Sunday, May 27, 2012

New In Fillings With His Spirit

Acts 2.1-21, 4.23-31

The first lines of the history of the church are describing a prayer meeting (1.12-14) and the outpouring of the Holy Spirit. This is foundational to the church's beginning(s) and to its continuation. I'm amazed at where the church ended up in some quarters.

They were in Jerusalem for the Feast of Weeks, Pentecost.They had been there 50 days before for Passover. They were required to go to these Feasts under the Old Covenant Law. The disciples had returned to Galilee and now were back in Jerusalem at least since Jesus' Ascension into heaven 10 days before. They remained in Jerusalem for 10 days after. Then the Day of Pentecost, which we celebrate today, came.

Jesus had been speaking to them about the Spirit being outpoured and His followers being baptized with the Holy Spirit.

Even John the Baptist spoke of it. Matthew 3.11
John 7.37-39
John 14-16
Acts 1.1-14

On the Day of Pentecost the first fruits of the wheat harvest were presented to the LORD, reminding Israel how utterly dependent the nation was on the LORD (of the Harvest). So it is with this Birthday of the Church. We are totally dependent upon the Spirit. We are a spiritual body. The greatest need the church has is to be filled with His Spirit and led by Him. Jesus said that it will be by love that all men will know we are His disciples. The fruit of the Spirit is love. We cannot have agape love without the Spirit producing it in us.

In Acts 4 we see the church on trial, being threatened and what do they do? Raise money? No. Start a public relations campaign? No. Try to promote tolerance? No. Offer Cultural Sensitivity in Jerusalem so people will understand them? No. They pray and ask for a new infilling of God's Spirit.

We don't know how many days or weeks or even months from Pentecost this was- the measurement of time is not the issue. The need for power and for God to work through them was paramount. These men and women who were baptized with the Holy Spirit on Pentecost found themselves in need of a fresh new infilling afterwards.

What brings this about?

1. We Must See Our Need Of It. vs.23-24
Circumstances certainly indicate it today! We need it!
Why is god working in greater ways in Third World Countries today? Why are some areas in the world today like the Book of Acts?

Part of this is we have technology, we have methods, we have programs, we have the media but what we really need is a fresh new infilling of God's Spirit, a baptism of love!

Sometimes our hearts sense it- something is missing.
Concern for God's Name/ His Work can bring us to see the need of it. Does He still do it today?

I love the testimony of R.A. Torrey, an associate of D.L. Moody:

I shall never forget the eighth of July, 1894, to my dying day. It was the closing day of the Northfield Students Conference- the gathering of students from eastern colleges- Yale, Amherst, Dartmouth, Harvard and others. Mr. Moody had asked me to preach on Saturday night and Sunday morning on The Baptism With the Holy Spirit. On Saturday night I had spoken about "The Baptism With the Holy Spirit: What It Is, What It Does, The Need of It and the Possibility of It." It was exactly twelve o'clock when I finished my morning sermon, and I took out my watch and said, "Mr. Moody has invited us all to go up to the mountain at three o'clock this afternoon to pray for the power of the Holy Spirit. It is three hours to three o'clock. Some of you cannot wait three hours. You do not need to wait. Go to your rooms, go out into the woods; go to your tents; go anywhere where you can get alone with God and have this matter out with Him."

At three o'clock we all gathered in front of Mr. Moody's mother's house (she was then still living) and began to pass down the lane, through the gate and up the mountainside. There were 456 of us in all; I know the number because Paul Moody counted us as we passed through the gate.

After a little while Mr. Moody said, "I don't think we need to go any further. Let us sit down here." We sat down on stumps and lay on the ground. Mr Moody asked, "Have any of you students anything to say?" I think about 75 of them arose, one after the other, and said, "I could not wait till three o'clock; I have been alone with God since the morning service, and I believe I have the right to say that I have been baptized with the Holy Spirit."

When the ttestimonies were over, Mr. Moody said, "Young men I can't see any reason why we shouldn't kneel down right now and ask God that the Holy Ghost may fall upon us just as definitely as He fell upon the apostles on the Day of Pentecost. Let us pray." And we did pray, there on the mountainside. As we had gone up the mountainside, heavy clouds had been gathering, and just as we began to pray those clouds broke and the raindrops began to fall through the overhanging pines. But there was another cloud that had been gathering over Northfield for 10 days, a cloud big with the mercy and grace and power of God; and as we began to pray our prayers seemed to pierce that cloud and the Holy Spirit fell upon us. Men and women that is what we all need: the Baptism with the Holy Spirit.

2. We Must Also Have a Desire For Him To Use Us. vs.29-30
A filled gas tank may bring peace of mind but it is no good, neither does it fulfill its purpose it the car is just sitting in the driveway. You need to use it!

