Sunday, August 31, 2008

The LORD's Day August 31, 2008

A Prayer For the Nation

Daniel 9.1-23

How interesting that in between the Democratic and Republican Conventions in our country, God has us here in this chapter this morning. I believe in small beginnings. The LORD has said in Zechariah 4.10 Who despises the day of small things? A great mistake is being made today that unless you have a massive amount of people filling up stadiums and the like that God is not in it. Most moves of God began with a very small group of people who responded to His call. Often that call is to pray. Today in our nation and in the scripture we just read there is a call to pray for the nation.

The exile to Babylon was difficult for those who loved the LORD and considered Jerusalem to be the holy city in the midst of the Promised Land. Verse seven is given out of a broken heart.

We tend to see the prophets as a rough group of guys with fiery messages. But in Daniel, Hosea and Jeremiah we see broken hearted men who saw the consequences of the sins of their people and wept over it.

What makes you cry? What breaks your heart? As you grow in the LORD the things that bring this to you should be the same things that bring it to God. Daniel’s prayer shows us his heart (Our prayers have a way of doing that ). His prayer is over the spiritual needs of the people. His heart was breaking with the sin and wickedness that had dominated the land and the people.

Our nation is focused on who will be our next president. We need to be looking to the LORD. While we are not a theocracy like Israel was we do claim to be one nation under God. The Democratic Convention ended with a pastor praying on Monday night to the Father in heaven and ending with in the name of Jesus. Our nation has tremendous Biblical Roots. We have laws that have lined up with God’s Word. Many of our laws find their roots in the Ten Commandments.

While Daniel’s prayer cannot be taken completely into our context most of it can and should be There are some things that speak to us.

1. There are some truth about sin that we need to see. v.4-10

*It has consequences, some that spill into future generations. v.8
So often the children pay for the parents’ sin and even down the line to grandchildren and great grandchildren. Daniel recognized this as he prayed. God is speaking through his prayer.

It tears up families and nations. v.7
Families were scattered. They were driven away and banished from the Promised Land because they didn’t obey the LORD.
Sin, in the form of a grudge, can keep family members apart for generations. Some stupid argument or series of arguments and family members cease talking to one another. How tragic.

Since as we said many of our laws find their roots in the Ten Commandment to break one of them is to break one of the Ten Commandments. For instance, stealing someone’s property is not only against the law of the United States, it is against God’s Word. Millions of Americans are in danger of identity theft. This should not trouble us only for our own sake but that it is eating at the foundation of our society.

Ignoring these truths are to our own peril. Ignoring them is like a person with all kinds of warning signs of a certain disease but instead of seeking treatment they choose to pay no attention to it. If this goes on long enough they will die from the disease. As it goes with a person so it goes with the nation.

2. There are some truths about God that we need to see this morning.

*He answered immediately vs.20-23

God’s grace is seen in this answer. Like in His words to Eve in Genesis 3, He is promising a Redeemer, the Anointed One, the Messiah, Jesus Christ. God’s grace doesn’t come when we deserve it, on the contrary by its very nature it comes when we do not deserve it

We need God’s grace and mercy today in our nation as Daniel needed it in his. God answered and gave him what he was asking for and much much more

This didn’t mean the end of trouble. Sin has cast itself over the human race so deeply that it will not be until Jesus comes again that we will be done with it. We live in a sinful world. One day Jesus will come and set up a righteous reign. We aren’t in heaven yet.

*God comes to the faithful and obedient. It was a difficult time for the nation but God was speaking to those who spoke to Him. John 14.21 Whoever has My commands and obeys them, he is the one who loves Me. He who loves Me will be loved by My Father, and I too will love him and show Myself to him.

3. There are some truths we need to see about ourselves this morning.

We used to sing when I was a young kid, Dare To Be a Daniel Well that is still a challenge. It isn’t easy to stand up for Jesus, for that often means standing alone. Well not exactly alone, as Paul said, the LORD stood with him.

Remember this is the man who was thrown into the lion’s den alone But of course the LORD shut the mouths of the lions.

Interesting, Paul writes in II Timothy 4.16 At my first defense, no one came to my support, but everyone deserted me. May it not be held against them. 17 But the Lord stood at my side and gave me strength, so that through me the message might be fully proclaimed and all the Gentiles might hear it. And I was delivered from the lion's mouth.

Being alone and standing alone reveals true character. Being alone frightens the best of men. But the best of God’s people will do it Joseph, David, Elijah, Daniel, Jeremiah, Paul, and of course Jesus.

