Sunday, October 30, 2011

The Leading of the LORD

Ruth 2.1-13

When the bottom falls out in life and in the best of times we need to follow the leading of the LORD. God's direction will always be in the parameters of His Word.

We live in a similar time nationally speaking to that of the Book of Ruth "in the days when the judges ruled." All is not lost. God still comes to the aid of His people, even in times of difficulty such as famine and economically hard times.

Ruth and Naomi were widows. This was a very difficult situation for them. More than ever they needed to follow the LORD's leading in their lives. They needed help from God of heaven and earth, the Righteous Judge, just as we do. There are two parables Jesus gave to show the love of our Father in Heaven when we pray. The Parable of the Unjust Judge (Luke 18) and the parable of the Friend At Midnight (Luke 11).

We see truths here in Ruth 2 about the LORD's leading.

1. We Aim To Do What Is Right. vs.1-3a
Seek to obey the LORD.
Submit to God's Authority in your life as a servant of His.
Ruth set a wonderful example of this.

Work- do all you can.

Humble yourself. Ruth was not ashamed to glean. This was for poor people. She put on no airs.
Blessed are the poor in spirit for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Humility demonstrated.
Aiming to do what is right with a right attitude. If our attitude is bad it is usually along the lines of the lack of humility. Be like Christ.

2. As This Is Done We Encounter God's Grace. vs.3b-10
We are in God's Grace many times unaware of it- v.3b
God leads us with His Grace. Think about where you are today.
My Nana was invited by a little neighbor girl to go to a mission in Brooklyn, as a young lady. she went after several times of not being able to go, on the last night of the special services. That little girl had come that Sunday afternoon and said, "Mrs. Biggs, this is the last night of the meetings." That night she asked Jesus to come into her heart. She walked in to God's Grace unaware that she was. God used that little girl.

Boaz- v.4 represents Christ Jesus Our Redeemer: Grace in his heart, blessing on his lips.
The law (Leviticus 19) allowed her to glean but only grace would say, "Stay here." -v.9
Ruth was amazed at God's Grace.- v.10

The LORD knows what words to speak to those who are weary and in need of hope. Grace brings us more than we can ask or imagine.
We ought to be astonished and amazed at the Grace of God and like Ruth have a great sense of unworthiness about it in our lives.

Following the Leading of the LORD...

3. Remember God is Watching Over You. vs.11-12
He sees the secret things that no one else sees. Develop that fellowship with Him. Secret things are an indicator of the health of our spiritual life.
*He knows and sees what you do in secret.
*He knows the details of sacrifices you are making, all the deeds of kindness.
v.12 May the LORD repay you for what you have done. May you be richly rewarded by the LORD, the God of Israel, under Whose Wings you have come to take refuge.

He will reward you openly for the worship and love you have shown Him in secret.

Follow the leading of the LORD. If your decisions have brought you to Moab, He will lead you back to Bethlehem.

Obey Him, seek Him and you will encounter His Grace.

Rejoice He is watching over you!

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Responding to Adversity

Ruth 1.1-18

All of us will experience the winds of adversity in our lives.
We live in a fallen sinful world.

Here in the opening of Ruth we are given lessons on how not to respond to adversity. These are things we want to steer clear of when adversity comes to us.

In the Psalms we a re given insight into adversity and afflictions:
Psalm 119.67 Before I was afflicted I went astray but now I obey Your Word.
Psalm 119.71-72 It was good (beneficial, rich, excellent) for me to be afflicted so that I might learn Your decrees. The law from Your Mouth is more precious to me than thousands of pieces of silver and gold.

Hymns and books and ministry have begun out of pain in a person's life. God has a school of brokenness from which few enroll and even fewer graduate. God wants very much people who will live in pain. He wants broken vessels.

Embracing the Cross of Christ is not easy. In fact it is very difficult. When it shows up in adversity or affliction our first inclination is to do every thing we can to avoid it. This is natural.

1. Do Not Lean On Your Own Understanding. vs.1-2
Do not try and figure things out. God is allowing this and His thoughts and ways are higher than ours and beyond our finding out. Do not be a detective in your own situation.
Do not move, flee Naomi and Elimelech abandoned the covenant land of Israel along with their sons. Don't exchange God's Promises for you "wisdom" or wit.

Those who go to the world or their own understanding for help are more likely to become a weeping widow like Naomi or a prodigal son. Failing to trust God brings great pain and misery to the soul.

Rather than lean on your own understanding, or move or flee or escape in any number of ways, look to the LORD. Seek Him! Adversity should drive us to call out to God.

As you seek the LORD you will eventually

2. Find God's Grace in Your Difficulties vs.3-6

The prodigal son got up and went back home to the Father's house.
He went back (in his mind and heart) as a hired servant,
Naomi journeyed back to Bethlehem.
She described her perspective in verses 16-21
What awaits a soul who returns to trust in the LORD, who returns to His plan in His Grace is beyond their wildest dreams and imagination.

