The Blessings Of Being Part of God’s Family
Matthew 19.16-30
Jesus was making His way to Jerusalem. The Palm Sunday Procession did not begin on the Mount of Olives. The processional actually began before they got to Jericho some 15 miles away from Jerusalem. On the way this rich young ruler (three things going for him or so it would appear) came running (Mark 10.17) to Jesus and asked Him about eternal life and how to get it.
When the man was told by Jesus to sell everything he had and to give it to the poor
he went away very sad because he had great wealth. Sad because of wealth. Money can’t buy happiness and many times money steals away the infinitely more valuable things in life. This man is an example of that happening.
He didn’t inherit eternal life.
Context- we may or may not have much money or riches but look at what we do have now and forever Fritz Chrysler, the great violinist, said, “The man who has everything and Christ is not a bit richer than the man who just has Christ.” We have spiritual riches and riches in relationships.
It is the relationships we have because of Jesus that we are going to look at this morning- God’s Family...
I love that is on the way to Jerusalem, to the cross. Jesus gives this good news, this blessing in the middle of that. In fact that is what made the family of God a reality
1. Jesus was talking to people who left family members and possessions to follow Him. v.27
I’m not complaining when I say this: For the sake of the Gospel, the for the past 33 years I have not lived closer than a 3 hour drive from my mother, father, brother or sister. Of course for some it is a 3 hour plane ride or a 3 day journey (Scotts)
The Gospel sometimes separates families. I understand that. This is where God called me. I can remember that call... for several years before I moved back here the LORD was making me restless, stirring up my heart. I would get out the map of Long Island and feel my heart drawn.
So in August 1976 when I left my parent’s house for Bible College nearly 2,000 miles away there has been this separation... I can still see my dad and mom in the driveway waving goodbye with tears.
But Jesus spoke of blessings that come to those who leave...
I have been the recipient of those blessings...
2. They receive 100 times back in family and blessings. v.29
I have a host of mothers and fathers and brothers and sisters today. It has been overwhelming at times in a good sense... a very good sense.
I have people who look out for me. Mom’s who watch over me. Fathers who speak straight to me and listen to me.
I have brothers who check up on me. Sisters who encourage me. Houses... all over! Orlando, New England, North Carolina, Minnesota, California, Texas, Colorado...China, Africa, India... because of the gospel!
All this reiterates that...
3. God has a family.
Ephesians 3.14 “... I kneel before the Father, from whom His whole family in heaven and on earth derives its name.”
You see inferred in these words by Jesus is that there is a family relationship in the Kingdom of God. I love it. He talked about the cross and death but He also talked about blessings in this life
God is the Father. Jesus introduced His Father to us in the LORD’s prayer when He taught His disciples to pray “Our Father which art in heaven...”
The way into God’s family is to be born into it by being born again (John 1.12-13)
Once you come in you are instantly part of a huge family with brothers and sisters around the world .
This family is faithful. Not perfect but on the way.
With all its faults the church is a faithful family. Once in a while we are let down because it is made up of imperfect human beings. More times than not the people of God demonstrate His love in all kinds of ways.
This family is forgiving. Sometimes it has to go the other way when there is unforgiveness, but most of the time you find forgiveness. I have seen what unforgiveness can do to a family. In a family feud there is always friendly fire in which innocent people get hurt . Romeo and Juliet.
For never was a story of more woe
Than this of Juliet and her Romeo.
This family is forever.
I like what Paul says “in heaven and on earth...” It is an eternal family.
It is important to God- His family... Jesus on the way to Jerusalem talked about the wonder of it.
4. We often forget how valuable family is- God’s Family
Emotionally Healthy Families have certain components:
support, correction, love, honest open communication. No family is perfect and that includes God’s Family. Jesus put in the need for daily forgiveness because there are times we mess up. But in our families here on earth and with the Family of God we should do as Paul admonished the Corinthians. “Aim for perfection.” (II Corinthians 13.11) When we miss we forgive
Support comes in all kinds of way in God’s Family. Perhaps the most noticeable is in praying for one another.
Correction comes many times by living right, not by talk, although there are times when that is appropriate.
Love is the basis for an emotionally healthy family.
I Peter 4.8 Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins.
Honest open communication is so important for everyone.
Speak the truth in love and Christian Maturity takes place. Ephesians 4.15
We are approaching Holy Week. We are walking with Jesus as we approach it in the same steps the Master walked.
An important part of redemption is the restoration of human relationships. The Church should be the safest place on earth to see those relationships be all that they should be.
Let’s be part of that wonderful process of seeing people come to Christ and those who come having their souls restored.
The journey to the feasts took place with extended families. That is why it wasn’t until they stopped for the night that Mary and Joseph realized Jesus was missing.
We are journeying to heaven together! Joy, Watching out for each other, staying together are things that make up this journey.
Families need to celebrate events and sometimes just being together! Let’s go do that this morning! Join in the fellowship of the family this morning!
We are journeying to heaven together! Joy, Watching out for each other, staying together are things that make up this journey.
Families need to celebrate events and sometimes just being together! Let’s go do that this morning! Join in the fellowship of the family this morning!
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