Sunday, November 16, 2008

The LORD's Day November 16, 2008

Give Thanks For Jesus Christ, God’s Son

Mark 14.1-11

Blessings abound but few see them! Too often we are praying for more blessings and not thanking God for the ones we have! Too often our prayers are lopsided. We have so much!

This is nothing new. It happened to the first of Jesus’ followers… they had abundant blessings right there in front of them but they missed seeing them or recognizing them.

Don’t let this happen to you. We ought to be the most thankful people on earth!

1. This was at the home of a man who had been healed from leprosy.

Simon the Leper. We don’t know much about him except that he had been a leper, Jesus healed him. He may have been related to Martha, Mary and Lazarus but we won’t know for sure until we get to heaven.

Leprosy stands for sin. Lepers were a sad group. They lived together. They were untouchable. Their disease was looked at as incurable save a miracle. Jesus touched them and healed them.

They were unlovely. They were even difficult to look at. Leper colonies still exist today. My daughter Theresa worked in one about ten years ago now in India.

The only hope for a leper is that a miracle takes place and they are healed. In Jesus’ time they had to show themselves to the priest to get certificate of cleanliness.

There were a group of unthankful healed lepers. We read about them in Luke 17.11-19. Ten were healed. One came back and he was a Samaritan! He threw himself at Jesus’ feet. His life had been given back to him! He could be reunited wit his family and with society. Leprosy makes a person an outcast. So does sin. It keeps you from enjoying life- good living and if you do not repent it will keep you out of heaven. Jesus restores lives.

One note in passing about healing. I was asked a haunting question about healing by a man with a measure of wisdom. He asked me, “What difference will it make spiritually if your brother is healed?” I had to confess- probably very little. The odds are much like in this account here in Luke. Where are the other nine? But not only healing, also raising from the dead.

2. This was in Bethany, Lazarus’ city, where Jesus raised him from the dead! John 11

Even greater than healing leprosy is raising the dead. Healing leprosy is synonymous with forgiveness where as raising the dead is synonymous with the resurrection at the last day. (John 11.24)

Word about this miracle spread (John 11.45-57). All the press was not popular. In fact this miracle did it for Jesus’ enemies. It was raising Lazarus from the dead that caused the leaders of Jerusalem to kill the Author of Life!

So these two miracles and the beautiful act of Mary anointing Him with very expensive perfume are three witnesses of the difference Jesus makes in the life of people who are diseased (by sin), dead (in their
trespasses) and down and depressed over life. They were thankful. They gave God praise and expressed that Thanksgiving.

3. It only takes one to get people’s eyes off Jesus and on something ridiculous.

Here were two of the greatest miracles- leprosy and death and a beautiful act of worship which continues to be told in her memory…

They were worried about the money.

How much is this going to cost? They didn’t know what waste was. Jesus told them what it was.

Beware of criticism period.

Be especially aware of criticism when God is at work. These guys didn’t realize that they were doing it. They sounded pious but it really was not. John tells us why. John 12.4-6

Often criticism is a tip of an iceberg jealousy or envy or some other sin. God deliver from a critical spirit. I have never seen anyone with a critical spirit who didn’t also have pride in one form or another. When a person is critical they are not thankful. In fact often criticism and grumbling and complaining go hand in hand.

Give thanks to the LORD! Let praise go to God then Father for sending Jesus to us!

4. What blessing do you have this morning that you are not seeing?

What is in your hand?

Mary had expensive perfume. Jesus has raised her brother from the dead! Here is a third person in this account with Thanksgiving in their heart.

Moses was asked that question by God, “What is in your hand?” God used it for 40 years as the children of Israel made their way across the Sinai.

What is in your heart?

Eternal life!

What is around your table?

The people God has placed there. Think about how good He has been in thi way!

What is in your community?

Opportunities abound!
Joan, Kathleen, Will this past week just feet from where I am standing

Things have changed- My Three Sons Thanksgiving episode this past week, Father knows Best

I have a lot to be thankful for today.
My dad
My grandson
My wife

Who are you thankful for? Thank God for the souls- precious He has placed in your life. Thank God for then and let them know what a blessing they are!

But above all, and its there on a banner behind me this morning:

Thanks be to God for His Indescribable Gift!

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