Sunday, October 26, 2008

The LORD's Day October 26, 2008

The Prayers Of The Saints

Revelation 5

Where do our prayers go? Well we know they go to the LORD. But after that where are they?

We live in throw out society. The repair man is going out of business today because it cheaper to replace things than repair them. Documents are shredded today. Old books- good books have lost their value. The price tags have all been switched here on earth. But Jesus said heaven and earth will pass away but His Word will never pass away. Our prayers are of an eternal quality. They are kept and treasured by the LORD!

1. They are in heaven.

We spoke about this last week. The prayers of the saints are with the LORD. They are so special to the Him that He has them with Him in heaven.

Perhaps one of the joys of heaven that Jesus spoke about in the parable of the talents(Matthew 25) will be seeing all of our prayers we prayed and the answers that were given. It could very well be that we will see this when we get there! “Enter thou in to the joy of your LORD.”

I keep several prayer journals. It is so good to see how the LORD answers. Don’t think I am so spiritual because I keep them. I am weak. I keep them because I tend to forget all the answers. Sometimes I forget things I need to be praying for. God is keeping prayer journals for us and they are in these golden bowls the 24 elders and the four living creatures are holding!

I think “unanswered” prayers are in there too! We will see face to face and know Jesus even as He fully knows us now. I don’t think we will need a great deal of explanation about the unanswered prayers. Seeing Him and knowing all will happen in a moment keeps us from stressing over the questions we have about unanswered prayers. John 11- Lazarus was sick and Jesus did not come until he was dead and buried.

We all prayed for my brother to be healed. He died. John Wessels, a young man who is from David Wilkerson’s church, and I anointed him three days before he died. We believed that God could heal him. He did not. We don’t know why. It didn’t shake my faith in Divine Healing. When I get to heaven and see Mark I will not need an explanation as to why the LORD didn’t heal him. We’ll be together forever. My brother and I embraced once before I left to come back to the Island and he said,”If I don’t see you here again, Bro, I’ll see you in heaven.” I had my nephew Stephen remind of these things a few days ago in an e-mail.

2. They are in a golden bowl.

Precious things are placed in costly bowls. We have a silver bowl someone gave us and in it we put seasonal sweets. We don’t have any golden bowls. In heaven there the prayers of the saints are in the most precious metal.

This shows their importance.
King Tut’s tomb in Cairo, Egypt is gold all around and inside.

This shows how close God holds them- there is something about prayer that is offered up that is eternal.

What are the prayers of the saints?

*One would be for God’s kingdom to come.
We all ought to be praying this regularly- daily.
This means the expansion of His Kingdom on earth.
This means the coming of Jesus back to earth.
This means Heaven.

*Another would be for His Will to be done.
It is His will for all people to be saved.
Specific things in our lives.

*Certainly praise to God and worship are in these bowls of incense.

*Thanksgiving to answers are in there too.

*Another is the prayers for healing. All those prayers made by believers for believers will be answered in heaven ultimately and at that time immediately! Don’t say God did heal a person who died. It really is not true and it brings no comfort to those who without a loved one. You can say it when we all get to heaven and when we all have a new body.
*The prayers of the set apart ones would be all the prayer that have been offered by those who are believers. Look at verse 10! Intercessory prayer!

3. They are incense.

Sweet smelling savour to the LORD.
Ephesians 5.2 …Live a life of love just as Christ loved us and gave Himself up for us as a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God.

Under the Old Covenant incense was burned at the time of the evening and morning sacrifice along with these times of prayer. They arose to God as a sweet smell- a fragrant offering. Our prayers are like that incense. They rise to heaven and are kept before God’ throne. They are in the bowls of incense in the hands of 24 elders and 4 living creatures. Every prayer you prayed!

4. They are around God’s Throne.

Close to the heart of our Father in heaven are the prayers of the saints. Jesus told to pray to our Father in heaven.

God holds our prayers close to his heart. God cares so deeply for us. He is with us. He treasures these prayers of His saints.

5. We are to be adding to them.

We are saints. A saint is not just a spiritual giant, although they are saints too and I thank God for their examples. A saint is anyone who believes. A saint is one by believing has been set apart for God. Brother Hazard used to tell me about the Corinthian Church and how messed up it was and yet Paul called them “sanctified in Christ Jesus and called to be holy, together with all those everywhere who call on the name of the LORD Jesus…”

We ought always to pray and not give up. (Luke 18) I love the fact that these 24 elders and 4 living creatures which are before the throne worshiping 24-7 have in their hands these golden bowls which contain the prayers of the saints- some of our prayers have now been added to those bowls.

