Daniel 8.1-27
Men throughout the ages have sought to put the Word of the LORD to the test. I don’t mean that they were testing the LORD, rather they would allow themselves to get in situations in serving and following Him where they had to trust Him completely. George Muller of Bristol was a man like that. He set out to prove that there was reality in the Promises of God. God used him in a powerful way as a man without any money who took care of thousands of orphans and supported missionaries like J. Hudson Taylor.
This chapter concerns itself with the history of the Medo-Persian Empire and the Grecian Empire. It is ancient history and yet there are eternal truths here. The eternal truth for us this morning is this whole matter of God keeping His Word. What He says He will do.
He told Daniel in a vision what was going to happen over the next 350 years and then on beyond our time. God kept His Word. He always does.
1. This cuts both ways.
*Good for the faithful. He keeps His Word.
We rest in this truth.
We depend on it.
We’ve experienced it.
We’ve been blessed by it. If you are taking notes this morning, write down a time or two when God kept a promise in His Word for you personally.
Think about the things you are going through right now where you need to trust the LORD. Remember He always keeps His Word.
Keep your eyes on Jesus with faith in His Word
*Bad for unbelievers who do not repent.
Those who do not believe will be condemned. Jesus said this. Mark 16.16
Most unbelievers do not believe this. They reason that they are better than some people who go to church. They say things like I don’t bother anyone. I try to live right. They do not realize that the LORD said that our own righteousness is as filthy rags. Isaiah 64.6
Hope for those in darkness- they may see the great light.
While there is breath there is hope.
Whoever calls on the Name of the LORD will be saved.
2. There is wonderful comfort in the truth of the LORD keeping His Word for those who follow Jesus.
We depend on His Word.
Deuteronomy 33.27 The eternal God is your refuge, and underneath are the everlasting arms.
We are leaning on those Everlasting Arms. We are trusting in His Word to us. What a comfort it is.
We know what He has said will come about.
There will be times of difficulty when our faith is tested. We are human.
But our lives continue in the right direction on the good path.
We take comfort in His Word.
Psalm 119.50 My comfort in my suffering is this: Your promise preserves my life.
God keeps His Word in our peaceful restful times. He leads us beside still waters.
3. There is boundless grace for those going through trouble.
Psalm 46.1 God is our refuge and strength an ever present help in time of trouble.
I have told you how 45 years ago I saw that underlined in my Mom’s Bible. She still lives by it. We know it is true.
We don’t like difficult times but they do show us God’s Grace is indeed all sufficient.
This is seeing the goodness of the LORD too. It is not just in the pleasant pastures -it is also through the valley of the shadow of death... not just literally but that for sure but also in dark times ... in the dark night of the soul.
I don’t think we tap unto that grace nearly enough.
Go down to verse 10
How hard it is for us to be still when e are going through trouble. So often we run around like a chicken with our head cut off (I’ve literally seen that) rather than quieting ourselves and knowing that He is God.
The word, “still”
to sink, relax, sink down, let drop, withdraw
abandon, refrain, forsake, to let go
let alone, to be quiet
Until we do that we will not be able to come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need. Hebrews 4.16
4. We can always depend upon God’s Word.
It does not change.
Its Author does not change!
James 1.17 Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, Who does not change like shifting shadows.
Psalm 146.5-6 Blessed is he whose help is the God of Jacob, whose hope is in the LORD his God, the Maker of heaven and earth, the sea, and everything in them—
the LORD, who remains faithful forever.
Some people’s word you can depend on only if things are favorable for them and you. The keeping of their word is dependent on circumstances. Some so called friendships are like this.
God remains faithful forever.
5. The Solid Rock is the Word of God.
The Word of God stands mid the raging storms of time. There have been attacks on it and attempts to wipe it out. When this has happened it has flourished. There has never been a successful attempt to destroy the church, the body of Christ or the Bible, the Word of God.
We stand firm through the storms of time with Christ in our hearts and God’s Word hidden in it.
We can stand upon its promises. Psalm 145.13 The LORD is faithful to all his promises We never have to say to the LORD as kids say to their parents, “But you promised!” He keeps His Word, always.
He is above the circumstances.
He is beyond human failure.
He is the LORD, the Maker of heaven and earth. You can utterly trust in Him and you will be not be forsaken or let down by Jesus. With whatever your problems are this morning, the best thing to do is keep your feet firmly planted on God’s Word. What He has promised He will do. He always keeps His Word!
On Christ the Solid Rock I stand! All other ground is sinking sand
Proverbs 3.5-6
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