LORD strengthens his heart. I love it when the LORD does it. I know I am outwardly wasting away- have been for 25 years now- but inwardly well that is a whole different story. I am being renewed every day God’s taking me into His glory and I’ll be with Him forever

I love the things he is saying now that his eyes are back on the LORD: (v.28)
It is good to be near God. My foot almost slipped. I almost lost my way. I am where I belong. Wedding Reception on L ake Ronkonkoma... I am taking refuge in the LORD- not in my own understanding or what I see. I am going to talk about what the LORD has done. He has done great things for me and others. I am going to spread that around.

God has been good to me. I am going to keep my eyes fixed upon Jesus.

The LORD’s Day

February 18, 2007
We Worship In Singing
We Worship In Prayer
We Worship In Hearing the Word of God

Fixing Our Eyes on Jesus Psalm 73
*Tithes and Offerings can be placed in the box at the rear of the sanctuary*
The cardboard church in the foyer is for Alabaster Offerings. All money given goes directly to build
hospitals, churches, parsonages and Christian schools in world areas.
Please join us for coffee and bagels downstairs if you are visiting today.

This Week
Bible Reading Psalm 71-74
Monday- Men’s Prayer Meeting- 6:30am
Thursday- Bible Study- 10:30am at the church Psalm 71-74
Bible Study- 7:30pm at the parsonage Psalm 71-74
Next Lord’s Day-
Morning Prayer- 10am in the church basement
Morning Worship- 10:30am(Sunday School for Children)
Spanish Service- 4pm
In Your Prayers For All of God’s People
Remember the men serving in the armed forces: Bradley, Julia Bujold’s grandson with Special Forces in Afghanistan, home on leave right now, Ken Brown, Pastor’s friend’s son on his third tour of Iraq recently sustained injuries. Pray for his safety. Matthew Klaus, brother of Good Shepherd parent in Iraq as a firefighter for Haliburton... Pray for them and the others away from their families. Praise God for keeping David Louis, Jake Morgan and Tom Hindelang safe during their times in Iraq. Christine Frankland, Katharina’s as she continues the radiation and Pastor’s friend Rudy undergoing radiation as well. Sonya, Albert and Anka’s niece in Canada waiting for biopsy results. Please pray for the whole family. Kathy, Ziggy and Margot’s daughter-in-law, under the doctor’s care for a lifelong condition. Please pray for healing for all of these. Praise God for a good report on Judy Mucci. Please continue to pray for her.
*A number of nursery school families are going through difficult times. If you would like to sponsor a child presently at Good Shepherd, see Alice or call the school at 666-7503
*If you would like to help with the Sunday Morning Bagel ministry see Alice Gordon.

Notes on Our Time in the Word of God This Morning:
Fixing Our Eyes Upon Jesus

Pastor’s messages are now available on the Internet
Church e-mail:
Church Phone: 631-969-1730

*1314 Pine Acres Boulevard, Bay Shore, Long Island, NY 11706-5436
Whatever you do, in word or deed, do all for the glory of God

Sunday, February 11, 2007

The LORD's Day, February 11, 2007

As You Have Done Before
Psalm 68.28-35

In the Book of Habakkuk the prophet whom the book is named after is going through some very tense times. He is watching the nation go down the tubes. He complains to the LORD about it. He asks the LORD why He doesn’t step in and do something.
Habakkuk 1.3 Why do you make me look at injustice?
Why do you tolerate wrong?
Destruction and violence are before me;
there is strife, and conflict abounds.

4 Therefore the law is paralyzed,
and justice never prevails.
The wicked hem in the righteous,
so that justice is perverted.

God speaks to the prophet and says some very interesting things. By the end of the book we see the prophet telling God, LORD, I have heard of your fame; stand in awe of your deeds, O LORD. Renew them in our day, in our time make them known; in wrath remember mercy. He is asking God the same thing that David is asking the LORD. David’s plea in verse 28 is LORD- work powerfully as You have done before.

