When the bottom falls out in life and in the best of times we need to follow the leading of the LORD. God's direction will always be in the parameters of His Word.
We live in a similar time nationally speaking to that of the Book of Ruth "in the days when the judges ruled." All is not lost. God still comes to the aid of His people, even in times of difficulty such as famine and economically hard times.
Ruth and Naomi were widows. This was a very difficult situation for them. More than ever they needed to follow the LORD's leading in their lives. They needed help from God of heaven and earth, the Righteous Judge, just as we do. There are two parables Jesus gave to show the love of our Father in Heaven when we pray. The Parable of the Unjust Judge (Luke 18) and the parable of the Friend At Midnight (Luke 11).
We see truths here in Ruth 2 about the LORD's leading.
1. We Aim To Do What Is Right. vs.1-3a
Seek to obey the LORD.
Submit to God's Authority in your life as a servant of His.
Ruth set a wonderful example of this.
Work- do all you can.
Humble yourself. Ruth was not ashamed to glean. This was for poor people. She put on no airs.
Blessed are the poor in spirit for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Humility demonstrated.
Aiming to do what is right with a right attitude. If our attitude is bad it is usually along the lines of the lack of humility. Be like Christ.
2. As This Is Done We Encounter God's Grace. vs.3b-10
We are in God's Grace many times unaware of it- v.3b
God leads us with His Grace. Think about where you are today.
My Nana was invited by a little neighbor girl to go to a mission in Brooklyn, as a young lady. she went after several times of not being able to go, on the last night of the special services. That little girl had come that Sunday afternoon and said, "Mrs. Biggs, this is the last night of the meetings." That night she asked Jesus to come into her heart. She walked in to God's Grace unaware that she was. God used that little girl.
Boaz- v.4 represents Christ Jesus Our Redeemer: Grace in his heart, blessing on his lips.
The law (Leviticus 19) allowed her to glean but only grace would say, "Stay here." -v.9
Ruth was amazed at God's Grace.- v.10
The LORD knows what words to speak to those who are weary and in need of hope. Grace brings us more than we can ask or imagine.
We ought to be astonished and amazed at the Grace of God and like Ruth have a great sense of unworthiness about it in our lives.
Following the Leading of the LORD...
3. Remember God is Watching Over You. vs.11-12
He sees the secret things that no one else sees. Develop that fellowship with Him. Secret things are an indicator of the health of our spiritual life.
*He knows and sees what you do in secret.
*He knows the details of sacrifices you are making, all the deeds of kindness.
v.12 May the LORD repay you for what you have done. May you be richly rewarded by the LORD, the God of Israel, under Whose Wings you have come to take refuge.
He will reward you openly for the worship and love you have shown Him in secret.
Follow the leading of the LORD. If your decisions have brought you to Moab, He will lead you back to Bethlehem.
Obey Him, seek Him and you will encounter His Grace.
Rejoice He is watching over you!