Saturday, August 27, 2011

What The Bible Says About Storms

Job 40.6 Then the LORD spoke to Job out of the storm

Everyone is talking about it, the TV and Facebook are filled with news about it, the stores here on Long Island and up and down the eastern seaboard are busy because of it. Hurricane Irene is coming to town!

People suddenly are praying. That is a good thing. Yesterday the sun was shining and it will come out on the other side of this massive system. However for the next 18 hours or so here on Long Island's South Shore we will experience heavy rain, high winds and the things that come with it.

Most of us have candles out and ready, water stored, ice chests prepared in case we lose electricity.

The Bible speaks about storms in many places. Jesus calmed one. Actually spoke to it. The literal Greek phrase was "Be muzzled!" Immediately it was calm. I am certain He could do the same with Irene. Most of the time the LORD brings us through the storm rather than stopping it. Sometimes He calms the storm for us but most of the time He calms us in the storm and until it is passed.

This was true of Job. God spoke to him from the storm. Right out of it! He rides upon the wings of the wind. When I want to be alone with God I look for that quiet place like the garden of Eden. Sometimes He comes in the cool of the day and talks to me and other times He speaks out of less favorable conditions like illness and death and hurricanes.

Job went through storms- he lost everything except his integrity. He lost his children, his wealth, his health, his wife and his friends. It is amazing that Job did not lose his mind! Lesser men would have cursed God and died. He proclaimed, "I know that my Redeemer lives!!!" The man knew his God, but better than that: The man's God knew the man. He spoke out of the storms of Job's life. He will speak out of ours.

If you are going through a storm other than Irene as you read this, He is there if you call upon Him. Whoever calls upon the Name of the LORD will be saved!

Some are facing financial storms. The signs are all around. We had an earthquake on the east coast this week. People we shaken up. Now a hurricane. But if you are deeply in debt or not meeting your bills each day is stormy and shaky. Our economy is shaking and quaking. People are in need of help. Our help comes from the LORD the Maker of Heaven and Earth.

Some are facing relational storms. Marriages are stressed. People have had communication breakdowns. Never before has there been so much anger within families. Christ can bring peace. He can make you a peacemaker.

Others are facing emotional storms. Perhaps you are in this midst of the horrible experience of depression. Darkness in the day. Feelings of hopelessness. Feeling tired after a full night's sleep or not being able to sleep. The LORD speaks out of this storm. Some of the best loved hymns were written out of times of darkness and despair. Listen to what the LORD is saying in this storm tonight.

Some are facing storms about their future as well as their past. If Satan can make you grieve over yesterday and worry about tomorrow then he has robbed you of today. The LORD is close to the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds.

Maybe you are worried about tomorrow or next year. Today is the tomorrow you worried about yesterday. We can change nothing by worrying. God will take care of you! He can help you overcome anxiety about the future.

Let Him speak to you from the storm! He will do wonderful things in the midst of it. He is faithful to all His Promises!

Sunday, August 21, 2011

The Power of an Indestuctible Life

Hebrews 7.1-19

You have heard people say this (perhaps you have said it or at least thought of it), "I have to get away from it all," or "I just want to go to a deserted island where no one can find me."

People look for peace in escape. Advertisers use this to their advantage. Vacations packages are sold based on it. Back in the 1970's there was a commercial which had the words, "Take me away Calgon." Peace is not found in escape- not true lasting peace.

People look for peace in evasion. Some poor souls go through great lengths to avoid certain people. If they see them coming they will go another way. If they hear they are going to be at a certain event they will not attend themselves. There may be no confrontation in that approach but there is also no peace. The loss of a loved one can be handled that way. The "experts" in grief counseling call it postponing grief. It is very unhealthy. People that say, "I am going on with my life," after such a loss or really saying, "I can't handle this!" People handle illness like this at times. They don't face the inevitable. Some of the anti aging techniques used today ignore gravity. They evade the truth!

Melchizedek is called the King of Peace. That is one of the meanings of his name. v.3 like the Son of God he remains a priest forever.

