Sunday, May 25, 2008

The LORD's Day, May 25,2008, Memorial Day Weekend in The USA

One Nation, Under God

Proverbs 14.34 Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a disgrace to any people.

Solomon wrote this. God inspired him to do so. Solomon was king over Israel. Israel had been a theocracy, a nation without a human king. This was God’s will for Israel. He desired to be the One Who would lead this nation and use them to bless the whole world. What God desired for them did not the match the people’s desire and He knew it. He knew when they got into the land He had promised them that they would look at the other nations and desire a king like them.

Deuteronomy 17.14 When you enter the land the LORD your God is giving you and have taken possession of it and settled in it, and you say, Let us set a king over us like all the nations around us,... Then God went on to tell them His qualifications for the king

It is sad that the nation of Israel never really got to experience the fulness of what it would have been to be a theocracy. They wanted a king and except for David the ends of those kings were for the most part tragic.

Here we are on another Memorial Day Weekend. It is a time among many other things of remembrance. As a nation tomorrow we remember those who gave their lives so we could be free while on this earth. For the next few months we think about this- this weekend, Flag Day and the Fourth of July. I read recently that the founder of the Church of the Nazarene, while he was still a Methodist pastor, used to drape his pulpit with the American flag during our nation’s Civil War, in support of the union and the freedom of slaves. His congregation burned him an effigy.

Our nation is in the throws of great confusion today. We are in danger of electing a president not on what he believes but on how appealing he is. I could go on about our flaws. You know them. We need to pray for the Americans today. We are flirting with the things that brought other nations down.

The way for a nation to be exalted is given here.

1. Righteousness Exalts a Nation

America rose up from a concern about religious freedoms. The Pilgrims came seeking a place to worship as they wanted to without an attachment to the government. This conviction was basic to our constitution. There was to be no state religion. That is what separation of church and state means. It wasn’t to protect the nation. It was protect the church

God blessed America. Its development was ordered by God. America is great because she is good. If America ceases to be good, America will cease to be great.
Alexis de Tocqueville

America became high and lofty. God exalted her. We did not become the world’s lone super power by ourselves.

Let me give you the whole of what Tocqueville said:
I sought for the greatness and genius of America in her commodious harbors and her ample rivers — and it was not there … in her fertile fields and boundless forests — and it was not there … in her rich mines and her vast world commerce — and it was not there … in her democratic Congress and her matchless Constitution — and it was not there. Not until I went into the churches of America and heard her pulpits flame with righteousness did I understand the secret of her genius and power. America is great because she is good, and if America ever ceases to be good, America will cease to be great.

God blessed America. He set her on a high place. If you go to a National Cemetery and look at those white head stones you will not find one solider who died for his country in act of aggression. Quite the contrary, you will find men who died for someone else’s freedom- ours or some other nation under a tyrant who needed to be removed for the good of humanity. America has never begun a war that was not for the sake of human freedom in one form or another.

That is one reason people become Americans. They feel uplifted just being here “This is the America they told me about ”- Christian Sarmiento +

God has been faithful to our nation for generations. Righteousness exalts a nation.

Righteousness exalts a nation. This has to do with justice in our courts. It has to with a fair rule. Our courts were set up to give justice to all. We were lifted to a position of power not because of ourselves but because God honored the way we treated people. Our flaws have been there all along. We did bad things but our history shows they were corrected and the truth has come out.

Part of righteousness is humility and when mistakes in error were made reparations were made.

Righteousness exalts a nation. Our nation has a history of treating its most vulnerable citizens, the young, the old and the disabled with respect and honor. That is our heritage.

In many ways there are similarities to our history and Israel’s. For years the school children of America heard the Word of God read to them in school. In 1963 this was declared unconstitutional and it was banned along with prayer. Here we are 45 years later with mass shootings in our schools, we have metal detectors and security cameras in our public schools. Good teachers have retired early.

2. Sin is disgrace to any people- even Americans and Israelites

It is a shame that we lost so much We mourn the loss of our soldiers this Memorial Day, from the Revolutionary War until the last young man who died in Iraq.
But the other loss in America is our morality and our sense of right and wrong. We lost the respect and fear of God we once had.

