Glimpses of Heaven
Revelation 4
On the old US Highway 3 that goes through the White Mountains of New Hampshire, there were Vistas where as you drove you could get glimpses of the majesty of those mountains. Many times as a boy and later as a young man I had been on that road. Through those white birch and pine trees the beauty of New Hampshire could be seen. Not until we would arrive at our destination was the full view given. But on the way we saw glorious glimpses.
In a number of places in His Word God has revealed part of what is in heaven to His servants. He did here to John. He also did it to Isaiah (Isaiah 6). Ezekiel saw the throne of God as well (Ezekiel 1).
On our journey to heaven God has given us vistas in His Word. In our walk with Jesus what a glory He sheds on our way. There is much about heaven we do know. We only know what is told to us in the Word of God. These glimpses tell us some things that will help us on our journey to it. They help us stay connected to heaven!
After the church age there will be heaven. We are on the way there. Like Abraham we are looking for the city whose Builder and Maker is the LORD. The New Jerusalem is being prepared right now as we speak. John wrote down what he saw as the LORD had told him to. Throughout the Bible but particularly in Revelation and Isaiah and the Psalms we are given glimpses of glory.
What do these glorious glimpses tell us about heaven?
1. God is on the Throne of Heaven vs.1-6
What a site it is
A symbol of His first covenant is there- the rainbow. The colors are magnificent and meaningful. God keeps His Promises. Heaven and earth are wrapped up together.
Satan may have thrones here on earth but they are temporary. And God rules and over rules here on earth. God is in control!
Lord, I am ready
(By Tony)
Often times when we plan and are ready for something to happen, the Lord says,
Perfect, just wait on me.
As you know, Alyssa was to be transferred to Mt. Sinai Medical Center this week. It was the best hospital and of course we wanted her there. Alyssa was ready on Tuesday and the Lord said Perfect, just wait on me.
OK fine, we planned to transfer her Thursday and being the engineer that I am, I wanted to make sure everything went perfect and planned the perfect move. I rented a hotel just blocks away from the hospital and arrived much earlier than Alyssa. I needed to prepare everything for her and Laura. So I arrived, checked in and said, Lord I am ready.
Perfect, just wait on me.
OK fine, I got all the maps I could, walked to the hospital to find the perfect route, all the places to eat (haha), the best lit streets, etc. and said Lord, I am ready.
Perfect, just wait on me.
OK fine, I’ll go back to the hospital and meet with the social worker and tell her about Alyssa, get maps of the hospital, etc.
And said Lord, I am ready.
Perfect, just wait on me.
OK fine, I’ll go back to the hospital and meet with the child life specialist and find out where Alyssa can spend time when she can leave her room, and said Lord, I am ready.
Perfect, just wait on me.
By then it was Thursday night and Laura called and said something happened. Alyssa will be transferred tomorrow.
I screamed a little and of course took all the credit and said “morning is better anyway”.
Friday morning came and I was excited for Alyssa to see arrive and said Lord, I am ready.
Perfect, just wait on me.
OK, by noon (after many phone calls to Laura) I walked to the hospital for the 30th time to find out what was going on. The social worker assured me everything was fine. Lord, I am ready.
Perfect, just wait on me.
At 3pm on Friday, I found out that the insurance company had not approved the transfer and it was being worked on. What I’ve been here since yesterday, how can that be? Now Lord, I’ve been ready, what’s going on? Hello Are you there? (Psalm 10.1 Why, O LORD, do you stand far off? Why do you hide yourself in times of trouble?)
His reply was the same, Perfect, just wait on me.
At 4pm I found out that our Insurance does not cover transplants at Mt Sinai and that we would have to use another hospital. I could not believe what I had heard. It must be a mistake. But, It was not a mistake. We could choose from Boston, Pittsburgh or New York Presbyterian.
OK, sounding selfish, I replied, “I’ll take the one in NY since I’m here already”.
Within 3 hours, Alyssa was on her way to the top transplant hospital in the world. Presidents and Princes from around the world come there for treatment and it is one of the top children’s hospitals in the world. WOW how did that happen?
I found out that is was the Lord who was planning this transfer, not me. I was just spinning my wheels. He knew all along where she would be going. He not only provided the time, he provided the best place. Her room is wonderful, the doctors amazing and she is fighting to get better.
So often, we plan and we plan and we plan, only to have the Lord tell us
Perfect, just wait on me. I pray that I would be reminded of that each day
P..S. I am so thankful the Lord is not an engineer.
Thank you all so much for your prayers. We miss our church family.
God Bless,
Some of you are making yourselves sick by worrying. Bad decisions are made when we worry. Worry brings confusion. Worry is a sin against God, our bodies and our souls. God is on the throne of heaven. We are on this little planet in space called the earth. He created it.
He has set His glory above the heavens Psalm 8.1 It is the glory of God to conceal a matter Proverbs 25.2 Somewhere in outer space, God has prepared a place for those who trust Him and obey...
Psalm 11.4 The LORD is observing and examining the hearts of men from His throne.
2. Heaven is a Holy Place vs.6-8
Living in this world cursed by sin can get us down if we are not careful.
Holy- most holy thing
Three times is complete. This could be referring to the Triune God.
There is no sin there. Revelation 21.1-8
Purity, peace, love are words that describe the throne of God in heaven.
Peace (v.6)
3. The LORD God is worshiped all the time in heaven. vs.8-11
May His will be done here on earth as it is in heaven.
Worship is not what we do on Sunday morning only. It is what we ought to be doing 7 days a week, day and night. The whole earth is full of His glory.
With this glimpse of heaven we are shown in part how powerful that prayer is. We need to pray more of Jesus’ prayers that He prayed. Things to be prayed on earth:
1. Glorify Yourself Father
2. May they all be one
3. Protect them by the power of Your name.
May His Will be done on earth today as it is in heaven!
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