Sunday, September 28, 2008

The Revelation of Jesus Christ

Revelation 1

This is the Revelation of Jesus Christ is the subject. It is a Revelation of Him.
It shows us what must soon take place

Jesus is described as:
*The Faithful Witness
He showed us the Father, He spoke the truth, He is perfect.
You can depend upon what Jesus has said. You can depend upon Him.
More and more our lives ought to be built and based upon Him. In all we do!

*The Firstborn from the dead, He was the first to rise in the Resurrection. He is the Resurrection and the Life.
Others were brought back to life. Jesus was the only one placed in the grave and given a glorious body which will never die. Even Lazarus died eventually.
We will receive a new body.

*The Ruler of the kings of the earth. He is in control as we have seen in Daniel. He is the King of kings. Even now God is in control. The Book of Revelation is Him telling His servants what will soon take place. He knows the outcome! The gates of hell will never against that church prevail!

We are told twice that He was and is and is to come. (vs.4,8)

1. Jesus Christ has inextricably connected Himself to His Church.

v.4 This chapter is written to the seven churches in the Province of Asia
These were actual churches.
These could be periods of time in the church as well.
These could be stages an body of believers goes through.
These could be conditions the church can find itself in at any point in its history.

v.5 Jesus purchased the church with own blood.
We were bought with a price!

I Corinthians 6. 20 you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your body.

I Corinthians 7. 23 You were bought at a price; do not become slaves of men.
Each time we take the LORD’s Supper we should think about that!

It by His blood that we have access to God, the Father. We kpet by His blood, covered by it and it cleanses us continually.
Our relationship to Jesus Christ is the strongest of any- it is based on His blood and His righteousness.

v 11 Each church is listed by name of the city it is in. Each city had one church- still does! He doesn’t see a bunch of churches in Bay Shore- He sees one! He see His Body, the church around the world. The church’s finest moments have been when there is unity in the Body of Christ and we live according to it.

2. Jesus when He is revealed to us first in Revelation is walking among the churches v.12-16

I love this. I believe He is walking among us today! We have fellowship with Him!
He holds us together. We walk with Him. One of my favorite post resurrection appearances is on the road to Emmaus. That account in Luke’s gospel of the two disciples walking with Jesus on that road sums up the life of the believer. We are to walk with Him. We are to listen to Him open the scripture to us. Our hearts should burn when this happens.

He is here to help. Jesus has not left the church on its own. He helps us as we call and lean upon Him.

He is here to defend. He will protect the church. We are His Bride.

He is here to listen.

He is speaking His Word to us! v.16

3. Jesus put His Hand on His servants and speaks comfort to their souls. v.17-18

We have all felt the hand of the LORD upon us. Think back of the time in your life when you were going through some difficulty, some time of decision, a time of suffering. Jesus came to you in a beautiful way and you felt His Hand upon you.

In answers to prayer. Every answer to prayer is His Hand upon us. He is taking care of us. He is watching over us. He can turn events and change things for us. He gives us grace when what we are asking for is not part of His plan.

In providing for us.

In bringing peace and strength.

4. He has the church in His Hand! v.20

He told us that the gates of hell would not prevail against the church Matthew 16.18
There is nothing that hell can throw at us that Jesus can’t overcome. Hell’s best strategies (and they have some wicked ones!) Will not bring the church down.

He told us that no one could pluck out of His Hand John 10.27-30

5. There is no way to get around the futuristic aspect of this Book, nor should we seek to!

While this is the Revelation of Jesus Christ. It is to show us, His servants, what must soon take place.

The Blessed Hope we have is not that the world is going to get better. We have seen this past week evidences of that! The Blessed Hope we as believers have is spoken of in Titus 2.11 For the grace of God that brings salvation has appeared to all men. 12 It teaches us to say "No" to ungodliness and worldly passions, and to live self-controlled, upright and godly lives in this present age, 13 while we wait for the blessed hope—the glorious appearing of our great God and Savior, Jesus Christ, 14 Who gave himself for us to redeem us from all wickedness and to purify for himself a people that are his very own, eager to do what is good.