Israel thought they had a special favored nation status. They thought they could go against God without paying a price. They thought Psalm 135.4 For the LORD has chosen Jacob to be his own, Israel to be his treasured possession meant they could do whatever they wanted. They were wrong.

This morning on this Memorial Day we need to listen to what God is saying to our country...

Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a disgrace to any people.

II Chronicles 7.14 If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land. 15 Now my eyes will be open and my ears attentive to the prayers offered in this place. 16 I have chosen and consecrated this temple so that my Name may be there forever. My eyes and my heart will always be there.

17 As for you, if you walk before me as David your father did, and do all I command, and observe my decrees and laws, 18 I will establish your royal throne, as I covenanted with David your father when I said, 'You shall never fail to have a man to rule over Israel.'

19 But if you turn away and forsake the decrees and commands I have given you and go off to serve other gods and worship them, 20 then I will uproot Israel from my land, which I have given them, and will reject this temple I have consecrated for my Name. I will make it a byword and an object of ridicule among all peoples. 21 And though this temple is now so imposing, all who pass by will be appalled and say, 'Why has the LORD done such a thing to this land and to this temple?' 22 People will answer, 'Because they have forsaken the LORD, the God of their fathers, who brought them out of Egypt, and have embraced other gods, worshiping and serving them—that is why he brought all this disaster on them.'

We pray for a movement of God that would cause this nation to return to its roots. We cry out to God for mercy because it strikes fear in our hearts to think we might get what we deserve

We pause this morning and you are here this morning because you care about the LORD and you care about what happens here on earth, in our nation.

May the LORD draw us back. May Americans realize what they have today has come from God. He has blessed us. But as He warned Israel, there is danger in being blessed. The blessings can come before Him. If they do they are idols and other gods. Don’t let that happen to you. Keep your eyes upon Jesus. If it has happened Turn your eyes upon Jesus
L.S. Lawrence’s book excerpt.

(The essence of II Chronicles 7.14)

Sunday, May 18, 2008

The LORD's Day, May 18, 2008

What a beautiful LORD's Day here on the Island this morning! May God bless you as you read this message.

How To Keep A Good Reputation

Proverbs 25.1-12

A good reputation is earned. It is maintained by the same things that earned it for that individual.

Paul writing to Timothy about the qualifications of a pastor...
I Timothy 3.7 He must also have a good reputation with outsiders, so that he will not fall into disgrace and into the devil's trap. 8 Deacons, likewise, are to be men worthy of respect,

As believers we should be concerned about our witness by the way we live or our reputation. Our reputation reflects on our church and our faith. Here is the proper motivation for a good reputation- not to impress others but please God and bring glory to his name. We were bought with a price therefore we are to honor Him.

We cannot please everyone. If we try we will kill ourselves and still not do it. Some people are impossible to please. A young pastor came to D.L. Moody and said, “People are saying terrible things about me.” Moody responded, “Just make it your business to see that none of what they are saying is true.” They criticized Jesus, Paul and others. Billy Graham has his critics. Even God had His critics in heaven

We are not talking about being a people pleaser. We are talking about living in such a way your reflects Jesus Christ to the praise and honor of God.

How do we keep a good reputation?

1. Live a life of Humility (v.6-7)

This is not easy. It is a multifaceted battle. We can even become proud of our humility

A life of humility is having an honest and accurate opinion of myself.

Pride gets us into all kinds of problems that can lead the ruin of our good name.
We think we can handle temptation rather than asking God to deliver us from it.
We think of ourselves more highly than we ought.
We think we know more than everyone else.
We think we are better than everyone else.

Pride makes us boast.
James 4.16 As it is, you boast and brag. All such boasting is evil.

Do not exalt yourself swell- honor oneself.
Proverbs 27.2 Let another praise you, and not your own mouth; someone else, and not your own lips.
It is so unbecoming to hear a person toot their own horn, to listen to someone tell of their successes or accomplishments. I Corinthians 4.7 What do you have that you did not receive? And if you did receive it, why do you boast as though you did not?

A life of humility is means I will seek to think of others higher than myself. The aim is to always do that, becoming like Jesus.

Maintain a good reputation by...
2. Have a lot of Grace (v.8)

Don’t jump to conclusions... work out problems without the legal system when you can.