These are extreme times we live in today. We can curse these times or we can believe that our times are in God’s Hands. If we believe that then we will move into the prayer that David and Habakkuk prayed. We will ask God even as He judges to show His power in mercy and grace.

David is praying, “LORD, You are in charge, Give the orders and You can do whatever You want. What You do will be mighty. People will see it. You can even move on the politics of the nation.”

“Show us how You can in your strength prevail how You can make things firm, in a world where people are losing their footing”

1. I have memories of past moves of God.

Certainly David is remembering the powerful confrontation with Goliath (I Samuel 17). He told the giant that the battle belonged to the LORD. David understood where his strength came from. Yes he was trained as a shepherd and he had the ability to aim stones and hit the target. But he also recognized that this was a spiritual battle and that it could not be fought with ordinary strength.

The battle was not David’s. the battle belonged to the LORD: v.37 The LORD who delivered me from the paw of the lion and the paw of the bear will deliver me from the hand of this Philistine."
45 David said to the Philistine, "You come against me with sword and spear and javelin, but I come against you in the name of the LORD Almighty, the God of the armies of Israel, whom you have defied. 46 This day the LORD will hand you over to me, and I'll strike you down and cut off your head. Today I will give the carcasses of the Philistine army to the birds of the air and the beasts of the earth, and the whole world will know that there is a God in Israel. 47 All those gathered here will know that it is not by sword or spear that the LORD saves; for the battle is the LORD's, and he will give all of you into our hands."

David is probably remembering the return of the ark from the Philistines. This was quite an event. God moved in this. (II Samuel 4-5) . God gave him victory so that the ark could be returned. When the Philistines heard David was made king over Israel they foolishly came in full force against him. David wisely inquired of the LORD, Shall I go and attack the Philistines? Will You hand them over to me? The LORD answered him, Go, for I will surely hand the Philistines over to you.” The defeat was so extensive that the ark of the LORD was recovered and returned to its rightful place.

God gave David victory after victory. Now David is praying for the LORD to move again against the enemy.

We all have memories of times when God moved mightily in our behalf. We have all had times where we felt where we were not going to be able to go on and somehow with God’s help we did We have memories of God moving in powerful ways.

We have had times when we prayed for a person to come to the LORD and we saw the LORD answer that prayer. Not always because a person has his own will but there have been some wonderful answers to prayer in seeing people come to Christ.

God is desiring to do some things for us like He has in the past today He wants to give us victory. What a wonderful and simple prayer to pray: Summon Your power, O God; show us Your strength, O God, as You have done before.

David is praying here for God to prevail. We can join in...

2. I see the need for the LORD to intervene today

If you do not see this need, maybe we ought to take your pulse We all see it. But we see different facets of the greater need for the LORD to work. Where we are on our journey has something to do with that.

What is the LORD showing you? Habakkuk saw the injustices of a nation built upon God’s Word and how in that nation the whole judicial system was falling apart. He saw that the righteous were being hemmed in by the wicked. Does it cause you any consternation that when we pay our taxes over the next few months part of what we pay will go to fund abortions? It should grieve us.

Perhaps as you read the paper you grieve. I read about that father in the south who gave his children poisons so they would get sick on Campbells’ Soup and he could sue Campbell’s and I am asking God how are human beings like this even produced? I prayed for those kids. God is a father to the fatherless.

David saw the situations we mentioned and he called upon God. It does no one any good for us to lament unless that lament is aimed towards heaven. Let’s do just that. Let’s cry out to the LORD as we see things that trouble us.

One of the things that spurred great moves of God in the past was the aching hearts of those who followed Him and knew His Word and saw that their nation or community was far from what God intended. The stories have this common thread moving through them: They saw great spiritual need. They knew that things were going on that grieved the LORD. They called upon Him. They gave Him time in their schedules. Instead of eating lunch they prayed with others who were like minded. God brought others in. He answered in such a way that many saw what was going on. In all these times there was little human organization or systematic structure. God simply met with a group of His people praying in desperation over the conditions around them.