Over the next few weeks we’ll look at the churches. We’ll look at what is right and what is wrong with them according to Jesus. We’ll see how He looks at the church- our church! He will show us what we need to do to correct ourselves (which is all about looking to and leaning on Him!) as well as commending us where we are right.

Search me O God and know my thoughts, test me and know my ways. See if there be some wicked way in me and lead me in the way everlasting.

Be encouraged we will win the war and every battle is the LORD’s!

Sunday, September 21, 2008

The LORD's Day September 21, 2008

What In the World Is Going To Happen?

Daniel 12.8-13

This week’s stock markets and world economy... Rants against Israel continue...

President Dmitry Medvedev said that Russia should unilaterally claim part of the Arctic, stepping up the race for the disputed energy-rich region. Space race, arms race and now the Arctic Race.

Daniel’s last words:

v.8 I heard, but I did not understand. So I asked, "My lord, what will the outcome of all this be?" That is a question we find ourselves asking a lot these days. We wonder and if we are not careful we can worry. If we worry then we can begin to fret and these are two specific activities we are steer clear of as children of God. We are told not to worry and not to fret.

The Word of God to Daniel and us: vs.9-13

1. Everyone has their way to go


It is assumed that as children of God, followers of Jesus Christ, we will go. We will move along. “Having gone...” is part of the Great Commission- lit. Movement is part of God’s nature.

*Walk With God

Walk with the LORD. The earliest records of people living in God’s presence is Enoch. Genesis 5.22 And after he became the father of Methuselah, Enoch walked with God 300 years and had other sons and daughters.

This walking implies a step by step movement. It implies a steady, daily, moment by moment progression. We are in a race but it is a marathon. It is life long.

Walking with Gods takes place in communing with Him in prayer and His Word and His Presence. This is to be a done daily. There is a way God has for us to go and that way includes and is wrapped all around prayer and following His Word.

I love how Daniel is asking worldwide questions and the LORD is bringing home to him personally. He always does this. Peter asked about John and Jesus told him basically Its none of your business- you must follow Me. (John 21.20-23)

*Depart from questions which have no answers!
These things can bring your soul down.
They can have the opposite effect of the Word of God which builds us up. Dwelling on these questions to which there are no answers given can tear down or weaken our faith. (Psalm 73)

*Proceed and move on. Don’t get hung up by these unanswerable questions or problems or sins against you in this life.

Concern yourself with your manner of life in reference to this part of Daniel.
II Peter 3.11 Since everything will be destroyed in this way, what kind of people ought you to be? You ought to live holy and godly lives 12 as you look forward to the day of God and speed its coming.

Responding to suffering- v.10
Purify- cleanse, make bright, test, prove
Refine- come out like gold.

Being holy- seeking to be like Jesus:
I John 2.6 Whoever claims to live in Him must walk as Jesus did.

Those who have the hope of His return:
I John 3.3 Everyone who has this hope in Him purifies himself, just as He is pure.

Lead others to Jesus teaching them to walk with the Master.
First walk ourselves.
Then lead others by our example.
When necessary use words.

2. Every man has an end

We have talked about this before. People are fighting it today- they always have.
We ought to be preparing for it. It is a joy to think about it- Dr. Perkins a few weeks ago.

We are encouraged to live life with this view:

Psalm 39.4 "Show me, O LORD, my life's end and the number of my days;
let me know how fleeting is my life.
5 You have made my days a mere handbreadth; the span of my years is as nothing before you. Each man's life is but a breath.

Psalm 144.4 Man is like a breath; his days are like a fleeting shadow.

Psalm 90.10 The length of our days is seventy years— or eighty, if we have the strength; yet their span is but trouble and sorrow, for they quickly pass, and we fly away.

12 Teach us to number our days aright, that we may gain a heart of wisdom.

There is a end to time and space that comes at death and another that comes at the resurrection. God has promises and provisions for both.

