John 20.1-31
We associate graves and tombs and cemeteries with looking down. That is grief. That is death's effect on us. That is where our loved ones remains are.
Everyone was downcast that first Easter morning. Death has a tremendous effect on us. The Grief Group discussed this the past month and a half. C.S. Lewis, who wrote The Grief Observed, spoke about this, "There is sort of an invisible blanket between the world and me."
Jesus' death left His followers without hope at first. On the Road to Emmaus- Luke 24.13-24 v.21 we had hoped that He was the One Who was going to redeem Israel. If you have lost hope this morning you have come to the right place! Today your hope can be restored! As they were soon to find out their hopes were not high enough to begin with. He was and is the One Who redeems not only Israel but the world and for eternity! The LORD is able to do immeasurably more- exceeding abundantly over we can ask or imagine!
1. Graves are a place of Grief and Sorrow. v.1a
They were going to the tomb to anoint Jesus' body with spices.
*Unnecessary as they were soon to find out.
Jesus spoke of an anointing and was an eternal living memorial (Mark 14.8-9)
Jesus forever changed the way God's people view cemeteries and graves and burials.
We have this hope because Jesus rose from the dead. I Thessalonians 4.13-18
Despair is an emotion you never find at the funeral of a Christian. There is grief but we do not grieve like the rest of men who have no hope.
2. The Empty Tomb brought an array of Emotional Thoughts vs.1b-28
v.2 Mary Magdalene human reasoning said, "They have taken the LORD out of the tomb" Who are they? Certainly not the disciples- they were hiding and fearing for their lives. Not the Jews, they requested a guard be posted. The Romans were the ones who posted the guard and sealed the tomb.
Mary was saying what came to her mind. In emotional times our logic can be wrong. It is difficult to think logically when we are on an emotional roller coaster. Never make a major decision in times of distress.
Then there is Peter and John v.3-9
John believed. Both of them did not understand the Word of God concerning this.
v.10-11 The disciples went back behind closed doors. Mary stayed, wept and got to speak to some angels. If you are going through pain stay put, pour out your heart ton God and see what He does.
v.18 I have seen the LORD- Mary of Magdala- first to see Him- first eyewitness.
Your brother will rise again John 11.23
Fear was a big part of that first Resurrection LORD's Day- v.19
Jesus comes to us in our fears. What are you afraid of today? Jesus will meet you at that point. He is waiting to bring you relief now.
v.19 Now Thomas
I have to see to believe. I need proof or I won't believe.
Doubt can hold us from so many things- one of them is joy. (v.20)
Jesus rose up from the grave.
3. There are blessings in believing. v.29-31
Because you have seen (v.29) There is a blessing- Thomas believed.
The greater blessing is for those who have not seen and yet have believed.
That is you and I. How do we believe?
v.30 We know there is infinitely more to the LORD than we can ever know here.
v.31 We read what is written in God's Word- we have faith.
By believing we have Life in His Name: Eternal Life, Spiritual Life, Abundant Life. The same Spirit that raised Christ Jesus from the dead. The Life giving Spirit at work in our lives.
Jesus came up from the grave 2,000 years ago. He is alive! Forever! He conquered death. All of our doubts and fears and failures of faith are swallowed up in His victory today and forever!
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