Use us to meet the need or answer the problem like they did here.
Enable us to speak Your Word with great boldness.
Confirm it with miracle, signs and wonders for Your Glory.

3. We Must Be Ready To Move With the Spirit. -v.31
Ezekiel saw God's Throne and it had wheels - Ezekiel 1
He is moving today!
Moving on His Church
Moving in the World
Moving people to Him
Move with the Cloud!

Habakkuk's prayer Habakkuk 3.1-6 Prayer of the early church. Prayer for us!

Sunday, May 20, 2012

The Fellowship of the Tithe

Deuteronomy 14.22-29

The first time we encounter the word "tithe" which means tenth, in the Bible is in Genesis, when Abram is returning from a battle after a victory over Kedorlaomer (14.17-20). Melchizadek, King of Salem, (Jerusalem), came out to meet him, bringing bread and wine. He blessed Abram. Then Abram gave him a tenth of everything. Abraham, a friend of God, gives a tenth to this Priest, Melchizadek. The first time we see the tithe in God's Word there is fellowship going on, a time of thanksgiving, a time of gratitude to God.

As Moses continues his final message to Israel, he speaks to them about the tithe, giving 10% to the LORD. It is not given as a cold command rather in the spirit of love which Abraham gave it and the way God's people are to honor Him under the New Covenant.

The tithe is to be given to God out of love for Him. It is a spiritual act of worship, distinct from the way we pay taxes, very different.

Look at the  things the LORD had Moses speak to Israel about in regards tot he fellowship of the tithe.

1. The Tithe Teaches Us To Revere the LORD. -v.23
Revere= respect, honor, awe We learn, it teaches children, sort of an on the job training.
The tithe shows we have:
*Responsibility- It is given because He has given. It is a response of love.
*An Acknowledgment of His love and provision- Israel was a nation of farmers and shepherds. God blessed the work of their hands. They acknowledged the blessings they had were indeed from the LORD God.
*A Share in His Work.
*Laying up treasures in heaven. The tithe is a tangible connection between heaven and earth.
*The tithe was a reminder eaten in the LORD's Presence.
The tithe is 10%. God is interested in proportionate giving- why Jesus said what He said about the widow's mite (Mark 12.41-44)

2. The Tithe is God's Way of Funding His Work. -v.27
The Levites- Numbers 3
They took care of the practical, physical aspects of worship.
The Tabernacle- the tent covering
Its furnishings
The frames, door posts, equipment, crossbars, etc.

I believe we misrepresent God by inferring that He is in need. All things are His. He doesn't need our support to stay in business. It is actually we need Him.

Under the New Covenant Ministers in the church I Corinthians 9.7-14, II Corinthians 9.6-11

We are the assessors- even determining what (the amount) of what we will give. This is done by direct contact with the LORD. Wonderful things happen in these times with Him and after.

Giving is not be an occasion for shrewd calculating but rather joyful worship. Our giving is to be cheerful- hilarious.

3. The Tithe Given to the LORD Means Blessings Will be Given by Him. -vs.28-29

God's blessings motivate us to be a blessing.
It is more blessed to give than to receive so the giver is always the most blessed.

The Promise Malachi 3.10 stands for us.

There is fellowship in this. Proverbs 19.17 He who is kind to the poor lends to the LORD, and He will reward Him for what He has done.

Eternal Blessings Matthew 6.19-21 Treasures in Heaven

There are great blessings in tithing. Obedience brings joy. Revering His Name brings God's favor. Being a part of God's Work is exciting. Blessings come in abundance.

Malachi 3.10

Sunday, May 13, 2012

The Family: Ideal and Reality

Hebrews 11.17-22

The Bible doesn't flatter its heroes. It gives us vivid details of their lives, both their faithfulness and their failures. We see that many of God's men and women had their dark side.

In our scripture reading this morning Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph and his sons had their their struggles with sin.

In Genesis 2.15-25, 3.8a we see the Innocent Family- Adam and Eve before sin came into the world... naked and not ashamed- complete openness- nothing to hide. In Genesis 3 through sin this innocence is removed and the are covered and hiding.

In Ephesians 5.22-6.4 we see the Ideal Family.

When we read the remainder of Genesis we see the realities of family life under the curse of sin. There are no more innocent families and there certainly no ideal families. Every family has its problems! Even Jesus' family when He was here on earth would verify that! John 7.5

Let's look this morning at the beginnings of this nation of Israel. We read this week in Deuteronomy 10.22 Your forefathers who went down into Egypt were seventy in all, and now the LORD, Your God, has made you as numerous as the stars in the sky.

