Sunday, May 11, 2008

The LORD's Day, Mother's Day, May 11, 2008

From a Famine to a Feast

Ruth 1-4

The LORD restores souls. When David wrote that line under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, it was his personal experience as well as part of his heritage. The Book of Ruth tells us about that.

The Kinsman Redeemer was responsible for protecting the interests of the needy members of the extended family.

1- He was to provide an heir for the brother who had died.

2- He was to redeem the land that been sold to someone outside the family by a poor relative.

3- He was to redeem a relative that had been sold into slavery.

4- He was to avenge the killing of a relative.

The Kinsman Redeemer had to have:
1- The right- closest relatives first
2- The power- there was a price that had to be paid.
3- The willingness- love, not fear (4.6)

Boaz became Ruth’s (and Naomi’s Kinsman Redeemer). This is symbolic of how Christ Jesus redeemed us.

He found us as helpless foreigners, outside of the Kingdom of God.

He took us in by paying the price for our redemption with His own blood.

Through our union with Christ Jesus the fruit of the Holy Spirit comes out in our lives.

Boaz’s name means, “in Him is strength” Ruth typifies those in need of Christ- alien, destitute, having no right or inheritance, hungry and in need of mercy.

Ruth was a widow, a foreigner

I’m sure that Naomi’s decision to move on the basis of economic reasons was regretted. Moving is not a cure all. In fact I have observed that it can complicate things in a family.

There are some encouraging lessons from this book, which is a love story.

1. There are Times In Life When Things Could Not Be Much Worse 1.1-5

Naomi lost her husband and her two sons in foreign land.

I remember a move after Bible College that convinced some people I was out of God’s Will. As I look back I was right where He wanted me.
He did some things in that year in my life of difficulties that were sweet and purifying and lasting.

Have you ever been at a point when it doesn’t look like things could get worse?
Maybe you are there this morning on this Mother’s Day

2. Often in Those Times Good News Comes (1.6-7)

The LORD has come to the aid of His people.

The famine is over.

God is working

3. The God of All Comfort Cares About Us (2.5-12)

He has pity on us. Psalm 103.13 As a father has compassion on his children, so the LORD has compassion on those who fear Him

God will take care of you. That is true and you can depend upon it.
He gives songs in the night. “At night His song is with me.” (Psalm 42.8) Paul and Silas... Ruth and Naomi...

4. God gives a rainbow when He allows it to rain. (4.13-17)

The first time we see the rainbow is in Genesis 9.8-17 Noah
We see it again in Ezekiel 1.28 Like the appearance of a rainbow in the clouds on a rainy day, so was the radiance around Him. This was the appearance of the likeness of the glory of the LORD. We see it in Revelation 4.3 A rainbow, resembling an emerald, encircled the throne.

God has rainbows for every storm. Sometimes we don’t see them until after it passes. May 12 , 2000, 8 years ago tomorrow my brother Mark went to be with Jesus. He died in a heavy Thunderstorm. His favorite song was As The Deer Panteth for the Water. After he died and my parents came to his home, out front two stately deer ran down the edge of the river bank - his wife said she had never seen that before in the 10 years they lived there. The day after his funeral a white dove appeared in the church parking lot. Marianne, the pastor’s wife, called my mom and told her. A year later when Brother Hazard died, a white dove, on the day of his funeral a white dove landed in my garden. I took pictures of it. That July 4th after his death I was at my parents. They put in a memorial garden with all the plants and shrubs given to them. On that July 4th a storm came in but that evening God put a double rainbow in the sky. I took a picture - kids out on their lawn running around and God was saying, “I keep all My promises .” The deer, the dove, the rainbow... all things God uses in His Word to connect us to leaning upon Him and trusting Him.

He didn’t stop. Theresa, my middle daughter, just had a baby. Mark’s birthday was April 27th, 1960. Tristan Mark was born on April 28, 2008, the day after my brother’s birthday.

He restores my soul! That restoration is a feast of heavenly things. It is God pouring out His love on us. The LORD brings healing to the heart. He is close to the broken hearted and binds up their wounds. He will be with us always right up tot eh very end of the age and then we will go and be with Him forever!

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