3. There is a rest provided for the people of God v.13

Rest- settle down, be quiet

This is eternal rest. The battle, the spiritual battle we are in will end forever. We will no longer need to contend with the world, the flesh or the devil.

I’ll be in the battle until the day God calls me home. I am looking forward to laying my armor down one day and being with Jesus forever.

4. There is an inheritance for the people of God v.13

We are going to inherit:

I Peter 1.3 Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! In his great mercy he has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, 4 and into an inheritance that can never perish, spoil or fade—kept in heaven for you, 5 who through faith are shielded by God's power until the coming of the salvation that is ready to be revealed in the last time.

Eternal Life in its fullness- right now in a jar of clay.
II Corinthians 4.7 in jars of clay to show that this all-surpassing power is from God and not from us.

Eternity with Jesus and all who have been saved.
I Thessalonians 4.17 And so we will be with the Lord forever.

When we are told to go our way it is a glorious way. What a glory He sheds on our way! We have a fellowship with Jesus that is wonderful. For the believer the best is yet to come. In fact it not yet revealed. God is saving some tremendous surprises for us. I told Emma of one I have for her next time she comes. “Don’t tell me, Poppa!” There is something about surprises and kids... God has many when we get to heaven for His children!

For now go your way.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

The LORD's Day September 14, 2008

The LORD And History - His Story

Daniel 11.1-45

When I was in Bible College, and I cannot believe it was 32 years ago that I began classes out there in Colorado Springs, but when I took Church History, Dr. T. Crichton Mitchell, a little English man, who used to say, “History is really His Story.”

Isn’t it interesting how things we learn in our youth stay with us for the long haul and make more sense as we grow in Christ?

I remember disagreeing some with my parents telling me that those I chose as friends would influence me. I disagreed with them but I listened to them and I am so glad I did The people you associate with do influence you in greater ways than you realize

So this statement by my professor really was true and has proven so as I have grown in my faith.

1. From the Beginning God has been involved in the details of human history.

It really is not human history. It is as Dr. Mitchell said, “His Story.”

I read Genesis 1-2 this week in my quiet time. As I read it I was struck by the truth that God, Who had created the heavens and the earth, looked down and saw it was not good for man to be alone

Our vast galaxy that He created is spinning at the incredible speed of 490,000 miles an hour. But even at its breakneck speed it still needs 200 million years to make one rotation. There are over one billion galaxies just like ours. Some scientists estimate the number of stars to be equal to that of the number of grains of sand on the seashore. Yet with all this out there, the Father in Heaven looked down and saw Adam’s predicament and acted in his behalf. No wonder David said, “When I consider the heavens, the work of Your Hands, the moon and the stars, which You have set in place, what is man that You are mindful of him, the son of man that You care for him?” Psalm 8.3-4

David was so amazed that God in all His Greatness and Majesty would be involved with our lives. He continues in Psalm 139.1-5 and ends with: Such knowledge is too wonderful for me, too lofty for me to attain.

The creation is wonderful. God’s power is wonderful. The fact that He involves us
with Him is beyond our ability to take in. The great expanse of the heavens space going on and on with no end. It is beyond our ability to take in. Then God Himself is over all of this and this all is the work of His Hands. How great He is! How Great Thou Art! Beyond comprehension is His greatness!

This 11th chapter of Daniel points us to the fact that God is very much involved in Human History because it is His Story. He is speaking of the rise and fall of kingdoms here. He is speaking of them because He knows what is going to happen just as He knows what David said about a thought before it is formed.

He knows the number of my days and all of them were ordained for me were written in His book before one of them came to be. Psalm 139.16 The LORD has a journal of my life. I write the journal here as I go but it is already written in His Book before it happens Perhaps this is why journaling brings great joy. As I walk with Jesus I am writing down things in my journal that He has already had written in His book. Seeing God’s Hand upon our lives is so encouraging.