About this matter of jumping to conclusions... We need to be very careful- lest we damage another person’s reputation. What we see with our eyes is processed through our minds and then conclusions are drawn. Since we are flawed people our opinion is often incorrect. When we are wrong we desire grace. We should be as generous with others as we want God to be with us. God’s grace is abundant.

A person who is full of grace has a good reputation if it is genuine grace and not what Dietrich Bonhoffer referred to as cheap grace. We are told that Jesus came from the Father full of grace and truth. (John 1.14) Again let’s seek to be like Jesus. He had grace for the worst sinners but not a lot of tolerance for the self righteous.

We need an abundance of grace today. This is not compromise. It is the ability to navigate through a society that has lost its way. We cannot accommodate sin but we cannot condemn sinners. Be like Jesus Who came to seek and to save that which was lost.

Be a grace giver!

A good reputation is maintained by...

3. Keep Confidences (v.9-10)

Maintain confidentiality.

A person once told me that they are carrying secrets with them to the grave. I doubt it.

People that are always asking me not to say anything to anyone about what they are telling me are the telling me what they are doing- exactly that. Your speech betrays you.

We keep confidences by never talking about the fact that we are

We keep confidences by forgetting what someone has told us- don’t think about it

We keep confidences by being people of few words- listening more than we speak.

Don’t fall into the sin of gossip. It will stick with you. This idea of a reputation has to with whispering and defamation. I knew a lady whose family referred to as “Aunt Gossip” - how horrible! She loved to talk about others and tell all.

4. Let your conversation always be seasoned with salt (v.11)
Colossians 4.6 Let your conversation be always full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer everyone.

Speaking at the right time.

Saying good things that people thirst for more good things!




Like Apples of gold in settings of silver! Absolutely beautiful. A person of grace will have thta conversation going out of their lips.

5. Always be teachable (v.12)
Even when it means receiving rebukes.

It is not a pleasant thing to be rebuked. But when were kids it wasn’t pleasant to eat certain vegetables. I hated Lima Beans. My mom loved to buy them. I begged her not too. She didn’t listen to me. Imagine that?! She knew they were good before we knew what fiber was! I shivered when I ate them. They were good for me.

Being rebuked by a wise man is good for us. A wise man’s rebuke is gentle and to the point and points out things in our lives that need correcting.

No one likes a self assured smart aleck. A person like thta has an unteachable spirit.

A person who has a closed mind is unteachable.

Always be growing in the knowledge of the LORD Jesus Christ.

We are doing all of this to bring about praise and glory to God.
When we do that we benefit- we are blessed.

God blesses us with a good reputation.

A good reputation means less stress in our lives and more joy in our soul.

Blessed is the person who has a good reputation. Maintain it!

Sunday, May 11, 2008

The LORD's Day, Mother's Day, May 11, 2008

From a Famine to a Feast

Ruth 1-4

The LORD restores souls. When David wrote that line under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, it was his personal experience as well as part of his heritage. The Book of Ruth tells us about that.

The Kinsman Redeemer was responsible for protecting the interests of the needy members of the extended family.

1- He was to provide an heir for the brother who had died.

2- He was to redeem the land that been sold to someone outside the family by a poor relative.

3- He was to redeem a relative that had been sold into slavery.

4- He was to avenge the killing of a relative.

The Kinsman Redeemer had to have:
1- The right- closest relatives first
2- The power- there was a price that had to be paid.
3- The willingness- love, not fear (4.6)

Boaz became Ruth’s (and Naomi’s Kinsman Redeemer). This is symbolic of how Christ Jesus redeemed us.

He found us as helpless foreigners, outside of the Kingdom of God.

He took us in by paying the price for our redemption with His own blood.

Through our union with Christ Jesus the fruit of the Holy Spirit comes out in our lives.

Boaz’s name means, “in Him is strength” Ruth typifies those in need of Christ- alien, destitute, having no right or inheritance, hungry and in need of mercy.

Ruth was a widow, a foreigner

I’m sure that Naomi’s decision to move on the basis of economic reasons was regretted. Moving is not a cure all. In fact I have observed that it can complicate things in a family.