Build yourself up in the faith by prayer and God’s Word that you will be made strong enough so you can stand alone if needs be. Today there are many situations that call for us to do that. I know this is not easy, rather it is difficult, sometimes overwhelmingly difficult. That is why we need to lean upon the LORD and rely upon His power. Daniel read God’s Word- it what was made him aware of the exile’s end.

Daniel was highly esteemed in heaven. (v.23)

Too many are concerned with being highly esteemed on earth. That is not important. It matters what the LORD thinks of us. It matters eternally.

God is looking for people like Daniel today who will pray for this nation of ours. Is there hope? Only God knows what our future will be. The safest place for us, as followers of Jesus to be is praying for the LORD to move by His Spirit over our land and draw people to Himself.

Will you dare to be a Daniel?

Standing by a purpose true,
Heeding God’s command,
Honor them, the faithful few
All hail to Daniel’s band

Dare to be a Daniel,
Dare to stand alone
Dare to have a purpose firm
Dare to make it known.

Many mighty men are lost
Daring not to stand,
Who for God had been a host
By joining Daniel’s band.

Many giants, great and tall,
Stalking through the land,
Headlong to the earth would fall,
If met by Daniel’s band.

Hold the Gospel banner high
On to vict’ry grand
Satan and his hosts defy,
And shout for Daniel’s band.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

The LORD's Day August 24, 2008

The LORD Always Keeps His Word

Daniel 8.1-27

Men throughout the ages have sought to put the Word of the LORD to the test. I don’t mean that they were testing the LORD, rather they would allow themselves to get in situations in serving and following Him where they had to trust Him completely. George Muller of Bristol was a man like that. He set out to prove that there was reality in the Promises of God. God used him in a powerful way as a man without any money who took care of thousands of orphans and supported missionaries like J. Hudson Taylor.

This chapter concerns itself with the history of the Medo-Persian Empire and the Grecian Empire. It is ancient history and yet there are eternal truths here. The eternal truth for us this morning is this whole matter of God keeping His Word. What He says He will do.

He told Daniel in a vision what was going to happen over the next 350 years and then on beyond our time. God kept His Word. He always does.

1. This cuts both ways.

*Good for the faithful. He keeps His Word.

We rest in this truth.
We depend on it.
We’ve experienced it.
We’ve been blessed by it. If you are taking notes this morning, write down a time or two when God kept a promise in His Word for you personally.
Think about the things you are going through right now where you need to trust the LORD. Remember He always keeps His Word.

Keep your eyes on Jesus with faith in His Word

*Bad for unbelievers who do not repent.

Those who do not believe will be condemned. Jesus said this. Mark 16.16
Most unbelievers do not believe this. They reason that they are better than some people who go to church. They say things like I don’t bother anyone. I try to live right. They do not realize that the LORD said that our own righteousness is as filthy rags. Isaiah 64.6

Hope for those in darkness- they may see the great light.

While there is breath there is hope.
Whoever calls on the Name of the LORD will be saved.

2. There is wonderful comfort in the truth of the LORD keeping His Word for those who follow Jesus.

We depend on His Word.
Deuteronomy 33.27 The eternal God is your refuge, and underneath are the everlasting arms.

We are leaning on those Everlasting Arms. We are trusting in His Word to us. What a comfort it is.

We know what He has said will come about.

There will be times of difficulty when our faith is tested. We are human.
But our lives continue in the right direction on the good path.

We take comfort in His Word.
Psalm 119.50 My comfort in my suffering is this: Your promise preserves my life.

God keeps His Word in our peaceful restful times. He leads us beside still waters.

3. There is boundless grace for those going through trouble.

Psalm 46.1 God is our refuge and strength an ever present help in time of trouble.
I have told you how 45 years ago I saw that underlined in my Mom’s Bible. She still lives by it. We know it is true.

We don’t like difficult times but they do show us God’s Grace is indeed all sufficient.
This is seeing the goodness of the LORD too. It is not just in the pleasant pastures -it is also through the valley of the shadow of death... not just literally but that for sure but also in dark times ... in the dark night of the soul.

I don’t think we tap unto that grace nearly enough.

Go down to verse 10
How hard it is for us to be still when e are going through trouble. So often we run around like a chicken with our head cut off (I’ve literally seen that) rather than quieting ourselves and knowing that He is God.

The word, “still”
to sink, relax, sink down, let drop, withdraw
abandon, refrain, forsake, to let go
let alone, to be quiet

Until we do that we will not be able to come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need. Hebrews 4.16

4. We can always depend upon God’s Word.

It does not change.

