The Marriage Supper of the Lamb
Revelation 19.1-10
Jesus often spoke of the kingdom of heaven in terms of a huge banquet, a large feast. Here we see the literal one He was referring to
There is much we do not know about the experiences of heaven- for instance how will we know each other if we have new bodies? How will you recognize me with all the thick wavy hair I’ll have? What will we be doing? Some have said we will work, others have said we will rest. I say probably both in some wonderful form.
We have more than enough information about eternity with Christ Jesus in that we are always learning while we are in this body.
Heaven is a literal place. Jesus said, “I go to prepare a place for you.” John 14... I was with my grandmother, a real saint of God, hours before she left to go there.. She had her hand raised for several days. She told my uncle, “God’s work is done. (in my life) God’s work is complete.” I read John 14 to her. I go to prepare a place ... the she kept repeating the phrase, “the place, the place, the place...” Finally I said to her “Nanny, can you see the place?” She nodded and within a few hours she left that hospital bed in Clewiston, Florida to be with the LORD.
I Thessalonians 4.13-18
The gathering of the church to Christ is something that is all throughout the scriptures.
1. The Church is the Bride of Christ Ephesians 5.22-33
*Christ is the head of the church.
*Jesus loves the church. He died for her.
To cleanse her and make her holy
Hebrews 13.12 And so Jesus also suffered outside the city gate to make the people holy through his own blood.
*The church and Christ are one flesh. It is a profound mystery
Profound= megas - great in mass and weight, spacious, highly esteemed for its excellence, splendid
Mystery= hidden thing, secret
*Marriage can be the closest thing to heaven on earth or it can be the closest thing to hell on earth.
*Marriage will be fulfilled in eternity as Jesus and His Church are together.
Mark 12.25 When the dead rise, they will neither marry nor be given in marriage; they will be like the angels in heaven.
2. Jesus is the Bridegroom. Matthew 25.1-13
Right after Jesus had spoken about the signs of His Second Coming He gave the disciples this parable.
The invitation is out now.
One day the door will be shut.
Matthew 22.1-14
This is a picture of the time when Jesus was here on earth right up until the time He comes back.
The clothes here in verse eleven and twelve correspond to Revelation 19.8
Heaven is the home of righteousness. II Peter 3.13 But in keeping with his promise we are looking forward to a new heaven and a new earth, the home of righteousness.
Heaven- Jesus with His Bride, the Church, and no more sin No more evil.
3. The Jewish Wedding was a symbol chosen to describe Jesus’ coming.
The bridegroom took the initiative and traveled from his father’s house to the home of the prospective bride. (John 3.16)
The father of the woman then negotiated with the prospective bridegroom the price that must be paid to secure his bride (I Corinthians 6.19-20)
When the bridegroom paid the purchase price, the marriage covenant was thereby established. At that point, the man and the woman were regarded to be husband and wife, even though no physical union had taken place. This is the point at which Mary was at when she was found to be with child from the Holy Spirit.
The moment the covenant was established, the bride was declared to be set apart exclusively for the bridegroom. The groom and the bride then drank from a cup over which the betrothal benediction had been pronounced. This symbolized that the covenant relationship had been established(I Corinthians 11.25).
After the marriage covenant was in effect, the groom left the home of the bride and returned to his father’s house. He remained there for a period of twelve months separated from his bride.
During this period of separation, the bride gathered her wardrobe and prepared for married. The groom prepared living accommodations in his father’s house for his bride. (John 14.1-3)
After this period of separation, the groom, best man, and other male escorts left the house of the groom’s father, usually at night, and conducted a torch-light procession to the house of the bride.
The bride was expecting her groom to come for her; however, she did not know the exact time. Thus, the groom’s arrival was preceded by a shout.
The groom received the bride with her female attendants and returned to his father’s house.
The bride and the groom then entered the bridal chamber and, in the privacy of that place, entered into physical union for the first time, thereby consummating the marriage. Then a great celebration took place The Wedding Feast
4. There is a Great Day coming
The bride and the bridegroom at the wedding... the marriage... together at last... together forever Weddings are times of anticipation. My daughter Theresa’s wedding was an interesting one... on the beach... rode in the limo... friends singing Going To The Chapel... a few said as we pulled off the Robert Moses Causeway, “This is your chance to jump out and not go through with it ” ... I remember walking her down and then turning around and performing the ceremony. What a day it was
I read this week that pastors are the first to see the bride as she comes down. This is true. What a sight it is
I watched video of Princess Diane and Prince Charles’ wedding recently. The excitement was incredible. Of course not only did the fairytale like marriage end but the life of Diane as well tragically. Sad.
But there is the Marriage Supper of the Lamb coming What a day it will be when my Jesus I will see. What a time of celebration We will be with all who have believed on Jesus for salvation and patiently endured until the end. No sadness
We are on the way to a wedding It will surpass our wildest imaginations. The Bridegroom is coming for His Bride- you and me
5. Let go invite people to the wedding
Matthew 22.9 Go to the street corners and invite to the banquet anyone you find. 10 So the servants went out into the streets and gathered all the people they could find, both good and bad, and the wedding hall was filled with guests.
It Will Be Worth It All
# 257 When we See Christ
# 257 When we See Christ