Matthew 20.17-28
Isaiah 53 was about to be fulfilled.
Jesus and the twelve disciples were on their way to Jerusalem. This was the final time they would make that journey from Galilee up to Jerusalem. A pet peeve that I have is when people from upstate NY or New England say “Why don’t you come down and see us?” Or when they say, “Well have to come up and see you.” I explain when you are north of someone and you come south that is down, except in Israel with Jerusalem. Wherever you were you always went “up” to Jerusalem. If you were on top of Mt. Hermon, Israel’s tallest mountain way up in the north and you were going to Jerusalem, you would say we are going up to Jerusalem. A large part of this is because going to Jerusalem was looked as being a high and lofty experience. And it was You never forget the first time you set your eyes on that city even today. I remember when I did back in December 1988. It is almost indescribable
This trip to Jerusalem was to fulfill God’s plan for redemption. It was to fulfill many Old Testament prophecies concerning Jesus. It was planned by the LORD from the beginning. They were around Jericho now, about 15 miles from Jerusalem.
Jesus told these men what was up ahead. He spoke about His sufferings.
1. The Sufferings Of Jesus v.17-19
Jesus knew what was up ahead.- Palm Sunday... He wanted His disciples to know that the Triumphal Entrance would result in His death in a few days. He also wanted them to know that He would rise again. They didn’t hear Him.
Look at these sufferings:
Judas delivered Jesus up treacherously. Acts 1.16 Judas, who became a guide to those who arrested Jesus; 17 for he was numbered with us and obtained a part in this ministry. Jesus was betrayed by one of His disciples, one who shared in the ministry!
Jesus was betrayed by a kiss. Mark 14.43 Judas, one of the twelve, with a great multitude with swords and clubs, came from the chief priests and the scribes and the elders. 44 Now His betrayer had given them a signal, saying, “Whomever I kiss, He is the One; seize Him and lead Him away safely
*To the Chief Priests and Scribes Condemned by His Own
These were the ones who were in charge of the Temple. They should have driven the money changers and those selling doves out. They allowed terrible things to go on in what was to be a House of Prayer. The Word of God cut through their hypocrisy (it always does ). The miracle of raising Lazarus John 11.45-57 as well as other things Jesus did and said made them hate Him.
Handed over to the Romans, For a Jewish man to die at the hands of the Romans, the Gentiles, was a humiliating thing. Jesus was dying for them. He prayed for His Father to forgive them- this was for both the Jews and Gentiles putting Him to death.
They made terrible fun of Jesus. Mattthew 27.27-31
*Scourged Matthew 27.26
Done with a Cat of nine tails... jagged pieces of metal glass and dried broken bone. Lacerated the flesh. Some died while undergoing this.
Horrible form of death. The Roman Orator Cicero said that this was the most cruel and frightful sentence. It was inflicted for murder, banditry, piracy and most commonly for rebellion. The victim was normally scourged and made to carry the cross beam to the place of execution. The upright was left in position. Once the cross beam was fixed the victim was stripped and nailed in position. The cross usually had a narrow strip of wood on which the victim could sit by pulling himself up. This prolonged the agony. All the weight of the victim’s body would be on the arms causing death by suffocation.
He Rose on the Third Day
2. The Misunderstanding Mother and Sons v.20-23
On the other side of the cross when Jesus died there were visions of grandeur and dreams of great earthly power. This mom had her sons leave their nets and their father and the family business to follow Jesus. He had grown in popularity since that departure from their father and mother. Jesus had just made them an awesome promise we spoke about last week- about this. This mother being a typical mom in many ways was trying to help her sons achieve success. She was doing some politics here with Jesus- or trying to.
I remember being in a certain spot a few years ago and hearing a mother say to her son, “Go and introduce yourself to so and so. Get your face in his memory so when you apply for a job he will remember you.” The young man debated with her. I didn’t stick around to see the result. But mothers can be like that.
The wife of Zebedee went right to the LORD and knelt down and asked this request.
Jesus told her she didn’t know what she was asking. I think that is true of our prayers at times. It has amazed me how after a very spiritual moment someone can say something totally in appropriate. I am also amazed at the patience of Jesus and how He gently but firmly deals with such nonsense.
3. Greatness in the Kingdom of God v.24-28
The request of the mom precipitated indignation among the other 10.
They were extremely displeased.
- perhaps because they were thinking or at least wishing the same thing
-that their mother didn’t think of it first... or that they didn’t have a mother along to do that.
-that they thought they were the LORD’s “favorite”. They had argued about who was the greatest.
Once again suffering is the subject
The ultimate service is laying down one’s life.
Jesus said that no greater love has anyone than this that a man would lay down his life for his friends.
We give our lives to the LORD. We lay our lives before Him. We present ourselves as living sacrifices in view of God’s mercies- this is our reasonable service.
Jesus is telling us here that greatness in His kingdom is not in conquering and being a boss. It is in surrendering and being a servant.
I cannot get away from what He did for us When I look at Him life is in focus. In the church the greatest is the servant of all. To be like Jesus means you will serve
I always get nervous about people in the kingdom who demand titles before their names. I even get nervous when people want credit for what they do Jesus’ words:
Luke 17.10 So you also, when you have done everything you were told to do, should say, 'We are unworthy servants; we have only done our duty.'
It is a joy and blessing to be in the kingdom, to be able to serve the LORD.
Holy Week is coming.
Think about Jesus’ sufferings, God’s Grace
and the way to Greatness in the kingdom of God.
Think about Jesus’ sufferings, God’s Grace
and the way to Greatness in the kingdom of God.