These afflictions the Psalmist spoke of are not to be taken lightly. The can be a browbeating, bring about depression, result from being dealt harshly with. We all have been knocked for a loop at times. That is what he is describing. They also can bring about a gentleness in the soul, a humility and a submission to Christ. They hurt deeply but they cut into attitudes in us which are no like Christ. As we listen to what God is saying we become still and silent before Him.

In verse six we see that
Naomi heard.
She believed.
She acted by leaving Moab.

The way back is open. Humiliating but good, very good.

3. Love the LORD No Matter What Happens. vs.7-18
Many like Orpah or Demas (II Timothy 4.10) run well for a while than drop out because the world is still in their hearts.

Bethlehem may have been in Orpah's mind but Moab was in her heart. Remember Lot's wife. She looked back. Orpah looked back and went back.

Ruth is an example of faithfulness affliction, of love for the LORD in the face of adversity. The words of Job ring (2.10) Shall we accept good from God, and not trouble? Good is the same word (towb) that the Psalmist uses in Psalm 119. The word for trouble in the opposite.
Ruth, David, Joseph, Daniel - all suffered. They entered into the fellowship of His suffering; The community, association, communion of those who experienced calamity and affliction but also the power of the resurrection.

Endure it. God will work through and in times of adversity to do in your heart what could not be done any other way. God works through life events. He works in us what is well pleasing in His sight.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Never Alone

Hebrews 13.1-6

A few years ago Gallup polled teenagers (ages 13- 15) on what they feared the most. Number seven on that list was being alone.

The 2000 film, Castaway, starring Tom Hanks depicted Chuck Noland who survives a plane crash and ends up on an uninhabited island. It was a graphic description of what being alone is like.

It is interesting to see how the Word of God focuses on those who have experienced periods of being alone. Take Moses and David as their work as the family's shepherd. Both spent large amounts of time alone. Even Jesus we know had times when He was alone. Yet they all had conversations with Heaven, with their Father in Heaven.

If Christ is in our hearts, we are never alone no matter what life may bring our way.

He is with us on

1. Our Whole Journey Genesis 28.15

Personally the LORD is with us. Individually.

Among others Jacob is an example of this.

This promise came during a difficult time for Jacob.

He certainly had more than his share of family problems. Some were self-inflicted. Others were from his mother's favoritism of him.

He set out on this journey for two reasons:

1- Esau was ready to kill him for stealing his birthright blessing.

2- His mother and father did not want him marrying a local Canaanite woman.

The LORD appeared to him with this promise of His Presence in all of Jacob's journey. This promise from Hebrews is for you today. The LORD has promised "Never will I leave you. Never will I forsake you."

Not only has He promised that to us individually but also to the church collectively.

He will never leave nor forsake

2. Those Who Follow Him - Deuteronomy 31.6

Moses spoke these words to all Israel.

This promise is for the church today.

The LORD goes ahead of us. v.3

The LORD goes with us. v.6

We face great uncertainty as we go today as a church but God's promises are infinitely greater than the uncertainty we face.

Jesus said, "I will build My Church and the gates of hell will not prevail against it." As He went back into heaven He told His disciples (that includes us) that He would be with them always, to the very end of the age.

He will get us where He wants us and when His work is done we will be with Him in Glory.

He will never leave nor forsake

3. Those Who Lead God's People Joshua 1.5

That is a promise to the shepherds of God's flock today.

That is my personal testimony.

This is plea for prayer for all pastors.

He will never leave nor forsake

4. Those Who Need Encouragement As They Do His Will. I Chronicles 28.20

These words were spoken to Solomon by his father David. Solomon was the one who would take on the momentous task of building the temple for God.. He would lead the people of Israel in this.

God gives us the strength to finish what we began even in overwhelming situations.

He will never leave nor forsake

5. Those Who Need Help. Isaiah 41.17

In times of great difficulty, the LORD is with us.

Many ask during these times, "Where is God?" David prayed around this question in the Psalms. The fact was that the LORD was with him. We may feel forsaken but that is a feeling.

Martin Luther's quote is appropriate here:

Feelings come and feelings go and feelings are deceiving,
My anchor is the Word of God, naught else is worth believing.

The LORD has promised that He would never leave us nor forsake us. Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the Author and Finisher of our faith. Let's move on with the fact that He is with us today!

Sunday, October 9, 2011

The Two Mountains of the Covenants

Hebrews 12.18-29

One of the paradoxes of the Bible is that it is so perfume that the greatest minds could not search it depths and yet so simple a child could understand it.

The Word of God is built around what took place on two mountains: Mount Sinai and Mount Zion (Golgotha/Calvary in Jerusalem). It was on these two mountains that the Old and New/ Everlasting covenants were established. God spoke on both of these mountains.

1. Mount Sinai vs.18-21
Here are the Ten Commandments were given, the basis for civilized living.
It was a place of fear and terror.
Exodus 20.18-21
Deuteronomy 9.18-20

The instructions given on Mount Sinai set up a system of daily sacrifices. It was a system of continual sacrifices. Moses was the mediator. Aaron became High Priest.