Their prayer was simple like David’s...

3. Come LORD and Act in Your Strength and Power in This Dark Hour

New believers always make me laugh- they tell me, “I can’t pray like others...” What they are saying is, “My prayers are so simple.” I tell them that those a exactly the prayers God desires to hear and those are the ones he answers. I remember reading about a prayer some famous minister offered. He wrote it out and then recited it. Some who heard it said it was the most eloquent prayer ever offered to a congregation

David’s prayer in this Psalm is simple. LORD, we need You to display Your power and might as You have in the past. This is a spiritual battle. There are “giants” who are defying Your people and Your Name. The holy things (like the ark) are regarded as common things. The holy things have fallen into the hands of men who do not treat them as they should be. Your Name is being misused O God. Help us Send help from heaven

Prevail against the enemy of our souls You are the only One Who can make it happen O God Send us help we pray

Habakkuk 3
This past week I watched a DVD from the first season of Gomer Pyle. It was such a good story. The Colonel's daughter was coming home from college for a break and there was a dance at the base. He needed an escort for her and Gomer was chosen. He ended up singing a song with the guitar at the end. Jom Nabors has such a great voice.

It was so pure and innocent and clean and funny and had good lessons and I could go on and on.

I just remembered more of why I loved Friday Evenings growing up. Family shopped together... all of us went and behaved

I love that exchange in LORD of the Rings between Froto and Sam. I have mentioned it before where Froto asks Sam what they are risking their lives for. Froto answers, That there is a little good left in the world and it worth fighting for. They talk about things being so out of sorts that how could it possibly go back to the way it was before it got all messed up. I remember finishing that movie and feeling hope. I know we can never return to the 1950's or early 60's. As C.S. Lewis wrote, Reality does not repeat. Ecclesiastes 7:10 Do not say, "Why were the old days better than these?" For it is not wise to ask such questions. I’m not asking that this morning. My heart simply longs for a return to the morality we had in our nation, for the strength that came from families, for children to respect their elders, for things along this line, for the LORD to summon His power, show us His Strength as He has done before.

I know we cannot go back to the time before computers and cell phones and all. Although going to a Third World country will do that in some ways. That is also why doctors who go there from America don’t want to come home after they have served. It is not just the technology is missing making life simpler, it is that there is an absence of the deep effects of sin our nation is experiencing. There is a wholesomeness to life that has been ripped away from our nation.

God gives us hope in this Psalm and in Habbakuk.

He is in control although at times it may not appear He is. The just will by faith.

We, as God’s people, need to see the present condition for what it is and pray for God to move and bring people to know Him. We need to pray that people will honor His Word.

“LORD, help me to remember Your awesome power. May You bring to my memory the deeds You have done in Your Word, in history and in my own life. May there be a fresh outpouring of Your Spirit in our day, not because we deserve it because we don’t, but because we so desperately need it I have heard of Your Work and I have experienced Your power. Do it again LORD You are truly our only hope!

My heart breaks over the lost and the present spiritual condition of people I know. God, please help us Send help from heaven. Magnify Yourself in all the earth ”

The LORD’s Day
February 11, 2007

We Worship In Singing
We Worship In Prayer
We Worship In Hearing the Word of God
As You Have Done Before Psalm 68

*Tithes and Offerings can be placed in the box at the rear of the sanctuary*

The cardboard church in the foyer is for Alabaster Offerings. All money given goes directly to
build hospitals, churches, parsonages and Christian schools in world areas.

Please join us for coffee and bagels downstairs if you are visiting today.

