God’s Word In Time Of National Difficulty
Habakkuk 1-3 (1.1-4)
The nation was in trouble. Big trouble. It was going down the tubes. It was morally a mess. Few people seemed to care or even notice. Habakkuk did. He cried out to God. (1.1-4)
On the surface the nation’s affluence was consoling but it was a deceptive consolation. Money could not fix this predicament. It was too far gone. Judgment was coming.
The LORD had warned them over and over again:
They had His Word: Moses
He sent His Prophets. Habakkuk was part of that company.
He waited for them to repent.
Instead they grew worse. There were signs from time to time of change but then they slipped back into sin, deep sin.
The LORD began to breath His Word through Habakkuk. Habakkuk was God’s spokesman for that time. Since He spoke the timeless eternal Word of the LORD he has something to say to us today.
The people who suffer the most in times of national spiritual decline are the ones closest to the LORD. They are the ones who experience the pain and sorrow in seeing the nation decline. People who do not know the LORD go on their merry way. Jesus spoke about the man who lived like there was no tomorrow, who like Judah in Habakkuk’s time was taking comfort and consolation in their wealth: Luke 12.16-21
The first thing the LORD tells Habakkuk in answer to his prayer of complaint is found in 1.5
1. Awesome Works of God Are Going To Happen 1.5
God does not forget His People. Matthew 28.20
He has us on His heart.
During times of great judgement, the LORD has always taken care of His people.
Abraham and Lot
Three Hebrew men thrown into the fiery furnace: Shadrach, Meschech and Abendego
When God works in response to our prayers His answer may not be what we think it should be.
This certainly was the case for Habakkuk. God told him he wouldn’t believe what was going to happen even if he were told. We pray and God answers. When we ask according to His will He answers. I know a man, a very successful man, who prayed, “LORD, break me.” God answered
his prayer powerfully but I do not think this is what he had in mind when he prayed it.
There are times (and it seems they are in greater number) when it is better than we thought it could be! We ask for the LORD to do something and sometimes it is like a domino effect! A bunch of answers come. I love when that happens. He loads us with good gifts and blessings.
In times of national distress and difficulty,
2. Visions of Rapture can burst on our sight! 2.1-3,4, 14
The 1960's were turbulent times for our nation, yet the LORD did some awesome deeds! A movement of His Spirit took place and renewal came to churches and Jesus was given glory.
God’s Word for the vision and for Him to move:
Watch (v.1) Be looking for God to do something. It was Habakkuk’s only hope. It is ours too!
Habakkuk got up on the rampart walls of Jerusalem. He wanted to see the LORD work.
When God’s people get up early to pray. When God’s people inconvenience themselves, the LORD answers in extraordinary ways. Sacrificial giving, fasting, God sees what is done in secret and rewards us openly! Get up and pray. I like to start the day that way before I rise.
Wait for it (v.3)
God’s timing is perfect. He is always on time. When God tells us to wait it is because He si working lining things up for just the right time.
God’s purposes will prevail. His will being done. Trust Him
This is good for us. We need to learn to wait. The idea in waiting here is also longing for it.
Wonderful things are planned. (v.14)
What a tremendous promise which we have seen fulfilled! We can rejoice in the work of God today in the world- all over the world His Spirit is moving. In our lifetime in some places we just prayed for a generation ago God is moving. He is at work.
3. Meaningful Prayer Is to be Offered c.3
The cry was plain and strong. In desperate times is usually is. Then God speaks or begins to act. Some revelation comes and we are quiet. This should not be!
After the answer comes we should be fully engaged in praying.
Habakkuk prayed for God to keep working! 3.1-7
vs. 16-19
Even though there is no visible proof of a work of God, a sign that something is about to happen, I will rejoice in the LORD! How can you rejoice when the nation is going down the tubes? You focus on the LORD.
Rejoice in the God of my salvation- that is something Jesus told us we should rejoice in above things God enables us to do.
God gives me strength- I can face the trouble of the nation with God on my side. Too often we get so caught up with the details of evil we blind ourselves to see where the LORD is working. As we wait for Him if we look too much on the present situation (the servant of Elisha) “O My Lord, what shall we do?!!!” The fact was he just needed to have his eyes opened to God’s work. The answer was there but he couldn’t see it because he had studied the enemy so well. The enemy had robbed him of seeing what God had already done. Then Elisha prayed for his eyes to be opened.
He will lift me up. So often we try and boost ourselves up. I need a vacation- or I’ll go out and buy something only to become more exhausted or live with buyer’s regret added to my soul which is already struggling. Wait for the LORD! Be strong and take heart and wait for the LORD!
To Him I will offer praise. Give God the glory for every good thing in your life- that is where it has come from!
I’ll be in heavenly places! - this concept was written from a Roman prison. Ephesians 2.6
God raised us up with Christ and seated us with him in the heavenly realms in Christ Jesus
In the midst of national decay and decline spiritually, I can be in heavenly places! Through God’s amazing grace and power he can lift my spirit up above all the sinfulness and trouble in this world.
This has a great effect on my talk. I am not focusing on how bad things are and giving the devil what he wants but I am focusing on how good God is and blessing Him and others as well.
This is God’s Word In Time of National Difficulty
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