The Triumphal Entry
Matthew 20.29-21.1-11The crowd had been gathering for days.
Jerusalem was and is a intense city. No other city on earth compares to it.
Psalm 118 was a psalm of deliverance from the enemy. It was a psalm in the temple liturgy of Passover week. It could have been recited in the temple as Jesus came in. It probably was recited in its entirety by the crowds, or at least some in the crowd. Verses 19-27 describe the scene outside as He approached the temple.
What is Palm Sunday?
1. A Day of Prophecy Being Fulfilled.
Psalm 118.26
Zechariah 9.9-10, But because of the mountain view aspect of Bible prophecy the people wondered where it would end. 14.1-9 Mark 11.10
Daniel 9.25
And more given by Jesus:
Luke 19.39-44 Luke 19.1-11 (v.11)
2. A Day of Hope for Those in Distress over National and World Situations.
Psalm 120.1- the beginning of the Psalms of Ascents
Going to worship at Jerusalem began by asking God for personal help.
3. A Day of Joy for Those Were Knocked Down by Life.
Luke 18.43
The Blind Beggar Mark 10.49 Cheer up! On your feet! He’s calling you!
Psalm 123.1-3 Psalm 120-134 were recited by pilgrims going up to Jerusalem and on each step of the south side of the temple. Each Psalm was being recited by many who came to the Passover feast that week, even as Jesus rode in.
4. A Day of Peace for Those Longing For the Messiah.
Palm Sunday was the calm before the storm. By Friday of this week the LORD would be crucified and give up His life for us.
Today we can have peace in our hearts. We will not have in this world but we can have it in our hearts.
Riding out of the city this past week with my nephew Stephen he commented, “That is an incredible city Uncle Larry and one day it is all going to crumble!”
Finally this morning... Palm Sunday is
5. A Day When the Master of Love Completed a Long Journey for You!
Luke 9.51 Jesus resolutely set out for Jerusalem...
He did it knowing it was God’s will.
He did it because He was the Master of Love
He did it knowing that Jerusalem would not be His final work:
I like the way this verse begins: As the time approached for Him to be taken up to heaven...
He was laid in a borrowed tomb because He just needed it for the weekend.
He is alive today! The work of redemption is finished!
He is alive today! The work of redemption is finished!
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