This Week
Bible Reading Psalm 71-73
Monday- Men’s Prayer Meeting- 6:30am
Thursday- Bible Study- 10:30am at the church Psalm 71-73
Bible Study- 7:30pm at the parsonage Psalm 71-73
Next Lord’s Day-
Morning Prayer- 10am in the church basement
Morning Worship- 10:30am(Sunday School for Children)
Spanish Service- 4pm

In Your Prayers For All of God’s People
Remember the men serving in the armed forces: Bradley, Julia Bujold’s grandson who had served with Special Forces in Afghanistan, home on leave, Ken Brown, Pastor’s friend’s son on his third tour of Iraq recently sustained injuries. Pray for his safety. Matthew Klaus, brother of Good Shepherd parent in Iraq as a firefighter for Haliburton... Pray for them and the others away from their families. Praise God for keeping David Louis, Jake Morgan and Tom Hindelang safe during their times in Iraq. Christine Frankland, Katharina’s as she continues the radiation and Pastor’s friend Rudy undergoing radiation as well. Sonya, Albert and Anka’s niece in Canada facing a biopsy. Please pray for the whole family. Kathy, Ziggy and Margot’s daughter-in-law, under the doctor’s care for a lifelong condition. Please pray for healing for all of these.
*A number of nursery school families are going through difficult times. If you would like to sponsor a child presently at Good Shepherd, see Alice or call the school at 666-7503

*If you would like to help with the Sunday Morning Bagel ministry see Alice Gordon.

Notes on Our Time in the Word of God This Morning:
As You Have Done Before
Psalm 68

Pastor’s messages are now available on the Internet
Church e-mail:
Church Phone: 631-969-1730
*1314 Pine Acres Boulevard, Bay Shore, Long Island, NY 11706-5436
Whatever you do, in word or deed, do all for the glory of God

Sunday, February 4, 2007

The LORD's Day, February 4, 2007

More Instructions For the Battle We Are In

Psalm 64.10

Let the righteous rejoice in the LORD and take refuge in Him; let all the upright in heart praise Him

One of the many things I love about God’s Word is it simplicity. We don’t have to wonder about what the LORD is saying. I can remember a few classes like that. I was lost in Chemistry. My teacher was Mr. Chalmers. I remember going to him and telling him my dilemma. Back then teachers did hall monitoring. So when he was on hall duty I would go during my study hall and one on one he would walk me through my struggles in Chemistry until I understood it.

God’s Word is given and a fool need not err in it. It is understandable. This passage is no exception. We are told some pretty basic things. But we also need to be reminded about these basic things again and again lest we let them slip or forget to do them. In a number of places in the Word of God we are told to get into it on a daily basis.

We are in a battle today. Its intensity is growing stronger. The winds and rain are blowing and beating against us but we can stand firm upon Jesus until we arrive in His Presence one day.

Here are some things we are told we need to keep on doing.

1. Rejoice in the LORD.

Be glad. David was being threatened and a conspiracy was taken place against him when he wrote these words. We may not be able to be glad over situations we are in but we can rise above them by seeing and sensing the Hand of the LORD upon us. We can always rejoice in God’s love and mercy and care for us.

We can be glad for the LORD’s Presence. He is with us always. He has promised He would be and He is faithful to all His Promises

We can be glad for the fellowship of God’s people. We are helped and strengthened in our faith by the fellowship of other believers.

We can be glad that the LORD reigns. Sometimes we need to be reminded of that. God is in control

We ought to be glad He sees everything and knows just what we are going through.
He knows the way we take. Job held onto this truth and he said that after he was tried he would come forth as gold.

We should be glad in our salvation. We are saved

We ought to be glad for the great things God has done for us. God has been good to us. He has taken care of us. He has led us.

Jesus told us to rejoice and be glad when we are persecuted because of our reward in heaven. Yes even when we are persecuted we can rejoice.

Be joyful. We need to be reminded of the difference between happiness and joy. They are vastly different. I can be unhappy while at the same time full of joy.

