The Eyes of the LORD Are Everywhere
Proverbs 15.1-3
The eyes of the LORD are everywhere,
keeping watch on the wicked and the good.
keeping watch on the wicked and the good.
We need to be reminded of this truth from time to time.
Life has a way of opposing this truth in our thinking. This answers the foolish question that is being asked today, “Where was God?” The LORD’s eyes are everywhere and He does see everything.
Sometimes we forget He is watching us. We grow discouraged without this knowledge. We need to be reminded. I believe one of the age old tactics of the enemy, one of his most vicious lies is to tell God’s people in one form or another that God is not going to see when they are tempted or when they are down that God does not see their situation.
There are other times we forget that His eyes are on the wicked and that He knows every move they make. We can become disillusioned with remembering this. We need to be reminded.
1. The Eyes of the LORD are Everywhere.
Jesus spoke about this with His disciples. Luke 12.6-7 Are not five sparrows sold for two pennies? Yet not one of them is forgotten by God. Indeed, the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Don't be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows. The LORD notices the sparrows that fall to the ground (Matthew 10.29). He has the hairs of our head numbered. He sees everything. He knows every detail of our lives before it happens. He is in our future. He knows what it will be! Psalm 139.14-16
It is interesting to hear people talk about discoveries as if man was coming up with something new or something No One knows about. All the archeological “discoveries” that will be made in Israel until Jesus comes back are presently seen by God. He knows them all.
The places and things man continues to uncover in the world are all under the watchful eyes of the LORD. When a new species of an animal or plant is found, the LORD knew it was there all the time He created it
And He created us
Where can I go from Your Spirit? Psalm 139.7-12 We cannot hide from God He is always watching me (and us )
We need to remember that the LORD never sleeps or slumbers. He is always watching. He sees everything. He knows everything. He is everywhere.
2. He has His Eyes on the Wicked.
I have a little pet peeve. When I am on Southern State Parkway and I am trying to keep up with the traffic and this guy comes by doing 20 mph over the speed limit and cuts me off and then goes on to cut others off, I ask, “Where are the police when we need them?” Now I need to realize that the police are people like me and cannot be everywhere. But I also need to remember the LORD is seeing
This is not only true on Southern State Parkway. It is true on the highway of life and even on the path that leads to heaven.
The theologians call this the problem of evil. A rabbi wrote a best seller years ago entitled, Why Do Bad Things Happen To Good People? Any our feeble attempts to explain this do more damage than good! I really believe this is one the messages of the Book of Job. Look at the mess that was caused when his friends tried to explain his suffering. It was horrible! If you have ever suffered deep agony, if you have shared in the fellowship of the sufferings of Christ, then you know that the only true comfort is from God but even that always does not come immediately- in fact seldom does it! Jesus’s question to the Father is a haunting one, “My God, My God, why hast Thou forsaken me?” I wonder how Jesus asked that. Where was the emphasis placed?
*He was still “His” God
*There was no answer that came.
*He felt forsaken by God, the Father.
*He was (and is) the sinless Son of God
The problem of evil will be resolved when death is swallowed up in victory! Any attempt for us to resolve it here on earth... well just look at Psalm 73
It is easy to become disheartened when we see all the evil and wickedness in the world if we do not remember this truth. He has His eyes on the wicked.
*He sees what they are doing.
*He limits them.
*He will judge them.
There are many who think that they are getting away with things just because they have not gotten caught by someone. Those who break laws and seemingly escape punishment, those who think they are free from any scrutiny are warned in God’s Word.
Isaiah 29.15 Woe to those who go to great depths to hide their plans from the LORD, who do their work in darkness and think, Who sees us? Who will know?
The LORD knows what the wicked are planning. This is one of the reasons He tells us: Psalm 37.1-2 Do not fret because of evil men or be envious of those who do wrong; for like the grass they will soon wither, like green plants they will soon die away.
Stop fretting over the evil men. It will not be long until they are done away with and often there evil dies with them. Trust in God.
3. The Eyes of the LORD keep watch on His people.
Sometimes we forget He is keeping watch on us.
When I have to run some mail over to the Post Office and that is all I have to do, rather than take the car, I walk. It saves gas. It gives me exercise and I pray as I walk. It is a win win win situation. The other day as I was walking I was thanking the LORD I live close enough to the Post Office to do this. A few days later on Wednesday this week I ran into Target to pick up a few things. Elaine, the manager of the Photo Center, Whom I have known for years- long before Target opened came up to me and said, “Were you on Manatuck Boulevard the other day walking?” I said, “Yes I was.” She said, “I saw you.” I said, “Elaine, you just gave me a great illustration for Sunday’s message You saw me but I did not know it ” Sometimes we forget that the LORD is keeping watch over us but then He reminds us. His eye is on us even if we forget.
This word for keeping watch can mean “to spy”. It is not that God is sneaking up on us. But He is watching us even if we forget that He is. He is watching us from heaven. He looks down and sees all. A large branch fell from the aging maple tree by the garage this week. Thankfully no one was hurt. I remember pulling the car up a little. Sometimes I park under the tree. Had I done that my car would have been severely damaged. Our lives are like that car. God has in spots and move us to shelter us from harm.
It means He is looking out for us.
Some things we see coming. Some things catch us by surprise. But they are not a surprise to God. He knit us together in our mother’s womb and His eyes saw our unformed body.
We know some things He has kept us from. There are many more we do not know about. I am thankful that in rough times in my life the LORD has surrounded me with very wise counselors. I shutter to think what might have happened or where I could be if I had listened to the foolishness of some people who wanted to tell me what to do. God looks out for us and helps us in times of trouble.
It means He is watching us closely.
In the 29th verse this morning we read The LORD is far from the wicked. He looks upon them but He is not close to them. But the Promise for us who walk with Jesus is that
He would be in our midst
He would walk with us.
He will never leave nor forsake us.
He is a God of details- amazing details. He has details worked out in our lives. How I have seen Him work out things in my life to my awe and amazement. He has done wonderful things and has good planned for all who walk with Him.
He is watching over you today. He has the wicked in view. He sees everything. All we need to do is to trust Him and obey Him.
He is watching over you today. He has the wicked in view. He sees everything. All we need to do is to trust Him and obey Him.
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