I have admired large churches which have a 24 hour a day prayer ministry. They seem to be connecting with what is going on around God’s throne. However even a small church can have something akin to what they have if we follow the command, “Pray without ceasing.’” “Pray continually.”

We can live in prayer. Are you praying without ceasing? Praise the LORD! Are you not there yet? Keep seeking.

Prayer should become an integrated part of daily living.

When the Son Of Man comes will He find faith on the earth? In Mark 11 He tied in with persistency in prayer- the friend at midnight. We must keep praying over the things the LORD keeps before us.

See how valuable our prayers are?! We tend to think about how valuable they are to others but not the LORD. God treasures our prayers in bowls of golden bowls of incense in heaven before His throne. Let’s keep filling them up until we get there.

We should always pray and not give up.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

The LORD's Day October 19, 2008

Glimpses of Heaven

Revelation 4

On the old US Highway 3 that goes through the White Mountains of New Hampshire, there were Vistas where as you drove you could get glimpses of the majesty of those mountains. Many times as a boy and later as a young man I had been on that road. Through those white birch and pine trees the beauty of New Hampshire could be seen. Not until we would arrive at our destination was the full view given. But on the way we saw glorious glimpses.

In a number of places in His Word God has revealed part of what is in heaven to His servants. He did here to John. He also did it to Isaiah (Isaiah 6). Ezekiel saw the throne of God as well (Ezekiel 1).

On our journey to heaven God has given us vistas in His Word. In our walk with Jesus what a glory He sheds on our way. There is much about heaven we do know. We only know what is told to us in the Word of God. These glimpses tell us some things that will help us on our journey to it. They help us stay connected to heaven!

After the church age there will be heaven. We are on the way there. Like Abraham we are looking for the city whose Builder and Maker is the LORD. The New Jerusalem is being prepared right now as we speak. John wrote down what he saw as the LORD had told him to. Throughout the Bible but particularly in Revelation and Isaiah and the Psalms we are given glimpses of glory.

What do these glorious glimpses tell us about heaven?

1. God is on the Throne of Heaven vs.1-6

What a site it is

A symbol of His first covenant is there- the rainbow. The colors are magnificent and meaningful. God keeps His Promises. Heaven and earth are wrapped up together.

Satan may have thrones here on earth but they are temporary. And God rules and over rules here on earth. God is in control!

Lord, I am ready
(By Tony)

Often times when we plan and are ready for something to happen, the Lord says,
Perfect, just wait on me.

As you know, Alyssa was to be transferred to Mt. Sinai Medical Center this week. It was the best hospital and of course we wanted her there. Alyssa was ready on Tuesday and the Lord said Perfect, just wait on me.
OK fine, we planned to transfer her Thursday and being the engineer that I am, I wanted to make sure everything went perfect and planned the perfect move. I rented a hotel just blocks away from the hospital and arrived much earlier than Alyssa. I needed to prepare everything for her and Laura. So I arrived, checked in and said, Lord I am ready.
Perfect, just wait on me.

OK fine, I got all the maps I could, walked to the hospital to find the perfect route, all the places to eat (haha), the best lit streets, etc. and said Lord, I am ready.
Perfect, just wait on me.

OK fine, I’ll go back to the hospital and meet with the social worker and tell her about Alyssa, get maps of the hospital, etc.
And said Lord, I am ready.
Perfect, just wait on me.

OK fine, I’ll go back to the hospital and meet with the child life specialist and find out where Alyssa can spend time when she can leave her room, and said Lord, I am ready.
Perfect, just wait on me.

By then it was Thursday night and Laura called and said something happened. Alyssa will be transferred tomorrow.
I screamed a little and of course took all the credit and said “morning is better anyway”.

Friday morning came and I was excited for Alyssa to see arrive and said Lord, I am ready.
Perfect, just wait on me.

OK, by noon (after many phone calls to Laura) I walked to the hospital for the 30th time to find out what was going on. The social worker assured me everything was fine. Lord, I am ready.
Perfect, just wait on me.

At 3pm on Friday, I found out that the insurance company had not approved the transfer and it was being worked on. What I’ve been here since yesterday, how can that be? Now Lord, I’ve been ready, what’s going on? Hello Are you there? (Psalm 10.1 Why, O LORD, do you stand far off? Why do you hide yourself in times of trouble?)
His reply was the same, Perfect, just wait on me.

