You have heard people say this (perhaps you have said it or at least thought of it), "I have to get away from it all," or "I just want to go to a deserted island where no one can find me."
People look for peace in escape. Advertisers use this to their advantage. Vacations packages are sold based on it. Back in the 1970's there was a commercial which had the words, "Take me away Calgon." Peace is not found in escape- not true lasting peace.
People look for peace in evasion. Some poor souls go through great lengths to avoid certain people. If they see them coming they will go another way. If they hear they are going to be at a certain event they will not attend themselves. There may be no confrontation in that approach but there is also no peace. The loss of a loved one can be handled that way. The "experts" in grief counseling call it postponing grief. It is very unhealthy. People that say, "I am going on with my life," after such a loss or really saying, "I can't handle this!" People handle illness like this at times. They don't face the inevitable. Some of the anti aging techniques used today ignore gravity. They evade the truth!
Melchizedek is called the King of Peace. That is one of the meanings of his name. v.3 like the Son of God he remains a priest forever.
When Jesus was dying on the cross, His life not look indestructible. When He shed His blood it didn't look like He would be alive forevermore (Revelation 1.18) but He is and He holds the keys of death and of hell. He said in John 8.58 Before Abraham was born I am and now He is seated at the right hand of God and He always lives to intercede for us (Hebrews 7.25)
In Genesis 14 and again in the scripture in Hebrews we read this morning we are told of the meeting of Abraham and this Melchizedek. There is much more I would love to know about this mysterious King-Priest from Jerusalem but this is what we are told.
1. The Tithe is the LORD's. vs.1-10
Abraham gave 10% of the spoils of this battle to Melchizedek, priest of God.
Genesis 14.21-24
The tithe is a tangible acknowledgment of God in your life. Abraham's victory over the kings he fought against was a miracle. He knew it. He knew God provided it. He had to acknowledge God.
Abraham tithed before the law was given- 400 years before!
1-Melchizedek brought out bread and wine.- Genesis 14.18
The connection to the LORD's Supper here centuries before Christ came.
2-Melchizedek blessed Abraham- vs.19-20a
3-Abraham gave Melchizedek a tenth of everything. -v.20b
Look at Jesus' words about money Matthew 6.19-21, 24
2. The Priesthood of Melchizedek is Unique. vs.11-17
*It is royal priesthood because Melchizedek was a king.
I Peter 2.9 But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a people belonging to God.
Christ is our Great High Priest- all believers serve as priests.
*Melchizedek and Jesus' priesthood is different from the Old Covenant.
The Old- Aaron and his descendants- it died out, but before it did it was fulfilled by Jesus.
The New and Eternal- like Melchizedek, Jesus is a priest forever.
Neither Melchizedek nor Jesus were Levites or descendants of Aaron.
3. Our Hope is in Christ vs.18-19
John 11.25 I am the Resurrection and the Life. He who believes in Me will live, even though He dies.
He gives us everlasting life. John 5.24-26
He comforts us. Job 19.25 I know that my Redeemer lives
He satisfies John 4.10
You can live by the power of His Endless Life- the power of the Resurrection!
John 14.19 Because I live you also will live.
The power of an indestructible life is ours in Christ!
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