Walking in the Light
John 1.1-14, 8.12
Jesus is the Light of the World. He is the Light of Life. He is the Light of men.
When Adam sinned and the human race fell under the curse of death and darkness it, the LORD already had a plan for our redemption. We see this in these opening verses of John. It went back before time began.
Jesus Christ, The Word of God
* Was with God
* Is God
* Created all things in the beginning
Hebrews 1.3 tells us that the Son is the express image of God’s person. The Word of God is Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ is the Word of God.
The concepts of sin and righteousness, of evil and good are described here in terms of darkness and light. Christmas is the Light, Jesus Christ, being born into the world to save us from our sins. Christ has come! Let’s talk about the light.
1. Jesus Christ is the Light of Men. v.4
He is the light of the world.
Understanding (light bulb above the head)
Showing us dirt- on the front of a vacuum, sunshine can show you things in your windows you didn’t know were there!
Flashlights and lanterns light the path so we can see and not stumble. They help light the way so we don’t get lost.
Psalm 119.105 Your Word is a lamp for my feet and a light for my path.
2. He Shines in the Darkness. v.5
Where there is darkness Jesus comes and shines light.
He is misunderstood. So many misunderstand Jesus. They think He is there when we need Him and when we don’t He can be ignored. Others think He is out to take away their so called fun. Because of this…
Men did not make Him their own. Many have heard but have turned away.
They did not catch what He was and is saying. Some missed the message of hope and forgiveness He offers.
Yet the darkness has not overcome the Light. It continues!
There have been attacks on Christ and His followers from His time here on earth 2,000 years ago. There have been efforts by governments to contain or run the church. Mockery and hatred haven’t stopped Jesus and His people because they overcome by love. Nothing or no one can overcome love. It is the most powerful force in the world.
3. Jesus came at Christmas to give light to everyone. vs.9, 14
I love the announcement to the Shepherds! The angels didn’t give them any warning. The angel of the LORD appeared and gave the announcement and then the heavenly host lit up that dark sky in Bethlehem. Night became day that first Christmas. Bethlehem’s sky was never brighter.
He gives light to everyone. Not all catch it and make it their own. As the fields of Bethlehem were bright that night so around the world the message of the gospel has gone and people have believed.
He was born. Mary was His mother. The Holy Spirit was the agency used for God’s Son to be conceived and born.
He came from the Father through the Spirit.
He came full of grace and truth.
We need both.
We need truth to function and to be productive and to avoid harming ourselves.
Example: Hot water makes suds. Suds cleans clothes. We must adjust the temperature of the hot water we touch so we won’t get scalded.
He give grace for our sins.
4. We become spiritual children of God by believing in and on Jesus. v.13
We are born of God when we believe and receive Christ. After we receive Him we leave the darkness and walk in the Light with Him.
I John 1. 5-7
John 8.12 I am the Light of the world. Whoever follows Me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.
Following Him in the light of Hs Word. Jesus came to save us from our sins. He came to give us light. He is doing that today. One of the ways of honoring Him is to walk in all the light He has given you. Walking in the light is the good life. It is the right way to live.
Due to the blizzard our there will not be services at the church today.
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