Wisdom for the New Year, Wisdom For Life
Proverbs 3.1-15
We have been out of our study of the Proverbs for about 6 weeks now so instead of jumping right in where we left off, this morning we are going to do a review or a reintroduction if you will of this wonderful inspiring instructive book in God’s Word.
Proverbs is a book about life. Many books have been written on how to enjoy life and get the most out of it but they are so often self centered. Proverbs is Christ-Centered. There really is no true and lasting enjoyment of life without Him at the center
The themes of the Proverbs are in this third chapter.
1. Remember this is a father speaking to his son’s soul. v.1
Solomon was the father and he was speaking to primarily one son but at times he addresses his sons.
Solomon was pouring out his heart into his son’s heart. He was speaking to him of the right way to live and the benefits that come from obedience to the God’s Word along with some examples of people who missed the mark. I wish fathers would do that today.
This gives Proverbs a personal touch. One of the most personal relationships is that of a parent to a child. In those kids are part of our own make up. Solomon spoke to his son about things all children, particularly sons, need to hear.
Proverbs deals with three great issues we all face in one form or the other: Money, relationships with the opposite sex and power. How we deal with these determine so much of our life and how usable we are to God in His kingdom. How we face the temptations that flow from these three issues will have a direct bearing on our “lot” in life which really is not a lot at all but rather a living with the consequences of choices we have made over the course of our youth and young adulthood and continue to make up until the end of our life.
So these talks Solomon has with his sons are very important and very personal. They convey a father’s desires and hopes for his son. Some of the more crucial areas are very repetitive as Solomon tries to impress upon his boys the Word of God and its importance in all of life’s decisions.
But this not only a man to his child...
2. This is God speaking to His Children v.3-7
It is Solomon to his son but it also God bring the truth to bear to us. He is showing us the way to life and blessings.
The Book of Proverbs our Heavenly Father talking to us about the issues of life. Look at how many topics He speaks of here in these verses we just read. Our name (reputation) with others and favor with God.
Also mentioned here is life’s direction as well as fearing the LORD and turning away from evil when it come across out path. All the great issues of life are discussed by the LORD in the Proverbs. They are not up for debate- none of God’s Word is- they are to be learned and obeyed.
We must keep the main thing the main thing and Proverbs helps us do just that
So often the enemy tries to get Christian all upset over things that do not matter at all. This way he gets them to miss the real issues of life. Out of the heart comes the real issues of life. We need to guard it. We need to hide God’s Word in it so that when some thing disagrees with God’s Word we are able to refute it.
Proverbs shows us these things are crucial. Once again the enemy loves to minimize what God has placed great emphasis on. Look how crafty he was with Eve in the Garden of Eden. He got her to question God’s very Word which is basically what He is up to today. Many have been his victims. Don’t be one of them There is no need to be. We have been given every thing we need to fight the good fight fo the faith
*We have the full armor of God. Ephesians 6.10-18
*We have the promises and power and presence of God. II Peter 1.3-4
His divine power has given us everything we need for life and godliness through our knowledge of him who called us by his own glory and goodness. Through these he has given us his very great and precious promises, so that through them you may participate in the divine nature and escape the corruption in the world caused by evil desires.
God is on our side Romans 8.31
3. There are great benefits in keeping these commands in Proverbs. v.8
This will bring health to your body and nourishment to your bones.
Our bodies were designed to obey God. That is what we were created for. When we obey Him we avoid many stresses and troubles due to sin. Physical breakdown is a result of disobedience. The Proverbs tells us of these benefits. They are good gifts that come down from the Father above. Another one is peace. (v.17) God blesses us with peace when we obey His Word.
Chapter two lists many of these blessings/benefit as does chapter three.
*You’ll understand the fear of the LORD and find the knowledge of God.
*He will give you victory and be your Shield.
*He will guard your course and protect your way.
*Wisdom will enter you heart. It will protect you from the ways of evil men.
*It will keep your marriage together.
Throughout the Book of Proverbs we are given many more benefits and blessing that come from walking in wisdom.
4. Our Income and Increase are things we are to honor the LORD with. (vs.9-10)
This is a theme of Proverbs. This is a thread that runs all the way through the Bible. Giving to God as way of thanking Him for His blessings.
*Giving to Him honors Him.
It says, “LORD, You are the One, the Only One from Whom all the blessings in my life have come. Every good and perfect gift has come from You.
Giving is a form of highest praise. It is tangible and offering the first fruits is a way of saying, “You LORD gave me the strength and the ability to make the money I have and I want to honor You.”
*Giving to Him reminds us.
