Songs in Heaven
Revelation 15.1-4
Singing is the language of the soul. We are singing all the time in our hearts. When we get still enough we can hear the music we are making. What we are singing tells our spiritual condition. Songs in our soul can range from praise to God to lament over ourselves and our condition. Songs help us remember. For instance the Star Spangled Banner reminds me of those who fought for my freedom. Amazing Grace reminds me that my salvation from beginning to eternity is about God’s Grace. How Great Thou Art brings many thoughts to my soul.
We have seen a number of songs being sung so far in the Book of Revelation. This final bookis full of songs.
There is the song of the Four Living Creatures in chapter 4, verse eight.
In the same chapter in verse 11 there is the song of the 24 elders.
There is the new song of the Four Living Creatures and the 24 elders in chapter 5, verse 9-10
The song of the multitude of the angels in verse 12 and the song all the creatures everywhere sing in v.13
We saw the song of the 144,000 last week in 14.3-4, The song of redemption.
Now there are 2 more songs we are told about in our scripture reading this morning. They are the Song of Moses and the Song of the Lamb.
All of these songs are worshiping the LORD, extolling Him, praising our God.
These two songs that we just read about are speaking of God’s actions in the Old and the New Testaments or Covenants. Moses is another name for the law. The Lamb of God, Jesus Christ, came to earth to set up the New Covenant, the Covenant of Love... for God so loved...
1. There is great singing in heaven, going on right now.
We just looked at these songs. There may be more than we are being told. There are a lot of things about heaven that we will need to wait to see what it is like.
We know enough.
We know there is a place called heaven. Jesus said if it were not so He would have told us. (John 14.2)
We know the way to get there. There is only one way and Jesus is the Way (John 14.6)
We know He we will be with Him and all who have loved Him forever (I Thessalonians 4.17)
We know that there is great singing going on right now. It is worship and it all points to the LORD.
2. We have a new song in our hearts on the way to heaven.
Psalm 40.3 He put a new song in my mouth, a hymn of praise to our God.
Many will see and fear and put their trust in the LORD.
Many times the cares of the day, the stresses of life and the pressure we live under can smother the song in our hearts. We need to sing.
There actually was a song a while ago called, “Singing I Go”
Singing I go along life’s road,
Praising the Lord, praising the Lord,
Singing I go along life’s road,
For Jesus has lifted my load.
Eliza Hewitt wrote it. She lived in Philadelphia all her life. After graduation from school, Eliza began teaching. However, her career was cut short by a serious spinal problem. She partially recovered, but was an invalid most of her life. She then turned to hymn writing and wrote many hymns. Among them:
More about Jesus
Sunshine in My Soul
and perhaps her best known one “When We All Get to Heaven”
We ought to be singing as we go to heaven. God gave us a new song to sing
We have something to sing about Jesus has redeemed us He has written our name down in heaven. He is with us on the journey And what a journey it is
Everyday the LORD Himself is near me with a special mercy for each trial We sang this morning, written by another lady who went through very difficult times but emerged with a song of joy in her heart.
He can do the same for you He wants to fill your journey with joy. Joy is not getting everything we want, having everything our way. You know people like that. They are not fun to be with. They are miserable actually. Some people fight to have things go their way. Manipulators are not joy filled people. On the contrary they are people who work very hard to make sure things go the way they want it. Pity their victims.
Our song is one of thanking God for blessings. Sometimes in difficult times. We don’t understand at times but God gives a song in the night season and all the day long
Job 2.10 Shall we indeed accept good from God and not accept adversity? There will be unexplainable things that happen in our lives. Adversity comes to everyone. We can still sing of those times of God’s faithfulness.
3. We will sing when we get there.
One of the songs we will sing will be the song of the Redeemed.
Angels cannot sing it. It is for those of us whom Jesus takes to heaven.
4. Singing will be part of eternity.
Here we see Moses’ song and the Song of the Lamb.
Moses Song in Exodus 15. Let’s look at it.
This is song of praise for God’s deliverance. The enemy was overcome by God’s power as he pursued the people of God, Israel. The LORD drowned Pharaoh’s army in the Red Sea after bringing the children of Israel through on dry ground.
The Song of the Lamb is praising God for His powerful acts throughout the ages.
Those who remain faithful to Jesus will be delivered from the enemy and be brought safely to heaven.
We will be praising God for bringing us there... it will be wonderful beyond words or what we are able to imagine right now.
So we go on singing on our journey. We don’t know what is ahead but we know Whom we have believed. He knows what up is ahead and is preparing us for it. He knows the way we take. We never know where life may take us. This we do know: If we are following Jesus He will be with us. In the darkest valleys and on the mountain peaks, He is there. And he gives us a song in both of those places as we sang about this morning and all the places in between.
Our goal is heaven. Revelation is telling us about it. When We all Get to Heaven there will be great rejoicing and praising God. What a day that will be. Let’s sing about it before we go this morning.
When We All Get To Heaven
When We All Get To Heaven
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