Its Author does not change!
James 1.17 Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, Who does not change like shifting shadows.

Psalm 146.5-6 Blessed is he whose help is the God of Jacob, whose hope is in the LORD his God, the Maker of heaven and earth, the sea, and everything in them—
the LORD, who remains faithful forever.

Some people’s word you can depend on only if things are favorable for them and you. The keeping of their word is dependent on circumstances. Some so called friendships are like this.

God remains faithful forever.

5. The Solid Rock is the Word of God.

The Word of God stands mid the raging storms of time. There have been attacks on it and attempts to wipe it out. When this has happened it has flourished. There has never been a successful attempt to destroy the church, the body of Christ or the Bible, the Word of God.

We stand firm through the storms of time with Christ in our hearts and God’s Word hidden in it.

We can stand upon its promises. Psalm 145.13 The LORD is faithful to all his promises We never have to say to the LORD as kids say to their parents, “But you promised!” He keeps His Word, always.

He is above the circumstances.
He is beyond human failure.
He is the LORD, the Maker of heaven and earth. You can utterly trust in Him and you will be not be forsaken or let down by Jesus. With whatever your problems are this morning, the best thing to do is keep your feet firmly planted on God’s Word. What He has promised He will do. He always keeps His Word!

On Christ the Solid Rock I stand! All other ground is sinking sand

Proverbs 3.5-6

Sunday, August 17, 2008

The LORD's Day, August 17, 2008

Our Blessed Hope

Daniel 7. 13-14

The writer of Hebrews wrote, Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but let us encourage each other and all the more as you see the Day approaching. Hebrews 10.25

What Day is He speaking of? Why is it capitalized?

He is speaking of the Day of the LORD. This is a term that is used in both the Old and New Testaments. It refers to the Day when Jesus Christ, God’s Son will return to the earth. This what Daniel is speaking about in these verses.

You will do well to stick with what the Bible says about this. Some books on the subject can help in your understanding but they are scarce. The largest number of outdated books I have were written about the Second Coming of Jesus. So many thought they knew when it would happen. They were all wrong.

What does the Bible tell us about our Blessed Hope, the return of Jesus Christ to the earth?

1. He is Coming. Revelation 22.7 Behold, I am coming soon

Jesus is coming from heaven to earth. It will be both an Appearance, a Arrival and a Return.

He will appear on the clouds. He will make His appearance and every eye will see Him. He will come before the public as He did on Palm Sunday but this time it will to be to set up His kingdom on earth.

His foot will be set on the Mount of Olives.
Zechariah 14.4 On that day his feet will stand on the Mount of Olives, east of Jerusalem, and the Mount of Olives will be split in two from east to west, forming a great valley, with half of the mountain moving north and half moving south

He is coming
The prayer. “Arise O LORD” that has been prayed will in the Psalms will come to pass. The LORD will give the Ultimate answer to that prayer.

God’s Kingdom will be established here on the earth, which is currently under the curse of sin. Jesus said, “I will come back.” John 14.3

This should comfort us as followers of Jesus Christ.

In times of the death of believers we know we are to comfort each other with this truth of Christ’s Return: I Thessalonians 4.13-18.

I have mentioned before Eloise Brooks’ funeral here at the church... those men in the back singing “Soon and Very Soon”. They were doing what we are instructed to do: Comfort each other with the truth that Jesus Christ is coming back to the earth and we will be caught up together with those who have died to meet the LORD in the air and be with Him forever. That is our comfort when death comes to a loved one who is a believer.

2. He is coming soon. Revelation 22.7 Behold, I am coming soon
Soon= quickly, speedily (without delay)

Here is where we need wisdom in understanding the dynamic that is a part of the nature of the Word of God. We also need to see it from God’s reference point (for lack of a better word) of eternity.

The Word of God is living and active and therefore applicable to any age. It speaks to all generations.

God is not confined in the time continuum like we are. He is from eternity. Our times are in His Hands. He has placed eternity in the hearts of men.

Psalm 90.4 For a thousand years in Your sight are like a day that has just gone by,
or like a watch in the night. Jews 3 watches - each four hours 6pm-10,10-2 ,2-6am A thousand years is like 4 hours.

II Peter 3.8 But do not forget this one thing, dear friends: With the Lord a day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years are like a day. 9 The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. He is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance.

So the less than 2,000 years that have passed since Jesus said He is coming soon is as two watches of the night or two days.