When Jesus was dying on the cross, His life not look indestructible. When He shed His blood it didn't look like He would be alive forevermore (Revelation 1.18) but He is and He holds the keys of death and of hell. He said in John 8.58 Before Abraham was born I am and now He is seated at the right hand of God and He always lives to intercede for us (Hebrews 7.25)

In Genesis 14 and again in the scripture in Hebrews we read this morning we are told of the meeting of Abraham and this Melchizedek. There is much more I would love to know about this mysterious King-Priest from Jerusalem but this is what we are told.

1. The Tithe is the LORD's. vs.1-10
Abraham gave 10% of the spoils of this battle to Melchizedek, priest of God.
Genesis 14.21-24
The tithe is a tangible acknowledgment of God in your life. Abraham's victory over the kings he fought against was a miracle. He knew it. He knew God provided it. He had to acknowledge God.

Abraham tithed before the law was given- 400 years before!

1-Melchizedek brought out bread and wine.- Genesis 14.18
The connection to the LORD's Supper here centuries before Christ came.
2-Melchizedek blessed Abraham- vs.19-20a
3-Abraham gave Melchizedek a tenth of everything. -v.20b

Look at Jesus' words about money Matthew 6.19-21, 24

2. The Priesthood of Melchizedek is Unique. vs.11-17
*It is royal priesthood because Melchizedek was a king.
I Peter 2.9 But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a people belonging to God.
Christ is our Great High Priest- all believers serve as priests.
*Melchizedek and Jesus' priesthood is different from the Old Covenant.
The Old- Aaron and his descendants- it died out, but before it did it was fulfilled by Jesus.
The New and Eternal- like Melchizedek, Jesus is a priest forever.
Neither Melchizedek nor Jesus were Levites or descendants of Aaron.

3. Our Hope is in Christ vs.18-19
John 11.25 I am the Resurrection and the Life. He who believes in Me will live, even though He dies.
He gives us everlasting life. John 5.24-26
He comforts us. Job 19.25 I know that my Redeemer lives
He satisfies John 4.10

You can live by the power of His Endless Life- the power of the Resurrection!
John 14.19 Because I live you also will live.

The power of an indestructible life is ours in Christ!

Sunday, August 14, 2011

The Anchor For The Soul

Hebrews 6.13-20

I love the terms used to describe Christ Jesus: Son of God, Son of Man
Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace
Bread of Life, Rock, Ancient of Days, Lily of the Valley, Morning Star
That Great Shepherd of the Sheep, Alpha and Omega

Here in the Scripture this morning He is described as an anchor for the soul. We need to hear this today.

1. In Times Like There We Have Hope. v.16-20
Thankfully our anchor isn't in the economy. Wall Street's performance this week gave investors high blood pressure and other stress related maladies.
Our anchor isn't tied to how well things are going because as the old hymn says, "I don't borrow from it sunshine for its skies may turn to gray."
Our anchor isn't tied to anything other than Jesus Christ. We've anchored our soul in the Haven of Rest!

Bread, a group from the 70's did a song called London Bridge (it could have been written for today):
I know the times are to bear,
Its hard to find someone to really care.
The changes taking place are everywhere,
The centuries past have nothing to compare.

The greatest changes the world has ever experienced since Creation are taking place right now- rapid fire change.

It is easy to sense the loss of stability as the world spins out of control.
We have hope because we have an anchor for the soul.

A hymn of years ago could have been written for today!:
In times like these we need a Savior.
In times like these we need an anchor.
I'm very sure. I'm very sure.
My anchor holds and grips the Solid Rock.
This Rock is Jesus, Yes He's the One.
This Rock is Jesus, God's only Son.
I'm very sure. I'm very sure.
My anchor holds and grips the Solid Rock.

Life apart from Christ the Solid Rock, the Anchor for the soul, is full of uncertainties. It is outside the plan and purpose of God.

