Sunday, February 26, 2012

That Rock Was Christ

Numbers 20.1-13
I Corinthians 10.1-4

Go back with me to Exodus 17.1-7 this morning. Both times the people needed water. Moses was told to strike the Rock the first time. The second time he was told by the LORD to speak to the Rock that is before their eyes. v.8

Moses disobeyed the LORD.
He misrepresented the LORD to the people.
He let his anger rule his actions by blowing up.
If God had not punished Moses the people would have missed God's Grace as Moses did.

That Rock was Christ. I Corinthians 10.4
He is the Rock of Ages Who gives us the Living Water. John 4.10-15

There are some wonderful truths that this incident at Kadesh points to.

1. Jesus Christ Died Once For All. Hebrews 9.27-28
The words Jesus gave from the cross, "It is finished!" were in part referring to the end of the sacrificial system of the Old Covenant and the one time completion of the sacrifice of Himself under the New and Everlasting Covenant.

*It was once-v.28
Striking the Rock (which was Christ) twice would indicate that the One sacrifice was not adequate.
*It was for all. John 3.16- the world; I Timothy 1.15; Acts 2:39; Romans 10.13; Matthew 11.28
*It was for every sin. Hebrews 9.15

Moses sinned at the very point of his strength- his meekness, his humility. We need to watch out for our weaknesses but also our strengths as well- Pride comes in, we lean on our own understanding and down we go!

Another truth wonderful truth...

2. The Blood of Christ Makes Us Holy. Hebrews 10.8-11
That rock was Christ, the Lamb of God Who takes away the sin of the world.
The blood of bulls and goats could not make us truly holy. They made the people clean in a ceremonial sense but not in an inner way. These sacrifices had to be repeated over and over again.
Now... Christ, our Passover Lamb has been sacrifices (I Corinthians 5.7)
Jesus offered Himself- v.12
He is both Great High Priest and the Sacrificial Lamb!
He was not forced into death by the Jews of the Romans.

John 10.17-18 The reason My Father loves Me is that I lay down My life- only to take it up again. No one takes it from Me. I lay it down of my own accord. I have the authority to lay it down and authority to take it up again.
John 19.10-11 "Do you refuse to speak to me?" Pilate asked. "Don't you realize I have power either to free you or to crucify you?"
Jesus answered, "You would have no power over Me if it were not given to you from above." How the leaders of our nation need to go back to a civics class to understand this! All the dictators who have boasted have been brought down, while those who understand God and government and honor him live within the hearts of the righteous.

*He sat down. -v.12b
Showing His work in redeeming the world was finished.
He sat down in a place of majesty and honor- at the right hand of God, the Father.
*It is finished.
His work on the cross.
His work on earth in a physical body.

Finally That Rock is Christ...

3. Believe on the LORD Jesus Christ and You Will be Saved. Reject Him and You are Lost. Hebrews 10.32-39
Moses failed to convey God's grace which we cannot fully understand. When I think I do the LORD blows me away again with His amazing grace.
We experience it. We embrace it. We enjoy it.
It is amazing any of us are saved! While we wait it is amazing who He continues to bring into the kingdom.

It is by Grace by believing in the Rock of Ages.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Outer Reminders - Inner Promptings

Numbers 15.37-41

Israel belonged to God. However they were continually reminded of Who God was, what He did for them and how they were to live. Nearly the entire book of Deuteronomy is devoted to that.

God takes all kinds of measures to remind us of Himself and His Word. Creation itself Psalm 19.1 The heavens declare the glory of God, the skies proclaim the work of his Hands.

Today His spirit works in our hearts through God's Word and through inner promptings. That is why Psalm 95.7-11 is quoted in Hebrews 3.7-10.

These blue tassels were signs that they were under the government of Heaven- the sky being blue. They were to serve the LORD as a kingdom of priests.

Interesting the flag of the United States of America and the flag of Israel contain the color blue and for similar reasons.
The Israeli flag is the blue star of David with blue stripes depicting a dark blue sky.
The flag of the United States is red, white and blue.
The Continental Congress in 1776 passed the flag act which stated: White signifies purity, Red-hardness and valor and blue-vigilance, perseverance and justice.
A book published by the House of Representatives stated, concerning our flag, "The star is symbol of the heavens and the Divine Goal to which man has aspired."

