We see the Grace of God in Jacob's life. His brother Esau wanted to kill him (and not without reasons) and God, as he is fleeing, is blessing him.
The LORD gave Jacob a dream on the first night of his journey. That must have been a lonely night fr Jacob. He, unlike Esau, stayed among the tents (Genesis 25.27). He was a homebody, a quiet man- so on this first night under the stars, out there with the sounds of the night, he must have felt a little homesick.
The LORD meets us in our times of loneliness. In fact Psalm 68.6 "God sets the lonely in families..." Psalm 27.10 Though my father and mother forsake me, the LORD will receive me." Jacob was away from his parents but he was not away from the LORD. I love those verses in Psalm 139.1-12. We are never far away, or ever away from the LORD if we belong to Him. In fact the first thing God promised reflected in the vow Jacob made was:
1. The Promise of the Presence of God. v.20a
*David declared it- at life's most difficult time Psalm 23.4
*Jesus promised it to all who follow Him Matthew 28
*Paul testified about it when going through hard trials II Timothy 4.16-17
The LORD is with us even when we are wondering, "Where are You, LORD?"
Psalm 10.1
Not only did God promise His Presence but Jacob had
2. The Promise of the Provisions of God. -v.20b
George Muller set out to prove that there is reality in the promises of God and he ended up taking care of 10,000 orphans in Bristol, England while pastoring a church and supporting young missionaries like Hudson Taylor.
God's promises include food to eat and clothes to wear. Jesus promised this in Matthew 6. Paul wrote to Timothy and said that if we have food and clothing we should be content I Timothy 6.8
Homes, business, investments
God promises the basics... Jacob did become very wealthy.
The final thing in this vow of Jacob reflecting God's Word in the dream was
3. The Promise of a Return To His Father's House. vs.21-22
The Promise was made to Jacob, Jesus too. They received it.
The prodigal son and you and I have a share in this promise.
God brought Jacob back to the Promised Land.
Jesus went back to the Father's House in heaven- John 14
He promised to come again- come back and take us there.
Jacob set up a Memorial Stone- a pillar- he worshipped.
A Tenth-
Giving- reciprocate
Giving back- from where the blessings came from (Community, School)
Giving back to God- where every good and perfect gift comes from
to see His kingdom come
because of His love and care of us.
He is with you.
He will take care of your needs
He will come back and take you to be with Him- in His Father's House.
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