Sunday, February 12, 2012

Perspective and Faith

Numbers 13.16-33

The nation of Israel had left Egypt under God's Almighty Hand, gone into the wilderness, received the law from God through Moses on Mount Sinai and constructed the tabernacle, all while the LORD was taking care of their basic needs.

They were now on the verge of the Promised Land. Just before entering 12 spies went into the land to see what it was like. They found out what God had told them to be true. They also came out with a loss of faith (10 of them did) which altered their perspective to a point of being out of focus.

Pressure faced without God can influence perspective to a pint of distortion. The crisis at Kadesh shows us this.

1. Facts and Fruit are Important. vs.17-20
God had already told them the answers or solutions to these questions. They were not acting in faith upon His Word in this spy endeavor.

They had been given His Word on this matter. Why do we do this? Why do we take something God has plainly said and then add our human wisdom to it? Or why do we take forbidden fruit, thinking we are the exception or worse yet that we know better than God?!

Be careful to obey and believe what God's Word has said. There is no need for human wisdom, investigation or anything else on something He has made clear.

The issue here is whether we believe God's Word or human reports. Where do we put our trust? In God or man? Do we trust His promises or our own reports? We can send spies (in our minds) into our future and come back with some lopsided views. Best to trust His Word and the future to Him completely. This would have been the wise thing for the nation of Israel to do at Kadesh Barnea.

Interesting to note that they had no guiding cloud on this trek as spies.

2. Perspective and Faith Depends Upon the Person. vs.26-30
Visiting a land can be deceiving. There is a difference in our beaches from now and 6 months from now. It is not wise to consider relocating to a place when you've only been there on vacation.

The fruit they brought back was the silent messenger. It always is. What is the fruit in your life? In those whose books you read, TV programs you listen to.

The reports were exaggerated, they were accentuated. They gave a discouraging summary.

It is okay I suppose to talk about the difficulties as long as we do not limit God. Their leaving Him out led to them looking to their own resources and their hearts melted. Psalm 78.22, 41-43

The difference of looking at something through the eyes of the flesh (v.28) and the eyes of faith (v.30)

You would think that after a year in the desert the excellence of the land should have overwhelmed them but it did not.

3. Guard Yourself Against a Bad Report. vs.31-33

Here the minority was right. This happens in God's kingdom. In a democracy the majority rules. But the kingdom of God is not a democracy. It is Theocracy. Jesus spoke about only a few finding the way to life, but many going into destruction. Paul wrote to Timothy that in the last days many would depart from the faith.

Watch out for seeing the difficulties when God calls us to do something. Beware of the temptation of not looking to Him.

Remember the obstacles are opportunities for God to show us His power.

One of the tragedies here is that they were in sight of the Promised Land- they could see it. Yet they forgot all God had done for them.

Interestingly and tragically they saw grasshoppers and giants but they didn't see God, nor was there any mention of Him.
Hebrews 3.1-4.2
Psalm 95
Guard your heart- out of it comes the issues of life.
Ask the LORD to set a guard over your mouth, to watch over the door of your lips.
These will help you in guarding against a bad report.

"LORD, give me a heart to obey the Word You have spoken. Give me faith to believe.

Help me spread Your Word and Promises, not my own perspective. Amen!"

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