We are to take what He is saying to us, “I am coming soon.”

3. He is coming on the clouds with power and great glory. Daniel 7. 13-14

This is how Daniel saw the return of Jesus. Jesus quotes from Daniel in His Sermon on the Mount of Olives (Matthew 24) and describes His coming like that:
Matthew 24.30 At that time the sign of the Son of Man will appear in the sky, and all the nations of the earth will mourn. They will see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of the sky, with power and great glory.

Spectacular doesn’t even come close to what this will be This will culminate human history. Eternity will swallow up time. Death will be swallowed up in victory, The grave will be swallowed up as well. We will be with the LORD forever. v.18 But the saints of the Most High will receive the kingdom and will possess it forever—yes, for ever and ever.' That word forever is used too flippantly today... Michael Phelps used it last night after he won the gold in Beijing, diamonds, daughter’s boyfriend 4 eva..

4. We cannot know the day or the hour. Matthew 24.36-41

No one does, only our Father in heaven.

Our faith comes in here. We must believe, hope and obey as an act of faith and love. If I told my kids when they were small I am going out and I’ll be back in a little bit, while I am away, clean up your rooms and we’ll go out for some ice cream after... what would the wise response be? Become like little children!

Scoffers will come because He has not come yet.
II Peter 3.3 First of all, you must understand that in the last days scoffers will come, scoffing and following their own evil desires. 4 They will say, Where is this 'coming' he promised? Ever since our fathers died, everything goes on as it has since the beginning of creation. These scoffers have departed from the Truth and are following their own paths and desires. They are on the road to destuction.

5. We must be ready. Matthew 24.42-43

Let’s keep meeting together just like we are doing this morning.

Let’s encourage each other. Spur one another on in love.
to call to one's side, call for, summon, comfort, console, instruction, to admonish, exhort, to beg, entreat, beseech

Let’s purify ourselves.
II Peter 3.10 But the day of the Lord will come like a thief. The heavens will disappear with a roar; the elements will be destroyed by fire, and the earth and everything in it will be laid bare. 11Since everything will be destroyed in this way, what kind of people ought you to be? You ought to live holy and godly lives

Let’s cast off every weight/ throw off everything that hinders. Hebrews 12.1

The finish line is ahead.
There will be rewards.

The early Church had a number of greetings At Easter: Christ is Risen, He is risen indeed Christmas: Christ is born. But all the time this greeting was used Maranatha
which means “LORD come ” The Bible ends with this in Revelation 22.20.

It was a greeting like the Old Testament Shalom. It could be used at the beginning as well as at the end of conversations. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if we not only used ti but also lived by it? Begin each day and end each day, begin each conversation and end each one with thinking about His Return.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

The LORD's Day August 10, 2008

The Power of A Godly Character

Daniel 6.1-5

the administrators and the satraps tried to find grounds for charges against Daniel in his conduct of government affairs, but they were unable to do so. They could find no corruption in him, because he was trustworthy and neither corrupt nor negligent. 5 Finally these men said, We will never find any basis for charges against this man Daniel unless it has something to do with the law of his God.

Exceptional = surpassing, extreme, extraordinary

A man’s true character shows up in his work particularly when he entrusted with someone else’s power and possessions. I like what Ronald Reagan said about the presidency: “When people tell me that I became President on January 20th, 1981, I feel I have to correct them. You don't become President of the United States. You are given temporary custody of an institution called the Presidency, which belongs to our people.

Having temporary custody of this office has been for me a sacred trust and an honor beyond words or measure.”

1. A sacred trust- that is how Daniel viewed and behaved in the kingdoms he was a part of on earth.

No grounds for charges - not even in a single matter. Joseph and Daniel were excellent ambassadors of Israel in foreign lands. They kept calm even when they were being conspired against and falsely accused. Like Jesus they never spoke of the horrible injustices they had to endure. They understood there were bigger things going on. And besides they were resting in the fact that God was Sovereign and being so could bring good out of the worst situations. They believed He would bring good out of their trials of injustice and false accusation and He did For Daniel it was his co-workers and associates for Joseph family!

Joseph: Genesis 50.15-21
Part of this excellent spirit - exceptional qualities that were in these men were not only their ability to manage and administer with integrity but deep within their souls was this God given ability not to get all caught up in the injustices they were being handed but to forgive and see beyond through faith that God was indeed in control. This is not easy. It is not natural. It is supernatural. Only through the power of God’s Spirit can we do this

Jesus taught us to pray a daily prayer of forgiveness for ourselves to our Father in heaven and a daily prayer of forgiving others.