The basic design of the Jewish prayer shawl is white with blue stripes.
White= light, honesty, innocence, wisdom, confidence and peace.
Blue= loyalty, trust, intelligence, faith, truth and heaven

So these blue tassels on the clothing of the Israelites were to cause them to remember.


1. The Holy Spirit Warns Us. Hebrews 10.19-25
The mark of God's ownership is His Spirit. He has (Ephesians 4.30) sealed us for the Day of Redemption with the Holy Spirit.
Hebrews 3.7-8
I Timothy 4.1 The Spirit clearly says that in the latter times some will abandon the faith and follow deceiving spirits and things taught by demons.

As we read the Word of God we are warned and reminded over and over again.

2. The Holy Spirit Reminds Us of God's Law and His Word. John 16.12-15
He will guide you into all truth.
He will not speak on His own.
He will take what is Mine and make it known to you.

When the Israelites looked down on their garments or they looked at the garments of others their thoughts would be turned toward heaven, the LORD and His Word. vs.39-40
When believers look into His Word we see our need of Christ's blood continually cleansing us from all sin.
When we ask God to search us, His Spirit shines His light into our hearts.

3. We Need to Remember All God Has Done. Deuteronomy 6.10-12
be careful that you do not forget the LORD. They got their homes, food, water, satisfaction
Numbers 15.41 I am the LORD your God, Who brought you out of Egypt to be your God.
*A deliverance from bitterness
*A deliverance worked out by God so that they could serve Him and others.
We have a perpetual spiritual reminder in the LORD's Supper.

God knows easy it is for us to forget. He reminds us so we will not sin. It is very natural for us to forget.
Psalm 103.1-5, v.2 Praise the LORD, O my soul and forget not all His benefits.

May the LORD awaken your heart this morning. May there be an inner prompting to give thanks, to remember all He has done.

May you think about all He has done is saving you. Think about where you might be if it were not for Christ in your life.

Think about what He has saved you for- yes to be forgiven and to be with Him in heaven but also to serve Him with your whole heart as long as you live.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Perspective and Faith

Numbers 13.16-33

The nation of Israel had left Egypt under God's Almighty Hand, gone into the wilderness, received the law from God through Moses on Mount Sinai and constructed the tabernacle, all while the LORD was taking care of their basic needs.

They were now on the verge of the Promised Land. Just before entering 12 spies went into the land to see what it was like. They found out what God had told them to be true. They also came out with a loss of faith (10 of them did) which altered their perspective to a point of being out of focus.

Pressure faced without God can influence perspective to a pint of distortion. The crisis at Kadesh shows us this.

1. Facts and Fruit are Important. vs.17-20
God had already told them the answers or solutions to these questions. They were not acting in faith upon His Word in this spy endeavor.

They had been given His Word on this matter. Why do we do this? Why do we take something God has plainly said and then add our human wisdom to it? Or why do we take forbidden fruit, thinking we are the exception or worse yet that we know better than God?!

Be careful to obey and believe what God's Word has said. There is no need for human wisdom, investigation or anything else on something He has made clear.

The issue here is whether we believe God's Word or human reports. Where do we put our trust? In God or man? Do we trust His promises or our own reports? We can send spies (in our minds) into our future and come back with some lopsided views. Best to trust His Word and the future to Him completely. This would have been the wise thing for the nation of Israel to do at Kadesh Barnea.

Interesting to note that they had no guiding cloud on this trek as spies.

2. Perspective and Faith Depends Upon the Person. vs.26-30
Visiting a land can be deceiving. There is a difference in our beaches from now and 6 months from now. It is not wise to consider relocating to a place when you've only been there on vacation.

The fruit they brought back was the silent messenger. It always is. What is the fruit in your life? In those whose books you read, TV programs you listen to.

The reports were exaggerated, they were accentuated. They gave a discouraging summary.

It is okay I suppose to talk about the difficulties as long as we do not limit God. Their leaving Him out led to them looking to their own resources and their hearts melted. Psalm 78.22, 41-43

The difference of looking at something through the eyes of the flesh (v.28) and the eyes of faith (v.30)

You would think that after a year in the desert the excellence of the land should have overwhelmed them but it did not.

