How To Face Tomorrow
Proverbs 27.1, Matthew 6.25-34
We all have known people who boasted. We also knew people who were worry warts. These two sets of people are on different ends of the same spectrum.
The issue here is tomorrow and how to face it. The word tomorrow can mean the literal tomorrow as the next day or it can be translated the future.
Interestingly, one extreme is the trusting in oneself and the other is the lack of faith in God. Both are sin. In one there is a inflated opinion of self and in the other a deflated view of Almighty God.
I read this week in Nelson Bell’s biography, Billy Graham’s father-in-law, that he was influenced by a Chinese doctor, Leland Wang, to read a chapter of Proverbs every day. Dr. Wang said, “because it is the book which allows us to relate our own lives to fellowmen.” 20 years later Nelson Bell would pass on that habit to young Billy Graham. No wonder, as I have told you before, that Billy Graham wrote in the foreword of this book, “Dr. Nelson Bell was one the major influences in my life and my ministry, in fact, as I look back, I am convinced that one of the reasons, God, in His providence, allowed Ruth Bell to become my wife was so that Dr. Nelson Bell would become my father-in-law!” One of the things he passed on was this daily reading of a chapter of Proverbs. This is something we would do well to practice in our own lives!
I think we need to read this verse regularly because how often do we take comfort in our circumstances. If things are going well, praise the LORD. If they are not, What shall we do?!
We need to trust in the LORD with all our heart and not lean on our own understanding. Boasting about tomorrow is leaning on our own understanding. It is saying, “I’m all set. I have a good life ahead. Everything is coming my way.”
Jesus spoke about the man who did this. Luke 12.16-21. He thought he was all set for years ahead and he did not realize that he was going to die that very night!
1. Do not Boast About Tomorrow 27.1
Boasting is aimed at our fellow man. How we desire to impress them! It makes us feel good. It gives off an air of superiority. When I was young and did not understand this dynamic, I would be in the presence of a boaster and come away feeling pretty low. They have a way of doing that.
Put this to death! If it rears its ugly head in you put it down. Humble yourself. Don’t fall into this trap of praising yourself, glorying in yourself.
Boasting is a lot of hot air! Puffed up and let out. It is unbecoming to those who are following Jesus Christ. He humbled Himself. He became a servant. When a believer boasts he breaks fellowship with His LORD at that point. He must repent!
Boasting is foolish!
I Corinthians 4.7 What do you have that you did not receive? And if you did receive it, why do you boast as though you did not?
A message to Ammon in Jeremiah 49.4 Why do you boast of your valleys, boast of your valleys so fruitful? O unfaithful daughter, you trust in your riches and say, 'Who will attack me?'
Our greatness as a nation as we spoke of last week was not and is not in our military might. I am thankful for our military. However if you go back to our past, our history- there are lessons to be learned. We were vastly outnumbered during the Revolutionary War. It was not our might that won. It was we were humble and depended upon God.
Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows. James 1.17
If you couple the verse from the Corinthians and the verse James writes together you see why boasting is foolish.
Do not boast. James has more to say on the subject of boasting about tomorrow.
James 4.13-16
As believers we should be humble about our travel and business dealings and all of life. We should all come under the authority of God’s will, in our praying and in our planning. The LORD has designed things to be that way and in following Him we avoid so much grief and pain in our lives.
Now how to handle tomorrow... I would say that boasting for the most part is not a huge problem for us but there is something about tomorrow that is and that is worry!
2. Do Not Worry About Tomorrow Matthew 6.34
Worrying is aimed at God. It is a lack of trust in not only His ability but His will for us.
Worrying is as foolish as boasting. While many of us would not boast about tomorrow we worry about it. We imagine all kinds of horrible scenarios for our lives. Worrying can actually make us sick! Physically ill! We use the phrase worried sick- it is an apt description.
What is worry?
Psalm 139- know my thoughts= sar`aph = disquieting thoughts. Now we are on to something. You will keep in perfect peace him whose mind is steadfast, because he trusts in you. Isaiah 26.3 Perfect peace comes from focusing on Christ instead of how He will meet our needs.
Take no thought/ do not worry ...Worry in the New Testament= merimnao- to be anxious, to be troubled with cares, to care for, look out for (a thing), to seek to promote one's interests, caring or providing for
What is the “normal” state of mind for the believer?
You will keep in perfect peace him whose mind is steadfast, because he trusts in you. Isaiah 26.3 The normal state is kept in perfect peace.
Keep = to guard, watch, watch over, keep, to preserve, guard from dangers
observe, guard with fidelity, to be kept close, be blockaded, watchman The LORD does this so we can rest. It is His work. If you ask me to do watch guard duty I could fall asleep, but He Who watched over Israel neither slumbers or sleeps. His vantage point, His power, etc.
Perfect Peace = Shalom Shalom
completeness, soundness, welfare, peace, safety, health, prosperity
quiet, tranquillity, contentment, with God especially in covenant relationship
complete peace
quiet safety
sound contentment
peaceful tranquility
healthy prosperity
We lose our peace when we look attentively at our problems and predicaments and wonder how we can resolve them. Our sights are off Jesus and His promises. We are leaning on our own understanding.
How do we regain it?
Repent and do the things you did at first
Years ago when I was driving my car and stressing and fretting over a situation out of my control, my daughter, Theresa, who was in her late teens at the time and sitting in the back seat, began singing this song:
My only hope is you Jesus,
My only hope is You.
From early in the morning til late at night,
My only hope is You.
My only hope is You.
From early in the morning til late at night,
My only hope is You.
Maybe you need it sung to you this morning. I have been singing it a lot lately.
We face tomorrow with the LORD. We don’t boast about tomorrow. We don’t worry about tomorrow. We know Who hold tomorrow and we know Who holds our hand! I love Jesus’ words
do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.
My only hope is you Jesus,
My only hope is You.
From early in the morning til late at night,
My only hope is You.
My only hope is You.
From early in the morning til late at night,
My only hope is You.
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