There are some encouraging lessons from this book, which is a love story.

1. There are Times In Life When Things Could Not Be Much Worse 1.1-5

Naomi lost her husband and her two sons in foreign land.

I remember a move after Bible College that convinced some people I was out of God’s Will. As I look back I was right where He wanted me.
He did some things in that year in my life of difficulties that were sweet and purifying and lasting.

Have you ever been at a point when it doesn’t look like things could get worse?
Maybe you are there this morning on this Mother’s Day

2. Often in Those Times Good News Comes (1.6-7)

The LORD has come to the aid of His people.

The famine is over.

God is working

3. The God of All Comfort Cares About Us (2.5-12)

He has pity on us. Psalm 103.13 As a father has compassion on his children, so the LORD has compassion on those who fear Him

God will take care of you. That is true and you can depend upon it.
He gives songs in the night. “At night His song is with me.” (Psalm 42.8) Paul and Silas... Ruth and Naomi...

4. God gives a rainbow when He allows it to rain. (4.13-17)

The first time we see the rainbow is in Genesis 9.8-17 Noah
We see it again in Ezekiel 1.28 Like the appearance of a rainbow in the clouds on a rainy day, so was the radiance around Him. This was the appearance of the likeness of the glory of the LORD. We see it in Revelation 4.3 A rainbow, resembling an emerald, encircled the throne.

God has rainbows for every storm. Sometimes we don’t see them until after it passes. May 12 , 2000, 8 years ago tomorrow my brother Mark went to be with Jesus. He died in a heavy Thunderstorm. His favorite song was As The Deer Panteth for the Water. After he died and my parents came to his home, out front two stately deer ran down the edge of the river bank - his wife said she had never seen that before in the 10 years they lived there. The day after his funeral a white dove appeared in the church parking lot. Marianne, the pastor’s wife, called my mom and told her. A year later when Brother Hazard died, a white dove, on the day of his funeral a white dove landed in my garden. I took pictures of it. That July 4th after his death I was at my parents. They put in a memorial garden with all the plants and shrubs given to them. On that July 4th a storm came in but that evening God put a double rainbow in the sky. I took a picture - kids out on their lawn running around and God was saying, “I keep all My promises .” The deer, the dove, the rainbow... all things God uses in His Word to connect us to leaning upon Him and trusting Him.

He didn’t stop. Theresa, my middle daughter, just had a baby. Mark’s birthday was April 27th, 1960. Tristan Mark was born on April 28, 2008, the day after my brother’s birthday.

He restores my soul! That restoration is a feast of heavenly things. It is God pouring out His love on us. The LORD brings healing to the heart. He is close to the broken hearted and binds up their wounds. He will be with us always right up tot eh very end of the age and then we will go and be with Him forever!

Sunday, May 4, 2008

The LORD's Day, May 4, 2008

The Sweetness of Wisdom

Proverbs 24.13-14

13 Eat honey, my son, for it is good; honey from the comb is sweet to your taste.
14 Know also that wisdom is sweet to your soul; if you find it, there is a future hope for you, and your hope will not be cut off.

Life can be sweet or it can be bitter. There are some areas where it is bittersweet. We all have them. But we are experiencing sweetness or bitterness in the decisions we have made and the consequences that follow. If you do not like what you are reaping then change what you have been sowing.

We reap what we sow. Some of this is direct. From our hand to the soil and then up comes what we planted. For example a person who is generous will himself be watered. Some of it is indirect. It is God working quietly. He keeps accounts. He keeps the books. This law has an interesting way of working.

We are told to eat honey. Take it in! It is good!

1. Have some honey in your life! v.13

*Honey may be “your Honey”!
If you are married.
It can be a blessing!
Proverbs 18.22 He who finds a wife finds what is good and receives favor from the LORD.
Proverbs 20.6 a faithful man who can find?
Ladies If you have a husband who is a faithful man then you are blessed... so much to be thankful for!

Men if you have a good wife you are blessed beyond measure.