We cannot afford the luxury of holding grudges. To obtain an excellent spirit we must learn to overlook and forgive offenses. I was picking some blackberries the other day and as I moved along the bushes I felt a tug on my pants and there a branch had gotten hung up on the bottom of my shorts. It stopped me. I had to untwist it and get rid of it or I was going nowhere. It stopped me from proceeding. Unforgiveness (even among the most cruel of injustices and insults- these men were the subject of racism ) Unforgiveness hangs us up. It stops us from growing spiritually. It makes the soul bitter and full of anger.

Their freedom to forgive and let God work out His plan was tremendous. Forgive fully

What do you have that is a sacred trust?

1. Your reputation. Your Christian witness. I love D.L. Moody’s words to the young pastor who came to him and said that people were saying bad things about him: “Just make it your business that none of what they are saying is true ” Guard yourselves. Guard your heart.

2. Your work (for the LORD) is a sacred trust. All our work should be as unto Him

3. If you are married you are in a scared trust.

4. Parents, grandparents, aunts , uncles we are all in sacred trusts.

5. Kids are in sacred trusts with their parents. Most parents trust their kids.

I would be true for there are those who trust me. I would be faithful through each passing moment;I would be constantly in touch with God...

No corruption. If they had background checks and computer profiles back then Daniel would have come up clean of any wrongdoing. He was a model citizen and a model leader.

Trustworthy- to confirm, support, to believe in, to trust in

Go even further back- when he was chosen by Nebuchadnezzar- he didn’t eat the meat and wine, he sacrificed for the God’s glory. Excellent

2. Daniel was not Negligent. He did not shirk responsibility. He worked diligently.

There are those who do just enough to get by. There are those who do more than their share. He did all things well. Aim for perfection. (II Cor13.11)

3. He was “Guilty” of being a follower of God.

Daniel had been taken out of Jerusalem but he did not let Jerusalem to be taken out of his heart. He may have physically been in Babylon but his heart belonged to Jerusalem and to it he faced as he prayed each day. Psalm 137

We are in this world but we are not of this world. Our citizenship is in heaven. (Philippians 3.20) We belong to it. And we await a Savior from there. Our hearts ought to be in the New Jerusalem. (Revelation 21).That is our true home.

Being a member of the Kingdom of God should make us the best members of the nations and kingdoms of earth. Our lives ought to reflect the fact that we know God is watching and that we will give an account to Him one day.

We ought to be the most trustworthy of all people. Salt and Light (Matthew 5.13-16)

The only thing they could “convict” Daniel of was that he was a follower of God. They had to create a situation where following the LORD was against the law (of the Medes and the Persians).

Daniel represents the persecuted church today. There are many suffering for their faith- our brothers and sisters. In places as close as Cuba and as far away as Sudan and Nepal, Christians are being persecuted. Their crime- they are following Jesus.

If we are going to convicted of anything, let that be it.

The power of a godly character. Daniel was given this power from God’s Spirit. It gave him the strength to refuse bribes. When they tried to accuse him they could not. God gave him the power to keep praying- he prayed about the situation. God delivered him because he trusted in Him. His faith was in the LORD as he was going through the greatest test of his life.

Through God’s power, live so the things
that were said about Daniel’s character will be said about you

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Good To Be Back!

The God Who Holds Your Life In His Hands

Daniel 5.23

the God Who holds in His Hand your life and all your ways

It is interesting how the Word of God is a double edged sword in that to a follower of Jesus Christ something can be comforting and the very same truth to some one like Belshazzar who set himself up against the LORD of heaven, very frightening.

If you are following Jesus this morning then this verse brings great comfort to your soul. Following the LORD brings you all His promises. You get to see how He is faithful to all of them.

Belshazzar and his guests were praising the gods of gold, silver, bronze and iron, wood and stone while drinking out of the golden goblets that had bring brought from Jerusalem to Babylon when his father destroyed the temple. These were sanctified and only to be used by the priests in worship and that only when they had cleansed themselves. In an act of defiance towards God, he did this very foolish thing. They were paying homage to gods which could not see or hear, while ignoring God that Who sees and hear everything, even the thoughts and motives of the heart Daniel told this King that God had been watching him and that he failed to honor God. But for those who do honor and love Him...

