There are tremendous promises for Israel in Deuteronomy. These.... words Moses spoke to all Israel in the desert. These promises were based on loving God, obeying Him and holding fast to Him.
Before they entered the land God promised to Abraham and his descendants, before Joshua took the position of leadership in this nation, the LORD had Moses address Israel. He charged them to be faithful to the LORD in three messages within the Book of Deuteronomy. (c.1-4, 5-26, 27-30)
In chapter 11 there is the description of what will happen in a life the obeys Him therefore taps into these wonderful promises.
1. He will Accomplish His Will In our Lives. vs.22-25
His will for Israel. vs.22-25
v.23 the LORD will drive out the nations larger and stronger than them
He will take care of those who come against them.
Psalm 33.17-18 A horse in a vain hope for deliverance; despite all its great strength it cannot save. But the eyes of the LORD are on those who fear Him, on those whose hope is in His unfailing love.
See God purposes here: to bless all the nations on earth through Israel. These nations in the land were very wicked. They did detestable things (12.31) To establish Israel so they could fulfill God's promise to Abraham and His seed, to have them serve Him as a holy nation and to have the priesthood functioning, the other nations had to go. (vs.24-25) It was God's will to establish them.
His will for His Church.
To be holy. I Peter 1.13-16
To be full of love for each other. John 13.34-35
To be a Spiritual House I Peter 2.4-9, Ephesians 2.19-22
Priests, Witnesses to the World. Not coming to Jerusalem but going into the world.
His will for you.
Fit into His plan. Living stones built together into a Holy Temple
If we obey Him He promises...
2. Showers of Blessings vs.26-32
What it is not:
-not necessarily material wealth. Those who have it use it for the kingdom
-not freedom from trouble. John 16.32 In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.
-not pain free living.
It is the joy of walking with the LORD.
The fulfillment of knowing God and being known by Him.
Peace that surpasses all understanding Philippians 4.6-7 Often seen at Christian funerals.
Having our eyes opened to God's goodness.
Fellowship with brothers and sisters in Christ around the eternal and everlasting.
The benefits, the blessings that come from knowing the LORD- He loads us with them.
Finally if we obey Him, God promises...
3. Freedom From Curses. vs.26-32
Freedom from guilt and condemnation.
Freedom from the consequences of personal sin.
The curse of no hope.
Spiritual emptiness/spiritual blindness
God hath not promises skies always blue,
Flower strewn pathways all our lives through,
God hath not promised sun without rain,
Joy without sorrow, peace without pain.
But God hath promised strength for the day,
Rest for the labor, light for the way,
Grace for the trials, Help from above,
Unfailing sympathy, undying love.
Then one day when our work is done,
He'll take us to heaven beyond the sun,
Forever with Jesus and the family of God,
Be faithful to Him as you walk on this sod.
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