Sunday, October 9, 2011

The Two Mountains of the Covenants

Hebrews 12.18-29

One of the paradoxes of the Bible is that it is so perfume that the greatest minds could not search it depths and yet so simple a child could understand it.

The Word of God is built around what took place on two mountains: Mount Sinai and Mount Zion (Golgotha/Calvary in Jerusalem). It was on these two mountains that the Old and New/ Everlasting covenants were established. God spoke on both of these mountains.

1. Mount Sinai vs.18-21
Here are the Ten Commandments were given, the basis for civilized living.
It was a place of fear and terror.
Exodus 20.18-21
Deuteronomy 9.18-20

The instructions given on Mount Sinai set up a system of daily sacrifices. It was a system of continual sacrifices. Moses was the mediator. Aaron became High Priest.

Again the emotions of the people at that mountain were terror, fear and dread.

2. Mount Zion vs.22-24
Interesting how the LORD in His Word here brings us to the heavenly Jerusalem, the city Abraham was looking for. (11.10) In v.24 we see the way we get there is through Jesus, the mediator of the New Covenant.
The heavenly Jerusalem is unseen to us now. It is the City of the Living God. Heaven- His throne is there. In Isaiah 6 and Revelation 4 we are told of the worship there.
Here in this passage this morning we are told of thousands upon thousands angels in joyful assembly. The praise and worship is beyond anything we could ever imagine.
In 1990 it was my privilege to be part of the Long Island Billy Graham Crusade. One night in Nassau Coliseum I was walking across the floor with another pastor. We were involved in getting things ready for the evening's service. The 3,000 voice was singing "Blessed Assurance". The other pastor stopped me and said, "Listen for a moment". I think this is a foretaste of what heaven will be like!

In this heavenly Jerusalem stands the church- those whose names are written in heaven. So we have angels praising God and now the all who believed.
Jesus used this phrase (Luke 10.20) No wonder as we read this He told them to rejoice. Look at the eternal scene. In Philippians 4.3 Paul speaks of it as does John in Revelation 3.5 and other places.

Then there is the LORD, the righteous judge. We will be with him forever because of His death on the cross in the earthly Jerusalem. We inherit the heavenly Jerusalem because of what our Savior did in the Jerusalem that is here on earth (Galatians 4.21-27)

Under the Old Covenant, on Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement, the year of Jubilee was announced. The ancient Jews also looked at it as the day Adam sinned and Abraham was circumcised.

3. We have a Warning and Exhortations. vs.25-29
v.25 Listen (and obey) God's Word.
There is a great shaking coming. Sometimes He Divinely disturbs us- shakes us up so we will listen.
Let us be thankful even for the discipline- God is treating us as sons.
Let us be thankful for the fact that we are receiving a kingdom that cannot be shaken., that our treasures are in heaven which we have laid up there.
Let us be thankful that we will be with the LORD forever, that we will live without tears, pain, sorrow or death. Hallelujah!
Let us worship the LORD acceptably with reverence and awe.
Awe of Him. Awe that He loves us!

The first mountain showed our need of Christ

On the second mountain He died to bring us to the Heavenly Jerusalem.

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