1. This God

*The God of Israel

God Who created the heavens and the earth - it is such a wonderful discovery that He cares about me
The Macro Setting on my digital camera enables me to take incredible close ups of the flowers. The detail and design in these flowers are amazing. With this setting I get to see things not visible to the eye alone. If that is how God has put such detail into the flowers which are here today and gone tomorrow and we cannot see with the naked eye, how much more wonderful is the detail He has placed in your life

With wonderful detail He has put into your life great blessings so you can praise Him and worship Him and love Him.

He holds in His Hand your life and all your ways.
Hand= hand, power

He had saved Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego from the fiery furnace- Nebuchadnezzar said that the fourth man looked like the Son of God. It was Jesus was there with them

He was going to save Daniel (next chapter in the loins’ den)
He will be with you always.

Sometimes His power is not in dramatic rescues like these three men and likeDaniel experienced but in the fact that in times of tragedy and loss and testing and sorrow His power keeps you. The power to go on is from the LORD as well.
It is in those times we find that we do have an anchor for the soul. Jesus is that anchor, the Rock of Ages.

2. Your Life

He holds your life in His Hand. Your times are in His Hands. Psalm 31.5

This means the very breath we take. God gives us breath.

When the worst happened to Jesus on Good Friday (Worst for Him- best for us ) He said at the end of His life, “Father into Your Hands I commit My spirit.” (Luke 23.46) and when He said this He breathed His last.

If you are tempted to worry about tomorrow or even if you have fallen into that temptation and are fretting this morning the good news is you don’t have to

Psalm 102.25 In the beginning You laid the foundations of the earth, and the heavens are the work of Your Hands.Creation

Psalm 119.73 Your hands made me and formed me; give me understanding to learn Your commands. My birth

Psalm 138.8 The LORD will fulfill his purpose for me; your love, O LORD, endures forever— do not abandon the works of Your hands. The reason for my life.

Psalm 143.5 I remember the days of long ago; I meditate on all Your works and consider what Your hands have done. To strengthen my walk... His Hands in all

Do not worry about tomorrow. You are in the hands of God. There is no better place to be These same hands that laid the foundations of the earth and create the heavens are the ones you are in Remember how He has been with you so far

3. Your Ways

You path is in His hands. We follow the LORD. That does not mean everything is easy, rather sometimes it is hard. It is difficult and at times impossible to understand. Life can bring some unspeakable suffering to us, even as we follow Jesus. Those are the times when we must trust that our ways, the very path we are on is indeed in God’s Hands. Job said it, “ 9 When He is at work in the north, I do not see Him; when He turns to the south, I catch no glimpse of Him. 10 But He knows the way that I take; when He has tested me, I will come forth as gold. 11 My feet have closely followed His steps; I have kept to His way without turning aside. (Job 23)
Grasp a little of what Job was saying here in regards to what he had been through. He lost everything except his faith in God. He is telling us that in following the LORD we might experience great loss. There will be times when we cannot see God’s Hand.

I love what Spurgeon said, “
God is too good to be unkind; He is too wise to be mistaken,
and when you cannot trace His hand you can always trust His heart.

Sometimes when we read quotes like this one, we think how good it sounds but how difficult it is to practice. Spurgeon who battled depression his whole ministry knew it first hand. At times he became bed-ridden with it. In whatever situation you find yourself, you can apply this truth. God loves you. Jesus never fails.

If the course of your life is set at pleasing the LORD, aiming at that then there are blessings that are yours as a result. All the promises of God are yours in Jesus

4. Honor Him With All He Has Given To You.

Adorn the LORD with the praise He deserves- it will take eternity to do that.

Glorify Him in your life by loving Him and living holy.

Let your life be all for Jesus.

Pay honor to (Psalm 96.1-8)

This is not just lip service. This is action. We need to act upon the love we have in our hearts for Jesus.

Show partiality. He is God No one else. I was witnessing to a saleslady in the mall the other day when Lucy and I were there. She was singing along with the music. I asked her if she attended church and she said, “No. I am a Muslim.” But there was something about it that made me feel she had some background in the church and when I proceeded to ask more questions I found out her grandmother used to bring her to her Baptist Church as a little girl. She now worships Allah. But there is only one true God and that is the LORD. I could not condone what she had done. We honor God by knowing He is unique. He alone is God
Know that the LORD is God. It is He who made us, and we are His; we are His people, the sheep of His pasture. Psalm 100.3

Don’t bury talents, Seek Him Supremely.

Honor the God Who holds in His Hand your life and all your ways.

Trust in Him with all your heart
Do not lean on your own understanding
In all you do acknowledge Him and He will direct your paths.