1. Abraham, the Father of the Faith, shows us what can happen with blended families. vs.17-19

Isaac, his one and only son
Genesis 16.1-5, 21.1-21

Abraham had sons by 2 different women.
Abraham had to make a very tough decision. 21.8-14
v.18 Ishmael, father of the Arab people, in the Koran he is the focus.
The Arab-Israeli conflict is  family feud.

We see another problem that often occurs inside of families...

2. Playing Favorites -v.20
Genesis 25.19-34, 27.1-45

Isaac loved Esau
Rebekah loved Jacob- both were deceitful- Rebekah deceived her husband and son! Jacob, his father and brother.

When a parent plays a favorite with one child, jealousy and resentment are put in the hearts of the other child/children. This sin went on into the next generation. What Jacob learned from is mother he then put into practice with his own children and Joseph.

Genesis 37.3 Now Israel (Jacob) loved Joseph more than any of his other sons because he had been born to him in his old age. There is never a good reason for this! What problems it caused for Jacob, Joseph and the whole family! The pain it brought to them was incredible!

Favoritism needs to be cut out of family relationships.

And yet God worked through this mess! His Sovereignty is amazing! He rode His Purposes out through this family, fractured as it was.

3. Jacob, Who was Married Twice- v.21

This of course was in a time of ignorance of God's law. In this case however Jacob began to reap what he sowed with his father, Isaac- deceit. It continued through his sons. This sin got into the family way back when Abraham deceived Pharaoh about Sarah.


4. Children, Adult Children, who fall short of God's Best/ His Promises vs.21-22

Genesis 48.3-19/ Numbers 32.33

Families are neither innocent anymore nor ideal, including the family of God!
Learn the lessons of the past.
Forgiveness is a key.
Remember  there is a Sarah in the Old Testament and an Elizabeth in the New because the LORD is faithful to all His Promises even down to old age!!!

Sunday, May 6, 2012

What God Promises

Deuteronomy 11.22-32

There are tremendous promises for Israel in Deuteronomy. These.... words Moses spoke to all Israel in the desert. These promises were based on loving God, obeying Him and holding fast to Him.

Before they entered the land God promised to Abraham and his descendants, before Joshua took the position of leadership in this nation, the LORD had Moses address Israel. He charged them to be faithful to the LORD in three messages within the Book of Deuteronomy. (c.1-4, 5-26, 27-30)

In chapter 11 there is the description of what will happen in a life the obeys Him therefore taps into these wonderful promises.

1. He will Accomplish His Will In our Lives. vs.22-25

His will for Israel. vs.22-25
v.23 the LORD will drive out the nations larger and stronger than them
He will take care of those who come against them.
Psalm 33.17-18 A horse in a vain hope for deliverance; despite all its great strength it cannot save. But the eyes of the LORD are on those who fear Him, on those whose hope is in His unfailing love.

See God purposes here: to bless all the nations on earth through Israel. These nations in the land were very wicked. They did detestable things (12.31) To establish Israel so they could fulfill God's promise to Abraham and His seed, to have them serve Him as a holy nation and to have the priesthood functioning, the other nations had to go. (vs.24-25) It was God's will to establish them.

His will for His Church.
To be holy. I Peter 1.13-16
To be full of love for each other. John 13.34-35
To be a Spiritual House I Peter 2.4-9, Ephesians 2.19-22
Priests, Witnesses to the World. Not coming to Jerusalem but going into the world.

His will for you.
Fit into His plan. Living stones built together into a Holy Temple

If we obey Him He promises...

2. Showers of Blessings vs.26-32

What it is not:
-not necessarily material wealth. Those who have it use it for the kingdom
-not freedom from trouble. John 16.32 In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.
-not pain free living.

It is the joy of walking with the LORD.
The fulfillment of knowing God and being known by Him.
Peace that surpasses all understanding Philippians 4.6-7 Often seen at Christian funerals.
Having our eyes opened to God's goodness.

Fellowship with brothers and sisters in Christ around the eternal and everlasting.

The benefits, the blessings that come from knowing the LORD- He loads us with them.

Finally if we obey Him, God promises...

3. Freedom From Curses. vs.26-32

Freedom from guilt and condemnation.
Freedom from the consequences of personal sin.
The curse of no hope.
Spiritual emptiness/spiritual blindness

God hath not promises skies always blue,
Flower strewn pathways all our lives through,
God hath not promised sun without rain,
Joy without sorrow, peace without pain.

But God hath promised strength for the day,
Rest for the labor, light for the way,
Grace for the trials, Help from above,
Unfailing sympathy, undying love.

Then one day when our work is done,
He'll take us to heaven beyond the sun,
Forever with Jesus and the family of God,
Be faithful to Him as you walk on this sod.