2. To separate God from secular History is very foolish as well as impossible.

He is in control. Our God is in heaven; He does whatever pleases Him. Psalm 115.3

He is involved. He is very active in our lives and in world events. This past week we remembered 9-11, 7 years ago. We met the day after here in the church to pray and ask the LORD to help us and to give our leaders wisdom for the days ahead. We did this because we know the LORD. We know He loves us. We know He cares about us.

The Church rides upon things that are happening in the world.
We are not casual players. This chapter in Daniel attests to that. The events of our lives and world affairs are tied together. In fact the church is more involved in world affairs than we can imagine. We pray and that touches eternity

3. History is His Story and we are told in His Word how it will end

He is still involved with the details of His Story and the details of our lives so much that we are told by Jesus, “the very hairs of your head are all numbered.” Matthew 10.30

We are heading into Revelation next. It is an apocalyptic book just as Daniel is. It speaks of the end. God’s purposes will prevail. Man’s time as well as Satan’s time will come to an end in the ruling of the world. It is coming to an end.

4. After Human History Ends, His Story, Our Story will just have begun and it will never end

Those comforting words, and so we will be with the LORD forever, are more faith than sight right now. In fact we see through a glass darkly. It is obscure. It is a bit puzzling... It is an enigma ...we don’t know much about the details of heaven It is hidden from us and unknown- just that we will be like Jesus.

This we do know:

1. Almighty God will continue His Story long after history has been completed. It will be forever.

There will be things He will reveal to us in heaven. Ephesians 2.6 And God raised us up with Christ and seated us with him in the heavenly realms in Christ Jesus, 7in order that in the coming ages he might show the incomparable riches of his grace, expressed in his kindness to us in Christ Jesus.

We will be with Jesus

2. All the things that seem great on the earth to people who do not know Jesus will vanish.
II Peter 3.12 That day will bring about the destruction of the heavens by fire, and the elements will melt in the heat.

3. Heaven will be beyond anything we can possible think of as we eluded to before.

We are given little glimpses but when we all see Jesus what a day of rejoicing that will be

4. It won’t be long until we get there. Each day brings us closer.

We are on a march through time where we come to the end of time as we know it.

5. We will be with the LORD forever

God is deeply involved in human history. It is His Story. It is His Story from the beginnings in Eden to the end in Armageddon. It will be His Story into eternity. He will tell us all things. He show us the whole plan.

We need to keep our eyes fixed upon the Author of Life, the author and Perfecter of our salvation. The One Who is with us and Who knows about tomorrow, Who knows the way we take. The One Who is in heaven and Whom we will be with forever!

Sunday, September 7, 2008

The LORD's Day September 7, 2008

Overwhelmed By Revelation

Daniel 10.1-19

It is really a shame that Revelation is not read more than it is. This chapter is directly related to Revelation 1. If you look there this morning you’ll see the words “The revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave him to show his servants what must soon take place.” Revelation 1.1 The first words are: The Revelation of Jesus Christ...” What John saw, What Daniel saw were One of the same vision. It was of Jesus Christ. That is what the Book of Revelation is: the revelation of Jesus Christ.

It had the same effect: 1.17 When I saw Him, I fell at His feet as though dead. Then He placed his right hand on me and said: Do not be afraid. I am the First and the Last.” - Look at Daniel 10.9-11. It is the same reaction.

Seeing this vision of Jesus Christ left Daniel and John in a state of like death. The description of Jesus Christ here is amazing. Along with this vision of the LORD Jesus is this view into the future, to times of war and struggles up to the end. This is part of the vision of Jesus. He is the Conquering King. The battle is raging today for His Kingdom. It is a battle that will end one day with victory. It is a battle between the Kingdom of God and the Kingdom of darkness.

This overwhelmed these two men of God. It is overwhelming to us as we think about it. There are times when we think of the future that we are simply overwhelmed and afraid. People are afraid of Revelation. But we needn’t be

I believe one of the reasons God gave His Word here in Daniel and in Revelation is so that we will have peace in the middle of the war. When it comes to the future...