At 4pm I found out that our Insurance does not cover transplants at Mt Sinai and that we would have to use another hospital. I could not believe what I had heard. It must be a mistake. But, It was not a mistake. We could choose from Boston, Pittsburgh or New York Presbyterian.
OK, sounding selfish, I replied, “I’ll take the one in NY since I’m here already”.
Within 3 hours, Alyssa was on her way to the top transplant hospital in the world. Presidents and Princes from around the world come there for treatment and it is one of the top children’s hospitals in the world. WOW how did that happen?

I found out that is was the Lord who was planning this transfer, not me. I was just spinning my wheels. He knew all along where she would be going. He not only provided the time, he provided the best place. Her room is wonderful, the doctors amazing and she is fighting to get better.

So often, we plan and we plan and we plan, only to have the Lord tell us
Perfect, just wait on me. I pray that I would be reminded of that each day

P..S. I am so thankful the Lord is not an engineer.

Thank you all so much for your prayers. We miss our church family.

God Bless,
Some of you are making yourselves sick by worrying. Bad decisions are made when we worry. Worry brings confusion. Worry is a sin against God, our bodies and our souls. God is on the throne of heaven. We are on this little planet in space called the earth. He created it.

He has set His glory above the heavens Psalm 8.1 It is the glory of God to conceal a matter Proverbs 25.2 Somewhere in outer space, God has prepared a place for those who trust Him and obey...

Psalm 11.4 The LORD is observing and examining the hearts of men from His throne.

2. Heaven is a Holy Place vs.6-8

Living in this world cursed by sin can get us down if we are not careful.

Holy- most holy thing

Three times is complete. This could be referring to the Triune God.

There is no sin there. Revelation 21.1-8

Purity, peace, love are words that describe the throne of God in heaven.

Peace (v.6)

3. The LORD God is worshiped all the time in heaven. vs.8-11

May His will be done here on earth as it is in heaven.

Worship is not what we do on Sunday morning only. It is what we ought to be doing 7 days a week, day and night. The whole earth is full of His glory.

With this glimpse of heaven we are shown in part how powerful that prayer is. We need to pray more of Jesus’ prayers that He prayed. Things to be prayed on earth:
1. Glorify Yourself Father
2. May they all be one
3. Protect them by the power of Your name.

May His Will be done on earth today as it is in heaven!

Sunday, October 12, 2008

The LORD's Day October 12, 2008

The Church That Thought It Had Everything

Revelation 3.14-22

Things are not always as they appear. I love that scene from that now classic movie, The Karate Kid, when Daniel realizes Mr. Miyagi has a house on the other side of the tracks and there are some oil tankers on the tracks, Daniel asks if he is in the oil business and Mr. Miyagi responds, “Not everything is as seems.” His yard is a virtual paradise. It is what I fashioned my backyard after. Things are not always what they appear to be.

Stop judging by mere appearances Jesus said in John 7.24

The Laodecian Church held a pretty high opinion of itself. v.17
You say, 'I am rich; I have acquired wealth and do not need a thing.'

Rich= wealthy, abounding in material resources, abundantly supplied
abounding (rich) in Christian virtues and eternal possessions
It seems that this church equated riches with being right with God.

Need of nothing= No one, nothing.

I do not believe the Laodecian Church realized that it had ushered Christ to the outside. Jesus had to come to them and tell them that they had. I believe this was news to them. It probably was news to a lot of people outside the Laodecian Church too.

How does a church get there? They were working. Its problem was that it was lukewarm. They were not on fire. They were not hot. The Greek word for hot here is zestos. It means boiling hot, fervor of mind and zeal.

Paul warns the church at Rome: Romans 12.11 Never be lacking in zeal, but keep your spiritual fervor, serving the Lord. This is what happened to the Laodecian Church. They didn’t stop their activities. They lost what Martin Luther called “the fire of faith.”

However the church that thought it had everything in reality had nothing and was poor, miserable, blind and naked.

While the church that was poor was rich. (2.9)

1. What is the Church?

So often people equate the church with a physical building. There were no church buildings until the 3rd century.