We forget so easily, don’t we? We forget where the blessings of God have come from. This as we have said so many times was Israel’s greatest problem. It can be the church’s too of we are not careful. As we give the right way (not under pressure but because we love the LORD) we are reminded how much He loves us.
*Giving to Him brings greater blessings.
This should not be our motive to give. Our motive should be love. We give to those we love. We love Him so we give cheerfully. We can never repay Him. He keeps blessing us. He gives wonderful blessings overflowing and wine were symbols of joy. I believe the most joyful people on earth are those who give to the LORD the most. They overflow with joy.
Wisdom from the LORD for the New Year and for life is...
5. Receiving Discipline from the LORD is part of growing in Wisdom. (vs.11-15)
Discipline is not a bad word.
It is for correction. The LORD disciplines us to become more like Him. He takes out ways in us that are not compatible with His and conforms us to His Image.
It has great benefits.
* It reminds we are children- His children. All good things in these two concepts
* It restricts us in things we ought not be doing and in thoughts we ought not to be having.
* It lets us know He loves us... that He is not content to let us go our own way.
* It makes us think about temptation is a right way- not how can we sin and get away with it but how can we escape the temptation.
Every earthly father worth his salt disciplines his children for their own good. Our Father in Heaven is perfect. He disciplines us that we may share in his holiness
Let’s close with chapter 4 and get ready to launch back
into the study of Proverbs this new year.
The LORD’s Day
January 6, 2008
We Worship In Singing
We Worship In Receiving the LORD’s Supper
We Worship In Hearing the Word of God
Wisdom for the New Year
Proverbs 3.1-15
*Tithes and Offerings can be placed in the box at the rear of the sanctuary*
Please join us for bagels and coffee downstairs if you are visiting today.
This Week
Bible Reading Proverbs 11
Monday Men’s Prayer Meeting 6:30am in the church basement
Wednesday Bible Study 7:30pm at the parsonage 1312 Pine Acres Blvd.
Thursday Bible Study 10:30am at the church
Next Lord’s Day
Morning Prayer- 10am in the church basement
Morning Worship- 10:30am(Sunday School for Children)
Spanish Service- 4pm
In Your Prayers For All of God’s People
Remember the men serving in the armed forces: Bradley, Julia Bujold’s grandson with Special Forces in Afghanistan, home on leave right now, Ken Brown, Pastor’s friend’s son finished his third tour of Iraq- His parents thank us for praying for him. Billy Knapp, Jr. in Iraq with the Marines (neighbor of the church and Pastor- Billy’s sister graduated from Good Shepherd). Stateside now being redeployed in April... Matthew Klaus, brother of Good Shepherd parent in Iraq as a firefighter for Haliburton. Pastor’s nephews’ and niece’s cousin Kim’s husband, Jay, in Iraq. Pray for them and the others away from their families. Praise God for keeping David Louis, Jake Morgan, Ken Brown and Tom Hindelang, Billy Knapp Jr. safe during their times in Iraq. Pray for peace... Kathy, Ziggy and Margot’s daughter-in-law, under the doctor’s care for fibromyalgia. Thank God for answers to prayer for her... Remember Jean Louis on dialysis. Grace Martin, Edie Raevis’ daughter, recovering from surgery on her back and uindergoing Physical Therapy. Edie’s daughter’s mother-in-law, Millie Espisito remains in serious condition. Reginald Mooney, friend of Terri and John Garry, with a tumor in his kidney. Please remember Pastor’s friend Kim Richardson’s daughter, Kelly recovering from a mastectomy. Please remember this whole family in prayer..she has completed chemo therapy for now and is undergoing another round of radiation. .... Pastor’s Dad, Larry Mancini, Sr. in the hospital, the infection is clearing up. There is a blog for him: www.papa2all.blogspot.com . Joey Reda (Charlie and Diane Davison’s Grandson) experiencing some heart arrhythmia. Prudy’s Mom, Rose Ragusa, undergoing treatment- doing well. Jack Simon, a friend of Pastor’s, undergoing treatment for a lung problem.... Leah May facing surgery shortly.... Please pray for healing.. Bart Moleta, Helen and Bob Pawson’s son-in-law, tests came back well... Pastor and Lucy’s Aunt Vivian has been released from the hospital and is home and doing better... Janine Van Cott recovering from back surgery. Tania MacDonald’s Mom, Eloise Naves, went to be with the LORD a few days before Christmas. Please remember her and her family in prayer. Continue to pray for those in our church family who lost loved ones this past year: Rianna, Alice, Anka, Katharina, Eloise’s family, the Muccis... As we facea new year in very uncertain times let’s give thanks that our LORD leads us and is going before us.