1. We are told to not be afraid. v.12

*Don’t be full of dread.
This is a sign of depression: to be always looking on the dark side of things. Dread is a horrible state of mind to be in. It is the feeling that we are doomed and that there is nothing good now or in the future. Dread is deceiving.

Elijah expressed it in his words, when he came to that broom tree, sat down under it and prayed that he might die. I have had enough, LORD, he said. Take my life; I am no better than my ancestors. . (I Kings 19.4)

Jacob expressed when he said, “Everything is against me.” (Genesis 42.36) when they wanted to bring Benjamin down to Egypt. Joseph and Simeon were there.

Both of these men were expressing things out of dread. They were soon to find out that things were not at all as they had made them out to be in their minds. This is one the reasons we are told not to be afraid. When we do give way to fear we are filled with dread and we lose our perspective and do not see things correctly.
Their lives had circumstances in them that caused them to think the wrong way. Let’s learn a lesson here. Let’s be on our guard.

Our minds and our eyes can play tricks on us.
U.S Steel Unisphere at the NY World’s Fair: Back there in the 60's some photographer had taken some shots of people in front of it with their hands up and what turned out was it looked like Atlas holding up the world. My dad tried it with us and years later I tried it with my girls and it came out beautifully. But it is not true. My girls were really not holding the world on their shoulders. It gave an impression we they were. So it is with fear. It can paralyze a person’s thinking and cause them to imagine all kinds of things.

Don’t be terrified.

He tells John this in Revelation 1.17

Don’t be struck with fear.

Don’t be seized with alarm.

Don’t flee from fear. (v.7- the others did)
Many people avoid Revelation like the plague. We are told that there are blessings that come just from hearing and reading this book. (Revelation 1.3) Let’s read that first chapter

Don’t seek to run away- it may be a natural reaction and often is to flee from things that make us afraid but the LORD is with us and if He be for us who can be against us?

2. The Hand of the LORD is upon those He reveals Himself to. (vs.10-11)

Hand means

He gives us strength. I love the fact that the same Hand which held the stars was the one which was placed upon John (Revelation 1.17) God’s hand on the church.

Psalm 18.32 It is God who arms me with strength and makes my way perfect.

Daniel was touched by the LORD and given strength (vs.18-19)

We all need that touch of Jesus today. We need Him to place His Hand upon us and give us strength for each day. We receive that touch in prayer and from reading His Word. I like the way the word “Be Strong” is used twice here. Similar to Psalm 27.14 with the word wait.

Be strong means to prevail, to be courageous, to grow firm, to be resolute, be secure

Hand can also mean


II Corinthians 12.9 My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness. It is in our weaknesses that we get to see the LORD’s strength completely at work. I experience His strength daily but it is the critical times I feel the need and see it at work so much more. It is not so much the human spirit as it is the Holy Spirit at work in an earthen vessel. Times of testing are never pleasant but they can be joyful because of what God is doing in me.

Again as we see the Hand of Jesus in Revelation 1.17
He Who holds the church around the world has placed His Hand upon us

3. The mystery of war and perishing souls is too much for us to take in and understand fully.

These things were overwhelming for Daniel and John as they saw wars and the battles leading up to the end. We pray for souls and we pray for peace.

4. Remember in this vision of the future, Jesus Christ is standing there. (v.14)

Job said, "I know that my Redeemer lives,
and that in the end He will stand upon the earth." Job 19.25

He will be with us- immediate and distant future.
We need to hear this today Revelation is an overwhelming book. If we live through its fulfillment, the LORD Himself will be with us.

For the immediate future, the LORD is there! Already there!

I don't know about tomorrow;
I just live from day to day.
I don't borrow from its sunshine
For its skies may turn to grey.

I don't worry o'er the future,
For I know what Jesus said.
And today I'll walk beside Him,
For He knows what is ahead.

Many things about tomorrow
I don't seem to understand
But I know who holds tomorrow
And I know who holds my hand.

We will come through victoriously.