I used to go and speak to the young people of the Newtown Chinese Church in Hicksville. Their parents and grandparents had their service in Mandarin Chinese but the kids wanted one in English. So once a month, on Sunday afternoons, in th late 1990's I would drive out and speak to this terrific group of young people. I just ran into one the other day, now a graduate of Villanova. Once every three months they combined the young people and the adults and I would speak through an interpreter. I remember telling them, because they rented the building from a Lutheran Church, on Sunday afternoons, that they were free from a lot of things that can bog a church down, namely the care of a building. Where the church is the closest to the Book of Acts around the world today is where they are like the early Christians in that there is little or no building. Where Lucy and her mom worshiped in China last night our time the church there so impressed me three years ago. Like us they have an offering box. But it was the place prayer and the Word of God held in that church in Chanchung that touched my heart. Groups of young people praying before the service began. A shelf behind every bench for the people to take nots on as they heard the pastor bring the Word of God. Everyone carrying a Bible.

I remember pastoring in upstate NY. I was in my early 20's and although I had graduated from Bible College, I was still very much a student and learning. I was just 23 years old when I began pastoring that dear group of people. Houghton College was nearby and so I would go out there to hear guest speakers. There was a Wesleyan Church in that little community and I would go there when they had special speakers during the week. One I well remember was Norman Wilson. He was the speaker for their National Radio Program. He spoke one night on the church. I remember the scripture from Isaiah 53.2 He had no beauty or majesty to attract us to Him, nothing in His appearance that we should desire Him which he tied it in with I Corinthians 12. 27 Now you are the body of Christ and each one of you is a part of it. It burned into my heart nearly 30 years ago and is fresh within my spirit today: Now you are the body of Christ... What was Christ’s Body like- Isaiah tells us that there was nothing in His appearance that attracted people to Him. We are the Body of Christ and there is nothing in our appearance that people will desire us. It is what is within us- His Spirit! Dr. Wilson went on to say that is why a church building may have a beautiful structure and lots of money but down on Main Street in a store front church is where people are finding Jesus.

The church is not a building.
The church is not a denomination.
The church is not an institution.

The Church is the people who have been born again and are part of God’s Family. The church is the redeemed of the LORD.

2. What makes a church rich?

Obviously not material wealth!

Look at the Church in Smyrna. (2.9)
This church was in poverty but was rich. In the third world countries I have been to and in my conversations with others who have been to ones I have not been to, we find the church in these poverty stricken areas rich in spiritual blessings. The work of the Holy Spirit in the church in these areas is very strong. The influence the church has is great.

Look at the Church in Laocedia.
Jesus says to this church that boasts about its (3.17) riches and wealth that they are poor and naked among other things.

So material wealth does not make a church rich. What does then?

A church is rich when Jesus is on the inside and His people are worshiping Him.
A church is rich when the Word of God has a high place in the hearts and lives of its people.
A church is rich when it prays and receives answers to those prayers.
A church is rich when Jesus is their Hero and they are following Him, staying close to Him, keeping the Great Commandment- loving Him with all their heart, soul, mind and strength and loving their neighbors as themselves.
A church is rich when it is following Jesus’ Commission to go into all the world and make disciples of all nations... by Christmas Shoe Boxes and giving to missions if you can’t go.

3. What makes a church poor?

When it makes it priorities material wealth-
The story of Fred’s sofa... Gimbels- wood carved frame, tag sale $350, dumpster, girls’ boyfriend and climbing in, in, Mr. Mancini- look! A door. Living room, family room, Moe’s couch and bed, Stephen and I carried it out to the curb and off it went a week ago. That is the end of all the material things we treasure on earth! A church is impoverished no matter how much money it has when it is in the condition of this Church in Laocedia. The church that thought it had everything in reality really had nothing. The church that thought it had need of nothing was the neediest church among these seven churches Jesus has John send His Message to.

4.What do we need to do with this message?

First as a church. Search us O God!

We should be paying our bills, giving lots to others, and in doing so storing up treasure in heaven.

Second as individuals... time of testing in the stock market- good time for believers- what is our hope Wall Street or the place where the streets are paved with gold?!
Search my heart O God. In this time of testing let me see what You see. Have I put too much emphasis on money as my security or is my security in You?!

Sunday, October 5, 2008

The LORD's Day October 5, 2008

The God of All Comfort

Revelation 2.8-11
II Corinthians 1.1-11

The church at Smyrna was going through a difficult time and things were about to get worse. Smyrna was about 50 miles north of Ephesus.

There are times when a congregation goes through difficulties- trials.

*Sometimes it is of its own doing:
The Corinthians had many problems that were internal. They were carnal. They tolerated sin to the point of boasting about how open the were.
The Galatians had problems because of the Judaizers. Doctrinal problems.

*Other times it is beyond the control of the church
The Church at Jerusalem was greatly persecuted in its early days.
The Church at Smyrna was about to undergo severe suffering from without.