*Literal Honey-
For at least 2700 years, honey has been used to treat a variety of ailments through topical application, but only recently have the antiseptic and antibacterial properties of honey been chemically explained. Wound Gels that contain antibacterial honey and have regulatory approval for wound care are now available to help conventional medicine in the battle against drug resistant strains of bacteria MRSA. As an antimicrobial agent honey may have the potential for treating a variety of ailments. One New Zealand researcher says a particular type of honey may be useful in treating MRSA infections. Honey may also be used to alleviate the effects of a sore throat. It is mixed with lemon juice and consumed. The mixture coats the throat alleviating discomfort, and the antibacterial, antiseptic properties are good for the throat as well.

*Honey as Sweet Things In Life:

*Food to eat
Clothes to wear be content! (I Timothy 6.8)

*God’s blessings of Christian fellowship are sweet.
Good thing- to be together in one place with God’s people worshiping Him

Holy Thing- to be of one accord Acts 2.1 with one mind, with one accord, with one passion
Homothumadon is a compound of two words meaning to "rush along" and "in unison". The image is almost musical; a number of notes are sounded which, while different, harmonize in pitch and tone. As the instruments of a great concert under the direction of a concert master, so the Holy Spirit blends together the lives of members of Christ's church.

Needed Thing (Hebrews 10.25)

*God’s Word is sweet Psalm 19.9-10
The ordinances of the LORD are sure and altogether righteous.10 They are more precious than gold, than much pure gold; they are sweeter than honey, than honey from the comb.
Not a set of rules but a way of freedom from the bad things in this life. Having wisdom is like honey in it keeps us from many avoidable bitter experiences in life. When we are wise in God’s Word we can see trouble coming and avoid it. Proverbs 22.3 A prudent man sees danger and takes refuge, but the simple keep going and suffer for it.

More than a freedom to love, a freedom to serve, A freedom to live. When we enter the path of wisdom we are entering life.

*God’s creation- all free and right in your own backyard or front porch or window! So sweet!

Take a little honey for the journey! Genesis 43.11 Dr. Jenkins Fall 1984 message to Pastors Speculator NY. We need to be thankful for the sweet things. There are sweet things in our life. We need to carry good memories of wonderful things with us. I used to keep scrap books- now I write in my journals.

We need to praise the LORD for answers to prayer.

*God’s Presence- How sweet to trust in Him and walk with Him each day!

Deuteronomy 26.9 He brought us to this place and gave us this land, a land flowing with milk and honey. This can be the experience of God’s people today in the Spirit filled Life. You can have an overflowing experience with Jesus.

2. Wisdom is Sweet to Your Soul v.14

It will keep you from the most destructive things.

Wrong sexual relationships. It can be a wonderful thing within marriage and it can be a devastating thing outside of it. We are warned about this in Proverbs. To be in a monogamous marital relationship in order to enjoy it is a sign of wisdom.

Pursuing dishonest gain. Many people see nothing wrong with this as long as they do not et caught but Proverbs tells us that it take away the very lives of those who go after ill gotten gain.

Bad “friendships”.
Do not be friends-

With a gossip! Proverbs 11.13 A gossip betrays a confidence, but a trustworthy man keeps a secret.

An angry person Proverbs 22.24 Do not make friends with a hot-tempered man, do not associate with one easily angered, 25 or you may learn his ways and get yourself ensnared.

A stingy man Proverbs 23.7 he is the kind of man who is always thinking about the cost.
"Eat and drink," he says to you, but his heart is not with you.

It will keep you on the good path.
Proverbs 2.8 Then you will understand what is right and just and fair—every good path.

Blessing of righteous living.

Fellowship with Jesus and other believers.

3. Wisdom Gives You a Future Hope

It will not be cut off.

Wisdom gives us the hope of heaven. There is a future- a wonderful one - an indescribable one for those are wise unto salvation.

One of the things that make wisdom so sweet is the benefits and blessings that come to us in this life- in this present age.

One of the other sweet things about wisdom is the blessings that are literally out of his world and in the age to come.

Proverbs 11.7 When a wicked man dies, his hope perishes; all he expected from his power comes to nothing. 8 The righteous man is rescued from trouble, and it comes on the wicked instead.

Eat honey, my son, for it is good; honey from the comb is sweet to your taste.
Know also that wisdom is sweet to your soul;
if you find it, there is a future hope for you, and your hope will not be cut off.