I’m not happy about things that are taking place in our country but at the same time I rejoicing in my salvation. I’m not happy about the war in Iraq but I am full of joy because one day Jesus will come and when He does he will put an end to war. Listen to these words from Isaiah 2:
3And many people shall go and say, Come ye, and let us go up to the mountain of the LORD, to the house of the God of Jacob; and he will teach us of his ways, and we will walk in his paths: for out of Zion shall go forth the law, and the word of the LORD from Jerusalem.
4And he shall judge among the nations, and shall rebuke many people: and they shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruninghooks: nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more.

While I wait for this promise to be fulfilled I am rejoicing that one day it will be done

Be Cheerful- Jesus has overcome the world.
I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart I have overcome the world.(John 16.33)
Be of good cheer Jesus is coming and has overcome the world
He has conquered the world. He has been victorious over it

Sometimes this world can trouble us or get us down. Recently I read of a fellow I knew when I was very young. His dad was a pastor and he was a fine young man. In the article I read about him which he had written all that he talked about was the money he had made. He was encouraging others to come on board in a business on the internet that he had created and they too could have money- all the money they desired. He didn’t talk about Jesus once. From the looks of it he is serving money. My heart got heavy. I began to feel bad, real bad. I have to admit that one of the down sides of growing up in the church is seeing those who depart from the faith, those who break from the ranks, those you once enjoyed fellowship with around the things of God. Almost all my friends who are pastors did not grow up in the church. Some did. Most did not. I look at pictures of teen groups from when I was a teen and I see reality- there are many who start out in the race and there are many who drop out. Few finish, even fewer finish well. I saw this as I was growing up. I see this and my heart is troubled- agitated and distressed. Then these words of Jesus come back and my spirit is lifted and I realize I have been focusing on the wrong thing. In Him I have tranquility and harmony. He has conquered the world.

Jesus told us we would have trouble and tribulation. So what are we to do? We are told by the David in this Psalm.
The next thing he says is

2. Take Refuge In Him.

When difficulty comes we are to flee to the LORD for protection. He will watch over your life and He watches over your soul. He keeps guard over you.

Psalm 27.5 For in the day of trouble He will keep me safe in his dwelling; He will hide me in the shelter of His tabernacle and set me high upon a rock.

Put your trust in God. That seems almost elementary. After all we are facing a spiritual battle. Where else would we put our trust. You would be amazed The pastoral epistles are written to pastors and in it we are reminded over and over again to put our trust in the LORD. King Saul put his trust in the battle in his own understanding and ended up disobeying the Word of God. Even Solomon, as wise as he was, disobeyed directions given to kings. He acquired many horses and built stables all over Israel, a clear move demonstrating a lack of trust in God.

Taking refuge in the LORD means to confide in God. He is the best one to tell my problems too. He listens and knows all the facts perfectly. He also holds the answers.

In this spiritual battle we are in, we are to take refuge in the LORD and hope in Him.


3. Praise Him.

In the Psalms we read this past week there was concept we spoke of that relates to what we the Psalmist is talking about here. It is the matter of allowing the light within us to shine. Out of my life may Jesus shine Proverbs 4.18 The path of the righteous is like the first gleam of dawn, shining ever brighter till the full light of day.

Psalm 66.2
Praising our Savior is part of the spiritual battle How we praise the LORD is too

When you praise Him make your praise: glorious- let the LORD be magnified in them Honor Him through your singing. Don’t draw attention to yourself. Let your boast be in the LORD Luke17.10 So you also, when you have done everything you were told to do, should say, We are unworthy servants; we have only done our duty. Jesus spoke strong words all the time. These are no exception. I have heard men brag about what they have done as well as what they have left to serve the LORD. It always troubles me.
Think about what God has done and what Jesus left to come here to this earth then this verse from Luke's Gospel comes into focus.

Some have gloried in their own crosses, impressing upon others what they have given up for Jesus. Paul puts this in perspective for us, But God forbid that I should glory, save in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, by whom the world is crucified unto me, and I unto the world. Galatians 6.14 Glory in the cross of Jesus. Boast in the LORD and what He has done. Do not glory in yourself or what you have sacrificed. God resists the proud but gives grace to the humble. Humble yourself under God's Almighty Hand. Anything other than that is sheer foolishness.