Again the emotions of the people at that mountain were terror, fear and dread.

2. Mount Zion vs.22-24
Interesting how the LORD in His Word here brings us to the heavenly Jerusalem, the city Abraham was looking for. (11.10) In v.24 we see the way we get there is through Jesus, the mediator of the New Covenant.
The heavenly Jerusalem is unseen to us now. It is the City of the Living God. Heaven- His throne is there. In Isaiah 6 and Revelation 4 we are told of the worship there.
Here in this passage this morning we are told of thousands upon thousands angels in joyful assembly. The praise and worship is beyond anything we could ever imagine.
In 1990 it was my privilege to be part of the Long Island Billy Graham Crusade. One night in Nassau Coliseum I was walking across the floor with another pastor. We were involved in getting things ready for the evening's service. The 3,000 voice was singing "Blessed Assurance". The other pastor stopped me and said, "Listen for a moment". I think this is a foretaste of what heaven will be like!

In this heavenly Jerusalem stands the church- those whose names are written in heaven. So we have angels praising God and now the all who believed.
Jesus used this phrase (Luke 10.20) No wonder as we read this He told them to rejoice. Look at the eternal scene. In Philippians 4.3 Paul speaks of it as does John in Revelation 3.5 and other places.

Then there is the LORD, the righteous judge. We will be with him forever because of His death on the cross in the earthly Jerusalem. We inherit the heavenly Jerusalem because of what our Savior did in the Jerusalem that is here on earth (Galatians 4.21-27)

Under the Old Covenant, on Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement, the year of Jubilee was announced. The ancient Jews also looked at it as the day Adam sinned and Abraham was circumcised.

3. We have a Warning and Exhortations. vs.25-29
v.25 Listen (and obey) God's Word.
There is a great shaking coming. Sometimes He Divinely disturbs us- shakes us up so we will listen.
Let us be thankful even for the discipline- God is treating us as sons.
Let us be thankful for the fact that we are receiving a kingdom that cannot be shaken., that our treasures are in heaven which we have laid up there.
Let us be thankful that we will be with the LORD forever, that we will live without tears, pain, sorrow or death. Hallelujah!
Let us worship the LORD acceptably with reverence and awe.
Awe of Him. Awe that He loves us!

The first mountain showed our need of Christ

On the second mountain He died to bring us to the Heavenly Jerusalem.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Enduring Opposition

Hebrews 12.1-11

We are exhorted to fix our eyes on Jesus in this scripture this morning. This is all important for running the race we are in. This means to turn the eyes away from other things and fix them on something. Many of these other things come under the umbrella of Money, Sex and Power.

In verse three we are told to Consider Him- think over, ponder specifically in reference to His "endurance in opposition to sinful men." He remained faithful to the Father. He could have called 10,000 angels to set Him free. He didn't flee when the crowds, the multitudes turned against Him. He bore bravely and calmly the horrible way He was treated.

1. Opposition Can We Wear Us Out And Cause Us To Lose Heart- v.3
The way to prevent this is not through "getting away from it all". It is not through some motivational program. Rather it is preventing by thinking over and pondering the example Jesus set for us.
He endured opposition.
*Don't look to be set free from opposition.
Life is a series of battles- all winnable through Christ who gives us strength.
*Don't fight- Stand firm!
That soldier Paul describes in Ephesians 6 did not charge, rather he stood his ground. He was admonished to stand firm.
There are many things which oppose our walk with the LORD- with keeping in step with Him.
1-Temptation to be great- All these will I give you if you will bow to down to me (Matthew 4.9)
2-The deceitfulness of riches
3-The illusion of pleasure
Your greatest pleasure as a follower of Jesus is in laying your life down at His feet and saying, "Here I am LORD, help yourself."
We are told how to look at opposition and difficulty.

2- Endure Hardship as Discipline- v.7
See opposition from sinful men, the temptations and the enticements as part of God's overall process and work to make us like Christ.
Discipline is a responsibility of Fatherhood.
Discipline is not just for disobedience, although it is that. It is for everything in life- work ethic, honesty, integrity, etc.
Discipline with money, time, etc.
None of us enjoys pain but sometimes, many times, we must endure it. And as we see in
verse 11:

3. Discipline is Not a Pleasant Experience Rather Painful- v.11
But the process of pain in a believer's life leads to glory. What answers to prayer in your life over the years do you recall the most? Many of these blessings were born out of pain.
The race we are in is marked out for us by Jesus and His life here on earth.
It leads us to where He is! Heaven!
He suffered. He endured opposition from sinful men.
In our lives opposition brings about "a harvest of righteousness for those who have been trained by it." The word "trained" is the Greek word gymnazo. It means to exercise in a vigorous way either the body or mind.

We are to look at opposition as a training to produce a harvest of the fruit of the Spirit. This harvest increases as the believer is pruned and shaped by the Father, Who is the Gardener.

Face opposition head on. Endure it. Realize it is painful but think about what it produces!