2. We Have Fled To Him! -v.18
Proverbs 18.10 The Name of the LORD is a strong tower; the righteous run into it and they are saved.
This word "run" means to swiftly dart, to move quickly, to hurry
The word, fled, means to seek safety by flighty, to escape safely out of danger.
We are in the shelter of His wings. He protects us.

An anchor is not seen when it is at work but it is felt and the effects it produces are very visible.

3. This Anchor For The Soul Is Firm and Secure.- v.19-20
It takes hold of the unseen and eternal- the Holy of Holies.
Our Great High Priest is in the heavens. Jesus fulfilled the Old Testament Priesthood and sacrificial system.

He is our Anchor:
*In the Day of Trouble
Psalm 27.5 For in the day of trouble, He will keep me safe in His dwelling. Evil times, bad things coming, pain, misery, fiery trials
*In the Day of Adversity
Proverbs 17.17 A friend loves at all times, and a brother is born for adversity.
Straits, distress... When all around my soul gives way
*In the Day of Death
I Corinthians 15.55 O death where is your victory?
The loss of a loved one. For believers in Jesus Christ: "Death is not the extinguishing of the light.
It is putting out the lamp because the dawn has come."

We have an Anchor for the Soul!

Rest in Him Today!

Sunday, August 7, 2011

A Balanced Spiritual Diet

Hebrews 5.11-14

One of the most popular topics today is in one word, "diet". With our sedimentary life style weight loss has become a huge industry. A great deal of money and energy is spent on trying to keep fit these days.

Diet is much more than weight loss. It is the whole of what we ingest. What is true in the physical area is true in the spiritual realm. We need a balanced diet.

When I grew up in the church we emphasized a lot of what we should avoid spiritually. That is important too. We did not put nearly enough emphasis on what we should take in for a balanced spiritual diet.

God's Word instructs us as to what this is. There are specific physical foods mentioned a number of times in the scriptures which correlate to spiritual nourishment.

1. Milk I Peter 2.2-3
*No beverage contains so many nutrients.
*Young children need it for bone mass and skeletal development.
*It is easy to digest. It doesn't tax the digestive system.

Spiritually milk is the basics of the faith.
We need to continue to take it in. Human beings are the only animals/mammals which continue to take in milk after full development.

We are to be childlike in our faith. The Word of God has milk. We are to crave it like new born babes. Long for the time in God's Word each day. Pursue it with love and hide it in your heart.

Now we know that children do not stay on an all milk diet. They begin to desire solid food. Milk no longer satisfies alone. They still need milk but they also need:

2. Meat I Corinthians 3.1-2
As teeth begin to develop, children want something they can sink their teeth into, something more than just milk.
As we mature as believers we long for the vast wealth of God's Word to make us strong.
Both the Corinthians and the Hebrews had arrested spiritual development. The Corinthians were bickering with jealousy in their hearts over which minister of the gospel was the best and over spiritual gifts. Sins within can cut off the desire for solid food. There are so many spiritual analogies here but we cannot get into all of them. Sins like jealousy and envy and bitterness affect us physically, particularly in our bone health and our digestive system. Godliness with contentment is great gain. I Timothy 6.6

We need meat (Solid food) to develop - Peter tells us to first rid ourselves of things that prevent spiritual development. (I Peter 2.1) Think about envy. If I am focused on what someone else has I can't give my full attention to becoming like Christ. I can't digest meat/solid food. There is an immaturity to all these inner sins... we see it with children (I have more sprinkles on my ice cream than you!) but when we grow up it is so unbecoming!

We need milk, we need meat and we also need

3. Manna John 6.30-40
Daily provision for food for the body. Daily provision for spiritual food for each day: "Give us this day our daily bread."
This has to do with a Person to person relationship- personal insight. Christ= the Anointed One, The Truth, The Way, The Life. I had an experience of this nature this week- The Gardens of Jesus last hours: Gethsemane, The Garden Tomb, Paradise: The Struggle, Suffering, Pleasure for Eternity.

Milk, Meat Manna- Let's Eat!