Make your praise glorious for the sake and Name of the LORD. Our praise of Him should be in abundance. It should overflow Our praise of Him should be with dignity. We should talk of His reputation. It is to be done with reverence.

Psalm 67.1

to shine God's favor, ,to flash forth light, to praise, boast, be boastful, boasters
to be praised, be made praiseworthy, be commended, be worthy of praise

God’s blessings upon us and we in reflection of the One Who sent them letting our light shine before men. This is part of the spiritual battle we are in- Satan does not want God to receive glory so he does all kinds of things to stop us from giving it to the LORD- just look at Job Satan wanted Job to disown God by ceasing to praise Him and actually cursing Him Skin for skin Satan replied. A man will give all he has for his own life. 5 But stretch out your hand and strike his flesh and bones, and he will surely curse you to your face. (Job 2.4-5) You can see the spiritual battle we are in reading that book. Once again- we go on endlessly about why God allowed this to happen to Job. We miss the point. We are not given any answers for it but we are given keen insights into the battle we are engaged in. Satan is out to get God’s people to stop praising their LORD.

Our praising of God like David here in Psalm 64 at times will seem to the world like foolishness or like we are out fo our minds. How can we be giving God glory when we are being so severely tested. Even Job’s wife expressed this: His wife said to him, Are you still holding on to your integrity? Curse God and die (Job 2.9) Job did. None fo us has experienced the depth of suffering he did by any means. Most of us haven’t experienced what David is writing about in this Psalm. But we are all in a spiritual battle today.

Let’s continue to press on. Let’s not lose heart. One day we will be home.

Remember as part of the spiritual battle we are in today we are called on by the LORD through David to Rejoice in Him, Take Refuge in Him and Praise Him.

The LORD’s Day
February 4, 2007

We Worship In Singing
We Worship In Receiving the LORD’s Supper
We Worship In Hearing the Word of God
More Instruction for the Spiritual Battle Psalm 64

*Tithes and Offerings can be placed in the box at the rear of the sanctuary*
Please join us for coffee and bagels downstairs if you are visiting today.
This Week
Bible Reading Psalm 68-70
Monday- Men’s Prayer Meeting- 6:30am
Thursday- Bible Study- 10:30am at the church Psalm 68-70
Bible Study- 7:30pm at the parsonage Psalm 68-70
Next Lord’s Day-
Morning Prayer- 10am in the church basement
Morning Worship- 10:30am(Sunday School for Children)
Spanish Service- 4pm

In Your Prayers For All of God’s People
Remember the men serving in the armed forces: Bradley, Julia Bujold’s grandson with Special Forces in Afghanistan, Ken Brown, Pastor’s friend’s son on his third tour of Iraq recently sustained injuries. Pray for his safety. Matthew Klaus, brother of Good Shepherd parent in Iraq as a firefighter for Haliburton... Pray for them and the others away from their families. Praise God for keeping David Louis, Jake Morgan and Tom Hindelang safe during their times in Iraq. Christine Frankland, Katharina’s as she continues the radiation and Pastor’s friend Rudy undergoing radiation as well. Sonya, Albert and Anka’s niece in Canada facing a biopsy. Please pray for the whole family. Kathy, Ziggy and Margot’s daughter-in-law, under the doctor’s care for a lifelong condition. Please pray for healing for all of these.
*A number of nursery school families are going through difficult times. If you would like to sponsor a child presently at Good Shepherd, see Alice or call the school at 666-7503
*If you would like to help with the Sunday Morning Bagel ministry see Alice Gordon.

Notes on Our Time in the Word of God This Morning:
More Instruction for the Spiritual Battle
Psalm 64

Pastor’s messages are now available on the Internet

Church e-mail:
Church Phone: 631-969-1730
*1314 Pine Acres Boulevard, Bay Shore, Long Island, NY 11706-5436
Whatever you do, in word or deed, do all for the glory of God