Exodus 15.1-11
Who among the gods is like You, O LORD? Who is like You?- majestic in holiness, awesome in glory, working wonders?
The LORD wants us to celebrate Him and His working in our lives.Moses sets a wonderful example of giving praise to the LORD after a great victory. We need to do this in our lives when God answers prayer, when He delivers us, when receive a blessing, when He works supernaturally, we should give Him praise and worship Him and thank Him. We need to appreciate our Father in Heaven.
In verse 11 there are a number of phrases which Moses uses to describe the LORD.
The LORD is:
1. Majestic in Holiness.
God's holiness is great. He is 100% pure. He cannot lie. In Him there is no change like the shifting shadows. He is light. In Him there is no darkness at all.
There is wisdom and nobility in God's sacredness/holiness/being set apart.
The call goes out from His Word I Peter 1.13-16 Therefore prepare your minds for action; be self controlled; set your hope fully on the grace to be given you when Jesus Christ is revealed. As obedient children, do not conform to the evil desire you had when you lived in ignorance. But just as He Who called you is holy, so be holy in all you do, for it is written, "Be holy, because I am holy."
Holy living alleviates many things:
There are certain diseases tied to excessive habits- food, tobacco, alcohol.
Unforgiveness, bitterness, envy, jealousy, greed can set off chemicals in the body whose overuse can be destructive. All these things can bring emotional distress which can result in an Adrenaline Overload. The symptoms of AO are sleeplessness, chronic fatigue, unexplained pain in the upper back, depression, nausea, weight gain, constipation or diarrhea.
There is a good tension in the Christian Life- We are to be separate from the world- different- yet we are to be witnesses in the middle of the world sharing the love of Christ.
Who is like You, O LORD?
2. Awesome in Glory
In our praise of God, in our singing here is to be a reverential fear of Him. As we honor Him we should realize what He did to Pharaoh's army.
It is not to be a cowering type of fear. Our fear of God ought to result in loving worship of Him... Father and children.
Hebrews 12.14-24 Mount Sinai - Mount Calvary- Mount Zion
Fear and revere the LORD for His renown, fame
Similar to the fear of fire.
Who is like You, O LORD?
3. Working Wonders
God produces things that make us marvel, sometimes hard to understand
Exodus 16- Manna
John 6.4,31 Passover/Feeding of 5,000 Bread of Heaven-Life to the world
Job 23.12 I have
I believe the LORD works many wonders which in our busyness we miss it.
Slow down and see- Be still and know.
Think of the things the LORD accomplished in your life. He has done wonders. When I first felt the call of God I was in a remedial reading group, I spoke with a lisp and was in speech therapy and I was petrified of being up in front of people. If I read out loud I stumbled. That I am doing what I do is a wonder. I am sure my teachers in those early years would not have picked me! On top of that when the LORD called me I didn't even like to read. Then when I got to Bible College something happened deep inside my heart. I got this thirst for books and reading and my attention span increased. When I think of the work of God in my life, it is marvelous.
Then there is the marvelous story of our church here...
Think of the wonders God has produced- this earth is wonder filled. The picture at the top of this morning's message was taken just an hour ago.
Who among the gods is like You, O LORD? Who is like You?- majestic in holiness, awesome in glory, working wonders?
The LORD wants us to celebrate Him and His working in our lives.Moses sets a wonderful example of giving praise to the LORD after a great victory. We need to do this in our lives when God answers prayer, when He delivers us, when receive a blessing, when He works supernaturally, we should give Him praise and worship Him and thank Him. We need to appreciate our Father in Heaven.
In verse 11 there are a number of phrases which Moses uses to describe the LORD.
The LORD is:
1. Majestic in Holiness.
God's holiness is great. He is 100% pure. He cannot lie. In Him there is no change like the shifting shadows. He is light. In Him there is no darkness at all.
There is wisdom and nobility in God's sacredness/holiness/being set apart.
The call goes out from His Word I Peter 1.13-16 Therefore prepare your minds for action; be self controlled; set your hope fully on the grace to be given you when Jesus Christ is revealed. As obedient children, do not conform to the evil desire you had when you lived in ignorance. But just as He Who called you is holy, so be holy in all you do, for it is written, "Be holy, because I am holy."
Holy living alleviates many things:
There are certain diseases tied to excessive habits- food, tobacco, alcohol.
Unforgiveness, bitterness, envy, jealousy, greed can set off chemicals in the body whose overuse can be destructive. All these things can bring emotional distress which can result in an Adrenaline Overload. The symptoms of AO are sleeplessness, chronic fatigue, unexplained pain in the upper back, depression, nausea, weight gain, constipation or diarrhea.
There is a good tension in the Christian Life- We are to be separate from the world- different- yet we are to be witnesses in the middle of the world sharing the love of Christ.
Who is like You, O LORD?
2. Awesome in Glory
In our praise of God, in our singing here is to be a reverential fear of Him. As we honor Him we should realize what He did to Pharaoh's army.
It is not to be a cowering type of fear. Our fear of God ought to result in loving worship of Him... Father and children.
Hebrews 12.14-24 Mount Sinai - Mount Calvary- Mount Zion
Fear and revere the LORD for His renown, fame
Similar to the fear of fire.
Who is like You, O LORD?
3. Working Wonders
God produces things that make us marvel, sometimes hard to understand
Exodus 16- Manna
John 6.4,31 Passover/Feeding of 5,000 Bread of Heaven-Life to the world
Job 23.12 I have
I believe the LORD works many wonders which in our busyness we miss it.
Slow down and see- Be still and know.
Think of the things the LORD accomplished in your life. He has done wonders. When I first felt the call of God I was in a remedial reading group, I spoke with a lisp and was in speech therapy and I was petrified of being up in front of people. If I read out loud I stumbled. That I am doing what I do is a wonder. I am sure my teachers in those early years would not have picked me! On top of that when the LORD called me I didn't even like to read. Then when I got to Bible College something happened deep inside my heart. I got this thirst for books and reading and my attention span increased. When I think of the work of God in my life, it is marvelous.
Then there is the marvelous story of our church here...
Think of the wonders God has produced- this earth is wonder filled. The picture at the top of this morning's message was taken just an hour ago.
Who is like You O LORD?- No One!
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