Sunday, July 22, 2012

The Prince Among His Brothers

Deuteronomy 33.13-17
Psalm 105.1-23

I love to study the life of Joseph! From faithfulness to his great heart of forgiveness to his humanity, Joseph is a wonderful example of love for the LORD.

When Moses was blessing his descendants, the two tribes which came from his sons, were referred to Joseph as "the prince among his brothers (Deuteronomy 33.16) I pray I will live that way before the LORD. The titles men give to us mean very little. What we are known in heaven as is the only thing that counts!
Abraham, a friend of God
David, a man after God's own heart
Joseph, the prince among his brothers- One who is separated, consecrated, called aside, built aloof.

Don't be concerned about titles on earth. Set your heart on things above.

Now about Joseph...Psalm 105

1. God Got Joseph Down to Egypt as a Slave Psalm105.17
His ways are beyond our finding out! They are mysterious and wonderful but not without pain and suffering at times.
We see God's Sovereignty at work here.
He gave Joseph the dreams.
His purpose included relocation to Egypt so he could save his family, ensuring God's Promise to Abraham.
He had His Hand upon the whole 13 years of separation and suffering.

God's ways are not always what we would chose for ourselves.

We see Joseph suffering through God's will.
God combines suffering and His sovereignty. Seldom, if evere His purposes immediately. He reveals them in His time.

It is difficult when there is no one to relate to- feeling alone in suffering. So often people grieving have this sensation of being alone and not having anyone who understands.

So Joseph is separated from his family, lied about to his father by his brothers and in Egypt- far away from home, sold as a slave, lonely, homesick, heartsick and yet amazing faithful to the LORD and his earthly master. Potiphar put him in charge of his whole household.

Then literally he hit bottom. Potiphar's wife's false accusations landed Joseph in prison.

2. Wait For God's Word to You. vs.18-19
God spoke to Joseph in dreams.
He speaks in many ways. To Martin Luther it was the words, "The just shall live by faith." To many missionaries it has been through a pull to a certain country or language. To us it can be in any number of ways: dreams, visions, God repeating a thing a number of times. When my daughter, Theresa, went to Kenya to work in that AIDs orphange a decade ago it was through hearing about the HIV problem in Africa in a number of media sources. She said, "Everywhere she turned she was hearing or seeing it."
Psalm 119.49-50
Remember Your Word to Your servant, for You have given me hope.
My comfort is my suffering s the: You promise to preserve my life.

We have all had God speak to us. He does this at special times like our baptism or our confirmation when we were given a verse for life. He does it through people and places.

Sometimes His Word is in our hearts with a deep sense of purpose, no audible words
Psalm 27.14

While you wait...
3. Humble Yourself and God Will Raise You up In His Time.  vs.20-23
He makes all things beautiful in His Time!

The Ceprocia Moth- the struggle is necessary for it to fly. Without the struggle it would die.

Joseph went from the prison to the place of Pharaoh in an hour!

Joseph accepted his position as a slave and as a prisoner. He was humbled by this but exalted to a position of honor, yet he continued to serve Pharaoh, people and his God.

Those who have servants as leaders are blessed people. Pity those who do not.

The prince among his brothers. May it be said of you!

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