Genesis 39.1-23
The issue of human pain and suffering is such a difficult one to face in life. As we see with Job, would be comforters and counselors and advice givers and philosophers abound when a soul suffers.
Suffering in the life of the believer is addressed throughout the scriptures. Abel was murdered his brother Cain because of jealousy. Adam and Eve certainly suffered over this tragedy for years.
Suffering for doing what is right, making the right choice or decision as Joseph did, then being persecuted doesn't seem right. This is why we often edit it out of our thinking the possibility (until it happens to us).
Jesus told us we would suffer for righteousness sake. Matthew 5.10 He even pronounced a blessing on it! We are on to something here... just think of what suffering has done for your prayer life, your ability to have compassion, your inner being.
We know of Jeremiah, Daniel, Jesus and the apostles, who all went through this. The Bible and Church History would confirm that sometimes God's people suffer for doing right. Even in some situations as Joseph, he suffered as a direct result of doing what was right.
We are following our LORD and Master, in His Steps, He who suffered the greatest for doing what was right, the Righteous One, Jesus Christ.
1. Joseph was a Stellar Employee vs.2-6a
He prospered. - v.2
Joseph worked hard. He had integrity and honesty.
The LORD gave him success in everything he did. -v.3
God was working through Joseph and was the blessing the work of his hands.
His master, Potiphar, benefited because Joseph's real Master was God.
Employers should benefit from our employ. Neighbors should benefit by having us next door or across the street. Waitresses should be glad to get our table. Follow in Joseph's example.
2. Joseph refused a momentary pleasure and saw it as a great wickedness.
vs. 6b-20
See things as Joseph saw them.
When faced with temptation- How can I a child of God do such a great wickedness and sin against God?! He has taken care of me. He has blessed me.
Think of the people depending on you- those who trust you, those who believe in you and your faith.
If you are in a situation where the temptation is so strong- do what Joseph did- flee! Don't however look for the world to applaud your efforts- rather remember:
3. Joseph was lied about and put into prison for doing what was right. vs.13-23
Today around the world there are people in prison because of Christ and the Gospel.
Mai, a Chinese Christian, in the Flushing Nazarene Church, was imprisoned in mainland China for the Gospel.
In all these things Joseph saw to it that he was faithful to God and himself. Although concerned about his plight he didn't let that effect his performance as a worked or a person.
I Peter 3.14 If you should suffer for what is right you are blessed.
Philippians 3.10 The fellowship of sharing in His sufferings.
I Peter 4.9 Those who suffer according to God's will should commit themselves to their faithful Creator and continue to do good.
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