Romans 8.31 If God is for us, who can be against us?
Wisdom For the New Year
Thank You!
Thanks so much for the meaningful card and the generous gift you gave us last Sunday. We know you love us and that is such a wonderful feeling For the past 24 years we have worshiped the LORD at Christmas and looked ahead to the New Year together. It continues to be a blessing and a joy God bless each of you
Love and Prayers,
Pastor and Lucy
Pastor’s messages are now available online:
Church e-mail: bayshorenaz@rock.com
Church Phone: 631-969-1730
1314 Pine Acres Boulevard, Bay Shore, Long Island, NY 11706-5436
into the study of Proverbs this new year.
The LORD’s Day
January 6, 2008
We Worship In Singing
We Worship In Receiving the LORD’s Supper
We Worship In Hearing the Word of God
Wisdom for the New Year
Proverbs 3.1-15
*Tithes and Offerings can be placed in the box at the rear of the sanctuary*
Please join us for bagels and coffee downstairs if you are visiting today.
This Week
Bible Reading Proverbs 11
Monday Men’s Prayer Meeting 6:30am in the church basement
Wednesday Bible Study 7:30pm at the parsonage 1312 Pine Acres Blvd.
Thursday Bible Study 10:30am at the church
Next Lord’s Day
Morning Prayer- 10am in the church basement
Morning Worship- 10:30am(Sunday School for Children)
Spanish Service- 4pm
In Your Prayers For All of God’s People
Remember the men serving in the armed forces: Bradley, Julia Bujold’s grandson with Special Forces in Afghanistan, home on leave right now, Ken Brown, Pastor’s friend’s son finished his third tour of Iraq- His parents thank us for praying for him. Billy Knapp, Jr. in Iraq with the Marines (neighbor of the church and Pastor- Billy’s sister graduated from Good Shepherd). Stateside now being redeployed in April... Matthew Klaus, brother of Good Shepherd parent in Iraq as a firefighter for Haliburton. Pastor’s nephews’ and niece’s cousin Kim’s husband, Jay, in Iraq. Pray for them and the others away from their families. Praise God for keeping David Louis, Jake Morgan, Ken Brown and Tom Hindelang, Billy Knapp Jr. safe during their times in Iraq. Pray for peace... Kathy, Ziggy and Margot’s daughter-in-law, under the doctor’s care for fibromyalgia. Thank God for answers to prayer for her... Remember Jean Louis on dialysis. Grace Martin, Edie Raevis’ daughter, recovering from surgery on her back and uindergoing Physical Therapy. Edie’s daughter’s mother-in-law, Millie Espisito remains in serious condition. Reginald Mooney, friend of Terri and John Garry, with a tumor in his kidney. Please remember Pastor’s friend Kim Richardson’s daughter, Kelly recovering from a mastectomy. Please remember this whole family in prayer..she has completed chemo therapy for now and is undergoing another round of radiation. .... Pastor’s Dad, Larry Mancini, Sr. in the hospital, the infection is clearing up. There is a blog for him: www.papa2all.blogspot.com . Joey Reda (Charlie and Diane Davison’s Grandson) experiencing some heart arrhythmia. Prudy’s Mom, Rose Ragusa, undergoing treatment- doing well. Jack Simon, a friend of Pastor’s, undergoing treatment for a lung problem.... Leah May facing surgery shortly.... Please pray for healing.. Bart Moleta, Helen and Bob Pawson’s son-in-law, tests came back well... Pastor and Lucy’s Aunt Vivian has been released from the hospital and is home and doing better... Janine Van Cott recovering from back surgery. Tania MacDonald’s Mom, Eloise Naves, went to be with the LORD a few days before Christmas. Please remember her and her family in prayer. Continue to pray for those in our church family who lost loved ones this past year: Rianna, Alice, Anka, Katharina, Eloise’s family, the Muccis... As we facea new year in very uncertain times let’s give thanks that our LORD leads us and is going before us.
Romans 8.31 If God is for us, who can be against us?
Notes on Our Time in God’s Word This Morning...
Wisdom For the New Year
Proverbs 3.1-15
Thank You!
Thanks so much for the meaningful card and the generous gift you gave us last Sunday. We know you love us and that is such a wonderful feeling For the past 24 years we have worshiped the LORD at Christmas and looked ahead to the New Year together. It continues to be a blessing and a joy God bless each of you
Love and Prayers,
Pastor and Lucy
Pastor’s messages are now available online:
Church e-mail: bayshorenaz@rock.com
Church Phone: 631-969-1730
1314 Pine Acres Boulevard, Bay Shore, Long Island, NY 11706-5436
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