3. Guard Yourself Against a Bad Report. vs.31-33

Here the minority was right. This happens in God's kingdom. In a democracy the majority rules. But the kingdom of God is not a democracy. It is Theocracy. Jesus spoke about only a few finding the way to life, but many going into destruction. Paul wrote to Timothy that in the last days many would depart from the faith.

Watch out for seeing the difficulties when God calls us to do something. Beware of the temptation of not looking to Him.

Remember the obstacles are opportunities for God to show us His power.

One of the tragedies here is that they were in sight of the Promised Land- they could see it. Yet they forgot all God had done for them.

Interestingly and tragically they saw grasshoppers and giants but they didn't see God, nor was there any mention of Him.
Hebrews 3.1-4.2
Psalm 95
Guard your heart- out of it comes the issues of life.
Ask the LORD to set a guard over your mouth, to watch over the door of your lips.
These will help you in guarding against a bad report.

"LORD, give me a heart to obey the Word You have spoken. Give me faith to believe.

Help me spread Your Word and Promises, not my own perspective. Amen!"

Sunday, February 5, 2012

A Great Invitation

Numbers 10.29-35

There is a verse in Psalm 85.5 Blessed are those whose strength is in You, who have their hearts set on pilgrimage.

Life is a journey, a dynamic, in which changes and losses and additions come into. Setting our hearts on following God through these things bring great blessings.

The invitation Moses gave to his brother-in-law, Hobab, is beautiful:
v.29 We are setting out for the place about which the LORD said, "I will give it to you." Come with us and we will treat you well, for the LORD has promised good things to Israel."

John 1.35-39, 43-46, 4.29; Matthew 11.28-30
There is an open invitation to come to Jesus in this day of grace. It is an open door.

The invitation by Moses tells us about the LORD. Our invitation to others ought to have the same components.

1. The LORD is faithful to all His Promises. Psalm 145.13
You have probably said when someone has made you a promise and failed to it, "Promises! Promises!" If you haven't said it you probably have heard someone else say it.
You will never say this when it comes to the LORD and His promises. His Word is as good as done. His Words are deeds before they happen. His word is the guarantee.

Look at some of the promises He made to Israel:
Exodus 3.6-8, 6.6-8, 23.20-33
Moses was inviting Hobab, his brother-in-law, to become a partaker along with Israel of these things.

The LORD has promised good things to Israel.
Taste and see that the LORD is good. Psalm 34.8
Trust in His Promises.
Rest in His Presence.
Kept By His Power.
Not one word He spoke will fail.

In this Great Invitation we see the LORD has promised good things to Israel. He is faithful to all that He has promised. We also see that:

2. Every good and perfect gift comes down from Him. James 1.17
Compared to the load of sin the yoke of Christ is easy.
Think of the fellowship of it, the consequences of it, the peace of mind that comes with it (rest for your souls) and eternity.
These good things promised to Israel are from the LORD. The good things in your life are from Him. They come down from the Father in Heaven. That is one of the reasons Jesus taught us to pray to Him.

Psalm 84.11 No good thing will He withhold from those who walk uprightly.
If you walk with Him your journey will have peace, security, and joy.

This great invitation was given by Moses to Hobab and was an invitation to enjoy these blessings if he joined them on the journey to the land God had for them. Interesting to note Moses was given Hobab work to do as well. The full joining in on this journey is serving. Helping others in the Body of Christ brings great joy to them and to us. There is something for everyone to do.

He fills our lives with good things as we make our way to heaven. Some of those good things are discovered in the darkest valleys (Psalm 23). We appreciate the light in the darkness more.

Finally this Great Invitation tells us...

3. The Future for His people is bright and sure. v.32
One of God's gifts to us is strength for each day. Another is bright hope for tomorrow.
In the Old Testament the move was by Israel to the Promised Land.
Under the New Covenant the journey is from earth to heaven.
Under the Old Covenant He was with them.
In the New and Everlasting Covenant He is with us and in us and upon us.
His Presence is part of His Promises:
Matthew 28.20
John 14.16-17, 16.13, 33

Think of people you know today who need Christ as their Savior. Neighbors, friends, family members, people at work. Look for the opportunity to say to them, "Come with us."