Our niece, Helen, who is such a thoughtful young lady, brought her Uncle Larry a Plumeria Tree from Hawaii. I had it outside for the summer but had to bring it in a few weeks ago. You have all seen pictures of its flowers. They are what makes the leis in Hawaii. I put it in the living room and it began to lose its very large leaves. I thought- well it won’t make it- then I remembered it was outside in full sun all summer and that the original instructions told it needed lots of sunshine. I moved it to the kitchen where there is plenty of sunshine. It revived and has begun to grow again and put out new leaves. It just needed sunlight.

The subject of suffering is a dark one. But the God of all comfort is a bright, brilliant subject. We are talking about a dark subject this morning but I hope and pray that you will see the light of Jesus shining through and see how indeed God’s Hand is upon when we are going through times of pain.

In chapter one Jesus told John not to be afraid of the Revelation of Himself. Here in this chapter He tells the Church at Smyrna not to be afraid of what they are about to suffer.

Interestingly the word suffering here in Revelation 2.10 can mean:
to be affected or have been affected, to feel, have a sensible experience, to undergo something in a good sense, to be well off, in good case
as well as in a bad sense, to suffer sadly, be in a bad plight

1) of a sick person !Sometimes Satan brings sickness- look at what he did to Job
Look at God’s answer to Job! Job 38-41

*There are times when a few people in a fellowship are suffering either personally or because someone in their family is suffering. I want to speak to you about that this morning.

I continue to learn and grow in the LORD. Life’s experiences do that to us if our hearts are open to His Word. We understand the scriptures as we walk with Jesus - we are all on roads to Emmaus!

What Comfort Is:
to call to one's side, call for, summon
to address, speak to, (call to, call upon), which may be done in the way of exhortation, entreaty, instruction, to admonish
to beg, entreat, beseech
to console, to encourage and strengthen by consolation
to instruct, teach

Personal comfort for me this week was in a fulfillment of Jesus words:
"I tell you the truth," Jesus replied, "no one who has left home or brothers or sisters or mother or father or children or fields for me and the gospel will fail to receive a hundred times as much in this present age (homes, brothers , sisters, mothers, children and fields—and with them, persecutions) and in the age to come, eternal life." Mark 10.29-30

Ten Commandments of Bringing Comfort.

1. Listen
2. Listen
3. Listen.
4. Never say “I know what you are going through.” because you don’t! If you had a very similar situation then you know not to say this.
5. Think about what you say and how it will sound to the person you are saying it to. Ex/ “Well you have to be thankful you had him for 40 years.”
6. Never say, “You’ll get through this.” if a person has lost a loved one and
7. Never say, “You’ll get over this.”
8. Handle the Word of God carefully. It is a sword. “If you had faith...”
9. Pray quietly.
10. If appropriate pray out loud. Then Listen again.

1.The God of all comfort.

There are different kinds of comfort but God has all of them perfectly held in His being. Comfort and the Comforter. The Holy Spirit is the Comforter.

God comforts us in all our troubles.
When we are under pressure, He comes alongside of us.

He speaks His Word.
To the Church at Smyrna:
Revelation 2.10 Do not be afraid of what you are about to suffer.

When we are going through oppressive times

In our affliction and distress, when we are going through dire straits, God consoles and encourages us. He is there with us in the tight spots. He is indeed the God of all comfort!

2. We are to comfort others in any trouble because we have been comforted by God.

Comforting others- it sure helps if we have gone through it- Darrel and cancer.

But this is not necessary. If we have been in trouble and we have been comforting, we can comfort others if we will do it with the help we received from the LORD. If we use wisdom like in those guidelines we just spoke about.

3. Both suffering and comfort operate in overflow from Jesus Christ.
Jesus suffered and we share in those sufferings.

At the same time we are comforted in those troubling times.

4. Sharing in Christ sufferings is something we all do as followers of His.

There is a fellowship here. We are sharing in the sufferings of Jesus.

partner, associate, comrade, companion

This comes from the word for fellowship.

We are in a fellowship. It is not just sharing bagels after church on Sunday, although that is part of it. It is sharing the blessings in our lives with one another. It is also sharing in those tight spots, those pressure times, those painful moments. (Philippians 3.10)

The God of all comfort calls us to join Him. He comforts us. He flows His comfort through us, using our experiences to comfort others. In all of this He receives glory.

One day suffering will end. Until then we are His servants sharing in it and comforting others as we make our way to heaven.